Safety || Weak Hero x Reader...

Por Unburnable_Trash_

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Weak Hero x Reader *REWRITTING* ーーーーーー ー (Y/n) (L/n). One of Gray Yeon's closest friends in their middle scho... Más

Chapter 1: New Student
Chapter 2: Fake It Until You Make It
Chapter 3: Play The Game Of School
Chapter 4: I'm A Tree Now
Chapter 5: The Boys Are Here
Chapter 6: I Got You Some Toothpaste
Chapter 7: You're My Dad, Boogie Woogie Woogie
Chapter 8: And They Were Roomates
Chapter 9: Oh My God They Were Roomates
Chapter 10: I Can't Believe You've Done This
Chapter 11: Curtains And A Coke Can
Chapter 12: Pasta La Vista
Chapter 13: Eunjang VS Yoosun I
Chapter 14: Eunjang VS Yoosun II
Chapter 15: Imma Fight It
Chapter 17: Put The Christmas Decorations Down It's August
Chapter 18: Bryce And What Ever The Fuck Their Last Name Was
Chapter 19: Oh No
Chapter 21: Fuck 'Em Up, Gray Yeon
Chapter 22: The Pizza Men
Chapter 23: I Came, I Saw, I Left
Chapter 24: A... Reunion?
Chapter 25: Eat The Rich, Said The Rich Guy
Chapter 26: The Battle Of Socks
Chapter 27: That's My OPINION!
Chapter 28: You've Gotta Be Duckin' My Donuts
Chapter 29: The Gentle Art Of Making Enemies
Chapter 31: The Dirt That's In Our Blood
Chapter 32: Square Up, Bitches
Chapter 33: It's Spooky Season
Chapter 34: Not So Sweet Secret
Chapter 35: The Small Child Is Annoying
Chapter 36: Oh, Look, A Ghost
Chapter 37: Someone Cut My Netflix Subscription
Chapter 38: Don't Mind If I Do
Chapter 39: I Ain't Never Seen 2 Pretty Best Friends
Chapter 40: Packing My Spaghetti And Leaving
Chapter 41: Make It Dark
Chapter 42: Empty Bottle Of Wine
Chapter 43: Blood Covered Hands
Chapter 44: The Masking Of Blood
Chapter 45: Wolf Keum VS Gray Yeon Part 1
Chapter 46: Wolf Keum VS Gray Yeon Part 2
Chapter 47: Perish
Chapter 48: Please Let This Be A Normal Field Trip
Chapter 49: When People Won't Listen, Shoot At Their Legs
Chapter 50: I Hope No One Calls the Police On Us
Chapter 51: Batteries Not Included
Chapter 52: The Other Guy
Chapter 53: Ice Skating In Crocs
Chapter 54: You're A Little Old To Be Selling Girl Scout Cookies
Chapter 55: Watch Your Language, Motherfucker
Chapter 56: Crying Maple Syrup
Chapter 57: Kill It With Fire
Chapter 58: What am I, Dr. Phil?
Chapter 59: Emotions Are For Children
Chapter 60: A Perfect Circle
Chapter 61: Obama's Last Name
Chapter 62: No Means No
Chapter 63: What's 6 × 3?
Chapter 64: Reason Number 46 Why You Should Let Me Ride
Chapter 65: So Are You Ready For Me To Whip You?
Chapter 66: The Only Senior You've Gone Out With Is Your Grandmother
Chapter 67: You're Standing In Poison Ivy
Chapter 68: Dishonor On You! Dishonor On Your Cow!
Chapter 69: 34 + 35
Chapter 70: The History Of Cardboard
Important Announcement

Chapter 71: Well Fuck Me Gently With A Chainsaw

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Por Unburnable_Trash_

Song quote: Candy Store
Honey, watchu waitin' for? Welcome to my candy store
You just gotta prove you're not a pussy anymore
Then step into my candy store
You can join the team, or you can bitch and moan
You can live the dream, or you can die alone
You can fly with eagles or if you prefer
Keep on testing me and end up like her!
"Veronica look! Ram invited me to his homecoming party! This proves he's been thinking about me!"
"Color me stoked."
"I'm so happy!"
Woah! Honey, watchu waiting for--

(i love this song so much omg)

Your Pov:

You woke up to a loud thud sound from nearby. You hastily got yourself up and looked around, turning your head left and right only to see a bag filled with stuff had tipped over and fallen on its side.

Of course, a few things fell out, but it didn't seem like anything was fragile inside of it.

You let out a sigh and were thankful that it wasn't someone who decided to just break into the room you were in, or even somewhere nearby.

Finding yourself waking up at a quite familiar couch, and of course, you were in your apartment.

Looking over to the side where the window was, you flinched once you saw a giant teddy bear right next to the window, sitting there.

Right. You went to the mall yesterday with the Daehyeon guys. You had a lot of fun, even being able to listen to Dean's playlist. He had a pretty great taste in music.

Much to your surprise, the same artist he listened to was also named Dean. What a coincidence.

You sat there, not knowing what to do. You had a lot of fun just by remembering the moments from yesterday, and you were enjoying it.

Until something popped up in your head.

Was it the kiss? Perhaps.

Pretty bold of Eunchan to do, and you thought that all the others who put you in a kabedon or did something that made you flustered were bold.

Out of all of them, Eunchan was the boldest.

Though, that wasn't the thing. Rather, it was something else.

"I FORGOT ABOUT MY PART-TIME JOB!" Exclaiming as you put your hands on your head, desperately in search for your phone to shoot your boss a text that you'll be gone for about a month or so due to you 'falling off your bike.' When in reality, you actually just got kidnapped by some insane high school dropouts.

Right after you sent the text, you expected to get a strict and angry reply back. But actually, your boss was really understanding and said that she'll give you all the time you need until you heal up and are able to come back to the cafe.

You were thankful you didn't lose your job due to some dropouts kidnapping you for information.

You took your phone with you before making your way over to your crutches to just cook something for breakfast. You were pretty hungry after all.

Once you got to your kitchen, you were met with a plate of (f/f)* and a note placed right next to it.

*favorite food btw, not flavor lmao

You picked up the note and your eyes scanned through it, reading what it said.

yo, (y/n). I stopped by your apartment earlier since Jake asked me to drop off something and also check on you. (Don't ask how I got in.) I don't know when you're going to wake up, but I made this for you. Hopefully you'll like it.

- Dean

p.s. here's my number if you need anything and no one else is available, unless you just want me to help you out. haha.

The note finished with a little mini-Dean drawn at the corner with Dean's same neutral face, you found it quite cute.

Though, you were questioning, just how the fuck did he get in?

You'll ask him later. Must've been the works of Donald.

You placed the note down back on the table before looking at the plate that was filled with (f/f). It was still warm too.

Without hesitation, you began to eat what Dean cooked for you. Hell, he was a way better cook than Jake!

Though, both of their cooking was really good, but you kind of favor Dean's cooking over Jake's.

As you continued to eat, you pulled your phone out and decided to just scroll through Twitter, just to waste time.

But before you do that, you added Dean in your contacts, he did give you his number after all.

↳ (f/f) *insert photo of favorite food that looks hella good*


euneun chanchan




subscribe to my onlyfans
hey bestie drop the recipe xoxo


no. xoxo

u a bitch
↳ thanks for food @kwon_ *insert photo of half eaten plate of (f/f)*


euneun chanchan


subscribe to my onlyfans
@kwon_ i see how it is.

u a bitch
@kwon_ teach me your skills




that's what the point of the mask is
naksung is crying rn. thoughts?


u a bitch
↳ @naksung_ pussyboy


lmao what a bitch


jimmy john's pizza
u a bitch


im gunna beat ur ass


u a bitch
the both of you are always fuckin fighting every week like it's a life style. shut the fuck up and get a life oml


euneun chanchan
💯💯💯❗❗ DEEP❗❗💯💯💯


she's right.

jimmy john's pizza
@067 i'm sorry mother.


u a bitch


i'm not a scorpio
she's not gonna take that half assed apology and never will. welcome to the real world


u a bitch
sup brace face


i'm not a scorpio
shut up


u a bitch
metal mouth


i'm not a scorpio
im legitimately gonna box you bro


u a bitch
zipper lips


i'm not a scorpio
shut the fuck up before you start catching these hands.


u a bitch


u a bitch
train tracks.


i'm not a scorpio

u a bitch
↳ i got blocked by a scorpio


subscribe to my onlyfans


u a bitch
not u dum bitch that train tracks guy


subscribe to my onlyfans


subscribe to my onlyfans
wait whose train tracks


i'm not a scorpio
eat my ass.


subscribe to my onlyfans
uhm... WHAT ASS??¿¿¿


i'm not a scorpio

u a bitch
↳ are you crying @naksung_




u a bitch
what a little weak bitch


that's what the point of the mask is
bro he's sobbing even harder


subscribe to my onlyfans
lil weak bitch

Switching over to your other account, you checked to see what was going on in the Eunjang side.

ben ben big ben
↳ sleepover with the gang *insert photo of alex and gerard shirtless. alex brushing teeth with towel around neck and gerard's back showing while drying his hair with towel*


you didn't invite me wtf.


ben ben big ben


the better and taller jin
i literally thought you invited her wtf



Looking down at your plate, you notice that you've ate all of the food Dean cooked for you.

You'll ask him for the recipe later.

You knew you had to get ready.. But you weren't sure if Ben was just joking about coming to pick you up. Still, just in case, you should get ready.

Getting up from the table and bringing your plate over to the sink, you make your way over to your bedroom, which meant you had to crawl your way up the stairs with your crutches in hand.

This will definitely be tricky.

Time skip

Never mind. It wasn't tricky at all.

You managed to get changed in a few minutes, along with doing your other stuff.

The next thing you knew, you were putting your shoes on and heard the doorbell ring.

Managing to get up from the floor with your crutches, you unlocked the door only to find a sweating Ben with no jacket on. Only shirt and shorts.

Shorts with a rubber duck design on them, to be exact.

Nothing else.. Wait-- Is he wearing slippers??

Wait fuck-- Those slippers are cute. It's yellow duck slippers with the duck plush on them.

Maybe Donald has a pair of those.

"(Y/n)! Good morning!" Ben greeted you while panting between his sentences, the amount of times he kept on wheezing only made you worried that he was gonna pass out at your front doorstep due to lack of breath.

"Ben.. Good morning. Would you like some water?" You ask, noticing how much he's sweating.

"Nope! It'll only make my stomach hurt while running. Anyways, let's go!" Without warning, he picks you up bridal style with your crutches in hand. You managed to quickly grab your keys and phone before he walked out of your apartment.

"Wait!" You exclaim, making Ben halt when he was about to jump down the stairs.


"I have to lock up my house."

"Oh, right! You should do that first."

After locking up your door, and double checking to see if the door is locked, Ben continued to jump down the stairs before literally hopping over the fence.

Yeah, you were scared. It felt like a rollercoaster. Ben was dashing with you and your crutches in his arms, he was holding onto you tight, but not too tight.

But to be honest, your arms were wrapped around his neck for dear life. You never know if he'll accidentally drop you or something and you'll end up breaking another bone.

You were pretty scared that he might bump into someone, or even knock down a whole crowd like a line of dominos. Hopefully that won't happen..

Time skip

Yup. It didn't happen.

Instead, he jumped through an entire crowd of people like some type of Super Mario Bros type shit before ending up in front of his house.

"And we're here! Everyone else is inside." He told you as you watched the large wooden gate unlock automatically, revealing his big house.

"You have a nice house.." You commented as Ben walked past the gate, the wooden gate closing automatically as he made his way to the front entrance.

"Thanks! I really like it too!"

The front door quickly swung open, revealing a panicked Alex, Gerard, Teddy, and Gray standing at the entrance.

"Were you the one who was jumping through the crowds like Mario while getting back here??" Alex questioned, the four of them moving away from the entrance to let you and Ben enter.

Gray, Gerard, and Teddy helped you get down from Ben's arms and handed over your crutches.

"No! I did jump a few times over some puddles... But I only ran!" Ben replied until you saw Rowan and Eugene's heads peek out from the corner that led to the living room, their faces in full shock.

"BIG BEN AND (N/N) ARE ON THE NEWS!" They exclaim at the same time which makes everyone, including you rush over to the living room. Thankfully you didn't trip.


You all stared at the TV, seeing footage of Ben jumping through the crowds with you in his arms.

"Today, early morning at 10:24 AM. A high school male student was seen jumping through the crowds with a female high school student in his arms. According to some witnesses, they saw that he was carrying her crutches in one arm due to some visible bandages on her ankles. How adorable! Young love really is nice."

Luckily, they blurred out both of your faces before putting it on the news. Otherwise, you were sure going to get into big trouble with the Union guys who knew about your face.

"Young love?? We're literally fresh out of middle school!"

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock!"

"Ew. Now you're reminding me of those weird middle school couples who would always do cringe ass shit when other people are around."

"Like what? Making out in the middle of the hallways?"

"Yeah, that!"

"So, it was you! I told you not to put three tablespoons of sugar in your coffee! You're always jumpy when you do that." Alex scolded Ben, a towel still wrapped around his neck as his hair was still dripping little droplets of water.

"But I needed that energy to pick up (N/n)! If I didn't, then I wouldn't be able to run over to her place to pick her up!" Ben replied, crossing his arms as he whined.

"Yeah, yeah.. Just make sure not to put more than three tablespoons in your coffee. I don't wanna see the result of that again."

All of you honestly just enjoyed yourselves while you were all together.

Even Rowan brought you to one of the rooms where he set up all of his recording stuff. It looked pretty professional.

"Wanna record a video? Since everyone is here.. I have a video idea in mind!" Rowan spoke aloud, having a red notebook in his hand along with a pencil.

"Sure! What's the idea?" You asked, making your way over to him to see what he wrote down.

"The video idea is.. How to professionally pick up girls with pick up lines!" He announced, as you froze.

Hell, you could feel the awkward tension in the room due to everyone just staying silent after Rowan's single announcement of the video idea.

Until Alex stood up, both of his hands on his hips as he faced where you and Rowan were standing.

"If you're gonna put a wig and a skirt on me, I'm leaving."


"Alex, stay still."

"Is putting makeup on me really necessary??" Alex complained, as you tried to get him to stay still.

"It's only lip balm! Rowan is gonna blur out your eyes, and your eyes only!" You replied, trying to apply the lip balm on him, only for him to move away.

"Fuck this! I'm not doing it."

"GoGo, look at Gray! And Teddy! They're cooperating with the others who don't even know how to apply makeup. You sure you wanna go over to them and get poked in the eye?" You questioned, raising an eyebrow as you looked at Alex, trying to reason with him to at least cooperate with you.

"Yeah! Come on, GoGo. Cooperate with (N/n)!" Ben chimed in, as you looked over at Gray to see what Ben was doing to him.

Only for you to almost let out a laugh.. Thank god Rowan is blurring out the eyes.

The lipstick that Ben applied on Gray was honestly everywhere. Hell, he even put red lipstick on his cheeks!

For the eyeliner.. Gray looked like he just went through a mental breakdown.

He looks like a clown.

"Big Ben, you're making Gray look like a clown. Try to go easy with the lipstick.. And the eyeliner.. Do lip balm instead." Gerard spoke up, which made you look over at him and Teddy to see what they were doing.

"Teddy, you look like a princess." You blurted out, seeing how pretty Teddy looked with some eyeliner on.. Wait, is that eyeshadow?

Sadly, Rowan is blurring out the eyes.. So, the viewers can't really see how pretty Teddy looks like as a girl.

You could still take a photo though.

"I'm doing this because you wanted to.. Makeup feels weird." He responded, giving you an awkward piece sign as you returned it.

