Judgement Day (Hogwarts Myste...

By timbegs

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It began as a simple mission to find his brother Jacob. Now it has become an all out war for the survival of... More

Character Bio.
Prologue: It's the end of the world as we know it. And I feel fine.
Chapter 1: A nice simple train ride to start the new year (NOT).
Chapter 2: Stay out of my way.
Chapter 3: Elementary my Dear Ethan.
Chapter 4: Right where it hurts.
Chapter 5: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing.
Chapter 6: Hurricane a Blowing.
Chapter 7: Old Alliances. Never forgotten.
Chapter 8: Among Us.
Chapter 9: Breech and Clear.
Chapter 10: The Negotiation Table.
Chapter 11: Trust a few. Fear the rest.
Chapter 12: The Norse Uprising.
Chapter 13: In a world of Trouble.
Chapter 14: Is humanity safe?
Chapter 15: Nothing to see here. Just a wizard who's falling apart at the seems.
Chapter 16: American Deals.
Chapter 17: The True Plan.
Chapter 18: The Essential Wizards Guide to catching a loose Wampus.
Chapter 19: Triumph turned to Tragedy.
Chapter 20: Whatever it takes, by any means necessary.
Chapter 21: Journey to the New World.
Chapter 22: The Pueblos Magicos.
Chapter 23: Mexican Standoff.
Chapter 24: No Turning Back.
Chapter 25: The Journey Home.
Chapter 26: The Curious Case of forgetful Hair Products.
Chapter 27: The Mystery Thickens.
Chapter 28: Family Reunion.
Chapter 29: Into the Storm.
Chapter 30: One Problem Solved. New Problem Begins.
Chapter 31: Moment of Peace.
Chapter 32: Haunted to the Grave.
Chapter 33: Trial with a twist.
Chapter 34: What do we do next?
Chapter 35: Rising Sun.
Chapter 36:Just Plain Cruel.
Chapter 37: Old Wounds that never heal.
Chapter 38: Gods Among Men.
Chapter 39: Demons and Blades.
Chapter 40: Crimson Tide.
Chapter 41: Survivor's Guilt.
Chapter 42: Am I not Merciful?
Chapter 43: The Breaking Point.
Chapter 44: Same School. Different Problems.
Chapter 45: The Doxy Cometh.
Chapter 46: One Queen Sized Doxy, Extra Crispy.
Chapter 48: Complicated Situations.
Chapter 49: Preventing the Spread.
Chapter 50: Hitting the Streets.
Chapter 51: Always one step ahead.
Chapter 52: Cat and Mouse.
Chapter 53: Let it Burn.
Chapter 54: Curses and Legacies.
Chapter 55: A Hogwarts Christmas Story. Part 1.
Chapter 56: A Hogwarts Christmas Story. Part 2: How The Wizards saved Christmas.
Chapter 57: New Year and a New Threat.
Chapter 58: Laughing Contagion.
Chapter 59: Cursed CD Mix Tape. #4 on the Billboards.
Chapter 60: The Elephant and the Snake.
Chapter 61: The Hogwarts I.T Department.
Chapter 62: Give a Reason as to Why.
Chapter 63: Wizard Odyssey.
Chapter 64: Secrets of the Labyrinth.
Chapter 65: Mine by Right.
Chapter 66: Second Chance.
Chapter 67: Cold as Ice. Warm as Fire.
Chapter 68: Broken Circle.
Chapter 69: Attitude reflects Leadership.
Chapter 70: The Battle of Nottingham.
Chapter 71: Enough is Enough.
Chapter 72: Sea of Sand.
Chapter 73: Palace of Magic.
Chapter 74: Curse of the Djinn.
Chapter 75: Difficult Decisions.
Chapter 76: Approaching the Gates.
Chapter 77: The Palace of Evil.
Chapter 78: Running Red.
Chapter 79: Prepare for War.
Chapter 80: Reflection.
Chapter 81: United we Stand. Divided we Fall.
Chapter 82: Blood and Guts.
Chapter 83: End of the Line.
Chapter 84: Pain and Torment.
Chapter 85: Goodbye Innocence.
Chapter 86: The Last Sunset.
Chapter 87: The Siege of Hogwarts.
Chapter 88: The Final Duel.
Chapter 89: The Next Phase.
Chapter 90: End to the Tale.
The End.
The Story Continues.

Chapter 47: Healing up wounds.

281 4 697
By timbegs

"When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor." -Elon Musk.

8 years ago.

The sun after the full moon had risen. But the 10 year old Chiara Lobosca had been crying down in her family's basement which had been torn to shreds. She had a rough night again. It was that way every year since she was 7 when she had been bitten by the Werewolf and former Death Eater, Fenrir Greyback. She'll never forget that horrible howling in the night. And how her parents were too late to stop the transformation.

The door to the basement opened. Chiara's Mom and Dad had come down. "Chiara?" Her mother asked.

Chiara ran into her mother's arms sobbing. "I'm sorry, Mum. I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to."

"We know, sweetheart. It's okay." Chiara's Father assured hugging his only child. "It's not your fault..."

