Innocent Deaths: Daddy's Litt...

Per Queenart13

932 59 7

Clarissa Regan, a teenage beautiful girl turns psychopathic and inherits a dark mind at a young age when her... Més

Chapter 1: Too little to Murder
Chapter 2: School is the place
Chapter 3: Suspicions
Chapter 4: It's Just The Begining
Chapter 5: Getting In The Game
Chapter 6: Catching Up
Chapter 7: The Meeting
Chapter 8: What's The Plan?
Chapter 9: A Trip To Mexico
Chapter 10: Into The Vipers Nest
Chapter 11: Into The Vipers Nest: Part 2
Chapter 12: Love At First Sight
Chapter 13: Kristy, You're Next
Chapter 14: Just Keep Going
Chapter 15: Little Harris
Chapter 16: Tears Of Cheers
Chapter 17: When Evil Returns
Chapter 18: Hide And Seek!
Chapter 19: Innocent Kidnap
Chapter 20: Only Mine
Chapter 21: Family First
Chapter 23: Innocent Deaths?
Chapter 24: Don't Leave Me
Chapter 25: Where The Sun Doesn't Shine
Chapter 26: A Second Chance?

Chapter 22: Evidence Doesn't Lie

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Per Queenart13

Daniel's POV
It was a terrible sight laid in front of me. I couldn't take my eyes off. Her blood was flowing out, slowly leaving her body, her hair covered her face.
My shaky breath was all I could hear as I slowly walked to her.

I wanted to say her name but nothing came out of me. I stood, her body under me, my bare feet on her blood. I just stared, I couldn't do anything,
Just to look.

I bent down to touch her but out of nowhere, I saw my self holding her down by the neck. I strangled her wanting her dead but soon she opened her mouth and screamed so loud. My ears hurt like- no, I didn't even know how to describe that unbearable pain.

I let go of her, grabbing my ears as I cursed her. It felt like forever and the pain became worse.
At last the scream stopped and with fear in my body, I redrew my hands from my ears. I was shocked at the warm blood on my fingers.

It came from my ears. I started to panic, I wanted to scream,

"You bastard! You killed her!!"

As I stepped back, gathering the little energy I had, I shouted at the sudden pain from my leg and from there, I fell down a hill.
There was nothing to hold on to or to step on, I just fell and the dark forest I was once in, turned black. I continued to fall and I could feel myself getting close to the ending, until I could hear in the darkness, Tina,

"Hello..Daniel! Please get here fast..your sis-"

Before I could touch the floor....

"Tina!" I shouted loudly as I abruptly sat up on my bed, fully awake from my terrible dream.

I looked around my room frantically and looked down at my hands. I touched my ears and felt my feet.

I sighed in great relief that it was all just a dream. I rubbed my face and realized I was sweating so hard even when the AC was on and my shirt was just soaked out of sweat.
I tried to calm down taking deep breaths and finally I was able to relax telling myself that it wasn't real and I wasn't dead.

I gulped down the glass of water and put it back on my bedside table. I lied back down; my breath... steady. I checked the time on my phone.

4:15" I muttered.

Even if I was calm, my body was still shaking from the trauma. I couldn't make it stop.
After all my efforts of going to sleep, I decided to take a cold shower to get the feeling out of my head.
I pulled off my clothes and went into the shower. It was freezing cold, but for the best.

I wish I had heard what she said.

"Was she trying to tell me something?"

Because no doubt that she was trying to. Everything that happened in my dream had occurred in real life when Tina died.

That girl I was after, I didn't know how she looked like, how she sounded; nothing that could give me a clue. Of course after I showered, sleep had left me, being replaced by immediate hunger.
On my way downstairs to the kitchen,  I stopped and eyed Clara's room door.

If she was the one that I saw that day, then I swear, I would never see her the way I do ever again. She had been so creepy and weird since that Jessica girl got missing. I just wonder what she was doing in there. If she was sleeping or doing some other crap.

I sighed and resumed my walk to the kitchen. I was back in my room with a bag of cheetos and a can of soda, with the tv on.
I wasn't focused on the screen, was busy thinking of what to do. That dream just kept disturbing me.
I then smirked.

The abandoned cabin!"

It took a while but it was worth it when I stood in front of it,
The abandoned cabin.

I sighed as cold air came out, it was freezing cold outside especially very early in the morning. I wasn't surprised since it was a few months away from December. So the weather was getting cold.
I went ahead and opened the old door to the house.

I didn't know who lived here or who built it but I know that they're no more, maybe they passed away or something because back then when Tina and I came here, we saw....stuff,

When we explored the house, we'll see old clothes scattered all over on the ground in the rooms.
Or oddly the bed was neatly arranged.

trangest part, there were never pictures, paintings or portraits except one, but was miserably torn apart.

