In Silence (Book 2) || Loki X...

By KatLovesFictionalMen

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This the the second book of the series. If you haven't read the first one....what are you still doing here?!?! More

Chapter 1: Who are you?
Chapter 2: Where are you going?
Chapter 3: I am back
Chapter 4: Memories and Visions
Chapter 5: The mission
Chapter 6: Sokovia
Chapter 8: Make a choice
Chapter 9: S.H.I.E.L.D
Chapter 10: The final part of the plan
Chapter 11: The new base
Chapter 12: Date night
Chapter 13: Plan puppy
Chapter 14: And then you had a plan
Chapter 15: The new plan
Chapter 16: It's time
Chapter 17: And then the spell started
Chapter 18: An unexpected meetup
Chapter 19: A sudden turn of events
Chapter 20: Just you and me
Chapter 21: Back to the world of the living
Chapter 22: Please, wake up
Chapter 23: Almost
Chapter 24: Better than okay
Chapter 25: Keep them safe
Chapter 26: An interesting phone call
Chapter 27: I'm coming
Chapter 28: Because I changed
Chapter 29: The final exam
Chapter 30: We need to talk
Chapter 31: The end of and era
Chapter 32: A big decision
Chapter 33: This is not a goodbye
Author's Note

Chapter 7: Back in action

956 37 2
By KatLovesFictionalMen

The mission continued to go great and your heart rate kept raising. You really had forgotten how it felt to be in a mission; not knowing where your loved ones were or weather or not they were okay. You sure had missed all the action and the fun during the missions but this part remained the worst one.

"What do we do now?" You suddenly asked Steve.

"Things are not looking good." He said and you looked at him with an annoyed face.

"Well no shit Sherlock! Will you now give us some useful information or not?" You suddenly lashed out.

"Y/n are you okay?" Clint asked you.

"I am just stressed. We have three people missing and I haven't done this in a while." You tried to control your breathing.

Both Steve and Clint immediately turned to you with worried faces. This was an extremely dangerous situation and they were not going to be able to handle it if you had a panic attack. Steve then took your hand and looked you in the eyes, breathing along with you. You took a few more deep breaths before nodding that you were fine.

Though your head felt quite noisy you didn't want to upset anyone. Until the mission was over you had to be fine. You took one last deep breath and then lifted your head to look around. The people were still running around in panic and now screaming louder than ever.

Both Clint and Steve tried to work on crowd control but these people were beyond being controlled. They were all extremely stressed and terrified and their thoughts were a mess. There was no possible way for you or Wanda to calm them down with your powers so you just sat back and tried to figure out a way to get everyone out.

The best way you could think of was to find a magical way to teleport everyone at once, which of course was out of your reach. Even though Loki had said that teleportation may was one of your skills he also highlighted that it was something extremely dangerous and warned you never to try it alone.

Until that moment you always though to be quite powerful and able to do unthinkable things but now you really felt useless. There were hundreds of people standing on a place that they were not supposed to be standing. You knew very well what you were getting into when you agreed to help but they didn't sign up for anything like that.

The plan was for everyone to get out before the fight, but what you hadn't realised was that the fight had started the moment you stepped into the city. Ultron had a greater plan all along and you walked straight into his trap.

You then turned around to Wanda again who was now looking at you with desperation and terror in her eyes, as the city went higher to the air. A loud noise was coming from under the ground that also kept getting louder as the city arose. You looked back at Wanda, not sure what you were going to say but before the words came out of your mouth the screams of the people around you stopped as they all looked up the sky.

Both you and Wanda looked up as well only to see Ultron floating above everyone. You immediately turned to Clint and Steve who were as shocked as you and even more. The people around you were now hugging their families, thinking that this was how their lives were going to end.

Ultron stood still for a few second, admiring his awful achievement and the cries of the desperate people. After that he flew a little closer to you and spoke up.

"Do you see the beauty of it?" He started with a calm and steady voice that could be heard very clearly. "The inevitability. You rise, only to fall."

Suddenly a few buildings collapsed as more and more robots arose and the city was almost completely detached from the earth. At that point you saw Tony with the corner of your eye, flying around, making sure that none one was inside those buildings.

"You, Avengers, you are my meteor." Ultron continued. "My swift and terrible sword. And the earth will crack with the weight of your failure."

You looked around as the robots surrounded you but none of them attacked yet. Steve was standing still, observing the ground while Wanda was holding on a shuttered car as the ground under your feet was shaking harder and harder. Clint on the other hand had already prepared his bow and was holding an arrow on his other hand.

"Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me, it means nothing."

Clint suddenly shot a robot on the head which instantly fell to the ground but none of its brothers reacted. Everyone looked at the robots in confusion as you all knew now that something bad was about to happen. Only one was the robot that tried to attack Steve but was eliminated within seconds.

"When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal."

Overall, Ultron was quite the drama queen.