Chiara still cried. The transition felt horrible. They all did. "I just... want to forget it all... Mommy?"

Chiara's Mother sighed. "Chiara, we talked about this. You know that if I obliviate your memories, then it'll make the next transformation all the more worse." She explained.

And sadly, Chiara admitted that she was right. And what was worse. She would be 11 next. There was a silence for a few minutes before Chiara's father broke it. "Listen, Chiara. Your Mother and I have been talking about when you turn 11. And you'll be of age to attend Hogwarts. Now I've spoken with Dumbledore and you will be enrolled regardless of your condition. He says that the Potions Professor will brew a Wolfsbane Potion something to keep you under control when you transform so you don't go berserk." He explained.

"Really?" Chiara asked. "But... I'm still a werewolf. People will still be scared of me." She pointed out.

"It's not going to be easy, Chiara." Her Father admitted. "But being alone will just make you worse. You're more than just a werewolf." 

"That's what Selina thought. Until she saw me transform." Chiara said referring to the one time her neighbor and friend saw her as a werewolf. Despite the fact that 

"Chiara. That wasn't you." Chiara's Father informed. "That wasn't the real you." That was when they heard a knock on the door. "He's here." He left to go open the door.

"Mommy? Do I have to go to Hogwarts?" Chiara asked nervously. She was hoping that she could avoid it altogether. 

"The Professors would never let anything bad happen to you." Chiara's mother assured.

"It's not them. It's the other kids. I don't want to hurt them." Chiara corrected.

"That won't happen, Chiara. You have to trust me." Chiara's Mother explained.

Chiara's Father came back with a tall thin man with messy auburn hair.

"Who's this?" Chiara asked.

"My name is Remus Lupin, Miss Lobosca. I'm an old acquaintance of your father." The Thin man greeted. 

"Sorry. Sir. I'm sorry. I've just been-" Chiara started.

"Going through a difficult night of being a Werewolf? I've been through a night of that myself." Lupin replied.

"You mean, you're a Werewolf too?" Chiara asked.

"Sad but true." Lupin answered. "You're not alone in this, Miss Lobosca." He then sat down and started to talk about things to Chiara.

Back to the Present.

Chiara owed Lupin for those times before she attended Hogwarts. Before that... Chiara was terrified of Hogwarts, and she spent a solid amount of time living in isolation and loneliness. Especially after her 2nd year, when Penny was traumatized by Werewolves after Greyback killed Penny's Muggle friend. Chiara couldn't risk Penny knowing that Chiara was a werewolf. They shared the same dorm after all. And when Ethan learned that Chiara was a werewolf, he helped her out. That's what he did. It didn't change a thing. When Chiara finally talked to Penny about it, she understood that Chiara wasn't anything like Greyback. And Chiara was still Penny's best friend. 

Over the years, Chiara developed a desire to help people. She found it in the arts of healing. And it was her desire to go to St. Mungo's and heal. And thanks to Dumbledore, that's where she was headed.

Ethan was waiting by the Fireplace at Hogwarts with Penny. "You ready, Penny?" Ethan asked.

"We're going to St. Mungo's. That's pretty awesome. I'll get to learn about more Potions." Penny answered.

"I'm happy. And it looks like Chiara will get to live out her dream as well." Ethan replied.

"Chiara deserves it. She's my best friend. And she's suffered and fought for so long." Penny pointed out.

"Here I come. Here I come!" Chiara yelled running up.

"Alright, Chiara. Calm down." Ethan said. 

"Wait up!" Jae yelled.

"Jae. Shouldn't you be in detention?" Penny asked.

"Yeah... about that. See, Dumbledore pulled me from that and said that perhaps it's time I rethink my ways. So he's giving me an assignment in St. Mungo's hoping that will inspire me to rehabilitate myself." Jae explained.

"Huh. I bet it'll feel weird for Pitts not to have you around." Penny commented.

"He's still got Fred and George Weasley." Jae pointed out as he ducked past a Fanged Frisbee that missed Jae and whacked Mr. Filch in the head. 

"Weasleys!" Filch yelled chasing them.

"Well shall we get going?" Jae asked.

"Is it just us that are going?" Penny asked.

"Well there's Talbott that's joining us. But he left earlier this morning. The early bird gets the worm you know." Jae answered.

"Yeah... that's Talbott." Ethan admitted. He got out the Floo Powder.

"Um, Ethan? Can I do it?" Chiara asked.

"Go ahead." Ethan answered handing the Floo Powder to Chiara. 

"ST. MUNGO'S HOSPITAL!" Chiara  yelled out.

About a batch of Green Fire later and the halls of St. Mungo's were open to the group. In that instance, they all came tumbling out.

"Look at this place! It's huge." Ethan said

"I agree! St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries is quite impressive." Chiara commented. But she was really fan Girling.

"Did you see the Dittany leaves on the wall?" Penny asked. 

"And?" Ethan asked.

"Dittany is used in all kinds of potions!" Penny answered. 

"Oh yeah." Ethan replied.

