The fall of our secrets

By abirrosa2

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She was fire, he was ice. She raged and burned everything in her path when he stayed calm and collected. She... More

My first note
Chapter 7
Chapter 32
Chapter 33


43 10 2
By abirrosa2

"The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud."

Coco Chanel



It was pitch black outside when the car came to a halt in front of a large building. It was covered by thick trees and nearly invisible. I opened the door hastily and hurried out of the vehicle. I leaned against a nearby tree and took deep breaths.

Ethan was by my side and crouched beside me. He ran his hand through my brown curls. Surprisingly, the motion soothed me, and my heartbeats slowed down.

"What's wrong?" Ethan asked gently.

"You drove through the dark without highlights and at a neck-breaking speed. My heart can't take this, Ethan." I answered honestly.

"You fear is irrational, Nina. You must overcome it, or you will fail. I didn't turn on the highlights because I didn't want anyone to detect us." Ethan spoke firmly but in a kind tone.

His words were accurate, but they hurt as well. I knew my fear of riding cars would be a hindrance on my way to success. I did everything to overcome it, but it was always in vain.

It wasn't just fear of what will happen. It was a nightmare that keeps repeating in front of my eyes every time I sit in a damn car.

"Let's go," I said as I got up from the ground, choosing to ignore Ethan's comment.

To my relief, he didn't force me to say anything, and we just walked the short distance to the warehouse's entrance.

We could see a dozen guards or so in black suits walking back and forth with guns strapped in their arms. They were well-built and surpassed us in numbers.

"I will take the left side while you take care of the right. Try to make as little noise as you can." Ethan ordered and waited for me to nod my head in understanding before he moved to the other side.

I walked with silent steps towards the right side of the warehouse. I waited until one of the two guards moved out of my line of view before I made my presence known.

I tapped the remaining one on his back, and when he turned to face me, I didn't give him the chance to be surprised as I punched him hard in the face. He fell to the ground with a loud thud.

SO much for not making noise!!

I cursed under my breath and started running as I could hear heavy footsteps coming my way. I led them to the end of the right side, where boxes and tables were littering the ground. It was the perfect place for me to get a shield from their expected assault.

Four armed men appeared in the doorway, and I started firing my gun without delay while hiding behind a steel table.

Bullets flew around me, but I managed to shoot three of them with little difficulty. The last one proved stubborn and challenging to beat.

Suddenly my surroundings grew silent, and I stepped out of my hiding spot. With cautious steps, I moved through the three unconscious bodies.

A hand gripped my hair from behind, and I winced in pain. "Did you think you would win this easily?" A man whispered in my ear.

I knew the bastard was still alive, and I must end him the hard way. He thought he tricked me into going out and facing him, but he didn't know what would hit him. He wanted to combat against me. Fine, he will get his wish.

In a swift movement, I elbowed him hard in his ribs. He let go of my hair and doubled over in pain. I always had a soft spot for guards, but this one wouldn't get any from me because he dared to touch my precious hair.

I didn't give him the chance to catch his breathing before I grabbed a fistful of his black hair and brought his face closer to mine. I could see the fear in his eyes, which gave me great satisfaction.

I used my other hand to slap him multiple times, then I leaned closer and said in a low voice. "Did you think you can touch a woman's hair and walk away intact?"

I pushed him to the ground and kicked him two times in his stomach. He yelled out in pain and tried to move away from my endless blows, but it was futile as every hit landed where I wanted it.

I didn't stop until he was lying limp and not moving. He was groaning in pain and hot tears streaming down his face. I squatted beside him and said with a sweet smile.

"Next time you find yourself engaged in a fight with a woman, you either surrender before it starts, or you play a fair game. Don't you ever try to be smart? It would fail every time you choose this road."

It was time I left this section of the building. I hurried towards the warehouse entrance and found Ethan standing next to two men strapped in metal chairs.

"You took your time," He commented and gave me a pointed look. I scoffed and moved to stand beside him.

