The College lifestyle

By watch_me_write

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What does one expect when we enter college? College is the beginning of new life. New individual. Exploring a... More

The begining..
5 months ago
Housewarming Party
Night changes
First Day
Surprise. Surprise.
Fresh start.
College again.
The Cowboy Dance.
I am so not going easy on you.
Mission : Crush Nate (Part 1)
Mission: Crush Nate ( Part 2)
War remains.
The end.
Sharp turn
A little glimpse
Moment of truth
Scattered heart
Getting it all together
This is a christmas disaster
Brutal Christmas Dinner.
An unexpected Christmas Miracle
Finally year.
Happy endings
Goodbye Stella.
Scared. *Bonus Chapter*

Truths and Lies

24 2 0
By watch_me_write

  okay 100 views? thats crazy. thankyou? and oh yeahI would love if you guys would comment or tell me what you think about the book so far? oh yeah one more thing the book needs a lot of editing and I just might edit it depending upon the views so well.. enjoy!                                                                 ================================================================        


We three ran as fast as we could following Venessa through the diner to the football ground to the different sororities. We couldn’t catch up to her. I am telling you the girl was under some adrenaline rush , no normal being could run that fast! Maybe the situation prompted her to do so . But what happened and why ? its not like Nate and Ash had cursed us for the first time . They never affected us before why did she react like this now? We all were confused and looked everywhere before we gave up. I texted them to meet me in front of our sorority. I was all out of breath worried and tired. Where did she even go? Now she was getting me worried sick.

“venessa where are you?” I whispered to myself while still looking in all directions hoping she’d magically appear.

“ I looked in the college she is not there” Luke regained breath.

“ I checked the whole sears house upside down , no luck” I told him

“ HEY!” Liam screamed from behind “ there is someone over there in the library a guy saw a girl resembling Venessa ,go in there!” he said from the corner of the block.

“What which one?” I screamed back while running towards him, Luke followed me. We ran around the block to Annmary Brown memorial library, bit was quite late in the evening it must have been closed by now. We went there anyway and split up to find any way inside.. I tried calling her but she wouldn't answer.

The only door was locked, it had no windows, how on Earth did the watchman leave her in. It’s a dead end.

“What is wrong with her she never behaves this way. What should I do?” I asked Luke almost about to cry.

“hey hey hey” he said gripping my face with his hands which comforted me alot knowing that I am not all alone in this. “ I am here with you and no matter what happens I am here now don’t cry as long as I am here nothing will happen to her. I promise!”

I wiped my tears anyway tears won’t bring my best friend back. I had to do something. I looked around for some answer to my dilemma .

“ Hey! Listen my best friend is stuck inside can you open the library for a second?” I told the guard while running towards him.

“ Sorry kids I have been working here for 10 years kids like you end up here all the time trying to mess with the antiques. There is no way I am opening that door.”

“You don’t  understand! Somebody is in there hungry, freezing and probably crying. You think I am on drugs or something blind?" I screamed at the guard who disdained my all attempts to convince him " I am not leaving till you let me see inside!” I screamed.

“ great it’s good to have company here at times” the guard replied.

“this isn’t helping! stop okay? We have to think of some other  way. You are making it worse!” Luke told me and Liam returned after his 3rd round around the block to find her. I grew panicky there has to be something I could do!

Ohmygod where are you V.

I called her phone again left the 23rd voice message and probably the hundredth text. Gosh what should I do. I started walking back and fourth in front of the library thinking of any way I could get him to open the gate. I needed more people to persuade him to open the door, beginning with the person responsible for this . It was almost 12 am and I didn’t care about the rules I had to begin somewhere so I rushed into his fraternity with Luke and Liam trying to convince me not to.

“Listen my authority has limitations I can’t let you in there.” Liam said.

“I don’t care about the consequences. Tell me where is their room” I pounced at him.

“ listen babe, I got this I will bring them down you wait here.” Luke said.

“ I am done waiting and tolerating these two menaces it's time they accept some responsibility for their actions . Now if you won't tell me which room they are in I will strom every room in this fraternity till I find them” I literally screamed at him, I couldn’t help it, I was growing desperate.

The guys looked at each other and whispered something to one another while I was tapping my foot impatiently still trying venessa’s phone.

“ okay  first floor right side 5th door to the left” Luke spoke and I marched into the fraternity not caring a bit about constant gaps and half nude guys and ridiculous staring and walked straight upstairs found the door and  I didn’t even turn back for luke’s approval on whether I was entering the right room or not and slammed their door open.

BAAM. okay maybe I was tooo loud. I don't care.

Nate was no where to be seen but my target was straight in sight with a guitar in his hand on the bean bag. He stopped playing and glared at me nervously.