We thought it was haunted but it never scared us.
I looked around. The sun light was peering through the windows as it light up most of the place. The wall paintings were scratched and peeled off and the floors were very dusty, small grasses growing in between the tiles.

I looked over to the dirty kitchen and down to the floor next to it.
The light shone on the small splash of blood. No doubt of who it belonged to.
That's where I saw myself standing, just like in my dream, looking at Tina's dead body.

I walked over to the windows but only a few steps forward and I stepped on something that made a loud crack. I removed my leg and saw that it looked like broken pieces but of what exactly?

I bent down to take a closer look picking up one piece that looked like glass but was broken in half.

"Is this a phone screen?" I asked myself.

Despite the many cracks and broken parts, I could still make out its shape. I looked not far away and saw the phone's back cover and it battery laying on the floor.
They were both brutally smashed in all places to the extent that I can't even explain.

I was trying to make out who's phone this was until my eyes caught it laying on the floor close to the window.
I ran over to it and picked the bracelet up and I could see that the beads boldly spelled her name.

"Oh no..." I said.
The memory came back to me in a flash,

Flashback, A Month Ago.
I was getting ready to meet Tina at the abandoned house we usually met up in. I looked at my phone on the bed.
She must've called by now, maybe she hadn't reached there yet. As I was about to pick up my jacket and leave, my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID. It was Tina. I smirked and picked it up.


I couldn't hear her well. She was shouting over the phone,

Before I could say anything more, the call got cut abruptly.
I stared at my phone and called again but it said server was busy. I tried again but then it said it was witched off, third time and that made me shiver,

"Sorry but this phone number doesn't exist, check and try again later, thank you"

That was enough to make me spring out if my room to the woods, with my phone in hand..
End of Flashback

I ran a hand through my hair, panicking. She was trying to tell me something but the freaking line had cut off!


This was her phone charm and the attacker must have crushed her phone that made the call end. I was surprised that I wasn't able to see this when I came for her that day she died.

I didn't know what to do next so I started to search each of the rooms in the house but I found nothing that could tie to Tina's death. I started to get desperate, frustrated and annoyed; trashing the house looking for something, ANYTHING!

I scattered the beds, opened the wardrobes, turned the chairs upside down, despite the dirty matters, I didn't care.

took a break to calm myself leaning on the wall and since there was nothing else to do I left the house with Tina's phone pieces with me.

I spent my walk out of the woods cursing at the girl I saw that day. Why did she do this? I didn't remember any female enemies I had back at the time or even now.

I wont forget Clara. If she was the kind to kill,  then surely she would have been a prime suspect in all this. She had hated Tina since the beginning especially when she accused her of stealing her jewelry one time.

As I walked, I tried to enjoy the forest's calm nature but thoughts kept interrupting. I hated thinking too much and Tina's death has been a wage on me since. As much as I try to hide it, I sometimes get depressed, even mother thinks I'm over it.

I loved her, honestly. She was the only woman that I stayed with for so long and because of that, her vengeance is important to me.

I was stepping on even ground then, until I felt a lump under my feet like a little hill. I looked down and something was shinning, under the sand. I squinted my eyes at it and looked really precious.

So I picked it up, brushing the dirt off. It wasn't that clean but enough for someone to make out that it was a ring.
As I turned it around, inspecting it, the sun rays reflected on the gem in the center, causing it to shine.

It looked really expensive and pretty.

"I'm pretty sure it's for Tina" I said to myself.

Tina was a jewelry person. She was most things but most people knew her for her love for silver and gold stuff, in a more specific word, valuable things. She was mainly a thief, but we were both criminals so no harm in that.
I didn't really know if this was hers, but there could be a possibility. She must have worn this when coming to the woods.

I kept adoring it as I turned it around but at the corner of my eye, I saw at a far distance that there wasn't land. I fully turned around and saw a pond.
From where I was standing it looked pretty small but when I went closer to check it out, it was bigger than I expected.

It looked really greenish and dirty and there was sure way that this place was abandoned.
That's when I wondered where I was because I had never seen this pond before.
"Did I take a wrong turn?"

I climbed a nearby hill that was just above the pond and I got a better view. Just a little far way from where I was I could see at the other side of the pool, instead of green dirty water was replaced by red.

There was just a space that the red color had taken over. I kept looking around until I heard a ruffling voice behind me. Before I could turn around, the sound had vanished. I looked behind my back, left, right, front but nothing.

I didn't think too much about it must have been a squirrel or some kind of other animal.
I looked back at the red section of the pond. That could be blood, but who's though?

When I got back home, I closed my room door behind me looking at the ring on my finger.