"In life, I hate two things: Waking up early and men disrespecting women."

Ethan ignored my comment and looked at the man to his right. "Make it easy on yourself and tell us where did you take the girl."

"I don't know about what you are talking. We are a gum producing factory. We were working in peace until you decided to ambush us." The man spoke in a thick accent. I barely made out his words.

"Since when does producing gum require such thick security?" I wondered with fake curiosity.

Ethan turned to the other man and raised an eyebrow. When the man in question kept silent, Ethan shook his head in mock disappointment and gave them a harsh glare.

"I don't know why you like to make things hard on yourself, but remember it was your choice, gentlemen."

I smirked when Ethan fished out his gun and shot both of them, one in his shoulder and the other in his arm.

He waited until they both stopped screaming before he gave them a pointed look. "I don't repeat my questions twice. So, I want an answer."

"Keep dreaming, American dog." The man, who looked in his late sixties, snarled.

Without even a minuscule reaction on his part, Ethan planted a bullet between his eyes. I gasped in surprise, but I had already expected this scenario. He gave them their chance, and like the fools they were, they let it go.

"Your boss is dead now. You have exactly thirty seconds before you meet him in hell." Ethan asked the much younger man, who was in shock.

He tried to formulate coherent words for a few seconds, but he failed miserably. Ethan wasn't in the mood to show mercy today, so he looked at his watch and spoke coldly.

"You still have exactly ten seconds to answer my question, boy," Ethan said and started counting loudly.

At three, and with the gun aimed at his forehead, the young man finally managed to scream. "They took the girl from the warehouse this morning. I overheard them talking about taking her to where it all started. I swear I don't know anything else. Please, don't kill me." He pleaded with tears covering his face.

Ethan nodded his head and turned around to leave. With a last look around the room, I followed him outside.

"That was a fancy show you put back there," I commented as we got back in the deathtrap he calls a car.

"I don't have enough patience to play with them. He said they took her to where everything started. We have two options, it is either they are back in the USA or..." Ethan paused to think for a moment.

"Or they went back to the amusement park." I deduced as I looked out the window.

"Yes, you have a good point. I think we are in for some fun rides." Ethan agreed with my statement and sped off into the night.


Fifteen minutes were enough for us to arrive at our destination. Ethan parked the car with ease in the empty parking lot, and we started making our way to the entrance. We walked through several joy rides until we reached the dropping chairs ride, where men in black suits had already gathered.

I fished out my gun from my waistband and started walking behind Ethan, who had his own weapon ready in his hands. We decided to take refuge behind two symmetrically located lamp posts.

"I think we found our men," I spoke in a low voice as not to draw any attention to us.

"Yes, we must attack them before they notice us." I nodded my head in agreement. We waited for another few seconds before we attacked our targets.

As always, I was mesmerised by Ethan's fighting skills. He didn't show any hesitancy and was precise in his blows that he never missed his target. Our forces combined, we managed to take them down with no problems.

Ethan reached over a man's limp body and grabbed a fistful of his hair. The man groaned in pain while fixing his eyes on Ethan's face.

"Where did you hide the little girl?" Ethan asked the million-dollar question for today.

I rolled my eyes when I heard the expected response.

"What are you talking about? I don't know any little girls." The man managed to sound confused.

I scoffed and levelled him with a hard stare. "So you mean you are here at night with another dozen grown-up men to take a stroll in an amusement park? I don't know why I can't believe this bullshit."

Before I could continue my sarcastic tirade, we heard a high grinding noise. I looked up and saw the circle that contained the chairs at the top of the metal pole starting to move. At first, it was slow, but then it turned to full speed towards the ground. I felt my heart beating wildly in my ribcage as a high-piercing scream sounded next, and I looked around in search of its source.

I gasped when I saw the little girl we have been searching for all day tied to one of the moving chairs.

"How can we stop that?" Ethan asked in an icy voice.

The man proved to be deaf and gave us an evil smirk. Ethan took a deep breath and pulled his arm back to punch the bastard in the face.