"Okay, GoGo. Cooperate with me. It'll only take a minute." You spoke, getting his attention to finally face you.

You didn't really do much to GoGo. Only applied a small bit of mascara.

Plus, a little bit of eyeshadow.

"You better not put anything red on me."

"It's literally lip balm. It's transparent and clear.. Also pink."

"Pink?? Ugh-- Fine."

You applied the lip balm on Alex very lightly, making small strokes on his lips with the brush.

Once you finished, you placed the cap back on the lip balm before placing it back on the table.

"Alright. You're all finished." You told him, picking up a mirror and handing it to him.

Watching Alex move his head around, even the mirror, shock was written all over his face.

"Oh shit! I'm hot!"

"I look better." Teddy interrupts, taking the mirror from Alex's hand with a single tug to look at himself.

Hell, he even looked the part. Just by flipping his hair dramatically.

"You look like a yellow marker with all the other marker colors on it."

"You look like a tomato with black leaves."

"No, I don't!"

"Alright, now for the outfits!" Rowan walks in the room, his blindfold on his forehead while carrying a box with Eugene helping out as well.

"There's also wigs! If you guys want those." Eugene adds on, as you saw Alex shake his head.

"No way! I'm not gonna wear a wig!"

"We never said you were gonna wear one!"

"By the way, I can't be the only one using the pickup lines, some of you guys have to do it too." Rowan announced as you stood up with your crutches, making your way over to the box with different outfits in it.

"Then why did you pick us three to be girls?" Teddy chimed in, as you saw him cross his arms.

"Cause the three of you are short, and you're all passing to be girls. You're all pretty, and that's a compliment." You spoke, pulling out an outfit from the box that looks like it could fit you.

"(N/n) is a girl, right? Why can't she do it with us?"

"I wanna be fancy! Let me use pick up lines too! I know a few."


For the past few minutes, everyone had to change into their costumes.

Including you.

For you, you wore a suit. You've never worn one in your life.

You'll show up to a Union meeting in a suit. Maybe one day.

Perhaps you can beat up some guys in a suit as well. You would definitely look badass.

Looking at yourself in the mirror nearby, you turned your body from side to side while sitting down, before letting out a satisfied laugh.

"Damn, I look hot."

"Everyone done?" You heard Rowan from the room next door. Everyone went to the other room to change into their outfits, and you were left in a room alone to change.

"Uh, no?? How the hell do you put this on??"

"You have to clip it."

"You put it on upside down!"

"Oh, I'm sorry! It's not like I wear this stuff."


"You wanna wear them??"


You couldn't really help but start cackling like a maniac.

Just by listening to their loud conversations were hilarious, even if you didn't know the context.

"You're wearing Hello Kitty boxers?"

"Says the one that's wearing My Little Pony boxers!"



"Why are there actual panties in this box... Rowan, where did you even--"

"They're (Y/n)'s!"

"WHAT THE FUCK." You exclaimed, pounding on the wall and you knew for a fact that they could hear you.




"I'm sorry for saying they were yours."

"Get on your knees and beg."

"I'm sorry."

"Damn, (N/n).. A little too harsh now..." Ben commented from the side, while you turned to him immediately.

"You wanna join him too?"

"No, ma'am!"

"Why did you say it?" You questioned him, who was begging for forgiveness on his hands and knees.

"To be funny. Cause I know that GoGo has a massive cr--"

"OKAY, OKAY! T.M.I!" Alex interrupted, grabbing those things that snap in order to start the scene, like for a movie.

"(N/n), I'm sorry." Teddy repeats, lowering his head down on the floor and moving it up continuously like he was praising you and the gods.

"Break dance and then apologize... on your knees."

"What-- Ugh, Fine."

He attempted to break dance in front of you, eventually knocking a few things down, which included a mic that Rowan had that's used for movies.

"MY MICROPHONE!!" Rowan exclaims, rushing over to it while eventually tripping over Teddy's leg in the process.

"MY SHIN!" The red head exclaimed, bringing his leg up to his chest while rolling around the floor in pain.

Which resulted to him knocking down one of the boxes that were stacked up. Most of the accessories fell out, and it was the costume box.

One thing that stood out was a certain particular pair of clothing, that made you stare at it for a minute or so.

"(Y/n)? Are you okay?" Gray asks, placing a hand on your shoulder as you could hear the dress he was wearing crinkle loudly.

It was like a bag of chips.

You managed to pick up the clothing, staring at it as you held it by the straps with your fingers.

It was a bra. A black one.

"I think this is mine."

At least three or more loud crashes from behind you were made, either that one of the guys had tipped something over or had passed out for some reason.

"You think? Are you positive it's yours?" Gerard chimes in, hearing his footsteps approach from behind as you examined the piece of clothing.

"Ah... No. I have a similar one, but this isn't mine. I don't wear this brand."

The brand was too expensive for you anyway.

How the hell did Rowan get a hold of them after all?

"GoGo passed out. Again."

"DON'T MESS UP THE COSTUMES AND MAKE-UP.. THOSE WERE EXPENSIVE!!" Rowan exclaimed from where he was standing, hastily fixing the microphone along with the stack of boxes he pushed over on accident.

The more you stared at the piece of clothing in your hands, the more you slowly got attached to it.

It's cute. It looks nice. You want it.

Though, there are four different ways to get one.

The number one choice is obviously to ask Donald to buy it. Mans is rich, he bought you stuffed animals that probably got customized by him.

The second choice, buy it yourself.. If it wasn't that expensive.

And the third one, steal it. Literally, just snatch it when Rowan isn't looking and slip it into your pocket.

Or just ask Rowan. Most likely he'll say no since it is from the costume box, and like he said, these items were expensive.

Definitely the third one. There is no way in hell you'll be asking DONALD out of all people to buy you expensive lingerie.

The amount of hours of him questioning what size will only leave you speechless. You're way too shy to even tell this man your chest size, yet you're not afraid of roasting the shit out of him of his Macdonald's french fry hair through text and in person.

The others in the Union too, you wouldn't ask them. Ever.

Even if they volunteered to buy it for you. You still won't.

Including the Eunjang gang. Knowing GoGo, he would pass out on the spot.

If you bought it yourself, then you'll literally be struggling to buy food in the grocery store to keep you alive, especially when you're on a FUCKING LIMIT!!

The only thing you'll probably be able to buy is a bag of chips.. Not the family sized one, the mini bags that come in those boxes with eighty percent air in it.

There's always Donald to hook you up with money.

At the same time, that evil-cockatoo-from-rio bitch never gave you your paycheck.

..Unless they're in the stuffed animals.

Shaking your head, you didn't want to think of it any further.

Let's just go with the last option..

"Rowan. Can I have this...?" You asked, watching him turn his head to you while having a box in his hand.

The awkwardness between the two of you as you slowly averted your eyes to the ground.

Your face continued to heat up every second as he didn't respond yet.

Standing there quietly, you turn your eyes back up at his, only to see him staring directly at you.. Or rather, the bra that you held in your hands.

"Yeah, go ahead. I have no idea what to use that for anyway. Plus, there's a lot more in the box.. You can take them if you'd like to!" He finally responded, continuing to stack the box onto another.

"Ah, okay then.. Thanks." You say as you shoved it into your pocket and turned around to see whatever the others had going on.

Before literally flinching at the fact that there was a clown right next to you.


Right. That was actually Gray.

Out of all of the wigs Ben had chosen for him, he made Gray put on the rainbow clown wig.

Surprisingly, it fits with the makeup that Ben applied as well.

Let's just say that Gray looked like a clown. A clown with a crinkly hot pink dress that looks like the inside of a bag of chips.

"I'm sorry. Is it the makeup?"

"Yeah.. It is.. I think I'm gonna have nightmares."

Fully turning around, you see Eugene holding a tissue to his nose, Ben fidgeting with his costume, and Alex's halfway passed out state.

Literally, GoGo's gripping onto the window frame for dear life. You can even see him trembling while not even managing to get up.

Not to mention, but you saw at least a few props on the floor, no wonder why there were a couple of crashes made.

"Y'all good?" You ask, seeing Eugene put a thumbs up in response before hastily grabbing the box of tissues.

"Yup! All good hERe!" Ben answered, his voice cracking at the end which resulted to him slapping a hand over his mouth.

You decided not to question GoGo, you could already tell what's going on with him.

"Okay! Let's start with the recording!"


Third Person's Pov:

Rowan pressed the button on the camera, readjusting the microphone a little before standing in front of the camera with his costume on.

"Testing, testing.. Okay, the microphone is good." He muttered, before nodding slightly.

"Welcome back to Rowan TV! In this video, I'm gonna show you how to pick someone up with these pick-up lines, with a few examples from others shown in this video to show how effective they are!"

Teddy walks up onto the set and stands there, arms crossed as he looks at Rowan.

"Don't try any weird shit."

Rowan wraps an arm around Teddy, holding a rose in his hand "Are you from Tennessee? Cause you're the only ten I see."

"I'm gonna smack you in the face."


Ben walks up onto the set, wearing a casual outfit and holding a box of chocolate.

Alex appears on the set as well, nearly tripping due to the heels he was wearing.

Both of them stood in front of each other, staring at each other while Alex struggled with the excessively long messy wig he had to put on, moving it away from his face continuously.

"Will you be the Alex to my Ben?"

Ben spoke, kneeling down on one knee as he presented the box of chocolate to Alex, before pulling out a rose and placing it in his mouth.

The black-haired male could only stare at his best friend, watching him pull out a bouquet of flowers out of nowhere and offering the items to him like he was giving a sacrifice to the gods.

A big smile appeared on Alex's face, clasping his hands together as he looked at Ben.




It was Gerard's turn to go onto the set, along with Gray as well.

Gerard showed up with a letter in his hands, and a sticker as a heart to close the letter.

Gray stood there in his hot pink crinkly dress that sounded like a bag of potato chips every time he moved, the make-up he had on made him look terrifying, something that someone might see in their dreams.

Along with the wig he was told to put on by Ben, which looked like it was going to fall off any second.

Gerard let out a small sigh, before pulling out a rose and handing it together with the letter to Gray.

"My names not Sully, but you can still be my boo."



The (h/c) haired girl stepped onto the set, her crutches with her as Teddy walked up.

She wasn't holding anything unlike everyone else, who held at least a few things to make the pick-up lines look more effective.

She stood in front of Teddy, wearing a suit as he stood there, and just watched her.

She let out a small sigh, looking away for a moment before making direct eye contact with the blonde male.

"Damn shawty, might as well just get rid of my crutches cause I'm falling for you either way." She spoke, managing to slip some black shades on and put up finger guns.



Eugene goes onto the set with Gray partnering up with him this time.

He held a bouquet of flowers in his hand, presenting it to Gray and offering it to him.

"Are you a beaver cause dam."

"That's clever."


It was the (h/c) haired girl's turn once again, and this time, she partnered up with Alex due to Ben having to take a quick break before returning to the set.

"Are you a sharpie cause you're ultra-fine."

Alex's face immediately heated up, and he used his hands to cover his face in embarrassment.

"God damn it... You got me good.."


Teddy requested to partner up with her once again, both of them stepping onto the set as he stood there, waiting for her to use the pickup line.

Until she pulls out a gun, pointing it at Teddy.

On instinct, everyone freaked out at the weapon she pulled out of her pocket.

Yelling was the only thing that could be heard in the background, and including the microphone peaking loudly, and Teddy just froze on the spot, too shocked to even move.


"Freeze bitch I'm gonna steal your heart."

She pulled the trigger, only for a rose to come out of the barrel.

She took the rose out, handing it to Teddy who could only stand there in pure horror.

"I'm gonna pass out."


Ben and Gray appeared onto the set, with Ben having a rose in his mouth and a box of chocolate as well.

"I'm gonna eat you up like how I eat my food."



For some reason, Rowan got the order mixed up on who was supposed to partner with who for each scene.

So now, he had both the (e/c) girl and Gerard onto the set, and the both of them were supposed to be the ones making the pick-up lines, not the other way around.

"Be mine or I will artichoke you to death." Gerard suddenly speaks, getting closer to her by simply leaning towards her face.

She didn't speak, she just stood there in silence.

The woman was too stunned to speak.

Until she grabbed Gerard's collar, making him lean closer to her.

"IS THAT EVEN ALLOWED????" Alex exclaims, before a hand slaps over his mouth to shut him up.

"Shut up. I'm getting interested." Ben mutters, leaning forward to get a better look at the scene that was happening in front of him.

"This is like a K-Drama."

The (h/c) haired girl let out a laugh, a small smile appearing on her face as she leaned closer to Gerard.



Gerard's face instantly heated up after Alex's small sentence and made him panic silently.

The more she stared at him and gripped onto his collar, the more his face heated up due to how close the two are.

It seems that the tables have turned.

"I'll make the foundation of this relationship rock salad and you'll be thankful."

After she spoke, she let go of his collar, backing up and letting out a few laughs, with a smirk plastered onto her face.

Gerard let out a small pout, shaking his head as he quickly calmed himself down.

Until he thought of something that would be quite funny to get everyone's reaction.

"I'm so tall you won't have to get down on your knees lol."



Your Pov:

For the past two hours or so, you were all recording different scenes with all of the pick-up lines you've made up.

To be honest, it was really fun.

Especially when you grabbed Gerard by the collar, you felt hella confident and asserted dominance just by doing a simple move like that, and you felt GREAT about it.

Though, the single sentence he said last minute made you think other things, and you were too flustered to even think further about it.

And now you were sitting right next to him, both of you taking a break while also watching the chaotic scenes or redoing a few due to a certain someone's wig falling off.

Your eyes wandered around the room, which was filled with different lightings and a whole bunch of camera set ups, along with a lot of props that were mostly used throughout the entire recording session.

Until your eyes landed on a toy hammer right next to you, and it was a squeaky one too.

Those plastic toy hammers that you hit on the floor, and they make a large squeak sound that's surprisingly louder than the floorboards in your apartment.

Your hand reached for the hammer that was on the side, hastily grabbing onto it before looking over at Gerard, whose attention was somewhere else.

Without any hesitation, you bonked him on the head with the squeaky hammer, only to feel a hand wrap around your wrist in an instant.

You flinched from the quick contact, already trying to move your hand back, until your eyes turned to Gerard, seeing his single eye get revealed to you.

The features on his singular eye made a slight shiver go down your spine, making you freeze on the spot.

"Don't do that again."

The tone of his voice only made you flinch once again, it was scary..

But at the same time, it was kind of hot.

Alright, what the hell bro.

"I'm sorry." You apologized instantly, like you were getting scolded by your parents for doing something you weren't supposed to do.. Or apologizing to Donald for bullying him in the group chat, even though it's funny as hell.

He removed the toy hammer from your hand, before hitting you right back on the head with it.

"I deserved that." Adding onto your sentence as you heard a small quiet laugh escape from Gerard, only to feel a hand pat you on the head.

"We're even, now."



"I'll be right back. Gotta do something real quick." You told the green sherb, getting up with your crutches as you saw him stand up as well.

"Need my help?"

"Nope. I'm fine."

"Got it. I'll tell Rowan if he asks."

"Okay! Have fun recording."

You exited the room before quietly closing the door from behind you, not really wanting to interrupt the middle of the recording session.

Walking further in the hallway, you were met with a bunch of doors all around.. Yet, you weren't sure which room revealed whatever the hell was inside of it.

You decided to enter the one on your left, rather than the one that was in front of you, due to you being creeped out on how there wasn't any light touching that specific door.

As you entered, you were greeted with a certain scent.. Like tangerines...

It was a bedroom, that smelled like tangerines.