I was focused on that, then my TV caught my attention as the news had interrupted the previous program on the screen.
I forgot I left the TV on, but I watched anyways. It was the same regular guy on the news,

"Morning folks of our beloved town. Im Randy Jefferson and this is CNN. This news I'm about to bring to you is important. It's early in the morning but don't worry this will be re shown by 7am.
It looks like the unknown kidnapper, murderer and snatcher of children has struck again in town.
Known that after the death of Rose Peter and Henry Stewart, the disappearance of Jessica, it has been reported that Kristy Johnson, highschool cheerleader has gone missing!
As I speak to you my fellow people, the family of this poor girl are going through a terrible tragedy"


Clara's POV
As our teacher taught the lesson, I wasn't really paying attention as I was sitting beside Mike. In fact we weren't really listening. We were at the back, so our teacher couldn't pay much attention to us. We chatted about things till it happened.

It was during the last two classes before break that we eventually heard police sirens coming close to our school. Me, Mike and everyone else didn't mind it at first until we saw the three police cars enter the school grounds from the windows.

I was curious to what they were doing here. Our teacher saw it too and paused the lesson. He then decided to go downstairs to check it out.

At that time the police arrived, most of the teachers had left the classes to go see what was happening. So some of us went up to the roof so we could see too.
Two police officers came out of each car with one obvious detective, walking into the school, while one stood guard of the cars.

We went back down stairs and Sophia had said that the police officers had gone into the principal's office down the hallway on the second floor.
Everyone were confused as to why they were here but someone then spoke out,
"It could be about Jessica?"

It made sense to all of us since they had been looking for her but it could be a chance that it was Kristy they were looking for.
Then Mike had to ask, who was beside me,
"Who's Jessica?"

Everyone exchanged looks,
"It's a really long story" I said to him.

"Well there's time to hear it, come on you guys!" He said a little pushy.

"Look, Jessica was like the Queen bee here let's say above Kristy but she just went missing a month ago. The police hadn't found her since then" Nelson explained

"Some people think she's dead by now" Felicia added shrugging her shoulders sadly.

"Woah, I'm sorry about that" he said.

"Why apologizing, it's not your fault" I said with a smile.

He smiled back at me. Immediately then, the principal's voice boomed through the school hall's speakers, ordering all the students in home room B-4 to stop their lesson.
A few students looked at each other, worried.
"Oh dang that's my home room" someone said.

"What trouble did we get into?"

Soon just across the hall, the principal's office doors opened from the inside.
Wasting no time, we dashed back to our classes, upstairs or down the hallway, not even taking time to see who will come out.

When Mike and I and our classmates reached our homeroom which was upstairs, we went back to our seats acting like nothing happened.
After a moment of silence, everyone started to chat about what could happen next.

I was confident with a few students but I was a little anxious about the situation.
Mike wasn't really scared just curious.
He kept asking me to tell him more about Jessica but I just didn't feel like it.
I'm just lying,
Immediately he asked, I opened my mouth because anything he requested, I'll deliver just to see him happy,
"Jessica was like the Queen bee around here, black hair, pretty, who all the boys wanted and so forth"

"Oh so she was like the popular-"
Before he could go on, my eyes went up to the class's opened door. Mike followed my gaze and it looks like the others noticed too.

The police officers had come to our block. We watched as they discussed with each other before passing by our class.
One stopped by to greet us and so did his friend.
"Hey students, how are you?" He said cheerfully.

"We're fine sir" We all chorused except me.

"Hope you all are studying well in school?"

Everyone said each of their 'yes's' but I was just focused on the police woman that was beside him.
While the male talked, she was looking around, until her eyes met mine.

At first it was innocent, till she squinted at me as if she was trying to get details. Quickly I shoved my pencil that was on the desk, next to my hand down on the floor. I used that distraction to hide my face because the way she looked at me was uncomfortable.
As if she was suspecting me.

When I bent to pick my pencil, I saw from under my table that those two had left.
I breathed a sigh of relief and I was able to relax.
I sat back up and met Mike staring at me.
I felt my cheeks go hot at him just staring at me. He still had his cute boyish smile that no girl could ever resist, mostly me.
"The police officers look nice don't they?"

"Who? Oh yeah, yeah they do" I said nervously scratching the back of my neck as awkwardness occured around us.

That's when I decided to pop the big question. Something that has been poking and bothering me since the day I met Mike. I gathered all courage and braveness and taking a deep breath, I looked at him.

"Hm?" He said in response.

"I wanted to ask-"

But just then, a female student came in our class, busting the door open and entered inside, closing it back. We were all surprised as why Sophia was here as far as this wasn't her homeroom.
She breathed for a second and raised her eyes to see everyone staring at her waiting for an explanation, a talk or something.
"You guys" she panted,

"Yeah??" Everyone said at the same time,

"You wont believe this!"