You soon realised that the city was now very high up in the air. The whole team was in a complete confusion as the robots started attacking you again. Clint was suddenly shooting arrows everywhere around you and Steve was throwing his shield and even using his bear hands to decapitate as many robots as possible.

On the other hand Wanda was mainly hiding behind the car, participating very little to the fight. The girl was obviously terrified and had never been in a situation like that before. She was only a teen so no one could really blame her for being scared. She was so young but you could feel so much braveness coming out of her and could see so much potential.

In the meanwhile, you tried to use your powers as little as possible as you knew you were going to be tired very soon. The spell you were using to keep Frey asleep was not that hard but since you hadn't used you magic in years and suddenly using so much of it at once would definitely wear you out. You tried to save as much energy as you could for the final battle, which you felt like was coming very soon.

Thankfully the sword Tony had made for you was more than excellent. You knew that he had gotten instructions on how to make it from both Thor and Loki as the weapon had a beautiful Asgardian feeling and elegance. You managed to destroy up to three robots at once with a single swing of your sword and barely needed any help from the others.

A robot then slowly approached Wanda from behind as she was dealing with two of its friends but when you tried to ran to her another robot grabbed your leg and made you fall to the ground. Suddenly another one had hold of your hand and not matter how hard you tried to escape it was not possible, they now had you good.

Your sword was only a few feet away from you but you had no time to grab it as you fought the two metallic bastards that kept holding you down. When you finally managed to get one of your hands free you formed a purple ball of energy inside of it and aimed at one of the robots but the moment you where about to hit it a sudden wind knocked both of them out as you shut your eyes in fear.

When you opened them again you saw Pietro standing right in front of you offering you his hand and holding your sword with the other one. He had a proud, cocky smile on his face and you laughed as you accepted his help and got up.

"You're welcome." He said handed you your sword.

"I had it under control." You have him a small grin.

"Of course you did." He mocked you.

"Cap, you've got incoming." Tony suddenly said through the earpiece as a robot flew and knocked Steve out.

"Incoming already came in." Steve said as he struggled to get up. "Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job; tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt them back. You get killed...walk it off."

You looked around as Clint had already left your side and so was Pietro. Wanda was only a few feet away, still very scared but still fighting as much as she could. You walked up next to Steve and gave him a tap on the shoulder before walking past him.

"Great speech, Cap." You laughed. "Extremely helpful for the new kids."

You then started running towards the centre of the city, killing every robot that you saw in front of you. The people were now lost in their own city, running and trying to find a shelter inside a building that wouldn't collapse on their heads.

The feeling you were experiencing at that moment was both terrifying and exciting. The adrenaline rushing through your veins and your heart beating faster by the second was great. Though you still hadn't heard from Thor and Loki or even Nat who, not to forger, was being held hostage.

Suddenly as you were focused on the fight you heard Hulk's loud roar coming closer to you until he jumped in the middle of the road, killing lots of robots on his way. You felt both scared and relieved when you saw him. Bruce was sent to bring Nat so either something had gone very right or very wrong.

You stood still and looked shocked at the enormous green giant in front of you. The people around started yelling louder but you smiled as you looked Hulk into the eyes and he gave you a grin. Then, with a quick move, he flew again to the air and took as many robots as possible with him.

You then continued running around helping people and offing robots at the same time. The numbers of them had really been increased but the fact that you were outnumbered did not worry you anymore. Seeing the whole team together fighting again really gave you a sudden feeling of reassurance.

Tony was flying over the city making sure that all the collapsing buildings had been evacuated while Steve was fighting on the edge of the bridge. The robots going towards him really started to get too many for him to handle alone so you decided to go up and help him, leaving Wanda and Clint about in the centre of the city.

Once you arrived on the end of the cut-in-half bridge, Steve was fighting three robots at once and you quickly got to him, taking down two of them with a simple swing of your sword. Steve then finished off the last one and nodded at you with a grin.

A sudden noise then made both of you turn around, only to see a red cabriolet car, with a woman still inside of it, falling off the edge. You and Steve instantly ran to her but he got there first and quickly got hold of the back bumper of the car. Sadly the car was almost shuttered and the bumper was immediately detached from it, being left in Steve's hand as the car fell with the yelling woman still on it.

You stood still as you saw the car disappear from your sigh and the blood inside your veins suddenly froze. Steve on the other hand did not seem as shocked. He quickly took a piece of medal in front of him and smashed a robot's face with it and then turned to look down on the edge of the bridge.

You stood still and almost didn't breath as Steve stared down at the falling cars. You took a few steps forward and tried to take a peak of what Steve was looking at but then he suddenly jumped off the edge of the bridge and disappeared as well. You immediately let out a loud scream and then took a few steps backwards with your eyes stuck on the edge.

Suddenly a gentle touch on your back made you stop and quickly turn around only to see the God of Mischief standing before you with a smirk on his face. You stared inside his forest green eyes with shock but he seemed quite calm and also relieved to see you. Deep down you were very relieved to see him as well.

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