"Only other reason to be here would be if we were sick, so I suppose this is better." Jae said.

"There's no need to be so... loud." Talbott interrupted walking over. "Been waiting here for 2 hours.

"Sorry, not all of us are early risers. I take it that you're excited about being at St Mungo's, Talbott." Ethan replied. 

"I am." Talbott nodded with a cold expression. "Although... it does remind me of my mother. She was a Healer here."

"You don't look particularly excited, mate." Jae pointed out.

"Oh, leave Talbott alone! Not everyone expresses emotions in the same way." Penny shot back. "Besides, I want to know how Ethan feels about being here!"

"I'm not sure yet, to be honest. But I guess learning at St. Mungo's will help if I ever need to perform Medical practice out in the Auror field." Ethan answered.

"I'm with you, Ethan. I'm not sure healing is my... style." Jae added.

"Well maybe I could take this time to study at Potions here. I love Potions, and helping people. That's what I want to do with my life. But whatever you do... I know you'll be great at it, E." Penny replied giving her boyfriend a smile.

"Really? Right now?" Jae asked.

But before Ethan could respond, he was interrupted by a woman in green and white. "It's so wonderful to see you, my little lambs! Welcome to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries." The woman introduced. "My name is Miriam Strout and I'll be your supervisor while you're here!"

"You're Miriam Strout?" Ethan asked.

"And you must be Ethan Bauer." Strout replied. "I believe the last time I saw you, you were wrapped in a blanket held by your mother nearly 17 years ago."

"I don't remember it." Ethan said.

Strout laughed at that joke. But she got back to business. "The healing arts are complex and vital to the wizarding world, but I'll be here to help you along! For your school project, you'll be learning about the foundation of healing and what it means to be a Healer." She explained.

"It's nice to meet you, Madam Strout. Thank you for inviting us to visit St Mungo's!" Chiara greeted.

"And you must be Miss. Lobosca. Your work as interim healer for Hogwarts last year was quite commendable." Strout praised.

"Well... thank you." Chiara blushed a little embarrassed.

"I'm looking forward to learning from you, Madam Strout." Penny added.

"And I'm looking forward to not having to be in detention." Jae added.

"I see... you must be Mr. Kim. Professor Dumbledore has told me all about you." Strout noted.

"Guilty as charged." Jae replied.

"I'm sure a little hard work will help you see the beauty of this healing establishment." Strout said. "Now, as for the rest of you... Let me give you a brief history of St Mungo's before your first assignment." 

Strout was telling the group all about the importance of healing and St. Mungo's. And all that sort of stuff. Including something about how many great witches and wizards have walked these halls, and the five were are among them.

"Are there any questions?" Strout asked.

"Just one, Madam Strout..." Ethan raised his hand.

"Where's the food?" Jae asked.

Chiara glared at Jae. "Sorry. Force of habit." Jae said. "What's our first assignment here at St Mungo's?" He asked.

"Is it going to be in the Janus Thickey Ward? Oh, or what about the 'Dangerous' Dai Llewellyn Ward?" Chiara asked more enthusiastically. "There's so many possibilities!"

Strout laughed. "Slow down, Miss Lobosca. Gosh are you enthusiastic. You remind me of me when I started here. "And, just like me, your first assignment here is to... go to the Alchemy Room!" She informed.

"The... Alchemy Room? For Alchemy right?" Ethan asked like an idiot.

"That's what it means, Mr. Bauer. Come along, my lambs. We haven't a moment to waste!" Strout answered.

But their moment of kindness was interrupted by the most despicable of the clearing of the throat was heard. And Ethan recognized it anywhere. 

"Good day, Madam Strout." Umbridge greeted with her fake smile walking into the Hospital.

"Toad Wart." Ethan grumbled.

"Madam Umbridge. This is unexpected." Strout greeted surprised.

"What brings you here? And how soon can you leave?" Ethan asked.

"Oh, don't mind me. But I've had it from a reliable source that Dumbledore in his infinite wisdom has decided to let children into St. Mungo's." Umbridge answered.

"Really? You've gotten so bored in the Ministry, you've consorted to prying into the business of Hogwarts students?" Jae asked.

"But not just any students at that. The galleria of Freak Shows and insubordinate Rule Breakers that are working at this fine establishment. Such as yourself, Mr. Kim." Umbridge rudely continued. "Madam Strout, are you aware of the numerous life long detentions that Jae Kim has received in Hogwarts since he arrived for smuggling contraband and rule breaking?"

"Jae Kim needs proper guidance, and I believe that we can provide this for him." Strout answered.

"And Mr. Winger? He's an unregistered Animagus. How many liars are you willing to hire at this Hospital?" Umbridge asked.

Talbot looked awkwardly. "I was going to register when the time was right. But Trotsky and his..."

"You're lying, you rule breaker." Umbridge interrupted again like Talbot was 5.

"Leave him alone, Umbridge." Ethan jumped in front of Talbot. 

"Madam Umbridge to you, Mr. Bauer. I see you still haven't learned manners at your time in the Ministry. A pity. And Madam Strout, are you sure you want him working here? He's made terrible judgement calls time and again."