You looked around once more, only to see a closet that was slightly opened, and it revealed a bunch of white uniforms with light blue on them..

Ah, right. That's literally the school uniform.

Must be Ben's room, due to that same backpack you see with Ben every day in the corner of his room.

You closed the door behind you, inhaling the fresh scent of tangerines before taking a seat at the end of his bed.

Slipping your phone out of your pocket, you decided to do a few things before heading back to where the others were.

u a bitch
↳ i bet after all this time using these crutches i'd be a god at skiing


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take me with you


euneun chanchan


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shut up emo.


okay neon kid.


how was the food


u a bitch
it was really good!! tyyy


you're welcome


u a bitch
cook for me again my love


of course


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euneun chanchan


u a bitch
he cooks better than u hunny xoxo


euneun chanchan




euneun chanchan




u a bitch
do you wanna go skiing my love


anywhere u wanna go bubba


u a bitch


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oh my god.

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@kwon_ i see how it is.




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ur calling her bubba instead of me.


her and eun broke up. im breaking up with you and im gonna cook for her because she actually appreciates my cooking rather than trying to remake it to something better.


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u a bitch
jealousy is a disease bitch get well soon xoxo

u a bitch
↳ are we married @kwon_




you're what.


u a bitch
wolf i got married


(y/n) you're too young


u a bitch
and you're too young to be smoking all of that crack buddy.


jimmy john's pizza
wait you're married now.


u a bitch


jimmy john's pizza
but i thought that you and jack were..........


u a bitch
tell him i said im sorry but im married to dean now


i feel betrayed.


u a bitch


who you calling 'baby' now huh


divorce her i want her back






euneun chanchan
jack............ you're telling me you were with her too..........




euneun chanchan
@067 we want an explanation.


u a bitch
eunnie its called a harem xoxo

↳ fuck off assholes we're married @067


that's what the point of the mask is


that's what the point of the mask is


i already cried like 25 times today please stop


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omw to ur house.... im gonna cry with u.


wtf no dont come here


euneun chanchan
im coming too, thanks for the invite


i didnt even invite you guys to even come to my house wtf


mind if i join in too. he stole my wife.


god damn it now its the 26th time today.

↳ so yall are married. @kwon_ @067




u a bitch
we're married, wolf


tf does he have that i dont


u a bitch
mentally stable


that doesnt count


i have everything


i dont want ur stupid answer. i want her's


u a bitch


i have glasses.


u a bitch
hes hot


im hotter


u a bitch
he can fight


i can literally drop him on the ground rn.


u a bitch
he gave me a hat


i gave you cuddles and snuggles


u a bitch
snuggles?? all you gave me were struggles.


i have money


u a bitch
dean is rich


didnt you hear me? i said i have money


u a bitch
hes very drippy


i have nice clothes


u a bitch
the only nicest clothes you have in your closet is your school uniform shut up.


(y/n) divorce him and come to me ill treat u better bbg


u a bitch


wtf does he have that i dont


u a bitch
he can cook


i can cook too


u a bitch
you call microwaved mac and cheese a gourmet meal.




u a bitch
bubba he calls microwaved mac and cheese a gourmet meal like gordan ramsey


wolf i bet you call salt and pepper seasoning.


i will fight you and you are going to flip like pancakes


you prob can't make those fluffy pancakes anyways due to how much you keep on burning them and putting too much flour.


wtf you dont use the premade pancake mix


no dumbass. everything i make is fresh and all homemade


you sound like my grandma


u a bitch
i found out what he has that you wont ever have


tell me


u a bitch
actual friends


you fuck


u a bitch
okay ill be serious


tell me.


u a bitch
neck tattoo <333




Donald Na
fuck off assholes this is where i enter the photo.


u a bitch
i am loyal to dean u bitch


Donald Na
i have everything that he doesnt have


u a bitch
you dont have any friends, only co workers


Donald Na
god damn it

jimmy john's pizza
↳ so when's the wedding @067 @kwon_


tomorrow. under a large white gazebo with her favorite flowers decorated all over it.


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wait dean you're being deadass. i thought you were joking.


does it look like i'm joking *insert photo of dean with a poker face.*


hey twin *insert photo of jack with poker face*


yk how we're twins right... mind if u hand her over to me


does it look like i'm stupid.


that's also a no, by the way. so fuck off, we're married.


u a bitch
bubba dont be mean


i'm sorry, bubba. <3


u a bitch


you see hes bad for you, hes mean to others


u a bitch
dont you beat up people when they stare at you for 3 seconds


bubba he does


shut up bitch


u a bitch
you're not invited. hwangmo is allowed but not u


baby im sorry


don't ever say that shit to my wife ever again or else you'll be catching these hands you bitch.


dean im sorry


does it look like i accept your apology.




fuck off and die


u a bitch


euneun chanchan


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bubba i'm sorry


u a bitch
no more cute names


you want me to call you room temperature milk?


u a bitch
WTF DONT CALL ME THAT... also apologize


okay bubba <3


u a bitch
its okay bubba, just apologize <33


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u a bitch
jake im sorry


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u a bitch
jake i love dean. we're getting married


euneun chanchan




u a bitch
jack im sorry but there was someone else before you




u a bitch
that certain brown haired boy from middle school who bought me a cake <3


bubba no :(


u a bitch


you dont love me too huh </3


u a bitch
jack ily too


euneun chanchan
so we just gonna forget about eunnie.


fuck off you dehydrated mop. i'm better than you.


aren't you a furry.


euneun chanchan

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↳ you dont understand how much i love you more than he loves you. leave dean and marry me. @067


u a bitch
but im married to dean, jake.


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euneun chanchan


bubba sounds better than noot noot


u a bitch
jake im sorry but if you call me a noot noot or say 'i noot noot you' to me, it sounds like you're insulting me in the penguin language


and that's why bubba is a better nickname.


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euneun chanchan
how tf did you go from begging dean to take you back to now begging (n/n) to taking you instead


u a bitch
didnt you beg me to take you instead of dean.


euneun chanchan


bubba he's lying


euneun chanchan


tf does that have to do with anything.


euneun chanchan
*aggressive* i noot noot you.


not sure if you're saying that you love me in a very aggressive tone or you're just straight up insulting me.


euneun chanchan
i fucking noot noot you. 🖕


not the middle finger emoji. bye. 💀

u a bitch
↳ we're married guys @kwon_


please stop


euneun chanchan
i agree


that's what the point of the mask is
@naksung_ look it's a funny tweet


you made me cry like sixty times already. shut the fuck up.


by the time i reach my fucking limit im gonna die and im blaming my death on you.


you're not getting a discount when you visit hot topic again.


that's what the point of the mask is


that's what the point of the mask is
that's why you got kicked out of popeyes



jimmy john's pizza
↳ i have a present for you @wolf.keum 🎁




jimmy john's pizza
open it




jimmy john's pizza
open it stupid


okay i "opened" it, loser


jimmy john's pizza


u a bitch
this is why i married dean


jimmy john's pizza
ill treat u better than all of these bitches gimmie a chance




u a bitch
sorry jimmy but dean said no


jimmy john's pizza
what the fuck.

when's the wedding again @067 @kwon_


right now




euneun chanchan


i swear to god.

u a bitch


i got you homie


ima cry again

do you take this lovely woman to become your wife @kwon_


i do.


do you take this... man to be your husband @067


u a bitch
i do!!




kick this mf out he's not on the guest list.


euneun chanchan


you dont know how long ive been holding this shit in. I. FUCKING. OBJECT.

shit i know i play as the priest in this but i object too tbh.


jimmy john's pizza
fuck all of yall i object as well.


Donald Na
both kingsley and i object.


i object. fuck you dean.


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that's what the point of the mask is
yall know they have to kiss to make it official right.

i'm omw to your house. @067


u a bitch
alr bet no one is home bubba


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jimmy john's pizza
yall know her address???


euneun chanchan


Donald Na
not on my watch.




Donald Na
omw with your favorite chocolate @067


that really won't do shit. i'm cooking for her.


i cook better


jimmy john's pizza
no i cook better


tf do you mean "i cook better" the shit you cook is shit.


fr bruh


jimmy john's pizza
not like you can do any better


watch me. i can.


keep note that i taught him how to bake cookies and ended up flipping the recipe upside down like pancakes.


u a bitch
i want cookies


ill make you some rn


u a bitch


stop trying to steal my wife.


she's not ur wife yet dumbass


key word: yet

↳ bubba when i get to your house can i kiss you @067


u a bitch
yes bubba


on the mouth?


euneun chanchan
fuck off that's for me.


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u a bitch
on the cheek bubba


anything for you bubba.

↳ love me @067


u a bitch




u a bitch
dean, me nd seongmok r homies




know your limits.

↳ OPEN UP @067


u a bitch








u a bitch


bubba where are you.


u a bitch
i'm gonna pass out... btw dont touch anything.. unless ur making me food....... thanks bubba


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euneun chanchan


Donald Na
even i wouldn't dare to do that shit wtf.


u a bitch
i mean....... you kinda did........


Donald Na


u a bitch
that one fanfic


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bro aint no way


Donald Na
that doesn't answer my question??


u a bitch
yk.. that 'choice' fanfic by that one author... flammable garbage


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its unburnable trash you dumbass


u a bitch
so youre saying that you read it too.


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tell dean to open your house please


u a bitch

bubba where are you. @067


u a bitch
no one is there


bubba no.


u a bitch
im sorry bubba.

subscribe to my onlyfans
↳ open up please @067


u a bitch
no one is there


that's exactly why we're all here. so open up.


u a bitch
i'm being deadass. no one is there.


euneun chanchan
let me in please


u a bitch
its always you three that are the dumbasses. wheres tim tim when you need him.


Donald Na
i'm packing up my chocolate and leaving.


u a bitch
im sorry


Donald Na
not as sorry as wolf in that one fanfic by the same author you mentioned earlier.


u a bitch

u a bitch
↳ you guys... the reason why i kept saying 'no one is there.' is because no one is literally there. no one is in the house, not even me.


euneun chanchan
i hate you


euneun chanchan
this is why we broke up


u a bitch
says the one that was begging for me to take him back.


euneun chanchan


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ima cry.


i'm staying here until you come back.


u a bitch
and if i dont?


we're gonna have a problem here


u a bitch
what problem?


please come back to ur house


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(n/n) hes on the brink of tears


u a bitch
are you crying too


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u a bitch
boohoo cry me a river bitches.


i hate you


leave and never come back.




i'm asking you to leave.




that's what the point of the mask is
not yet it isnt until he kisses her

euneun chanchan
↳ dumbasses we're already married. i kissed her already stupid bitches @067


no you didn't


u a bitch
bubba he did


it doesn't matter. ya'll broke up.


u a bitch
u right


euneun chanchan
NO!!!! I REFUSE!!!!!


tf are you refusing?? the fact that you broke up with her??


u a bitch
go get em bubba


euneun chanchan
i h8 u.

u a bitch
↳ all of you guys are so controversial on this damn app like who tf hurt you guys.


the union


u a bitch
well at least i was able to meet u bubba :))


bubba i <3 u


u a bitch






u a bitch
sorry wolf but dean said no




euneun chanchan
not ts again smh.


is it true you kissed her


euneun chanchan


on the mouth?


euneun chanchan




u a bitch


euneun chanchan
what r u talking abt we did


u a bitch


euneun chanchan
wdym by liar we did


u a bitch
you are making false accusations.


euneun chanchan
but you can confirm that we kissed right


u a bitch
uhm. no. youre the one that kissed me on the cheek without my knowledge how tf was i supposed to know jfashlhfjsd


u a bitch


euneun chanchan


u a bitch
ever heard of low oxygen in a tiny room


what room.


u a bitch
ill tell u bubba


euneun chanchan
i kissed her on the cheek during our hangout at the mall. i have no shame.

u a bitch
@eunnieeeeew what are ur pronouns bestie


euneun chanchan
he/him bestie

u a bitch
*RETWEEETED FROM @eunnieeeeew* get his ass


euneun chanchan


i'm gonna fight you.


i should've never let you sit at my table when we were at the cafe.


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euneun chanchan
im married to her u bitches


u a bitch
u broke up with me


euneun chanchan
it was a joke


u a bitch
im packing my spaghetti and leaving


euneun chanchan


Donald Na
fuck off you dehydrated mop head she doesnt want you no more


u a bitch
you never gave me my paycheck


Donald Na
check your bank account


u a bitch
how do you know my bank acc


Donald Na
i have my ways


u a bitch
what's next??? you know what my school email is???


Donald Na


u a bitch
damn u a stalker


u a bitch
haha remember that one fanfic @jjakeji


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please no

euneun chanchan
↳ i dont know what to eat


then just fucking eat nothing and starve.


euneun chanchan
understandable. have a great day.

↳ donald be like "i know a spot" then just drive u off a cliff


Donald Na
okay but did you die tho?


Donald Na
ungrateful ass


u a bitch
wdym hes a good driver idk what youre on.


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u a bitch
look whos talking


u a bitch
"(y/n) open your door please"


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please shut up

"I guess I'm married to Dean now."

You let out a small sigh and were still shocked that more than two people were fighting over you.

This felt like a K-Drama.

But if you were married to Dean, he had to kiss you to make it official... On the cheek.

"What if I married two people since I have two identities?" You muttered to yourself, knowing for a fact that you indeed have two identities.

One of them was the one that everyone knew, your whole face, your rank on the Shuttle Patch, etc. Everyone knew about it, and some of those people were in the Union.

Then there was the other one, which was the one you used for the Union. Only those who were in the Union knew about that identity, which was literally half of your face being covered by a mask.

For those in Eunjang, they didn't know at all. Well, except for three people.

For one of them, they only know a tiny bit of your other identity. While the other two already knew about it.. Sort of.

To be honest, you were getting confused about it. The more you thought about it, the more complicated it became.

