[Discontinued] introvert (Shi...

By squarefungus

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Hey there, I'm Junwoo, an ordinary student with an ordinary life who live at the ordinary Us's neighborhood... More

characters info
departure day
not a stalker
unexpected conversations
coffee break
that night


190 8 0
By squarefungus

A/N: finally junwoo made his way to korea yeaaay!! anyway junwoo and the other characters will be speaking in korean from now on and when he switch to english it would be "underlined" and thoughts will be "italicised". this is the longest chapter so far, so hope you guys enjoyed it. love yall😚


Incheon International Airport

I just got out the plane gate five minutes ago, now I'm waiting in a line for the check in. Its not taking too long and when I'm done with the checking stuff, my stomach start to crumbling. "God please, not now", I said to myself.

I take my luggage from the baggage carousel at the reclaim area and walking down the airport hall, Okay what we got here? I'm searching around, looking for a place that I can bought some snack for my little tummy, "Perfect" finally I end up in 7/11, "What should I take? anything that have a lot callories will be fine" theres not much option, so I just take a canned Starbucks americano, cream-cheese bread and a bag of Lay's then I walk to the cashier to check out.

"Anything else, sir?" said the cashier plainly.

"Sure, pack of cigarette Camel please" What? I'm 20 now, remember?

"Which one?"

"The yellow one please"

8:12 pm at the airports smoking area

Here I am, just sitting on a not-so comfortable chair and dig in on my chips, I bought the biggest one but my stomach seems not satisfied yet, so I continued with the bread, once I hit the last bite I opened my canned coffee and take a sip from it. I sighed "Its better".

"Where is Samchon? its been goddamn too long" I thought whilst inhaling a cigarette. It's been thirty minutes since I finished the snacks, I know I know its not that long but.... I'm starving now, what can I say? and Sukmo said that she'd preparing dinner for me. I wont miss that cuz her cooking is that tasty. Actually I can just buy a dinner here but I won't disappoint her by saying: I've had my dinner at the airport. So yeah, the only thing that I can do is just waiting.

I was scrolling on IG's reels and watching some random videos when suddenly my notification tone ringing, indicating someone texted me, at first I thought it was my Samchon, but its...

Of course I missed her, so much. Last time I see her it was four years ago, can't wait to see her face again. I take my bag and suitcase and start walking excitedly to drop off area, its not too far from where I was before, but the thing is I can't find her here,"Where is she?" I keep searching but still can't find her, she didn't tell me about where she waiting, so I decided to call her again.

"I can't find you anywhere, Noona, where are you?

"Really? what do you wearing?"

"Eeh.... navy blue hoodie and cream chinos"

"Ah~ I see you!!"


"Woojun-ah!" I heard a girl voice calling me and I know who it is, since no one ever called me by that except her and Yuri, and when I turn around, I saw her rushed in to my direction and hugged me. it was a tight hug, too tight to be honest but I like it, five second later she broke the hug and says "Wow, you really look so different with long hair"

"I know, I look handsome right, hehe"

"Mmmm.... I don't think so, you look more like a homeless than handsome" she said with a cute yet harmfull tone.

"Ouch, thats hurt" not at all, actually.

"I'm just kidding ahaha, look at your face haha"

"Can we just go right now? so I can end up a war inside my stomach"

"Alright, alright. You must be so hungry, lets get inside my car" we walk into her car and hopped into it.

Oh yeah. I forget to tell you, Dahyun noona is my cousin, she is three years older than me and her mother is my father's older sister. She treats me and Yuri like her siblings, and I really like it from her. "Damn!! she is prettier than last time I met her", just realized it when I finally can see her face clearly. I mean look at her, she really looks like an idol, or should I say.... an angel?

"Puberty really hit her like a truck" anyway "Where's Samchon?"

"Ah, Appa said he has to do something with your sur- Oh Shit!!" she's shocked by her own words.

"My what? why did you even freaked out?" what is it again, sur? what is that mean?