He dropped unconscious on the ground. I looked at Ethan with a funny look and asked with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you suggest we do now as you rendered the last man and our hope oblivious to this world?"

"We will figure it out. I don't want any favours from those scamps."

We looked around, trying to find a way to save the little girl. Her screams were like knives stabbing my heart.

"The panel room!" Ethan exclaimed and started running to a small room beside the wheel.

I was hot on his heels and followed him inside. Ethan turned on the computer and started typing furiously. I saw his face contorting in different ways until he slammed his hand through the computer's screen.

"What the hell?!!" I looked at him with wide eyes.

"They disabled the automatic control. We need to find a knob or something to stop it." Ethan answered with a sigh.

When we got back outside, the chair was still moving up at a slow pace and then down with a neck-breaking speed.

I walked as close as I could get to the girl. I waited until the damned chair started its journey up to speak to her. I wanted her to hear and understand every word I was going to say.

"Hello, can you hear me?" I shouted, trying to ease her into a small conversation with me.

A few seconds later came a timid reply. "Hi,"

I thanked God and spoke. "I am Nina, and you? What is your name?" I asked in a firm but soothing voice.

"I am Angela," the girl responded.

"Your name is beautiful, Angela. I want you to calm down so we can talk."

I waited until I saw her nod her head through the moon and street lights, which were truly helping me see through the night's darkness. I gave her a reassuring smile, hoping he could see it.

"My friend and I are here to help you. We need you to hold on and stop panicking."

"I am scared," She said in a little voice; I could barely hear. At this moment, I vouched to make whoever did this to her with death and never get it.

"No, no, don't. You will be okay, I promise." I intended to keep my word and make sure she would be in her bed this time tomorrow. "I will go and see what my friend is doing, okay? I promise we will be back as soon as possible."

With these last words, I went to search for Ethan. He was standing in front of another control panel and looking at it intently.

"Did you find anything useful?"

"I think if we manage to pull down this knob, the chair will stop." He answered my question while keeping his concentration on the two knobs in front of him.

"Then let's just do it and be done," I stated the obvious.

"From what I gathered from the laptop in the other room, the chair is going beyond his speed. If it is stopped abruptly, I am afraid it would explode or fall from the wires holding it." Ethan explained patiently.

"And if it continues going on at this rate, don't you think we will face the same end?" I asked.

"It was their intention from the start," Ethan said disdainfully.

"Every day on this earth, I realise how much people can be cruel and maniacs," I commented with my voice clear of any emotion.

I contemplated my choice for a few seconds before I came to a final decision.

"I will climb up to her," I announced my thoughts.

For the first time since we started talking, Ethan fixed his green eyes on me.

"Come again. I don't think I heard you right since what you just suggested is out of the question." He said with finality in his voice.

"Why not? We need to find a rope. I hook myself in it, and then I start climbing the lamp post nearest to the ride. Once I am at her level, I will jump and unstrap her. She can then hold on to me, and we will land safely." I explained my plan to him.

Ethan was silent for a few seconds before he shook his head.

"No, it won't work. Can't you see the flaws of this crazy plan of yours?"

"My priority is to save Angela. I don't care if my plan is flawed, Mr perfect. As long as it works, I will do it. Now, you either help me find a rope, or you can sit here and watch me do all the work."

I spun around and left him behind. I heard him utter under his breath about crazy women and plans, but I decided to leave him be for now.

After searching the place for a few minutes, we found a sturdy rope in one of the storage rooms. Ethan tightened it around my waist and made sure the knot was unbreakable.

"I see you are concerned about my welfare. If you tighten this rope anymore, I will die from lack of oxygen." I teased to lighten the mood a bit.

My joke had the opposite effect because Ethan glared at me and spoke in his -I am on the verge of strangling you- voice.

"Your safety is my priority, not that I care if you are hurt or not. I just want to prove to my family that I am capable of accomplishing anything they throw at me."

Surprisingly, his words hurt me more than I expected.