“ what the h-“ he spoke before I cut him off and caught his collar.

“ where is she?” I screamed at him.

“ who?”

“ Venessa you idiot! Where is she?”

“ how am I supposed to know? “ he defended while I still gripped his collar tightly.

“ I will effing kill you tell me what happened that she is no where to be found!”

“Hey princess! get off him! ” Nate appeared, half naked without a shirt but I couldn’t care less, he  gripped my arm and took me away from Ash.

“ V… I can’t find her anywhere and it’s all because he said something to her” I told him willing to pounce again on Ash but Nate caught me from my waist making me unable to go any forward.

“ did you try calling her?” Ash spoke.

“ Wow you genius how are you so smart I didn’t think of it at all” I said in an angry sarcastic manner still willing to kill him if Nate Swayer would leave me and let me go. GOD WHY DID YOU MAKE BOYS SO MUCH MORE STRONGER. his grip on my waist was very tight. Tight enough to hurt me “OFCOURSE I CALLED HER YOU FUCKING ASS!”

“ calm down he’s is only trying to help” Nate said.

“ He wouldn’t have to if he didn’t make it happen in the first place!” I screamed at Nate.

Just when Liam and Luke appeared. What took them so long. Luke freed me from Nate’s arm and Liam explained the whole situation while Luke kept me calm.

And away from Ash.

That didn’t keep me from killing him in my brain though and giving him a death stare. He had guilt in his eyes like he was truly sorry. But he is the reason this happened in the first place.

“So are we certain that she is in the library?” Nate asked.

“ someone saw a girl going in there 15 minutes before library closes.” Liam replied.

“ but the shitty guard won’t open the door.” I added

“ and there is no other way inside” Luke commented and I gasped .

“ I have an idea.” Ash said and I looked at him plotting a murder in my head but as long as he can get my best friend back  he may live.

“ what would that be?” I asked.

“ Faculty help. Anyone. A faculty member can get access to the library in case of emergency” he continued “  Liam you might have contacts anyone will suffice.”

“ I will call Jessie” Liam said “ she might be able to convince  a teacher at 1 am in the night” he completed and brought his phone out and scrolled thorough contacts and called Jessie . This all was taking to long I could not just sit there and wait. I thought of every person who could be any help at the moment any one. 

'think S think' i thought to myself when a person came to my mind.

“Wait! What about Will?” I looked back and forth at Ash and Nate.

“No way is he going to help us” Nate said

“He will! in fact  it won’t affect our academic front in any way also he is the student counsellor and kind of cool he will understand I know!” I told Nate “but how to contact him?”

“I have his number!” Ash said and started scrolling through his phone. “got it” he said while staring at the screen .

I snatched his phone and called Will.

“You have done enough for today thank you” I told Ash in stark rage “I got this.”

“Will….Stella here the one with violet eyes?” I spoke to him who sounded still in deep sleep “I’m sorry to disturb you but there is a big problem I swear there is no alcohol or drugs involved. Please meet us at Annmary library in 5?” I told him holding my breath waiting for his reply.

He resisted a bit but eventually agreed I knew all student counselors were cool. I breathed out thanking him with utmost gratitude.

All 5 of us stood at the Annmary library’s door with the guard sick of the drama. When Will appeared. We explained him the whole situation when he finally persuaded the gatekeeper to open the gates on a condition that only he and Will would go inside to look for her. At first I vehemently opposed but Luke convinced me that Will won’t let us down.

We waited 20 minutes outside the door . Ash walked back and forth from the gate to the bench nearby, Nate and Luke discussed something in the corner. Liam had to go once he called Jessie as she was bugging him persistently, while I stood straight glaring at the door waiting for a sign of their retreat.

“ so your one vow is down” Nate spoke from beside me I hardly realized when did he come from the corner to my side.

“ Not now Nate. I am really not in the mood” I told him without breaking my eye contact with the door.

“ no swearing policy down 2 more to go “ he said and went back to Ash and Luke. I couldn’t care less about Nate’s scheming I wanted to see Venessa ASAP.

Then I saw a shadow appearing from the library I rushed towards it “Venessa! “ I squealed and the guys came behind me. Ash rushed way too quickly. he sure was excited .

“ I told you no one was here” the guard spoke but Will wasn’t with him. I swear I started crying over the immediate shoulder to my right. I didn’t even look whom I was crying on I just know that he had held my head while I was crying and that was making me more vulnerable to cry. But a part of me felt in safe hands.

“HEY ! come here there is someone here” William screamed from inside on hearing Will’s voice I rushed inside and followed to where the flashlight came from, damn the rules.