Shaking your head slightly, you switched over to your other account to catch up a little on the others.

the better and taller jin
↳ come back the recording is done @240


come get me


ben ben big ben
come now please


do you think i can easily walk back to the room


ben ben big ben


gogo alex go
ben im sorry but you're a dumbass


ben ben big ben
you cant be talking when you got a 41/100 on your math test


gogo alex go
says the one that got a lower score


the better and taller jin
not the both of them going for each others wigs rn bruh


ben ben big ben
alex wdym by a lower score i got a good grade


gogo alex go


bitch u barely passed tf


ben ben big ben
(n/n) what does 40/100 mean on the math test




gogo alex go




gogo alex go
but i passed


get his ass @YeonGray_


gogo you barely passed with a score of 41/100.


gogo alex go
but i passed.....


listen to me, alex. you barely passed with that score on a math test.


due to you getting that score, you gotta take the test again.


gogo alex go

gogo alex go


first you have to separate your coefficient aka a b and c. a=-2 b=16 c=-28


then you'll get your x-intercept formula and plug b on top and at the bottom


then you'll solve the top and bottom from the fraction and you'll get -16 over -4 and the answer will be 4 which is x. Then to get y you'll have to-


gogo alex go


how dare you-

marry me @YeonGray_






gogo alex go


fuck off gray im married to her already


ben ben big ben
nooo (n/n) marry me pls ill give u a ring pop




but i wanna marry gray




i can always remarry


(y/n) will you be my wife


the better and taller jin
forget about gray go for the tallest one


the better and taller jin
its a win win situation for you. you get a tall and caring husband that'll cook for you and carry you whenever you want


you sound like a simp


the better and taller jin
well tbh you are one too since you're tryna get everyone to back off of her






ben ben big ben




eugenee ^w^
me too me too


why be the wedding planner when yall can marry me instead <3333


join my harem.


eugenee ^w^
no comment


no comment pt2


fuck off rowan thats my wife youre messing with. u too eugene.


join my harem






gogo alex go
im gonna cry




well actually


stop breaking the fourth wall. we just fixed that shit.


the better and taller jin
all of yall shut up like damn... now (y/n) i have many reasons why you should be my wife and leave everyone else


your reason?


the better and taller jin
im 6'2


gogo alex go
i hate you


gerard never contact me again please and thanks.




ben ben big ben


ben ben big ben


ben ben big ben


ben ben big ben
i love u like how much i love my food, take me pls.....


take me instead, i can do something that everyone else in this group cant


which is?


i can do math


ben ben big ben
god damn it


gogo alex go
i hate you


get over here and fight him @eugene124


eugenee ^w^
i- physically or..??


no stupid in a science fight


eugenee ^w^

eugenee ^w^
gray im sorry but fight me @YeonGray_




haha if ur gonna get physical do it with me baby, kachow


please shut up


the better and taller jin
was that a cars reference?


u bet bubba


shit my bad wrong person


the better and taller jin
whose bubba


u dont have to know


(y/n) whose bubba.


u dont have to know........


dont make me use my secret weapon


does it involve using a belt




and a bed, perhaps?


that's inappropriate.


you're not denying it


stop it pkaeser


make me


the better and taller jin
youre making him shake




istfd okjay

gogo alex go
↳ who tf is bubba @240




gogo alex go
if you dont tell me im gonna use my secret weapon that you'll regret that i used


do it i dare you


gogo alex go
babe whose bubba





the better and taller jin
theyre fighting now @240


the better and taller jin
ill come and get you


im in ben's room


ben ben big ben
ignore the smell of chicken in my room im sorry for that i ate ttosikki chicken without their knowledge earlier


it doesnt smell like chicken??


ben ben big ben
okay good


ben ben big ben
wait what does it smell like


smells like me and you having a future together baby, kachow


the better and taller jin
shouldve said those lines during the recording earlier smh


the recording? not to be dramatic but i wanna remake a romance k-drama with u <3


the better and taller jin


ben ben big ben
if my room smelled bad im sorry :(


NOOOOOO IT DIDNT!! it smelled like tangerines


ben ben big ben
ohh!! i had orange chicken and orange soda earlier thats why!!


bish you didnt share


get his ass @eugene124


eugenee ^w^
rowan its okay we can buy chicken later


are they still fighting


eugenee ^w^
they're going for each others wigs


so theyre pulling each others hair


eugenee ^w^
if you would call it their hair, then yes. they're going for each other's hair and pulling it


and its surprisingly not coming off


damn those wigs from the dollar store are definitely stronger than the expensive ones

@YeonGray_ are you okay




im sorry


its okay


u know how ur good at science right




i've tested the thought of me and you several times, and the results are always positive


the chemistry between you and me are never negative


u'll be getting in my chamber of secrets tonight


u leonardo dicaptured my heart


listen baby girl, i may or may not like dance dance revolution but what we have ain't no game


are you the rooftop cause im falling for you



"Oh my god." You muttered, staring at your phone screen after rereading the single reply that Gray sent to you.

Before you were about to get up, you heard a knock on the door.


"Yeah?" You responded, placing your phone down on the bed and turning your head to the door.

As you watched the door open, you sat up from the bed, due to you getting a little lazy and lying your back down on it.

"Sorry for the oily smell in here, I made sure to turn on the AC and open the windows for the smell to get out, hehe." It was no one other than Ben, just entering his room as he closed the door behind him.

"It's fine! I only smelled tangerines when I walked in, so no need to worry about it." You replied, seeing him walk over before taking a seat right next to you on his bed.

"So! About earlier on twitter."

"Are you here to ask me to marry you?"

"That, and.. A few other things, if you don't mind me asking."

"Go ahead."

"I don't want to force you to answer, or rush you into a serious topic like this.. But I'll be straight up with you." He spoke, averting his eye contact with you as you watched his eyes wander to the floor.

He pauses for a moment, his eyelids closing halfway as he let out a small sigh.

"I.. Wanna talk about the Union." He continues on, his eyes turning straight towards you, going silent once again as you slowly nodded in response.

"Yeah. I'm fine with it. I'll answer your questions." You answered, raising a hand up to your neck and slightly pulling on the collar of the suit.

"Alright then.. But, if you feel uncomfortable with answering any of them, then please, don't force yourself to tell me if it's too personal for you-- Anything like that. Alright? I want you to be honest with me, but feeling comfortable is what I want you to feel the most."

"Got it."

"My first question... Is your falling off your bike story. I wasn't sure if it was true, but it seemed to me that everyone else believed it, so I eventually believed it as well. Though, I want to hear the true story on what happened. If you did fall off your bike, then you can just tell me straight up, but if it was an excuse to tell the others, then I'm quite curious." He asks, intertwining his fingers together as he rests his arms on his legs, his eyes watching you with complete curiosity. It was like he was interrogating you..

"About that story.. It wasn't true. I told Gerard about it when I got back to school. To summarize things up, I got kidnapped by Myles and a bunch of dudes from Manwol. They ordered me to tell them information on what I have on Donald, and the Union in particular. Though, I told them everything I knew, but I didn't know the exact information that they wanted. In the end, they resorted to violence when finding out I didn't have the information and decided to keep me in their abandoned building for around a day, or probably two."

"Who saved you, if you don't mind me asking?"

"The Mok-Ha Duo. I don't know that much about them, but you guys should stay away. I'm pretty sure Eugene and Rowan have more details on them."

"Alright... But what about your safety? Are you really safe in the Union?" His eyes wandered down, as you did the same.

Looking down at your ankles, it was visible that there were bandages on it.. And you obviously needed crutches to help you walk.

"I'm.. Fine. It's not the worst, nor the best. They do get into fights, and sometimes not. But don't worry about it, I'll be fine, Ben." You answered, fidgeting with your fingers as your eyes wandered to your hands.

"Plus, the guys in the Union are quite funny and oddly comforting, so that relieves my stress and anxiety whenever I'm in a situation with them. At least sometimes." Adding on, your eyes turned over to Ben, who was looking right back at you.

"You're friends with Jake Ji, right?"

"Yeah. At least his side isn't too bad as the others in the Union.. His friend group is really nice."

Not to mention, but you're actually married to Dean Kwon from Daehyeon.

"Well then, enough about the Union talk. What I really wanted to say was.." Ben changed the subject, standing up from the bed before moving right in front of you.

He gets down on his knees, making your face heat up instantly, since you didn't know what the hell he was gonna do.

Or maybe it's just that you think things quite.. Differently.

"(Y/n)! Will you be my wife?" He asks, kneeling down on one knee and presenting a ring pop to you.

You had a single thought pop itself into your head, and thankfully you didn't blurt it out.

Where the fuck did he pull that out from?? His ass??

Just as you were about to answer, there was a knock on the door.

"Hey Ben, (Y/n). Rowan is calling us."

"Give us a second!"

"Why? What are you two doing in here?" The door immediately opens, revealing no one other than Gerard at the door, and it seems like he was looking back and forth at the both of you.

You couldn't tell.. His eyes were being covered by his hair..

"I'm proposing. Please leave."

"Better luck next time. Cause red-head over there needs everyone in the recording room." Gerard shoots back at him, pointing a thumb over in the direction of the other room that everyone was in.

Hearing Ben let out a small sigh, he gets up from the floor, taking a few steps towards you before holding your face with his hand.

You froze once you felt his hand make contact with your face.. His hand was soft and warm..

Just as you were about to speak.. As if you were able to mutter something out, Ben slips the candy ring in your mouth, making you a little shocked due to the action being swifter than the pickup lines you come up with on the spot.

"I'll meet you guys in the room! Better go stop GoGo and Teddy from pulling each other's wigs." He spoke, the warmth of his hand quickly removing itself from your face as you watched him dash out of the room.

The ring pop was still in your mouth, not until you lifted a hand up to your mouth and removed the sweet candy.

You were speechless. Your face was still warm. You didn't know how to think properly after that.

Still having the ring pop in your hand, you lifted your free hand and lightly caressed the place where Ben's hand was not too long ago.

Only for you to freeze, your face continuing to heat up by the second as you realized what the hell you were doing.

Plus, Gerard was standing right there, watching you do whatever the hell you were doing and not leaving yet.

"(Y/n), are you coming?" Speaking of the devil, his voice catches your attention, seeing him leaning on the door frame while still wearing the same outfit from earlier, when you all were still recording.

And yeah, you were still wearing the suit. It was surprisingly comfortable..

"Oh-- Yeah, I am!" You answered, grabbing your crutches from the side while popping the ring pop in your mouth as you made your way over to the exit of the room.

While making it to the exit, you were nearly there.. Halfway out of the door, to be exact.

Only to feel an arm hastily pull you backwards, making you trip on your own feet.

It all happened in one swift movement, much quicker than shadows. You expected for your crutches to hit the ground, but it didn't. The sound of a door closing shut before a soft click was made as well.

The room was dimly lit up by the small lantern, making it quite hard to see what was in front of you.

You expected to feel your feet hit the ground, and result in you falling face first onto the floor, but it never happened.

But something.. It felt like an arm was wrapped around your waist, preventing you from falling sideways and vice versa.

Only to realize your back was leaning against that same door that was locked.

And you failed to realize that the candy you had in your mouth was long gone.

You were too shocked to move, only blinking a few times before lifting a hand up and slightly patting on whatever was in front of you.

The soft material of clothing brushes itself underneath your fingertips, only making you more curious by the second.



Once you spoke, you tilted your head up slightly, due to you hearing the voice in a certain direction.

Of course, the sherb and tree head man himself, Gerard.

His singular eye making contact with yours, the both of you just... Staring, in silence.

Only for the green haired male to break that silence as his mouth slightly opened.

"Ah-- Sorry.. I wasn't thinking properly. What the hell am I doing...?" He hastily apologized, breaking away from the eye contact as he moved his head to the side.

The room was dimly lit up from a small lantern on the desk. The lantern light slightly touches Gerard's face, making you able to get a slight good look at it.

He was biting down on his lower lip, seeing it quiver a little as you felt his arm tremble slightly.

To be honest, you didn't know what to say. Hell, you were thinking if you should even speak!

..Well, not until you thought of a singular question that popped into your mind.

"Did you want to tell me something, Gerard?"

His head slightly turned over to you, seeing his other eye avert to yours.

"Well, now that you mentioned it."

He got closer to your face, making your face heat up for the hundredth time today.

'The hell is up with these guys making my face heat up??'

"There's... Something I'd like to show you. Something that is very personal to me.. I wanna show it to you since I feel a sort of comfort when I'm with you. I don't really know how to describe it well but being with you just brings back this sort of.. Nostalgia. Just stuff from back in the days."

'Is he gonna show me his di--'

God damn it (Y/n) not again.

You nodded your head in response, seeing his face soften up a little.

He let out a small quiet laugh, before watching him lift a hand up and place it on his forehead.

His hand moving up, lifting his hair away from both of his eyes that you never knew you would see together.

A certain red mark was above that same eye, making your own eyes wander to it.

A burn mark, to be exact.

"Heh. I can see you properly now with both of my eyes, instead of just one." He spoke, giving you a smile that you never knew you needed to see at least once in your life.

Or perhaps, forever?

Hah. In your dreams.

"Your eyes are really pretty." You blurted out, making you hastily cover your mouth with both of your hands. The slight burn you felt in your cheeks as you averted eye contact with him.. But his eyes are a once in a life time chance of seeing, you can't look away now.

Gerard let out a small laugh, removing his hand from his hair before lightly patting you on the head.

"Yours are too."

This man is really making you fall head over heels for him, huh.

"We should get back to the others now, they probably need our help to separate GoGo and Teddy from fighting."

"Yeah, let's go."


Third Person's Pov:

In Yeouinaru, Donald and Kingsley were walking in the hallways of the building in silence. The sound of their footsteps was the only silence breaker there was in the situation.

"About those guys... The Mok-Ha duo..." Kingsley spoke, his eyes turning to the side to instantly meet with a pair of red eyes.

"I know they're handling things at Yeo-Il without a problem.. But I still think it's a bit early to leave them in charge of managing subcontractors and collecting money when they just became executives." He added on, his silver eyes averting back forward as the white-haired male beside him nodded slightly.

"I agree. But as you know, Kingsley, there are too many businesses to handle just for the two of us. We need to start diversifying." Donald replied, lifting a hand up to show a stack of papers with stains of blood that was soaked into it.

"Jake got all these bidding forms from every subcontractor that complained, with their seals stamped... Maybe he's better for the job than we thought."

"Besides, he has to earn his keep too."

"That's why I'm thinking of leaving Jake in charge of Daegwang Industries."

"Daegwang? But that's in Ganghak's turf." Kingsley commented, halting once the door to the office was already in view.

"That's why I called him in, to explain everything." Donald answered, lifting his free hand up to the doorknob to his office.

"Didn't you call (Y/n) in too? Shouldn't the both of them have a meeting separately instead of talking to the both of them in the same meeting?"

The white-haired male halted, pulling his hand back from the doorknob slightly before turning over to his assistant.

"Yes, I did. I think it's time to give her some work to do instead of doing nothing." He answered, a small smile forming itself on his face before turning his head forward.

"Wait here."

Donald opens the door, revealing no one other than the (h/c) haired girl and the purple haired male sitting next to each other on the couch.

Seemed like to him, they were chatting with one another before he arrived.


A few minutes earlier

Your Pov:

You arrived at the office, just like what Donald told you to do.

He called you not too long ago, requesting a meeting with you in person to discuss a few things.

You didn't know what he wanted to talk with you about.. Though, you didn't want to question him over the phone, it's probably important.

But you did sleepover at Ben's house with everyone else.. Good thing that Gray woke up earlier than everyone else and bid you a goodbye before you left.

Plus, he cooked while waiting for everyone to wake up.. His cooking skills never fail to amaze you, it's been like that ever since middle school.

You made a quick stop to your apartment, taking a shower, changing, and basically doing everything you needed to do before making it to Yeouinaru.

And now you're here in front of the door to Donald's office, just once knock away to enter the room.

Managing to knock on the door, it instantly opens, revealing no one other than the biggest softie you've ever met in your life.

"Huh-- (Y/n)? The hell are you doing here in Yeouinaru?" The purple haired male spoke, instantly pulling you into a tight hug that made you stop breathing for a moment. At least you were able to hug him back.

"Donald called me over for a meeting." You answered, the both of you breaking away from the hug simultaneously as he gave you a small smirk.

"Huh. Same here. I guess we both need to attend this meeting."

"Wait, you're still wearing the mask? Doesn't everyone know who you are already?"

"Dumbass, not everyone. Still have to keep this identity a secret, you know."

"I guess you're right."

You walked inside the office, taking a seat down on the couch as Wolf followed along.

Until a certain object had catched your attention.

"Why is there a box?" Asking as you stared at the medium sized box in the corner. It had no label on it. It was just a box in the corner.

"No idea. It was tempting to take a peek inside of it when I arrived, but then I didn't want Donald walking in to see me looking at his package." He responded, letting out a small sigh as you turned your head to him.

"Wanna open it now?"

"Well, do you wanna get scolded?"

"What's Donald out of all people gonna do? Take away my crutches?" You questioned, crossing your arms as he slightly shrugged.

"Then you'll be needing a wheelchair, if he ever does that."

"A wheelchair? No thanks.."

"Oh, speaking of wheelchairs. There was this guy I almost bumped into at the hospital a while ago."

"A guy?" Wolf questioned, as you let out a sigh.