"Then I suggest you watch me very closely, or you might lose the precious cargo." I shot back and looked up at the chair that was descending at its maximum speed.

Angela's cries tore through the night's silence, and I felt my heart breaking again. She was a child, and she didn't deserve that. She didn't choose her father, but at the same time, here she was paying for his sins.

I waited until the chair started its slow rise before I started climbing the lamp post. Once I was near enough, I jumped and landed awkwardly with my arms holding tightly to the back of the chair. It took me some time to adjust my position so I could face the little girl.

"Hello Angela, how are you doing?" I asked the girl while assessing the situation.

They used thick straps for her hands and feet and secured her body with a thick rope.

"I want to go home," Angela said through the tears running down her rosy cheeks.

"We will get out of here, but first, I want you to be brave for me."

She nodded her head with uncertainty written all over her face. Well, I can't blame her as adults in her life didn't give her enough reason to trust them. How can she trust some stranger who claimed she would save her?

I tried my hardest to keep my balance with one hand while using the other to work out the complicated knot.

It took me a long time to free her small body from its binding, and when I looked up, I saw we were already at the top.

"Be careful. You will start dropping in few seconds," Ethan shouted.

"Thank you so much for stating the obvious." I couldn't resist but shot back. Even when I was dropping from three hundred feet, I liked to taunt him.

I clung with both hands to the chair and closed my eyes as we dropped at unimaginable speed. It was terrifying and refreshing at the same time. Yeah, I know my thoughts were out of place, but I couldn't help it.

When the chair stopped for a few seconds, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"You must free her before the next drop. The hangers won't last long, Nina." Ethan said with a high voice so I could hear him.

I chose not to comment on his words and focused on the work I needed to get done.

I started unclasping her strapped hands, which proved easier than the tight knots I had to deal with before. We were halfway up when her hands were finally free.

Next, I bent as much as I could without falling to reach her strapped feet. I worked the clasps and smiled in triumph when they clicked open.

"Angela, you are free now. I want you to clutch me with all your might." I looked up and saw we were nearing the top.

"We will fall...I can't do it." Angela said between sobs.

"We don't have time, dear. Please, you must do it." I pleaded with her.

Angela hesitated for a few moments before she brought her arms around my neck. I secured her legs around my waist and started lowering us to the ground slowly.

We were mere inches from the ground when I jumped and landed with Angela on top of me.

Ethan was by my side instantly. He pried Angela gently from my tight grip and grabbed my arm to help me get up.

"Are you okay?" Ethan asked in concern, but I ignored his question and rushed to Angela's side. I put my hands on her shoulders and looked her in the eyes.

"I told you everything is going to be fine. You are safe now, dear." I assured her in a soothing voice while playing in her soft hair.

"I want to go home," Angela murmured.

"Of course you will go home, Angela. Don't worry. I promised you to save you from the chair, and I did. I think I was honest with you enough for you to believe my words this time as well." Angela nodded her head and tightened her grip on my hand.

Before I could interrogate Ethan about our next course of action, a loud thud echoed in the silent space.

Angela jumped in fright and hid her head in my neck. I looked back and saw the chair broken to pieces on the ground. I swallowed hard and was thankful we made it. I couldn't imagine what would have happened if I didn't save her when I did.

"We need to move," Ethan announced, and together, we moved to the park's entrance.

We were a short distance away from Ethan's car when three black SUVs came to a halt in front of us.

Men in black suits appeared, and I sighed in annoyance. "You have to be kidding me," I said and put Angela on the ground.

I was prepared to fight another battle to save Angela and bring her home safely, but I stopped my track of thoughts when I saw Ethan greeting one of the men warmly.

When did he move from my side? I wondered silently.

I walked closer to the scene and was surprised when I saw Ethan smiling and exchanging greetings with a man in his late forties. I cleared my throat to get his attention, and he looked at me.

"Jacob, I want you to meet Nina Castello. Nina, this is Jacob Black, my grandfather's right hand."