It was Venessa in the extreme corner of the memorial library she was lying on the ground.

“ ohmygod  Venessa” I ran towards here and placed her head in my lap.

“ don’t worry. She just fainted. Probably dehydrated. Take her to her room and I will write her leave for tomorrow. Don’t let her come to school. She needs rest and send her to talk to me when she’s ready. Ok?” William spoke to me but I hardly comprehended a word, tears kept on falling from my eyes.

"Venessa what is wrong with you this isn’t you. You’re supposed to be the strong one here." I told the unconsious BFF.

“ It’s okay” Luke came beside me and I bent on his shoulders trying to hide my tears from falling this was definitely not the shoulder I cried on before.

“Why her. why do these things happen to her?” I asked.

“ sometimes bad things happen to good people , to make them stronger” Nate said while putting a hand on my shoulder. I didn’t care if he was my enemy all I could think about was Venessa.

“ Lets get you two to your room.” Ash spoke and I was too worried to mess with him right now I agreed and he picked Venessa up and left the library. I couldn’t trust him with Venessa so I kept pace with him followed by Luke and Nate at the back thanking Will.

“ M sorry “ Ash whispered

“You better be. I’ll deal with you tomorrow.” I told him and we reached the sorority.

“  We should both carry her now if any girl sees you it’ll be a problem.” I told him and he took one of her arm on his shoulder and I took her other arm on my shoulder and we carried her to the room. I removed her heels and carefully covered her with a duvet and brushed her hair from her face. I heard someone coming.

“Go! fast! ” I told Ash and he went towards the front door “ Not from there you nincompoop “ and I pointed towards our balcony. We were on the first floor only so he could have easily jumped. As soon as he disappeared Jessie came.

“ Where were you is everything ok? I heard from Liam but he refused to explain anything” she completed.

“ Yeah Venessa is just dehydrated. We both need rest. Talk to you tomorrow?” I told her and opened the door for her

“ okay take care.” She said and left. I took a few drops of water and sprinkled it on Venessa she immediately woke up, baffled.

“ its okay I got you. I’m here babe” I told her while petting her head. She saw me and immediately hugged me and started sobbing. I gave her water to drink and calmed her down. It was a full-fleged  30 minute therapy. Someone rightly said the strongest people break the hardest.

“ What’s wrong, V? you can tell me you know that!”

“On the day of detention when Ash and I were alone after Will left we started talking, turns out we had more in common than we knew. We discussed how he could have stopped Nate from placing that bet and how I could have stopped you from ever going there. He was nice, sweet, kind and funny. I almost liked him. We were actually having a great time.” She said smiling a little and I placed a hand on hers.

“But?”  I asked.

“But then he confessed something” she gulped “ he said he loved me. I told him that he hardly knew me and I didn’t know what to say..” her voice started breaking “ I told him I still thought about my kiss with Nate sometimes and I liked him too but love is a very strong word. I told that I was still confused about my feelings about Nate and that I kissed Liam in the housewarming party. I was just trying to come clean with him. I thought he was my friend that he would appreciate that but he snapped at me. He literally screamed at me and said that I was a heartless bitch and that he was wrong he didn’t love me and no one could ever love a slut like me.” She started crying as she spoke. " I was hurt. I told him about my feelings over you. over my mom. and that jerk used it as a punchline to mock me in front of the people closest to me. I hate him S. I hate him."

“God. No he is wrong. I love you and someday you will find someone that loves you even more than me, though I highly doubt thats possible " I joked and she finally smiled again "  Someone who loves you for you and accepts you with your past.” I tried consoling her.

“It doesn’t matter what he says he hardly knows you. Don’t let him get into your head. He is no saint either. You can like whomever you want. OK? If you are confused with your feelings he should have given you time to sort out not grow offensive!" I spoke as I saw her getting dizzy.

" Now go to sleep Will wants to see you tomorrow and he wrote a medical certificate for your leave.” I made her lie down in her bed and switched the lamp shade off. “Goodnight V. trust me you are the most beautiful soul I have ever seen and one guys opinion won’t change that.”

"Goodnight S” Venessa said and I pulled out my phone to send a few texts.


Meet me tomorrow 1st thing in the morning. You and I have some serious talking to do. 


I kept your meaningless victory unanswered. See you in class. I have a lot of catching up to do.


Thank you for being there today. You are a great boyfriend.


Thank you for helping me today it means alot.

P.S. Don't even ask how I got their numbers. Fine I'll tell you. Luke and I exchanged numbers in the housewarming party. Liam and I exchanged them on our Ven's hunt and I texted myself from Ash's phone Nate's number so I got both their numbers, solely for payback purpose. I promise!

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