"Why are you surprised? Literally everyone in this Union is a dude and I know a small portion of them."

"Yeah, yeah. I guess you're right."

"Anyways, he was in a wheelchair, we almost bumped into each other, and I found out that he's actually Jake's older brother."

"Oh, right. He has an older brother."

"Yeah! And it was pretty cool when I found out, I wanna ask Jake if I can meet him or something."

"Do you have any siblings?" Wolf asked, making your turn your head to him before shaking your head.

"Nope. I'm an only child. I guess I could say that it has some benefits."

"That's interesting.."

"Do you have any siblings?" You asked him, only to see him freeze on the spot and avert his eye contact with you, before looking straight to the floor.

He let out a laugh, scratching the side of his face as you sat there, waiting for an answer.

"Well, do you?"

"I... I have an.. Older brother."

"What's his name?"

"..Kang-Dae. He's in university."

"What does he look like?"

To rephrase that in your mind, you were basically asking 'is he hot?'

He lets out a small sigh, taking off his glasses before covering his eyes with a single hand.

"Do we really have to talk about my older brother..? Why are you getting interested all of a sudden?"

The tips of his ears were tinted with the color red, making him turn his head to the side even more, not letting you see his face.

"Why? Are you jealous?"

"No.. It's just that, no one really asked about my older brother.. Nor have I mentioned it. No one knows I have a sibling-- Well, except for you."

"He's kind of.. How do I put this... Annoying? In some way? Maybe it's just me, but I don't really like talking about him.."

"He has the same eye color as me, he dyed his hair black, wears glasses, has piercings.. That's it."

"How tall is he?"

"I'm not answering that."

"Tell me or else."

"Or else, what?"

"I'll go to your house and see your brother myself."

"WHAT?? Alright, fine!"

"He's six feet and three inches."

You sat there in silence, processing what he said and now imagining what his older brother may look like.

Black hair, same grey eyes as Wolf, wears glasses, piercings, six feet and three inches, looks like Wolf in some way..

"Is he smart?"

"Okay-- That's too many questions for you today."

"Show me a photo! I wanna see what he looks like."

"Nope. Never in my life."


"Also-- The fuck do you mean by: Dean is your husband?? Why are you choosing him??"

"Yeah. You're definitely jealous. Bringing up Dean and getting jealous of me asking what your older brother looks like." Crossing your arms as you shook your head, only to hear a scoff escape from him.

"WHAT! HEY! I'm not jealous!"

"You're the most jealous man I know."

"You know other men?"

"SEE?? I told you!"

The two of you continued to bicker back and forth while just waiting for Donald to just walk in and break the fight apart, before he walks in to the both of you throwing his furniture at each other or going for each other's socks.

You're already at your limit, only a little bit more and you'll really go for Wolf for his socks, probably even his glasses.

Sitting there in silence, you had your arms crossed while looking over to the side.

Turning your eyes over to Wolf, he was silent as well, resting his arm on the arm rest while having his head in the palm of his hand.

Looking away, you let out a small sigh.

You could automatically tell that the both of you were already done with the conversation, not really wanting to talk with one another at the moment due to it getting a little too heated.

Thankfully it didn't get too serious.

And if it did, well..

The serious part would've been a Female Fighter VS Wolf Keum Part Two. Rematch version.

To be honest, you don't want that shit to happen. You keep getting bones broken every week like it's a damn lifestyle.

Your high school life was definitely something you would've never expected at all.

You let out a sigh, leaning back as you felt your back hit the soft leather of the couch.

"Wanna hang out later?"

"What place?"

"Where we always go. That same cafe as always, and ordering that cake you liked eating."

"What time?"

"After this meeting."


"By the way."

"Don't tell me to divorce Dean and go with you."

"You guys didn't kiss yet to make it official."

"Yeah. Yet."



"Leave him."

"I just said no."

"Leave him."

"One second." You told him, pulling your phone out and instantly going to your contacts.

You pressed the contact, pressing the speaker button as you waited for them to pick up.

A single ring went by, and the call was immediately answered.


"Bubba. I have a question." You spoke, turning your eyes to Wolf as he looked like he was on the brink of snapping his glasses.

To be honest, you'd rather see Kingsley get enough of everyone's bullshit and snap his own glasses instead and chew them all out satisfyingly.

Then again, he might even chew you out the most since you're starting drama with everyone in the group chat and Twitter.

"What's your question, bubba?" His voice being clear from the other line, as you heard the sound of soft chatter in the background.

"Wolf told me to break up with you and go for him. Thoughts on that?"

"Tell him I said no."

"Sorry, Wolf. But Dean said no." You told the purple-haired male that was sitting beside you, seeing him glare at your phone like it was a facetime call.

"Dean." Wolf spoke, his voice raising slightly as you watched him slip off his glasses.


"Break up with her."


"Didn't you hear me? Break up with (Y/n)."

"And didn't you hear me? My answer is no. Do I have to keep repeating myself or do you need me to spell it out?"

After Dean's response, Wolf went quiet. And so did Dean.

You just sat there, holding your phone in your hand as you just heard the two of them bicker just like what you and Wolf did not too long ago..

A few minutes passed, being too quiet as neither of them spoke.

Right until Dean cleared his throat from the other line to break the silence, and Wolf continued to give him the silent treatment.

Silence grew in the air once again, making you let out a sigh.


Until a voice that sounded way different from Dean's broke that silence, making you start laughing hysterically.


"You guessed it!"

"Eunchan. Tell Dean to break up with (Y/n)." Wolf finally spoke, instantly receiving a sigh from you.

"Here we go again..."

"Mm.. Do it yourself! You simp."

"WHAT?? HAHAHA." Hearing another voice from the other line, it definitely belonged to the orange-haired male who you hung out with the other day.


"OKAY.. Too much, alright?" You told him, bonking him on the head while receiving a glare from him.

"Eun, Jake. Put Dean on the phone."

"Got it, boss!"

"Bubba?" Hearing Dean's voice from the other line, you also heard a frustrated Wolf let out a large sigh.

"Bubba, I got to go. I kind of have a meeting right now.."

"Want me to pick you up?"

"WHAT!! JUST YOU?? AND HER?? NO! I REFUSE!! I'M GOING TOO." Eunchan's voice in the background made you slightly flinch, moving your phone away from you while lowering the volume a little.

"Eun, please stop."

"Bubba, I'm gonna hang out with Wolf after the meeting. Maybe later when we're both finished."

"Got it. Just text me when you're done."

"Also-- Wolf, you better not try anything. I'm married to her, and you're not."

The both of you exchanged your goodbyes before ending the call, your head turning to meet an annoyed Wolf sitting right next to you with his arms crossed.

"You heard him."

"God damn it."

"By the way, I saw your second-in-command waiting outside the building." You changed the subject, placing your phone right next to you.

You need to calm this ball of anger down before he starts throwing shit around.

"What about him?"

"What's his name?"

"Hwangmo. Hwangmo Ju."

"Also-- How come you don't have a second-in-command? Everyone has one." He adds on, making you tilt your head to the side slightly.

"No need for one. Plus, a second-in-command from Eunjang? Eunjang is an enemy school with the Union, remember?"

"And for Yongsan... Jeez, the people there look like they're friendly but actually have the shittest personality you can ever imagine." You sighed, fidgeting with your fingers while you heard a soft hum escape from Wolf.

"I guess you're right.."

"Unless you wanna lend me one of your members to work for me on the side." Looking over at him, all you were greeted with was him just staring at you like you said you ate cereal and milk separately before breaking dancing to mix it all up.

Same type of shit that you pulled when you ate cereal in a pot a while back.

"My members? The only one I trust is Hwangmo instead of all of those fuckers. And if you're gonna ask for Hayden, I'm not letting that happen either."

"To be fair with you, and this is advice from me. Choose a member from Daehyeon or just don't have a second-in-command at all. Ask Jake to lend you one of his members-- He'll probably let you have Dean if you ask him."

"But Dean is already Jake's second-in-command. Plus, he needs everyone in his group."

"Well then.. I'm not sure.. You barely know anyone in Hyeongshin, along with Yoosun. I doubt that Jimmy and Forrest will actually lend you one of their members that you don't even know."

"There's always the Mok-Ha duo. I'll ask Seongmok to be my second-in-command."

"Pardon?? You wanna bring a mute guy along with you?"

"So?? What's wrong with that? Seongmok is a big teddy bear that most likely gives the best hugs! He just looks like it! Who cares if he's mute?? He looks cuddly!"

"No, wait. I'll get both of them! Seongmok and Dongha!"

"My god-- Let's just keep it the way it is for now.. Find a second-in-command in the future.. Or just wait until Donald decides to assign you with one." He sighs, leaning forward and resting his arms on his legs.

"Don't be like that! I'll ask the Mok-Ha duo to partner up with me when they have the time, so you don't have to worry about me being alone." You told him, lightly hitting him on the back as you watched him shake his head before leaning backwards.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

"Unless you want to be my second-in-command." You commented, crossing your arms and seeing him stare at you once again, like you said you needed to teach your friend's fish how to swim.

Well, you did tell that to him one time and ran off since he tried hitting on you.. And you'll tell him more confusing shit again just for fun.

Wolf was silent, dead silent, and just stared at you.

The man was too stunned to speak.

You cleared your throat, in an attempt to get his attention and stop his daydreaming.

"Let me rephrase this."

Lifting your hand up to your face, you slid your mask down, revealing your features before your eyes wandered to him.

"Wolf Keum. Wanna be my second-in-command?" You asked, a small smirk forming onto your face as you looked at his eyes that were being shielded by a pair of glasses.

In response, he muttered out an inaudible sentence, or if you could even call it a sentence.

His hands instantly covering his face as his glasses had slid themselves above them, making a small laugh escape from your lips.

"Are you joking with me right now? Wipe that smile off your face... Damn it."

"Your ears are red." You replied, slipping the mask back over your face while hearing a loud sigh escape from him.

"To be honest, I don't think it's possible for a leader to become a second-in-command with someone that shares the same role as them." Adding on to your previous question, you leaned back into the sofa crossing your legs as your eyes landed onto the coffee table in front of the both of you.

"So basically, you just got me flustered for no reason?"

"Well, I just wanted to see if my small tricks can work on someone like you, and apparently, it does!"

"Or maybe it depends on the person.. It probably worked because you're pretty emotional."

"What-- Hey! I'm not that emotional."

"Well, your mood changes quite quickly."

"In what way?"

"Remember when you socked me in the face and called me cute five minutes after."


"Also, when you tried apologizing right after you beat my ass."

"Shut up."

"You also asked me out one time and that was funny, cause you beat my ass weeks ago and didn't even know that was me."

"Please shut up."

"OH YEAH-- Remember that one time where--"

"Please... Please shut up."

"Beg then, bitch."

Wolf just stared at you once again, you could tell by the look of his face that he was completely done with your bullshit.

"I'll pay for your drink and cake at the cafe."


The two of you continued to chat for the next few minutes, until it felt like you both were waiting too long.

You both were probably waiting for a whole ass two hours for Donald to arrive, and he still hasn't even come yet.

Looking at his large window, the sky was blue. Obviously. It's still morning after all.

When you looked at the clock, a lot of time has passed.. And you have stuff to do back at your apartment.

..Not to mention but you nearly forgot about how Dean got into your apartment... TWICE.

Hopefully he didn't see anything weird.

And now you're still in Donald's office, with Wolf.

You're currently on the brink of just taking Wolf with you and leaving to hang out with him. Donald really loves taking his sweet time.

"Where the hell is Donald."

"No idea."

"What if he crashed his car."

"Sounds like a 'him' problem."

"Got kidnapped?"

"He's Donald. Who would even have the balls to kidnap him?"

"Remember how I got kidnapped? Those guys had the balls to kidnap me."

"That's cause they're stupid and they just wanted revenge on Donald and shit."

"Probably. Why else wouldn't they take the files and money. And why the hell would they even need me??"

"According to Donald, you're the most valuable member of the Union. You're probably one of the people he favors, to be honest."

"At least, that's what I think.. He even told me one time I was one of the pricks he favored." Wolf added on, letting out a sigh while you followed along with him.

"Do you think he drove off a cliff.."

"He probably did."

Hearing inaudible chatter from outside the door, you immediately sat up and slipped your mask back on, due to you pulling it down your face since you wanted to take a few photos with Wolf using different filters and such.

Especially that one filter with the pink neon cat ears.. You'll definitely use that filter on Gray when you have the chance.

"Fucking finally." Both you and Wolf commented simultaneously, fixing your postures and the way you're sitting, due you not wanting Donald out of all people to walk in on the both of you just lying on his couch, sitting on the places other than the actual seating.

The door opens, instantly making your head whip back to reveal Donald.. With his hair down... And it was styled.

Well, that's something new to see.

Along with a certain aroma that had caught your attention. The faint smell that filled up the room could only make you somehow focused on him.

To put it in smaller words, he smelled nice.

But then it sounded like a weird way to rephrase it, quite stalkerish..

"You both made it." He spoke, snapping you out of your small zoning out session.

Wolf stands up, making you a little surprised while you hastily grab onto your crutches.

Were you supposed to stand up in these types of meetings??

"Ah, it's okay. Stay seated." Donald added on, making you let out a small sigh of relief.

"The thing with those old fogies, is that they don't know when to stop talking." He began to speak, walking over to his desk as he slipped his coat off.

Lifting a hand up, he grabbed a hanger that was on the wall, slipping his coat on it before placing the hanger back where it originally was.

"The more our business takes off, the more problems we get."

After he added on that sentence, he pulled his shirt off, revealing all of the tattoos you never knew he had all over his upper body.

His back was facing both of you as he took his shirt off, making you inhale sharply at the sight in front of you.

Hell, you almost blurted out 'nice tattoos,' at Donald, which would've resulted to you being flustered at the small comment.

A hand slaps itself over your eyes, shielding your vision and the sight of you seeing Donald shirtless for the first time.. You already knew the hand belonged to no one other than Wolf, obviously.

Thankfully Donald didn't turn around yet, otherwise, he'll probably kick the both of you out for ten minutes before letting you back in the office.

Grabbing onto his hand, you slightly pulled it down, letting out a small sigh as you catched a glimpse of his.. Yeah, his abs.

You really couldn't help but let out a soft damn escape from your lips, only for a hand to literally slap itself on your face again.

Letting go of Wolf's hand, you used your right hand to hit him on his side.. You weren't sure where you hit him, though, but you already knew for a fact that you hit him.

Hearing him inhale sharply, you took this as an advantage to yank his hand off of your face and start throwing hands at him.

Wolf did the same thing too.

The both of you, on Donald's couch, just throwing hands at each other.

Not literally, just flailing your arms around at each other as he was halfway laying down on the couch while you were standing on your knees and just attacking him for deciding to slap his hands on your face.

Surprisingly, Donald didn't even notice.. Seems like he was busy with a small tag that was on his jacket.

"Recently, I gave Jake a few things to do." Once he spoke, you immediately stopped throwing hands with Wolf and grabbed his arm before yanking him to sit up straight.

You did the same, quickly getting down from the couch and fixing your posture to make it seem like the both of you weren't fighting the entire time Donald was busy with his clothes.

Once the both of you hastily sat down, Donald turned around, his red eyes scanning the both of you as you looked right back at him.

It did seem like you had no reaction nor emotion when you stared at him, but really, you were panicking for him not to even notice that the both of you were fighting.

You watched Donald pick up a pair of black scissors from his desk, turning around to finish with the tag, apparently.. At least that's what you were able to see.

Until you felt a hand smack you on the back of your head, making your head launch itself forward and instantly facing down to your lap.