Ethan could swear he could hear his ears steaming, and he didn't take pepper up potion.

"Terrible judgements?" Strout asked.

"He led an expedition into Mexico to rescue Penny Haywood. And with him... he took a Runestone. A powerful artifact capable of great magical power. And what does he do? He exchanges it for the girl." Umbridge explained with a smug smile at Ethan. "What a terrible trade to make. Not worth it. Not worth it at all. And for what? One Witch?"

"She's more than that!" Ethan snapped. Penny just looked mad at Umbridge.

 Umbridge looked at Penny and just shook her head. "You're a fool, Ethan Bauer. She's just one girl. One insignificant girl who will never amount to anything in her life. And besides... there's plenty of other girls to choose from." She continued.

"Yeah... but none of them are Penny." Ethan shot back.

Umbridge made a disgusting face at Ethan. But her attention shifted again. To Chiara. "And Madam Strout. Are you aware that you have let a Werewolf in this Hospital?" She asked.

Chiara felt her heart drop. "Disgraceful that a you allow a werewolf of all things in here. Are you aware of what destructive monsters like her are capable of?" Umbridge asked.

"We are aware of what werewolves are capable of. Having treated some of the werewolf wounds myself." Strout answered not backing down. She knew what kind of woman the Toad Wart was.

"So, why do you allow that thing into this place?" Umbridge asked. "And of course let us also not forget that every full moon, she reveals her true form."

"Professor Dumbledore has informed us that Miss. Lobosca has been treating her condition with good effect." Strout shoved it up to Umbridge. "And Miss. Lobosca has done quite the magnificent job at handling the crisis at Hogwarts when Madam Pomfrey was turned to stone."

"She saved Ethan. Which is more than I can say for you." Penny added.

But that didn't seem to faze Umbridge. She charged ahead. "And are parents aware that their students were getting treated by a werewolf of all things. No one wants that thing to come even near their children. It is in her nature to hurt people."

Chiara started to get tears in her eyes. "I want to help people. Not hurt them." She pointed out.

"Oh, tell whatever lies you wish, Miss. Lobosca. But deep down, you deserve the title that you are. And you deserve to be treated as such. A Monster." Umbridge made a little laugh as she said that.

Chiara couldn't help but think of all those full moon nights. And when her friend Selina saw her transform and wouldn't talk to her again. She saw a monster. Which Chiara saw herself as.

"Umbridge. If you don't get out of here in 5 seconds, you are going to be a permanent resident here." Ethan threatened. He drew out an energy sword. "1."

"Are you threatening me, Mr. Bauer?" Umbridge asked backing up.

"2." Ethan raised it up. Two handed Samurai style.

"Now consider your actions carefully, Bauer. You are threatening a Ministry official." Umbridge reminded.

"3!" Ethan got in position daring Umbridge to say.

"This is an outrage! I will not stand for it!" Umbridge declared.

"4!" Ethan was almost tempted to just say 5.

That was when Umbridge started to make for the door and leave. Ethan could swear he could hear Umbridge screaming like a little girl.

The energy sword dissolved. Ethan turned back to Chiara who was being comforted by Penny. "She's gone. It's over." He said.

Chiara nodded at Ethan. "What if she's right? What if I am a monster?" She asked. Her confidence was just gone now.

"Don't listen to Umbridge. She's a bitch." Ethan answered.

"Umbitch." Jae corrected. "I am so trademarking that." He scribbled it in his notes.

"Now, hopefully if there are no more interruptions, little lambs. Let's continue." Strout motioned. 

Chiara nodded.

So the Hogwarts group went down to the Alchemy Room. It looked like a science lab that people would see in a movie about Frankenstein.

"Welcome to the Alchemy Room! This is where we brew all of our healing potions. We also study the magical properties of substances, which helps us to synthesize cures." Strout introduced.

Ethan could see why this was called the Alchemy room. It was a potion's makers paradise in this room. Almost like the Fairy Godmother's potion factory in Shrek 2. 

"Look at this, Ethan! Isn't it magnificent!" Penny exclaimed.

"I'm looking, Penny." Ethan replied. "I was always under the impression that alchemy was more concerned with turning metal into gold."

"Alchemy is actually closely linked to potion-making! Professor Snape has a few books on it." Penny clarified. "You're thinking of Alteration. And there's a spell there called Transmutation." 

"Oh..." Ethan said.

Author's Note: (Yeah. I play Skyrim.)

"The alchemy done in this room is mostly to study the composition, structure, and magical properties of plants." Strout explained.

"And by learning those things, you can better determine how to care for your patients, right?" Ethan asked.

"Exactly so! It's important to remember that potions are a tool to be used in the healing process." Strout answered. 

"Still, some of the materials in here could be used to turn things into gold... Which could be very useful in Knockturn Alley." Jae took notice.

"The Alchemy Room is strictly for medical purposes, Mr. Kim." Strout reminded.

"Shoot." Jae grumbled.

"Now, as for your first assignment at St Mungo's..."