"Hello Mr. Black, I am Nina Castello." I greeted and extended my hand. He shook my hand firmly and nodded his head.

He averted his attention back to Ethan and spoke in a chilly voice. "I take it your mission is accomplished. Right?"

"Yes, sir. We saved the girl, and now we will take her back to safety. I will wait for further instructions on how to proceed." Ethan answered in his business tone.

"Your father sent us here with the orders to take the girl once she is freed from her captors. We will take care of things from here."

I felt my blood boiling in anger at the man's words.

Who is he to think he can do that? I am the one who saved her and promised to take her back to her parents!!

"With all due respect, sir," I made sure to pronounce the word 'sir' with as much rudeness as I could muster. "Angela is our responsibility, and we will take care of her."

"Ethan, well done. I will leave now with the girl, and we can talk about the details later." Jacob disregarded my words completely and waited until two of his men escorted Angela to one of the waiting black cars. His indifference was rubbing me the wrong way. The man acted as everyone was beneath him.

I made a move to follow them and give him a piece of my mind, but Ethan grabbed my arm tightly and dragged me to our awaiting car. I yanked my arm from his grasp and faced him.

"What the hell was that?" I asked angrily.

"That was me saving you from getting shot. When Jacob gives orders, he expects them to be followed. Anyone who dares to defy them will be punished. You were a fool to follow his cars. His men have orders to shoot anyone that dares to come five feet near the car. His family included." Ethan spoke harshly.

I gave him a humourless laugh. "Maybe I wanted it to happen. Don't you ever again interfere with my choices. I promised that girl to help her until the end, but you and your crazy family made me break my vow."

"I warned you to stop making promises you can't keep, but of course, you ignored my warning. Maybe this is a good lesson for you." Ethan raised an eyebrow with his hard green eyes fixated on my face.

"Damn you and your lessons. Don't you understand English or what? I told you I just wanted to make sure she is safe in the arms of her parents. It is all I wanted to see, but you stripped me of it." I said slowly, wanting him to understand my point.

"For an assassin, you have a soft heart. First, you threw a tantrum because of a dog, and now, you are willing to risk yourself for a stranger kid. You astonish me, Nina." Ethan commented and got inside his car. I followed and took the passenger seat.

"From all my rant, this is what you deduced?" I asked exasperatedly.

"I know you wanted to make sure Angela is safe and back to her parents, but our mission was to free her, nothing more, nothing less," Ethan said calmly and turned on the engine. "I suggest you stop getting attached to the subjects of our missions, or you would fail. Your display of emotion is counted against you, Nina." Ethan continued his talking while he manoeuvred the car out of the parking lot.

"If you are implying I am an emotional wreck, then think again because I am not." I defended and looked out the window.

"Keep telling yourself whatever keeps you asleep at night," Ethan said sarcastically and threw something at me.

I looked at the file on my lap and gave him a questioning look.

"Jacob's reason for being here isn't just interfering with our work as you have put it so gracefully." I rolled my eyes at his childish jabs. "He brought us the information we need to execute our next mission."

His last sentence intrigued me, and I opened the sealed file to look through its content. I let off a snort and shook my head.

"Your father is really something else. The first mission we saved someone kidnapped, and now, we must act as the kidnappers."

"Well, welcome to the Salviatti's way. You must get used to extremities as they define our living style." Ethan spoke with a small smile gracing his handsome face.

"But there are no details in this file," I remarked as I put back the single paper I read inside the envelope.

"I hold all the reigns in those missions. I will tell you the details when you are ready to know them. For now, rest yourself and try to recover from the last mission." Ethan said in a steady voice, and I let out a sigh.

He still doesn't trust you!!

My conscience taunted me, and I had to breathe several times to stop my temper from flaring.

Ethan was doing this on purpose to get a rise out of me, but I won't let him get his way. I leaned my head against the cool glass of the car and watched the night's sky, wondering what other surprises life might throw at me.


I hope you are all safe and doing well.

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Until next time! 

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