You slowly raised your head up, your eyes quickly turning to Wolf, only to see a mischievous shit eating grin plastered onto his face as he looked right back at you.

In response, you punched him in the side of his face, making his head tilt to the side before he fixed it quickly with a small snap.

"And he did way better than I expected." Donald continues on, seeing him slip his jacket on before turning around once again, facing the both of you as you looked down, beginning to fidget with your thumbs.

Slightly glancing up, you saw Donald's eyes focus onto something on his desk, giving you the opportunity to bonk Wolf on the head and instantly receiving another hit on the back of your head.

Seeing the blonde-haired male look up at the both of you, a small smile formed itself onto his face, swiftly zipping his jacket up along with picking up a bloodied-up stack of papers in his hand.

"I always acknowledge when someone does a good job."

"Now... Wolf." He sat down at the couch across from the both of you, placing the stained papers onto the coffee table, which couldn't really help but catch your attention.

It seems.. That the papers were contracts of sorts, the ones you were able to see were either stamped or signed..

You could also question why the blood was there.. Although, it seemed pretty self-explanatory to you. This is the Union after all.

"Aside from Ganghak, where else are you in charge of?"

"Hyeongshin... If you mean businesses, I'm in charge of collecting money at KHG, Daegwang Industries, and Jeongil Logistics." The purple-haired male sitting next to you replied, making your eyes land on him, until you looked over at Donald.

"That's right. Daegwang... You almost lost all their bidding documents to Myles, along with getting (Y/n) over here kidnapped."

You looked over to Wolf, seeing his eyes wander down from Donald to the coffee table with a neutral expression.

Seems like he had something on his mind.

"Let Jake handle with Daegwang." He adds on, your eyes glancing back at Donald to see him have a smirk plastered onto his face, a hand on his chin as he looked at Wolf, until he looked at you.

The both of you made eye contact, with you obviously looking away due to how scary the sight of his red eyes were.

If you saw his bright red eyes in the middle of the night, let's just say you won't be sleeping for a bunch of days.

"All right."

"I guess you don't need a reason, do you?" That same smirk forming itself onto his features once again, making you let out a small inaudible sigh.


Once you heard your name, your eyes instantly turning at him. Slightly tilting your head to the side in response, you watched his mouth open to speak.

"I'll be assigning you to also take care of collecting money from KHG, Sigil Corporation, and Doksan Enterprise. You'll be collecting files and signatures for the following businesses I've assigned for you."

"Although, for KHG, Wolf will be partnering up with you when collecting from them. The others, however, you'll be by yourself to collect them... Unless someone is free on that collecting day, and they will be accompanying you." He explains to you, leaning back as he crosses his legs and arms swiftly.

So, now you have stuff to do in the Union. Well, it's pretty self-explanatory since you are not contributing any help in the Union. All you've been doing is spinning around in the chair, drinking the free Starbucks you get, getting in trouble most of the time, getting kidnapped, causing chaos on twitter AND the group chats, and barely paying attention while you're in this large group.

You're surprised you're not even fired yet.

"Can I choose who will be my companion?"

"If there are more than one person available, then yes."

"Can I choose all four?"

"..If they agree to it."

"Can I choose their second-in-commands?"

"If they also agree to it.."

Your eyes slowly wandered over to Wolf, only to see that his eyes were looking right back at you.

"Wolf, will you be free?" Asking as your head turned to him, watching him nod slightly.

"Anytime and always."

Turning your head over to Donald, you were greeted with those same bright red eyes that belonged to him.

"When are the collecting days?"

"Every few weeks or so."

"What about Seongmok? Can I bring him too?"

"If he agrees to it.."

"Then make sure he's free."

"I'll take note on that."

The meeting continued on for a few more minutes, basically Donald telling you about the businesses you'll be collecting from and which school you'll be sending that information to.

Some had to be sent to Yoosun, so it could be sent to Ganghak. Some had to be sent to Hyeongshin, so it would be sent to Daehyeon.

Most of it had to be sent directly to Ganghak, and the other half had to also be sent directly to Daehyeon.

You had to split the information to each of the four schools and send it to them individually.

But wouldn't it make more sense and take less time if you just split the information in half and sent it directly to Daehyeon and Ganghak? Rather than sending it to Yoosun and Hyeongshin for them to send it to Ganghak and Daehyeon themselves??

Or, to make your job here in the Union easier, can't you just send the information straight to Donald?? Why do you have to send it to the other schools??

Ah, right. Donald is Donald. He has a busy ass schedule, of course you can't just barge into his office and give him information while he's in a meeting with a guy that's probably an apartment landlord..

For the other schools, you're still thinking about it... Maybe.

Unless Yoosun and Hyeongshin have information that's related to the businesses you'll be collecting from and it'll eventually connect with each other once all of the information is together in a single file, which will make it simpler for Donald to figure out what to do with each business he's in-charge of and you'll get paid more!

The better the business and information that Donald gets, the more money you get paid!

'Hell yeah! Great thinking! I got this for sure!'

Donald said a few final words, before dismissing the both of you.

Seems like the meeting took a little longer than you thought.. The sight of the orange sky from Donald's window had caught your attention, seeing some of the windows from the other visible buildings beginning to light up slightly by the lights inside of those rooms, or hallways.

You made your way out of Donald's office, with Wolf following you from behind. His footsteps are clear enough for you to hear it and obviously recognize that it was his.

Once you walked out, you heard the door close from behind, making you turn around and be greeted with the purple-haired male currently pushing up his glasses.

"Ready to go?"


The both of you made your way to the elevator, that was until you heard your name being called out from behind.

Once you heard your name, you turned around, only to see no one other than Kingsley standing there.

"Yeah?" You responded, turning your body around while wondering why he wanted to grab your attention.

"Your bandages. They need to be replaced." He answered, holding up a red box with large visible white letters saying 'MEDICAL' on it.

"Oh, alright."

"I'll wait for you downstairs, I have to tell Hwangmo to leave without me." Wolf spoke, telling you as a soft ding was made from the elevator, the elevator doors instantly opening as you watched him head inside.

"I'll see you in a few minutes. I won't take long." You replied, seeing him shake his head and sending a small wave.

"Take your time, I'll always be waiting."

Watching the elevator doors close shut, Wolf had gone downstairs, leaving you with Kingsley that was standing at a distance from you.

"Follow me. I'll take you to the room."

You quickly followed behind Kingsley, safely following him to the room that he mentioned.

He kept walking, and you followed. Seems like the room was far away from Donald's office.. Maybe that's the room you got patched up in before resting in Donald's office...

Watching the tall, brown-haired male halt, he pulls out a key ring from his pocket, revealing all of the different keys that were attached to the silver key ring. The soft jingle was made as he quickly shuffled through the different keys, before taking out a golden key and inserting it into the keyhole of the doorknob.

With a quick turn and pull, he reaches his hand out for the doorknob, instantly opening it and revealing a dark room.

"Take a seat on the bed. I'll get things ready." He told you, which really couldn't help but let your dirty minded mind get to you, and that single sentence made your face heat up.

No, you shouldn't think of those things now. There's no time for that at this moment.

Plus, it was never gonna happen to you anyway, so why should you think of those little remarks you make inside of your head? It's not like it's gonna happen or anything.

Nodding slightly, you walked into the dark room and searched for the light switch, only for the lights to already be switched on once Kingsley entered the room, and he did the honors of turning the lights on after all.

You quickly walked over to the bed that Kingsley told you to sit at, and for some reason, there were those hospital beds you had to sit on while getting a checkup or seeing if any more of your limbs are getting broken.

Just how the hell did they get that in this room..?

Well, you couldn't question it. The room does belong to Donald after all, probably even this whole damn building. So of course, he can get anything with a single snap of his fingers.

(except for some bitches lmao)

Sitting down on the bed, you placed your crutches on the side, easy for you to reach over and grab them at any time.

Kingsley walked over one side of the bed, placing down the red container he was holding and beginning to open it, a small snap being made from the container as it revealed a whole bunch of medical stuff.

You watched him pull out a white cotton roll from the med kit, along with a few other things you weren't able to name.. Wait, is that a fucking syringe??

"What are you gonna inject in me?? Drugs?? The capital H???" You questioned aloud, instantly moving away from Kingsley as his eyes shifted towards you.

"I'm rearranging this container. I'm not going to inject any medication into you, I don't want you to get a sort of allergic reaction or worse due to me giving you unprescribed medication." He explained, placing the syringe on the side and continuing to rearrange the container, like he said he would.

"All I'm gonna do is replace those bandages you currently have on. They need to be changed." He added on, closing the container with a single snap and sliding it to the side.

Kingsley began to take a few steps towards you, the white cotton roll and a few other things in his hand before placing them back down on the bed, right beside you.


"You have to take off your clothes."

"Excuse me?"

"(Y/n). I won't do nor try anything weird. I won't stare, I'm not dirty minded, and I'm just going to replace the bandages like I said. I always keep my word. You don't need to take off your undergarments, just only your pants and such." Kingsley told you as his eyes looked up at yours, that neutral expression he always had on his face just staring at you.

"Nope-- No. I'm not.. I refuse. I'll do it myself." You hastily responded, crossing your arms as you looked to the side.

Your face continued to heat up by the second, and Kingsley didn't respond at all during those few seconds, which only made it more awkward.

"Do you know how to put the bandages on properly and correctly?"

"Of course, I do! All you have to do is wrap it around, put that tape thingy, and then you're done!"

"You also have to.."

He began to explain a bunch of other shit you couldn't even understand. Mostly just medical stuff but you're surprised at how he was able to pronounce the words that you could barely say even if you tried your hardest.

And yet.. You're in the top five of your class ranking, how can you be in the top five when you can't even pronounce medical names and stuff??

Maybe you're just a stupidly smart person.. Half stupid, and half smart.

"Do you understand?"

You didn't pay attention to a word he was even saying.

You refused to respond, just sitting there in silence as you turned your head back to him. He must've seen the visible confused look in your eyes.

"I'm taking that as a no... So, I guess I'll do it for you."

"At least give me something to cover myself with." You told him, placing a hand over the bottom part of your face as he nodded, walking over to one of the cabinets and taking out a blue medical blanket.

Handing it over to you, he made his way to the door, opening it while turning his head back.

"Tell me when you're ready. I'll knock every five minutes."

Nodding at his sentence, you watched him walk out the door and closing the door shut.

Now you just have to take your clothes off.. Like you're getting a checkup at a hospital.

You took the bottom part of your clothes off and left the upper part of your clothes on. Along with wrapping the blue medical blanket that was given to you around your lower body.

Now you're just sitting there, swinging your legs back and forth with your clothes folded on the side.

You wonder how Wolf is doing right now. Hopefully he isn't waiting too long..

You heard the knock on the door, along with Kingsley's voice on the other side.

Exchanging a few words with him, and asking him to repeat himself multiple times due to his voice being half audible and half inaudible from the other side of the door, he finally opens it.

"I was asking if you were ready." He told you, entering the room and closing the door behind him

"I couldn't hear you from the other side of the door that well." You replied, watching him walk over to his materials and organizing them for a quick moment.

"Well, this room is soundproof after all."

Soundproof rooms. Perfect for screaming the lyrics of your favorite songs or just blasting them without no one having to complain about the noise.

"Anyways, I'll get started now. Tell me when you need a break or when I'm putting too much pressure."

Nodding in response, you watched him start with your ankles first, removing the white bandaging one by one.

He placed those bandages onto a tray, which you guessed was a disposing tray.

Then he began to do a whole ass procedure on your ankles, asking if he was putting too much pressure just by holding it, asking you to move it, and just basically asking questions in general.

Maybe Kingsley is related to doctors.. Or is studying to become one. He'll definitely fit the role.

"Does it hurt for you to walk?"

"Not as much."

"I think you'll be able to walk starting by.. Probably tomorrow or so? Just don't touch your left ankle for a while."

"After all, you only have any serious injuries on your right ankle. For that left ankle of yours, give it a few more days to heal. Don't try running, alright?"

After he told you the things not to do and what to avoid, he began to treat your ankles, slightly pouring a sort of liquid onto a cotton ball and lightly tapping it on your ankle. You felt a few stings here and there, making you slightly wince at the pain.

"Do you want me to stop?" He asks, stopping what he was doing and looking up at you.

"No, you can continue."

Giving him the single sentence to continue, he nods, proceeding to treat your left ankle and finishing up by wrapping it in a white cotton bandage.

Kingsley began to hold your right leg next, inspecting the visible bruise that was on it.. You already knew where you got that injury.

"What happened here?" He questions, beginning to do the same procedure he did with your other ankle as that same sting made you slightly flinch once again.

"That's where I got kicked by Myles." You answered, watching him quickly finish up with your right ankle before standing up.

He disposed the cotton balls that were used on both of your ankles, turning around to you with a swift turn.

"Now you have to lift up the blanket. I have to replace the bandages on your thighs."

"OKAY-- No need to say the body parts when needing to replace those bandages, just.. Do your thing, and don't try anything weird." You hastily told him, putting both of your hands in front of you, making an 'x' and shaking your head.

"Got it."

You definitely watched him replace the bandages that were wrapped around your thighs, looking directly at his eyes to make sure they weren't looking anywhere else and only focusing on replacing the bandages.

He told you a few times to slightly lift up your leg, making him slide his hand under your leg in order to wrap the bandage around your thighs quite tightly.

He continued to do this for the entire procedure of replacing all of the bandages around your lower body and arms, and you actually found out that you had a few scratches and cuts on certain parts of your body, which explained the bandages you had wrapped around you when you woke up in Donald's office that one day.

And to be honest.. Not to sound creepy, nor weird... But Kingsley has some nice soft hands.

You did watch Kingsley's eyes make to sure he didn't look anywhere else other than just the bandages, but not the whole time.. While some of that time you were supposed to be watching Kingsley's eyes... Actually, ended up for you to be watching his hands instead.

It's alright, he didn't notice... Hopefully.

You really couldn't lie, but he has some nice hands.

A small imaginative thought creeps its way into your mind, making your face heat up slowly.

Imagine Kingsley..

Kingsley's hands, and he's wearing rings.

Hearing a voice call out your name, you immediately snapped back into reality.

"Yeah?" You replied, seeing the male in front of you staring right back at you.

"Lift up your shirt."

You slightly lifted up your shirt, revealing only a small bit of your stomach.


You lifted higher.


Now you're just wondering if he wants you to take off your shirt.

Hearing a small sigh escape from him, he places his hand on yours, making you question his small action.

"Stay still. I'll do it."

'Is he gonna take off my shirt??'

"Hey-- If you want me to take off my shirt, then at least ask." You tell him, a small frown forming on your face even though you knew he couldn't see it anyway.

"I didn't say I wanted you to take off your shirt, I just need you to lift it up. Just right under your chest area." He tells you, lifting your upper clothing to reveal a large white bandage wrapped around the under area of your chest.

You slightly flinched at the sudden movement, the cold air in the room instantly hitting your body as you used your other hand to grip onto his forearm.

Surprisingly, the upper part of your body didn't get used to the cold temperature in the room yet, even though you had no pants on. Which is like the same thing of wearing shorts and a huge ass sweater.

Plus, the way he just lifted your clothes up was another addition to why you flinched..

He must've noticed how you were feeling due to grabbing onto his arm, making him immediately let go of your clothes.

"Are you uncomfortable? We can always take a break."

"Is it always this cold in this room?" You asked, letting go of his forearm as you watched him push up his glasses, his eyes looking to the side for a moment, before looking right back at his hands.

"Well, we rarely use it. This room is only used for those who have serious injuries or just need to get patched up quickly while they're here. There wasn't anyone who needed to use this room recently, except for you." He told you, watching his eyes avert from his hands to your own eyes.