"We're ready for anything, Madam Strout! Just let us know what you want us to do." Penny declared.

"Your first task is to organize the Potions Cabinet!" Strout informed.

And the mood for Penny deflated.

"Oh..." Ethan added.

"Something to say about organizing the Potions Cabinet, Mr. Bauer?" Strout asked.

"It's just that I thought we would brew potions for patients. With all due respect." Ethan answered.

"Everyone has to start somewhere! If you do well here, you may have the chance to brew potions later." Strout said.

"Well I, for one, cannot wait to see what kind of potions you've got in here, Madam Strout!" Penny replied.

"Kiss up." Jae thought. "This is no better than organizing Professor Snape's ingredients during detention."

"Knowledge of our potions is important if you're going to be reaching for them. By becoming familiar with the tools at hand, you'll build a solid foundation for your future here at St Mungo's." Strout pointed out.

"Eh, I don't think I've got it in me for St. Mungo's." Ethan commented to himself.

And so there was an amount of organizing of Potions. Nothing major, just the typical Cure for Boils, Pepper up, Wide Eye, Healing Potions, and other types of potions. 

"There. It's done." Ethan announced.

"All we did was organize some bottles. It wasn't that hard." Jae commented.

"It may not have been hard, but that doesn't make it any less important!" Penny pointed out.

"Miss Haywood is right! Every task at St Mungo's, no matter how small, is equally important." Strout agreed. "If you want to do well while you're here, you'll all have to work on your bedside manner." She said to Jae.

"Hey! You spend 7 years working with a grumpy House Elf in the kitchens, there's no such thing as Bedside manner." Jae shot back.

"He's not wrong." Ethan admitted.

"Bedside manner is about making sure your patients are comfortable!" Penny scolded Jae. "It's not always about yelling and that sort of thing."

Ethan shrugged a little.

"But what has any of this got to do with working in a hospital and being a Healer?" Jae asked. "What's all this about Bedside manner?"

"Patience, Mr. Kim. It's important for you to have an understanding of what we do here." Strout answered. "Unlike other Dark Wizards... we don't use Alchemy for profit or other dark thoughts."

"You mean Derek Slayton." Ethan clarified.

Strout nodded grimly. It was no secret that the name of Derek Slayton was starting to become notorious in the Wizarding World.

"The guy who sent the Doxy to Hogwarts?" Talbot asked.

"They guy who ran the Mid Atlantic Gangster Cartel in America. And who also called me Princess and fed me gruel." Penny added feeling the taste in her mouth, and the weight of chains on her wrists. "Ethan cut off his ear though."

"It was a blind strike. If I had been aiming, I would've sliced his face in half." Ethan admitted. "Maybe he wouldn't have continued with his Red Dust project."

"Red Dust?" Jae asked intrigued.

"It's an illegal substance that's used to turn Magical Creatures into berserk monsters." Strout answered with a dark tone.

"You mean like Tim the Wampus Cat?" Jae asked. He heard about that mess.

"Yeah. Well... until just recently." Ethan answered.

"What do you mean?" Strout asked.

"I heard this from Ryder. Slayton's figured out how to modify the Red Dust into making Magical Creatures completely obedient." Ethan explained.

"What?" Strout asked in shock. "That's impossible. There's no way that Slayton could-"

"Up until now. Slayton figured out how to do it." Ethan interrupted.

Strout shook her head. "That type of Alchemy shouldn't exist. It's an abomination." She declared.

"We'll get him. Him and Trotsky." Ethan assured.

"Thank you, Mr. Bauer." Strout replied. "Well. Now that you're more familiar with the Alchemy Room and its contents, it's time for your next assignment."

"What next?" Ethan asked.

"Each of you will be working with a newly admitted patient to St Mungo's." Strout informed.

"Oh, how exciting!" Penny declared.

"We'll be working on our bedside manner, then?" Ethan asked. "Or in Jae's case, all the time." 

"Precisely! You'll be practicing with your new patients." Strout answered. "This next assignment will give you an idea of the different kinds of patients that Healers work with. Part of the foundation of healing is making your patients feel better."

"All right, if you insist." Ethan replied.


The Creature arena was buzzing with all the different types of Dark Wizard Gangsters banging on the walls of the arena. All the bets had come in. There was a lot of money on the betting table.

Slayton was sitting on his seat overlooking the arena. And he was wearing quite a grin. "Bring em in!" He yelled.

A Cage containing a Niffler was brought into the dirt. It's Red Dust was already injected into the Niffler. But to go forward, a gangster shocked the Niffler forward. And another cage was brought in. This one containing a Hungarian Horntail. It roared fire out of its cage and was also released.

"Let's see where this one goes!" Slayton shouted. And the audience cheered. The Hungarian Horntail started to fly. But when it touched the arena's ceiling, it received such a shock and fell down to the ground, hard. "NO FLYING ALLOWED!" Slayton yelled. And all the gangsters laughed. The Horntail breathed fire at the Niffler, but the Niffler dodged it and was also dodging more as the Horntail pursued it. 

"Seriously, Slayton bet on the Niffler?" A Gangster asked.