"What?" We chorused.

"Yeah cmon spill" some said.

"It's a really long story but! I'm gonna cut it short because I really have to go back to class"

"OK?" I said getting impatient.

I waited for her new gist of the day,
"So I was running down from my class in excuse to use the toilet when before going, the police entered our class. They started to question everyone, but I wasn't there.
When coming back from the bathroom, I was just so close to coming into my homeroom, when I heard Willow say something to the cops"

"They interrogated you guys!?" Penny shrieked.

"Yep! And I think its only us and homeroom B-1. But hey, I can never tell"

"You sure about that?"

"Yes! She said it like this: that Kristy, always before practice is always coming late. And no one knows why we, (referring to the cheerleaders) just know that whenever she comes, she's a little bit high, like she was hyper on drugs or something" 

"Kristy!!? Kristy's missing!?" Someone shrieked.

"Omg! How?!"

"Guys! No wonder she wasn't at the football game that day, I wonder were she went"

Then Sophia continued,
"The last time everyone saw her was at school, the day the football game was starting. The police is gonna investigate the school grounds after the lessons or maybe they'll just cut school short"

"Yeah I think that's happening"

"OK guys, I gotta go before they start being suspicious of me. Don't want to be a prime suspect" She joked as she left.

"Wow" Mike whispered. He looked worried and sad. I curled my lips,
"Is that why she wasn't answering my calls? Because she was missing?"

I had the courage to hold his hand,
"Hey its ok, they'll find her, I guarantee it, even if it's going to be hard"

Mike sighed and held my hand tighter, he then let go. My eyebrows furrowed when he cut away the touch,
"Thanks Clara, you're really helpful"
I blushed and looked away.

"Uh-um You too" I stammered.
Mike chuckled.

It was a few hours till our principal's voice boomed through the speaker announcing that school will be closed early for the day. Everyone was happy and rejoicing except the nerds of course.

Not only that, the principal added that we shouldn't go home alone because of the cases of missing people going around.
Luckily for me, Mike offered to walk me home,
"Uh..Yes of course! It's cool!" I nodded at his proposal with all my heart.

We carried our school bags and went to our lockers taking everything we needed. We both with other students walked out of the school main doors and towards the gate.

Since Mike didn't have a car because his house was close, I decided to drive him in mine.
So we went to the school's parking lot that was just close to the school gate and we entered my car. 
I drove out of school and as I turned to take a road, at the corner of my eyes, I caught someone in a brown leather coat, just leaning on the school fence, his hat covering his face...

Daniel's POV
All the students were coming, some walking or driving home in their vehicles but never was it too late to not spot her velvet car coming out.

I was close to the gate, and I could see that she wasn't alone. There was this boy in her car with her.
I don't think she saw me because she drove right passed me down the road back home.
I wanted to know what was going on especially with the police cars in the school so I looked around for anything helpful, just then I got lucky.

I saw a group of girls chatting among themselves and just in the middle of them I saw the girl I met back at the football game.
A smile spread across my lips.
Soon the others walked ahead while leaving her and another girl. Seeing this as a chance, I walked over to them with hands in my pockets.

I stopped in front of them and when they saw me they greeted, well except for the girl I knew.
She was inspecting me,
"Wait, aren't you the guy I met back a few days ago, at the game?" She asked.

This is what you wore that day or am I just imagining?" She asked.

"No you're not. It's really great to see you again dear. You even look more splendid in your uniform" I complimented.

Her mouth was agape but she closed it blushing,
"Oh. Thanks. So um, what are you doing here?"

"I decided to see you of course, but then I noticed that those police cars were in your school. Care to tell?"

She looked at the police cars in the school. 
"Oh yeah they were here for inspection or investigation perhaps" her friend said. 

"You see, our friend went missing since the football game in our school. No one had ever seen her since, that's what the police is here for"

"Is her name Kristy?" I said as I raised my right hand to do my collar.

"Yeah, how did you know? Wait, what's that?" She asked looking at my hand.

"Hm?" I looked at my hand and saw Tina's ring. The one I saw in the forest. "Oh, this? It belongs to my gir-I mean my mother! My mother's ring, what about it?" I said quickly saving myself from saying the word 'girlfriend'

She grabbed my hand and looked at it for a while she then looked at her friend telling her to take a look,
Her touch was warm and her hands were really soft compared to mine,
"Do you think?" She asked,

"They look the same so..." Her friend said.

She finally looked up at me,
"Um I don't know if it's me, but this ring looks exactly like Kristy's"...

Daniel's wearing the ring of the dead👀
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