"Lift your shirt up."

For the next few minutes, he replaced the bandage that was around your under-chest area.. It was quite the experience.

At one point during the process, Kingsley placed his head onto your shoulder, at it seemed to you that he was finishing up with wrapping the bandage.. Though, the way you could feel his breath slightly touch your neck made you jump a tiny bit.

A shiver went down your spine, feeling Kingsley's hand lift the back of your clothes and his soft breathing you could feel on your neck didn't make it any better. You were getting quite dizzy by the second..

You sensed something quite familiar... Very familiar, to this certain moment you were going through right now.

Oh, right. It's like the same thing that Eunchan did not too long ago.

Damn, now your thoughts are coming back to haunt you again.

"Alright, we're done."

He spoke, stepping away from you and currently cleaning up everything that he used in this process.

You slipped your upper clothes down, before reaching over to your lower clothes that were folded on the side.

"I'll be outside. If you need help with anything, call me." He spoke again, making your head turn to the side only to see him literally standing outside the room. His hand on the doorknob as another was on the doorframe, his eyes with no emotion just staring into yours.

Nodding in response, he closes the door shut. Though, you waited for a few seconds before taking the medical blanket off and hastily putting your lower clothes back on.

You were honestly terrified that someone would just barge into the room, only to see that you had no pants on.

To be honest, you didn't care if your ankle was injured, if both of your arms were broken, or if you were in a hospital bed and needed five years to recover.. If someone barged into a room to see that you had no pants on, or if you were changing, you're ruining their whole entire career.

Someone would be catching you throwing hands on the spot, even if both of your arms were broken. They'll be catching these feet instead. You'll pull a Gerard and kick them in the balls if you had to.

Though, thankfully that didn't happen while you were changing. Otherwise, you'd most likely throw your crutches at whoever opened the door.

At the same time, Kingsley was waiting outside for you, so he probably wouldn't allow anyone to enter the room.

After finishing up with everything, you made your way to the exit, placing your hand on the doorknob and twisting it open.

"Kingsley?" You spoke, only to see the brown-haired male waiting right next to the door with his hand in his phone.

"Yes? Do you need anything?" He asked, slipping his phone into his pocket as you just poked your head out of the door.

Without any question, nor a single saying, he opened the door fully, letting you exit the room.

"Nope. I finished." You answered, tugging at your clothes a little to fix them.

"Then, you can leave now. Would you like me to escort you out the building?"

"If you're not busy, then sure."

"Don't worry. I'm not busy at the moment. I'll be glad to walk with you for a few minutes." Kingsley admits, a small smile appearing onto your face, knowing for a fact that he couldn't see it.

"Same. I'd like to walk with you too." You told him, looking at him with that same smile on your face that was being hidden with the mask you were wearing.

As Kingsley walked with you to the exit of the building, the both of you just catched up on a few things and had a small chat with each other in general. Nothing too big, nor too small. It was just a nice conversation to have with him after a while.

To be honest, the only conversations you've ever had with Kingsley were mostly about the Union and other important stuff.. Although, you felt a sort of comfort while talking with Kingsley. It felt somehow... Refreshing.

It's probably just that you haven't talked to him in a long while.

"So, Donald assigned you with some businesses to collect from?" He asks, making you let out a small sigh.

"Yup. Not complaining, though. At least I have something to do rather than just being there in the Union.. As long as I don't get hurt or anything, I'll be fine."

"Well, don't jinx it."

"I hope I didn't."

The both of you exchanged a few words here and there, along with you telling him another one of your famous 'deez nuts' jokes. Although, he didn't seem to mind, instead, he looked like he took a small interest in it.

Hopefully he won't pull a deez nuts joke on you.

"We're here. Seems like Wolf has been waiting for you." Kingsley comments, making you turn your head to the glass door and see Wolf standing nearby the building, currently having a small smoking session while scrolling on his phone.

"Well then, I'll see you later!"

"Yeah. See you, (Y/n)." He smiled, breaking that emotionless face he had for a while.

He smiled.

He has dimples.

After the both of you bid each other your goodbyes, he opened the door for you, allowing you to leave the building.

Taking a few steps forward, you looked back at the brown-haired male, seeing him send a small wave before turning around and leaving.

So, Kingsley has dimples.

That's something new.

"Hey, Wolf!" Calling out to the purple-haired male, he perks his head up, immediately turning to you.

A smile forms onto his face as he puts his cigarette out, along with slipping his phone into his pocket.

"Ready to go now?"

"Yup! Is the cafe still open?"

"Closes in five hours. We have time."

"Okay! To the cafe we go!"


The both of you were currently chatting away in the cafe, catching up on a lot of things, of course.

Feeling your phone vibrate in your pocket, you turned your attention to it.

Slipping your phone out, you saw that you were having an incoming facetime call from Dean.

"One second." You commented, accepting the call as you quickly fixed your hair.

"What is it?"

"Dean is calling." Once you told Wolf, you were immediately met with seeing colorful pills on a table.

Or, to be specific. Your desk.

"(Y/n), we need to have a talk when you get home."

Wolf must've overheard, due to him mouthing to you, 'Are you guys finally breaking up?'

"Shut up." You whispered to him, making him lean his head onto his hand with a small pout.

"What is it?"

"What the hell are these colorful pills?" He questions, showing the colorful pills that were on the table once again, as you took a sip of your drink.

"Put one in water."

"..Hold on."

"You have pills?" Wolf asked, seeing him about to put the straw of his drink into his mouth while turning his head to the side slightly.

"Just watch." You told him, placing your phone on the table for him to also see what Dean was currently showing through the video call.

Watching Dean fill up a small container with water, he places it back onto the desk before picking up a red pill and placing it into the container.

After waiting for a few seconds, the pill began to expand and eventually grow while it was in the water.

"What the hell is this?" He asked, showing the inside of the bowl with an expanding red thing in it.

"What the hell is that??" Wolf added on, looking at your phone more carefully as he took off his glasses before putting them back on.

"It's a rhinoceros." You told the both of them, only to receive a sigh from Wolf, and a small 'oh my god,' from Dean.

"You're so stupid." Dean spoke again, making you let out a small laugh as you picked up your phone.

"You're the one that married me."

"You're right.. Dumbass."

"Alright then, smartass."

"Come back home, I'll cook for you."

Hearing the sentence he spoke, it could only bring you to a realization.

How the fuck did Dean get inside of your apartment? Along with those other times too??

"How did you get in?"

"Don't ask."

"Dean, tell me your secrets." Wolf spoke, taking a sip of his drink once again only for Dean to respond with "No. Fuck off."

"Ouch. Damn."

"Why are you in my apartment, Dean?" You asked, only to see him flip the camera for you to see half of his face.

"You forgot to put away the stuff you bought from the mall."

"Oh.. Right.. But you didn't have to do that.. I was gonna clean up when I got home..." You told him, seeing him place his phone down on your desk before hearing a few rustling sounds.

"You forgot to organize your desk too. Not to mention, but you didn't finish your math homework either. It says it's due soon." He picks up his phone and shows your math homework, making you instantly panic.

"What-- Hey! Don't go through my homework!" You told him, hearing a small laugh escape from Wolf.

"He's probably gonna say that you've got three problems wrong."

"Don't jinx it!"

"Oh yeah, you also got a few problems wrong on the backside of your homework. You really have to pay attention in class." Dean spoke, making you let out a small sigh along with Wolf beginning to laugh.

"Did you call me just to tell me that I have a messy apartment and did my math homework wrong?" You asked, as Wolf was still calming himself down from his fit of laughter.

"Not really. Well-- Maybe, but also not really."

"Wanna see how organized your living room looks now?"

"You cleaned my living room??"

"I got bored."

"Malewife, for sure." Wolf commented, nodding along as he took another sip of his drink.

Watching Dean exit your room, he flipped the camera view to show himself about to head to the stairs.

Once he got to the stairs, you watched him begin to walk down it, taking one step at a time.

You let out a small sigh, looking at the stairs and knowing for a fact it was obviously your stairs.

"The stairs are cute." You commented, seeing Dean stop walking.

"These are your stairs."

"Where are you heading?" You asked, seeing him put his foot out to step down onto the next step.

Only for him to literally trip and slide down the stairs hastily.

There was a moment of silence due to you hearing the way he fell, and the loud thuds that were made as well.

"Oh, I fell." He commented, getting up and beginning to rub his knee, letting out a few painful whines.

"Ah, it hurts.."

You held back a laugh, beginning to tremble due to how much you're trying so hard to not let out a single noise.

Placing your hand over your mouth, you moved your phone away from your face to at least let out a few laughs that were being muffled in your hand.

"What happened? Why are you showing Wolf eating cake?" Dean spoke out from the other line, making you look at Wolf to see him just minding his own business and having the fork in his mouth.

"Leave me alone, Dean. Let me eat my cake in peace." Wolf commented, removing the fork from his mouth before flipping him off as you held back a laugh.

"I hope you choke on that cake."

Right after Dean said the single sentence, Wolf did in fact choke on the cake piece he placed in his mouth.

"This is bullying." He commented after his small fit of coughs, grabbing a napkin and quickly wiping his mouth with it.

"That's why you shouldn't mess with my wife."

"What the fuck."


Time skip

Third Person's Pov:

Meanwhile at an arcade, Ben and Gray have walked out of the arcade, just after Gray gave him some tips and tricks in a game in order to beat a certain character.

"I'm finally getting the gist of beating that game." Ben commented, his hands in his pockets as he made his way over to Gray, who was currently waiting for him.

"Hey Ben, I noticed you haven't hung out with Gogo much lately." Gray spoke, bringing up a small topic that made Ben rub the back of his head a little.

"Yeah, he's been acting weird lately. It's like he always has somewhere to be, but he never says where." He let out a small sigh, shaking his head a little before looking to the side "I hope he doesn't do something stupid again like back in middle school, haha."

The both of them began to walk with each other to their homes, just catching up on a few other things to pass the time.

"Anyways, I wasn't able to say bye to (N/n) the other day when the sleepover ended. Did something happen?" Ben asks, his eyes filled with curiosity as he wondered what the (h/c) haired girl was up to.

"She said she had to do some stuff at her apartment, along with running a few errands."

"Oh, that makes sense!"

A soft ringing sound was made from Gray's pocket, instantly getting his attention as he unlocked his phone.

"Oh." He commented, clicking onto the chat of the unknown number that had reached out to him.

At first, he thought it would be just another one of those random scam numbers that try and get his money.. That's not until he saw the message.

Everyone has their own trigger point.

Gray's eyes scanned the message that was sent to him, seeing a few others pop up as he continued to read the message from the unknown number.

Only for his entire mind to shut itself down, making him enter a state of shock.

..That incapacitates them from making rational judgements.

Gray's phone began to tremble in his hand as he read the messages that kept flowing in the chatroom.

And of course, he didn't realize that his phone wasn't shaking, but it was him.

Though, someone did notice this change in behavior.

It was Ben, who was standing right behind him.

"Gray... What's wrong?" He spoke, the sound of worry in his tone as he watched his friend trembling on the spot.

To Gray, that was Stephen Ahn.

An unknown number had texted him and told Gray about Stephen's whereabouts.

Although, they've also mentioned that he would be leaving soon this weekend. It would also.. Be Gray's last chance to find him.

"Hey... This is your middle school friend you told me about back at Ttosik Chicken, right...?" Ben asks, scanning the photo that had been sent to Gray.

"Gray. Do you know what my motto is?"

"It's 'The tougher the situation you're facing is, the more simpleminded you have to be.'" He tells the silver-haired male, making his emotions calm down a little.

"If you don't go and check this out for yourself, it'll always bother you."

"Just go. See if he's there. And if he's not, come back. Simple, right?" A small smile formed onto Ben's face, looking at the magenta-eyed male who said no words in disagreeing with the idea.

"I'll go with you. Just think we're going on a trip tomorrow to clear our heads, alright?"

"We should tell (Y/n) about this, she must want to go as well."

"Yeah. I'll give her a call."

Gray taps a few times on his phone, hitting the button before moving his phone close to his ear.

A few rings went by, until Gray's phone call had been picked up.


Your Pov:

"Hello?" You spoke, pressing the speaker button before placing your phone on the desk beside your bed.

You got back at your apartment a few hours ago, right after your hangout with Wolf.

Dean also mentioned earlier that he couldn't stay much longer, due to him having to do some stuff about the Union, and back at his place.

You also told him that he didn't have to pick you up if he was busy, Wolf dropped you off afterall.

You gotta say.. Dean can cook and clean, and so much more. Your apartment was sparkling clean once you got back.

"(Y/n). I have to tell you something."

"What is it, Gray?" Asking as your back hits your mattress, raising both of your arms up in order to stretch.

A few satisfying cracks were made, making you let out a small sigh.

"Stephen is in Busan."


You immediately jolted up from your bed, hastily grabbing your phone but also nearly dropping it.

"Are you being serious? He's in Busan?"

"Yes, he's in Busan. I've received a text message from someone, and they've told me that this weekend he will be leaving soon."

"Hold on-- I'm buying a train ticket right now. I'm coming with you, and don't you dare try and leave by yourself!"

Hanging up instantly, you already knew what to do, and began packing everything into your bag.

Along with bringing your wallet, can't forget about that.

Kingsley also mentioned that you will be able to stop using crutches starting tomorrow or the following week. As long as you don't touch your left ankle, you'll be fine.

All you had to do was follow the basic rules that you've been following before you had the crutches. Which was obviously no running.

It probably included no fighting as well.. But maybe you can still punch a guy in the face or two.

You bought the ticket, packed everything, and just finished getting your outfit ready for tomorrow.

You had to wake up early in order to get to the station and catch the train. Along with meeting up with Gray on the way to the station, or probably in the train.

Tomorrow, you'll find him.

You're finding Stephen no matter what.


Third Person's Pov:

At Yeongdeungpo Station, Gray held the train ticket in his hand, looking at the information that was printed onto the slip of paper.

Raising his hand slightly, he looked at his watch, seeing the current time before checking the time the train would be arriving on his ticket.

Thirty more minutes till the train arrives. He should get going now.

He began to walk in the direction of where the train was, only for him to hear his name be called out by two different voices.

Turning around he saw no one other than Ben and the (h/c)-haired girl, making their way to him.

Although, something was different.

Something quite off.

It definitely catched his attention.

It was his close friend since middle school.

Something just felt.. Different to him.

Was it her scent? Did she do something different?

Was it her hair? Did she style it?

Her clothes? A sort of change of style?

'Oh, of course. She's walking with no crutches.' He thought to himself, letting out a small sigh while his eyes averted over to Ben, who was also making his way over to him.

'Wait.. SHE'S WALKING NOW??' Gray's magenta eyes immediately went wide, staring at the (e/c) eyed girl that walked up to him as he just stood there.

"(Y/n)... You're.." He muttered out, having both of his hands out on standby just in case she would suddenly fall or something.

"We can't meet Stephen with him worrying about my health for the entire time. Don't worry, the doctor said that I can stop using crutches now. Just need a few more days for my ankle to heal and I'll be good as new!" She told him, giving a thumbs up and a big smile, as a worried Ben stood right next to her.

"Are you sure you can manage without your crutches? What if you're unable to walk when we get to Busan?" The black-eyed male asked as he scratched the side of his face, his eyes wandering down to her ankle that was being covered by her pants.

"I can manage!"

"Also, Ben, you're coming along with us too?"

"Yup! I told Gray I'll be going with him, haha. I knew he'd try to go by himself. I did overhear you telling him not to try and go to Busan alone after all."