"Yeah. It's going to be an easy score." Another Gangster answered laughing.

The Horntail breathed more fire at a rock. One that it could've sworn that the Niffler was on. But the Niffler wasn't there. The Niffler crawled away. But the Hungarian Horntail took a lunge at the Niffler. It pinned the Niffler with its claws. It drew the Niffler to its mouth and began to look like it was about to crunch the Niffler to bones and dust. But it looked at Slayton, who looked to be squeezing something in his hand. What Slayton was doing was motioning for the Horntail to squeeze the Niffler like a pimple, but to do so in a way that made sure that the Niffler was shot out of the grip. So the Horntail which obeyed Slayton did so. And the Niffler went flying. It then shot into the electric wire and fell down. The Niffler fell onto the Horntail's eye. And then proceeded to scratch off the eye of the Horntail. The Horntail flew off and into the electric wires in the ceiling, shocking itself until it died. But not before the Niffler jumped off.

The whole stadium fell in silence. Except for Slayton who was just laughing at the whole thing. "Ha! Game set and Match! NOW PAY UP!" He then looked at the Niffler. "Somebody get that little Meat Brick back in its cage." He ordered. "That Niffler is going to make me a rich man." He thought to himself. He then laughed in pure evil.

Ethan in the meantime was busy going with Chiara to their first assignment in working with the Bedside Manner to work on Patient Care, and also inclusions on Patient Escort. His first patient was one interesting and unique case.

"You going to take the first one?" Chiara asked.

"Yeah. I can do that." Ethan answered. He opened the door to the room. "Hello! My name is Ethan Bauer. And you are--"

"Hagrid?" Chiara asked looking at the Half Giant.

"Hullo, Ethan, Chiara. I didn't expect teh see yeh here." Hagrid greeted.

"Assignment at St. Mungo's exploring jobs here. Madam Strout assigned Ethan and myself here to work on my bedside manner with a patient." Chiara explained.

"But... what are you doing here?" Ethan asked.

"Well, I might have gotten meself into a bit o' trouble with some creatures in the Forbidden Forest." Hagrid answered.

"Creatures?" Ethan asked. "Which one?"

"Yeh see, the thing is... I've got an Acromantula bite." Hagrid admitted a little embarrassed.

"An Acromantula bite? How did you manage that, Hagrid?" Ethan asked. Don't you and the Acromantulas got along..."

Hagrid nodded. "We do... it's just. Well... I'll tell yeh the story, but yeh've got teh keep it between us." He requested.

"Secret's safe with us, Hagrid." Ethan assured.

"Let's see... I s'pose I should start from the beginnin'..." Hagrid decided. "I was in the Forbidden Forest talking to the Acromantulas. Nothin too fancy mind you. When one of the younger ones bit me. Couldn't exactly go to Dumbledore or any of the Professors bout it. and sides. They've got nough on their plates without me."

"Seems sense to me." Chiara admitted.

"I have teh admit, I was a little bit nervous... I'm not the biggest fan o' hospitals." Hagrid admitted.

"Why's that?" Ethan asked.

"They're kind o' scary... and a far cry from me homey cottage." Hagrid answered.

"Well, don't worry, Hagrid! Our current assignment here is to help our patients feel better!" Ethan assured. "And for what's it worth, I had a bit of the homesick whiplash when I first arrived at Hogwarts.

"I'm just glad yer here, Ethan. It's nice teh see a familiar face. And you Chiara." Hagrid commented.

"It's nice to see you too, Hagrid." Ethan replied.

"Is there anything else I can do for you? I want to make sure your stay here is comfortable." Chiara asked.

"Well, there is one thing..." Hagrid admitted. "A pumpkin pasty would make me feel better! They remind me o' home. What do yeh think about pumpkin pasties, Ethan?"

"Who doesn't love Pumpkin Pastries?" Ethan asked. "Not as good as Chocolate, but I'll eat them if I'm in the mood."

"I also love pumpkin pasties." Chiara added.

"Glad you understand, you two." Hagrid replied.

"I believe there was a tea cart out in the lobby... perhaps I could find you a pumpkin pasty there?" Ethan suggested.

"Oh, now tha's just silly, Ethan! I'd feel bad makin' yeh go through all that trouble." Hagrid said.

"Hagrid. It's fine. It's just a Pumpkin Pastry. It's not that big a deal." Ethan insisted. "Come on, Chiara."

"Yeah. It'll be nice, especially with what happened earlier today." Chiara decided.

"What happened?" Hagrid asked.

"We got to St. Mungo's earlier. And we... had an incident with Umbridge." Ethan answered.

Chiara looked down. "She called me out for being a werewolf. As well as other things, one of them being a monster." She said.

Hagrid gasped. "She did not." 

Ethan nodded. "It's true."

Hagrid gave a look of sympathy to Chiara. "Now you listen to me, Chiara Lobosca. You are no monster. You're a healer and a good woman. Don't let a nasty Toad Wart like Umbridge or anyone else tell you different. You took command of the Hospital Wing last year. You saved Ethan's life by 15 minutes thanks to yer command taking and fast thinking. That don't sound like no monster to me." He said.

Chiara nodded. "I needed to hear that Hagrid."

"Come ere." Hagrid gave her a hug.

Ethan gave Chiara a pat. "Come on. Let's go get some pastries." He said.

And that's how Ethan and Chiara went down to the St. Mungo's cafeteria to get some pastries. Ethan was looking at the pastry area. He got one Pumpkin Pastry and got it for Hagrid. He also got one for himself, one for Chiara. And got a Chocolate Chip Cookie as well.

"A Cookie? Really?" Chiara asked.

"It's my money, and I can spend it the way I want to." Ethan replied. They walked up past the lobby to see Jae also standing around. 

"Look who it is! Ethan is here to save us from the lobby." Jae commented.

"Hey Jae! How are your patients doing?" Ethan asked.

"My patient is unconscious. Thought I might as well grab something to eat." Jae answered. "Nothing I can really do to make him feel better if he's sleeping. Except maybe get a him a drink of water if he gets sleepy again. Or a frying pan."

"Why a frying pan?" Chiara asked. "Okay never mind." She answered her own question.

"So who'd you get as your patient?" Jae asked. "Mundungus Fletcher? Last I heard he was involved in some risky business..."

"No, it's not him." Chiara answered.

"Our patient is Hagrid! Apparently, he got mixed up with some... spiders." Ethan explained.

"I'm assuming you don't mean regular spiders?" Jae asked.

"Who cares if it was regular spiders or not?" Ethan deflected. "All that matters is that Hagrid is our patient."

"All right, keep your secrets, then..." Jae decided.

"You've got your secrets. I've got mine." Ethan replied.

"Point taken." Jae admitted. "So is that why you got Pumpkin Pastries there?" He asked.

"Hagrid mentioned that a pumpkin pasty would make him feel at home, so we got him some." Chiara answered.

"Alright, don't let me stop you then." Jae said. He went back to talking with some of the waiting patients. "What's up?"

Ethan decided to leave Jae at that. "Come on Chiara. Let's get-" He bumped into a small boy who looked to be 10. "Sorry. Didn't see you there."The boy said to Ethan. 

And Older Woman who must've been the boys' grandmother walked up. "Neville. Don't wander off. I swear you would wonder out of your own room if you didn't have your sense about you." She scolded. 

"Sorry, Gran." The boy who was named Neville apologized. 

The Older Woman looked at Ethan. Noticing a burn on the right side of his face. Ethan found that strange though. "Have we met? You look familiar." She asked.

"My name is Ethan Bauer." Ethan introduced. 

"Hold the phone. Are you..." The Older Woman looked at Ethan with admiration now. "Of course!" She realized. She then stuck out her hand which Ethan shook. "Augusta Longbottom at your service. I remember your father very well. He and my son and daughter in law, served in The Order of the Phoenix." 

 Longbottom. Ethan remembered that name from the days of his father. During the First Wizarding War. There was an Auror and his Wife that served Dumbledore with great loyalty. "Yes... Frank and Alice Longbottom, if I recall. I was sorry when I heard the news." He said.

 Augusta's face turned dark as she thought back to that horrible night. "Yes... it was tragic. Thank Merlin's Beard that the ones responsible have been brought to justice." She thought of the Death Eaters that dare torture her family. Led by Bellatrix Lestrange of course. But her eyes focused more on Neville. Probably because he was doing something cowardly again.

"And this is my Grandson, Neville." Augusta elbowed Neville to say something. Although the only thing that Neville did was just fiddle at looking at his feet. It reminded Ethan of Ben's first year at Hogwarts. Back when Ben was scared of everything. "Um... hi." Neville greeted.

Augusta smacked her head. "Honestly Neville. You're going to have to show more confidence then that if you're going to go to Hogwarts next year." She scolded before she looked back at Ethan. "Sorry about that." 

"It's alright." Ethan assured. "And this is Chiara Lobosca. She's hoping to get a job as a Healer." 

Chiara nodded to seal her point.

 Augusta seemed to appreciate that. "Well I wish you luck with that, Ms. Lobosca." 

 "She's the best. Fixed me up pretty good last year." Ethan bragged. It made Chiara feel a little embarrassed, but in a good way.  

Augusta knew that story of course. "Of course. That was quite courageous of you, Young Man. You stood up against Iosef Trotsky in that Cursed Vault. That... well Merlin's Beard, and you stood your ground until the very end. Impressive." She spoke to Ethan as if Ethan was the greatest thing since Sliced Bread. Which was probably what she wanted her own Grandson to be modeled after.

To prover her point, she looked at Neville directly. "You see, Neville? This is what you should measure up to be. Find the courage that Ethan Bauer himself was able to do against Trotsky himself." 

Neville reluctantly looked up: "Yes, Gran." 

Ethan was still thinking back to his scar on his chest. The one he got at the end of his 6th year. "Honestly I don't know what I was thinking when I did that." He admitted. 

"And I also heard that you started a war against Trotsky himself. Went right into the hearts of Mexico and Japan itself in an effort to stop him." Augusta continued. 