"Plus, last time Gogo went on a trip by himself. He was a total wreck when he got back." Ben added on a smile formed onto his face as he chatted away with the both of them.

"Now that I know why the both of you are going, I can't let you two go all alone. It's better if you're with a group, rather than just two people. Worst case scenario is that you both might get lost and can't find each other."

"Don't worry. I didn't tell anyone else. I figured you guys probably wouldn't want anyone else to know the details."

"I just mentioned to Gerard that I'm going on a little trip. Just in case." Ben told the both of them, letting out a small laugh while receiving a nod from the both of them.


"It was so hard to keep it from Gogo though, haha."

Speaking of telling others where you're going, the (h/c) haired girl was actually on a call with Gerard not too long ago, just discussing where she'll be going.



"If I don't come back in like three days or a whole week, find me in Busan."

"What-- Huh?? What do you mean by that?"

"I might die there."

"Isn't Ben going with you? He told me he was going on a trip as well."

"Gerard Jin. Agree to my proposition."

"Which is?"

"If I go missing, come and get me in Busan."

"Got it."

She was also thinking of telling her blonde-haired friend.. But at the same time, he would most likely insist on going with her.

"Big Ben. Thanks." Gray spoke, sending a smile to the brown-haired male which made the (e/c) eyed girl place a hand over her heart and let out a soft sniffle.

'Ugh... That smile.. So precious!!'

"We'll probably have to look around until dinner time, so I made a list of all the good restaurants in the area." Ben commented, pulling his phone out and checking out the locations of the different restaurants he wrote down in his notes.

"This one sells really good Tteokbokki! And this restaurant's Gimbap has really good reviews!" He began to tell the both of them the variety of dishes that had good reviews, which eventually had caught the (h/c) haired girl's attention and peeked over his shoulder to see the different restaurants.

Ben had also put photos and the descriptions of what he would order at those restaurants he took a list of, making himself and the girl standing right next to him begin to start drooling at the photos of the different dishes they would soon try later today.

Busan, Jin-Gu,
Bujeon District

Where Big Ben searched:
Jeonbuk, Jeong-Eup,
Bujeon District

"We should get going now, the train is going to arrive soon."

"Got it, boss!"


Time skip

Your Pov:

You all finally made it to the train to Busan.

(haha train to busan. like the movie haha) (havent watched it yet don't spoil it please <3)

You were currently relaxing in your seat, letting out a small sigh as you looked out the window.

The black plastic bag in your lap rustled with each movement you've made, making you open the bag slightly.

It was a bag filled with snacks that Ben had gave you before boarding the train, along with a few containers of banana milk and your favorite drink.

You might be asking, why did he give you this bag? Instead of just giving it to you on the train?

Well, remember how you bought the ticket last night? Yeah, you forgot to ask them what train you should buy a ticket for, so that all three of you could be together.

So now you're here, all by yourself in the other train that was also going to Busan.

Thankfully, both of the trains were going to Busan, so you'll be able to meet up with them at the station when you arrive.

Ben and Gray got tickets for the same train, while you bought a ticket last night for the other train.

Well, you can't complain. At least you're going to the same destination as those two. You'll make sure to check which train to buy a ticket for on the way back.

To pass the time, you slipped your phone out of your pocket.

It's still quite early..

Let's use that time to see what kind of drama is stirring up on Twitter.

subscribe to my onlyfans
↳ you look like king bob fr @wolf.keum


you must be talking about timothy


subscribe to my onlyfans
nah im talking about u


tf do you mean by that


u a bitch


subscribe to my onlyfans


u a bitch
love ya too homie xoxo


i hate yall.


jimmy john's pizza
bob deez nuts on ur head hoe



jimmy john's pizza
↳ its seven in the morning why are yall up so early


i have to take care of my family dog


u a bitch
bitch you have a dog


yeah i do.... dawg


u a bitch
dont say that shit to me ever again.


subscribe to my onlyfans
can we see the dog


its a shiba


subscribe to my onlyfans
can i come over to ur house




subscribe to my onlyfans
please i wanna see your dog and give it treats


no fuck off


u a bitch
can i see


check your messages


subscribe to my onlyfans
what the fuck


wolf. get the fuck off my wife.


im showing her my dog




u a bitch
bubba can i see the dog please




only if he sends it in this thread.


fuck that im not showing yall my dog.


u a bitch
please bro


no fuck yall


u a bitch


u a bitch
i bet his name is senior woofers




subscribe to my onlyfans


thats literally my name.


subscribe to my onlyfans
not my fault you're a furry.


u a bitch


bubba, you shouldn't watch this.


u a bitch
its funny coming from the guy that beat my ass.


jimmy john's pizza
now now fellas. we can take this in two directions.


it's the second direction.


jimmy john's pizza
youre telling me that yall had




euneun chanchan
im gonna cry


naksung this u??


just because i cried like 200 times the other day doesnt mean you can ask people if thats secretly me.


damn you a bitch fr


u a bitch
ever thought of joining the sobbing contest, naksung?


subscribe to my onlyfans
200 times... r u pulling on my dick


its good for your health, apparently.


you should try it out sometime and tell ur friends about it to keep the stress away, good for your health, their health, and your community


euneun chanchan
well fuck me gently with a chainsaw. do i look like mother teresa??


u a bitch
you're not dean.

that's what the point of the mask is
↳ i got smth to tell yall about naksung


u a bitch


shut up


that's what the point of the mask is
also about dean too


try me.


that's what the point of the mask is
lets start with naksung first


that's what i thought.


that's what the point of the mask is
did yall ever know....


u a bitch
tell us


that's what the point of the mask is
its literally so... omg..


u a bitch


that's what the point of the mask is
not only did he get kicked out of popeyes, but before that, he got kicked out of starbucks.


u a bitch
naksung how did you go from starbucks to popeyes to hot topic.


we dont talk about that


u a bitch
wanna make me a coffee lol


u a bitch
and add a cake pop to that too


im working at an emo store i dont know what youre talking about.


u a bitch
no wonder why youre emo.


u a bitch
bro if you ever get kicked out yk theres always that one cafe near daehyeon yk... five hundred buckaroonies every week.... it'll be nice to have a friend to work with yk


no thanks i dont wanna see people from my school.


euneun chanchan


euneun chanchan
naksung this is why you get paid 12 bucks per hour.


at least i dont have to see you bitches ever in my work life again


euneun chanchan
i can go to the mall right now and beat you up


try me.


euneun chanchan
i hope you'll like working at subway.

that's what the point of the mask is


u a bitch
what did he do


don't you dare.


that's what the point of the mask is




that's what the point of the mask is


oh no you dean'nt.


u a bitch


u a bitch
proof or it didn't happen. where's the photos.


why do you wanna see photos of me when i'm right here?


u a bitch
dean full tattoo reveal????


*insert image of dean with his neck tattoo*


u a bitch
this is my husband guys


i also have another one.


u a bitch
YOU DO?????


u a bitch


on my chest. the pecs area. left one.


u a bitch
my husband is so hot guys... dean send a pic of that one too


Donald Na
i'm right here you know.


u a bitch
i like them with glasses


that's right. now fuck off edward wannabe.

subscribe to my onlyfans
↳ guys i just realized smth.. since we're on the topic of twilight....


subscribe to my onlyfans
wolf is team jacob


fuck you bc that scene with taylor lautner and his shirt off was hot


subscribe to my onlyfans
it started with sharkboy and lavagirl didnt it.


fuck you.

Let's switch things up for a moment. Seems like there was a small thing happening on the Eunjang side.

↳ pick up ur phone @240




lets play minecraft


i cant






its the weekend


im busy


i was gonna put my minecraft bed next to urs but nvm.


no please




no baby come back please


aren't we married.




i hate couples


it's funny coming from the guy that talked about putting his minecraft bed next to my wife's bed in front of me.


oh really now?? and guess what?? i made a house with her and found a panda. so, we have a child. im already married to her. fuck off gray.


didn't you say in the group chat that you had to sleep and didnt take care of our panda.


plus you pretty much just left to the store to get some milk idk man.


im feeding our panda right now.... wdym...


so the both of you have already started a family?


yeah, which automatically makes me married to her. you can leave, the door is wide open.


well guess what, teddy.


what is it, gray?


we beat the ender dragon together. back in middle school.


OH YEAHHH WE DID!! that was so much fun!!




the better and taller jin
damn this is worse than heartbreak.


shut the fuck up.


the better and taller jin
damn. someone is mad....


this is why you got beat up by jake


the better and taller jin
and this is why she left you for gray


the better and taller jin
and beat the ender dragon with her


the better and taller jin
lonely ass



↳ i hate gerard


gogo alex go
tf did he do


the better and taller jin
prob cause im taller


gerard do me a favor and go to settings then clicking account then deleting ur twitter. thanks.


the better and taller jin
not my fault my username is telling the truth


why are yall up so early on the weekend????? its like seven in the morning wtf......


the better and taller jin
why are you up, then


i have to do my laundry


tell gerard to delete his twitter


...but i have to do my laundry


fuck you and your laundry


gogo alex go
why are you so mad teddy....


shut the fuck up this is why youre short


gogo alex go
im literally two inches taller than you??


fuck you and your my little pony boxers


gogo alex go


ben ben big ben
haha you guys are such good friends


shut up you looked like willy wonka when you had longer hair




who hurt you bro


ISNT IT OBVIOUS??? leave gray right now.




leave him (y/n).


no <3


tf does he have that i dont.


not this question again fuck this im gone


what do you mean by that.


can you do your homework correctly????


take care of your cat... stop arguing with ppl on twitter.. jeez..


tell co i said hi


no fuck you they said they hate you


this is why i married gray


baby no




no baby come back please




baby please


beg bitch.


stop calling my wife 'your baby.'


she loves me more than you


if so, then how come she beat the ender dragon with me?


gray ilysm lets beat the ender dragon again my love




the better and taller jin
i told ya


the better and taller jin
ungrateful ass

↳ u dont understand how desperate i am for u baby come back to me ill give u 1000 dollas @240


i already get paid a lot


quit ur job u dont need that job all u need is me to give u money


gogo alex go
i bet you'll be working at ttosikki chicken


stfu. you and your my little pony boxers


gogo alex go
this is why she loves gray more than you



↳ guys i just wanna say this and make this final.


im married to gray, leave me and him alone pls.




you'll be okay dramatic bitch


you fuck-


the better and taller jin




gogo alex go


yall are more dramatic than the union holy freakleberries


ben ben big ben
u right


ben ben big ben
omg what are freakleberries are they good


never heard of them, but eat your apple, ben


ben ben big ben
i have pineapple too!!!


ben ben big ben
haha pen pineapple apple pen


gogo alex go

For the past two hours, you've basically spent all of your time on Twitter, switching from your different accounts and seeing all of the drama that was happening.

The ride to Busan from Seoul was about three hours.. Just one more hour and you'll be in Busan.

You've also had a few snacks that Ben gave you while you were scrolling away on your phone, but not too much since you wanted to try out the food they had in Busan.

On the train you were in, there were mostly groups of people that looked around your age, they're probably taking a group trip to Busan too.

One more hour... Just one more hour.. It felt like four hours had already passed.

Maybe you're overthinking this too much.

You've already had your earphones in your ears, all you had to do now was put your playlist on shuffle and get an hour of rest before getting off the train.

You really needed the rest after all, before you go and search for him.

Relaxing back in the chair, you let out a sigh, glancing over at the window that showed the outside view that was hastily moving.

The song that played out of your earphones brought you to a calm state, slowly making you a little tired.

Huh, this feeling seems quite familiar.

It's like it happened not too long ago, this same exact feeling and the same situation.

Listening to music while you fall asleep.

You're tired, you need the rest.

You'll think about everything else later, when you get off the train.




sorry for the many delays!!! ive been very busy with school and lemme tell u smth, my school life is way more wack than usual!! its crazy and wack, but its lowkey fun!! :))


dottore from genshin is so fucking fine

guys i put so many things in this chapter and it was one of the longest chapters ive ever written tbh. 28.6k words!!!! thats a new record!!!

tysm for reading!!! :)) reminder to stay safe out there and always drink water!! very important!!

i just wanna thank my two homies Thou_Mom and atxshx for being there for me while i was writing this chapter and giving me support to finish the chapter, along with choosing a new character for a future book !! ^^ you both are the real ones fr ilysm <3

one more time-- thank u all for reading!!! i love you all sm and thanks for waiting for this chapter!!! :)))

HELPPP i forgot how long this list was-- i also updated it bc some ppl put some more requests while i was taking a small break!!


Current Future Endings List

Ben Park x Reader

Alex Go x Reader

Gerard Jin x Reader

Teddy Jin x Reader

Gray Yeon x Reader

Stephen Ahn x Reader

Donald Na x Reader

Jimmy Bae x Reader

Jake Ji x Reader

Wolf Keum x Reader

Jack Kang x Reader

Dean Kwon x Reader

Sam Lee (Grape)x Reader

Kingsley Kwan x Reader

Eunchan Hong x Reader

Naksung Yoon x Reader

Eugene Gale x Reader

Rowan Im x Reader

Julia Chae x Reader

Seongmok Do x Reader

Dongha Baek x Reader

Hwangmo Ju x Reader

Lily Nam x Reader

Forrest Lee x Reader

Kenny Ji x Reader

Jimmy Bae x Reader x Wolf Keum

Teddy Jin x Reader x Donald Na x Wolf Keum

Teddy Jin x Jimmy Bae x Reader x Donald Na x Wolf Keum

Gray Yeon x Gerard Jin x Reader x Ben Park x Alex Go

Teddy Jin x Jimmy Bae x Reader x Donald Na x Wolf Keum x Gray Yeon

Gray Yeon x Gerard Jin x Reader x Ben Park x Alex Go x Teddy Jin

Teddy Jin x Jimmy Bae x Reader x Donald Na x Wolf Keum x Jack Kang

Jack Kang x Jimmy Bae x Reader x Donald Na x Wolf Keum

Gray Yeon x Gerard Jin x Reader x Ben Park x Alex Go x Teddy Jin x Wolf Keum

Poly!Gray Yeon x Reader x Alex Go

Poly!Ben Park x Reader x Alex Go

Poly! Jake Ji x Reader x Dean Kwon

Teddy Jin x Reader x Donald Na x Jack Kang

Gray Yeon x Reader x Stephen Ahn

Alex Go x Jimmy Bae x Reader x Jake Ji x Dean Kwon

Jake Ji x Reader x Ben Park

Ben Park x Teddy Jin x Gray Yeon x Alex Go x Reader x Gerard Jin x Jake Ji x Wolf Keum

Seongmok Do x Reader x Dongha Baek

Gray Yeon x Reader x Donald Na

Poly! Donald Na x Reader x Wolf Keum

Poly! Gray Yeon x Reader x Stephen Ahn

Wolf Keum x Reader x Teddy Jin

Wolf Keum x Reader x Jake Ji

Dean Kwon x Reader x Wolf Keum

Teddy Jin x Reader x Gray Yeon

Ben Park x Reader x Alex Go

Lily Nam x Reader x Julia Chae

Poly!Gray Yeon x Gerard Jin x Reader x Ben Park x Alex Go

Poly!Donald Na x Reader x Kingsley Kwan

Poly!Jimmy Bae x Reader x Jack Kang

Teddy Jin x Reader x Alex Go

Teddy Jin x Reader x Gray Yeon

Poly!Wolf Keum x Reader x Gray Yeon

Donald Na x Reader x Wolf Keum

Poly!Seongmok Do x Reader x Dongha Baek

Tsundere Wolf Keum, Jimmy Bae, Donald Na x Reader

Everyone x Reader

Every normal character x Reader

All Tsunderes x Reader

No one

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