"Yeah. You could say that. I've had help too. The Circle of Khanna. Chiara here is actually one of our members." Ethan replied. 

Augusta gave her approval for the Circle of Khanna.. "It's nice to know that someone out there other then Agent Ryder is doing their job of stopping the Dark Wizard Cabal. Unlike Umbridge who's just making things ten times worse." 

Ethan nodded. Considering all the things that were going on in the world with Trotsky. And it was no secret that he didn't like the Toad Wart. 

"Well... keep up the good work." Augusta started to leave. "Come on, Neville. Let's go see your parents." 

Neville followed his Grandmother. "It was nice to meet you, Mr. Bauer... sir." He left awkwardly.

"Well that was interesting." Chiara commented. "I didn't know the Longbottoms. But they seem to admire you."

"Yeah. Frank and Alice Longbottom were Aurors. Very good ones too." Ethan replied. 

"What happened to them, Augustus seemed to say that Neville's parents were here. They're not dead are they?" Chiara asked.

"No. I remember hearing from my dad about what had happened. A group of Death Eaters led by Bellatrix Lestrange attacked the Longbottoms, the torture curse was used on them. Now they're permanent residents in the Ward." Ethan answered. 

"That's horrible." Chiara said.

"It was tragic." Ethan agreed. They were discussing this on their way back to Hagrid's room. That was when they saw Penny there in the room.

"Hello, Penny! What are you doing here?" Ethan asked.

"I heard that Hagrid was here and I just had to come check on him." Penny answered.

"Penny was jus' tellin' me all about her time at St Mungo's so far." Hagrid clarrified.

"And what's the bottom line?" Ethan asked.

"It's amazing here! I love being able to help people. And Potions. Look at all this Alchemy stuff." Penny answered squealing like a little girl. 

"Well I'm glad you enjoy it. I prefer chasing Dark witches and wizards, to be honest." Ethan replied. "It's not helping people through healing, but it is helping to keep dangerous people off the streets." He explained.

"I should've known you'd prefer chasing down bad guys! You're so heroic." Penny smiled at her boyfriends courage.

"What did yeh expect? Ethan is a Gryffindor, through an' through! Just like his Brother and Dad!" Hagrid commented. 

"Oh, yeah!" Ethan handed Hagrid a pumpkin pastry. "As promised."

"Well I'll be! You really do come through in the clutch, Ethan!" Hagrid declared. He took a bite of the Pumpkin pastry.

"So? What do you think?" Ethan asked. 

"This is one o' the best pumpkin pasties I've ever had..." Hagrid answered but his face became sad.

"What's wrong, Hagrid?" Ethan asked.

"You can tell us, Hagrid. We won't judge you and we'll do our best to help." Penny added.

"I'm fine. Just that when I took a bite o' the pumpkin pasty... all I could think about was how Fang is all alone while I'm here!" Hagrid admitted sobbing a little.

"I'm so sorry, Hagrid. I know how important Fang is to you." Ethan quickly replied not wanting to let the room get soaked in Hagrid's tears.

"Fang's not hurt, is he?" Chiara asked.

"He's not hurt, I'm jus' worried about him." Hagrid answered. "Fang was there when I got bit by the... spider. I came here so quickly tha' I didn't even tell Fang tha' I'd be all right!"

"So, you're worried that Fang is by himself and worried about you?" Ethan asked.

"I jus' can't bear it! Maybe I should go back and check on him..." Hagrid started to get up.

"No, Hagrid! You can't leave until the Healers say you're okay!" Ethan insisted. "You're dealing with a very serious bite, Hagrid."

"But I can't jus' put meself before me creatures! Especially not Fang..." Hagrid protested.

"Well... maybe Penny and I can do something about that!" Ethan suggested. "You stay here. And talk with Chiara." Ethan took Penny with him as they  walked out the door.

"You really think we can do something to help, Ethan?" Penny asked.

"I have an idea, but it's a little... strange." Ethan answered.

"If it's an idea that'll make Hagrid feel better, then it's worth hearing! That's the whole reason we're here." Penny replied. "I mean... it couldn't be any stranger then that time you tried to impersonate Rakepick and did that odd impression of her last year."  

"Okay. Hagrid obviously misses Fang, and we want to make sure that he feels at home during his stay." Ethan started.

"Okay..." Penny said.

"So, my idea is that we bring Fang to St Mungo's!" Ethan declared. "I mean Fang's not a Service Dog. But still..." 

"That's a brilliant idea, Ethan!" Penny interrupted. "Bringing Fang is sure to cheer Hagrid up! It'll also keep him in the hospital as long as he needs to heal. And technically. Fang would be doing a Service of some sort." She added.

"I think we know what we have to do. Operation Reunite Fang and Hagrid is a go!" Ethan declared. Penny just looked at him. "Too long a name?" He asked.

"Way too long a name." Penny answered.

"Figured. Still wasn't as long as the name I had for rescuing you." Ethan replied. "That was called: Operation Rescue my Girlfriend from a evil Death Cult."

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