"Its nothing.. hehe. I mean, Uh-he has to do something with, uh.. apartment? yeah I think its apartment stuff, the place you'll stay for now" why is she looking nerveous?.

Actually, I was offered by them to stay at their house, but I rejected their offer politely, I don't feel comfortable to live with the other even though they're my family, I just don't want to bother them more than this. And I think this is the right time to live by myself. Its worth to try, right? what could go wrong if I live on my own?

"Oh okay" thats really weard of her.

"Anyway, its kinda bit late for dinner and I'm sure everyone in the house must be finishes their dishes now, how about we having dinner at-"

"I prefer McDonalds then" if I know this earlier, I would probably take my dinner at the airport. Do you know how I was suffering back at the airport?

"O-okay,I was gonna suggesting new-bulgogi restaurant near here, but I guess McDonalds is okay though"

"Mhmm" I just huming in agreement. "Yah!, why didn't you told me earlier? ㅠㅠ"

9:05 pm at McDonalds

Finally I'm in heaven, it feels like you find an oasis in the middle of desert, I'm not gonna hold my self again.

And the thing I like is theres not a lot of people here, only a few left and they drowned in their own world, not even minding me and Dahyun noona walk pass them to the counter.

"What do you want Junwoo?"

"Just Big Mac, aaaand Chicken McCrispy of course" the two of us take a seat near the window right after we get our order.

"What major do you take here? its Yonsei isn't it?" she asking after swallowing her meal.

"Just like my first-year major back in Wayne State: mass communication, and yes its Yonsei"

"Sounds great", she stopped and take a sip from her cola. "And how about her?"


"I mean your sister, Yuri. How is she doing?"

"Ah~ I see, she's doing fine, just graduated from highschool last month and she will continuing her studies in Harvard"

"Oh really?, she must be so smart, she's two years younger right?

"Yes, and actually, I was kinda bit envy of her"

"Why though? what is she doing to make you envy?"

"She's lucky as hell, she is recomended by her school to join Harvard right after she finished her highschool final exams, meanwhile I was strugling on the admission tests for University of Michigan, and then I failed on it"

"Aww thats cute.... but the good news is, you weren't be here if you pass the admission test, right?"

"Maybe yes, maybe no. I don't know either hehe.

We were talking about everything after that, something like what are we doing for four years of not seeing each other....


meanwhile in an apartment

(Shin Yuna point of view)

We're just chilling on the couch. It was like our ritual after dinner that we ussually do: watching drama or even west series in the living room, talking to each other untill late night, and then go to sleep.

"Are you guys not hungry? 'cuz I'm really hungry right now. Lets order something to eat, shall we?" said Ryujin eonnie while heading out from her room.

"Haven't you eaten a lot back in dinner?"

"I am, but-"

"Thats why you're gaining more weight every night, hahaha" Chaeryeong eonnie teasing her.


Lia eonnie and me just giggled at the two, "I think thats not a bad idea, so what do you guys want?" Lia eonnie replied her.

"Can we order pizza? its been a long time since we ate pizza together"

"Yah!?! who dares took a sip from my peach juice?!" Yeji eonnie shouting out of blue in front of the fridge, making everyone starring at me.

"What? why are you guys looking at me like that?......"


10:12 pm at Kim's residence

After we finished our late-dinner, we were driving to her lives which is my Sukmo and Samchon houses, it is a silence drive since I was too tired to talk and Dahyun noona undertsand my situation, she just focusing on the road while I was on my phone listening to my playlist, and fall asleep not long after.

"Junwoo-yah, wake up!, we're here" she shaking my shoulders gently.

"Uh? wha-aaaahh?" I'm yawning heavily after she waking me up. "Ah were here?, how long do I sleep?

"Yes! we here, not that long. Now c'mon lets get inside"

When I finally got out the car, I take out my backpack and suitcase from the trunk and then I saw a really, really big house "Are they just moving to their recent house?" 'cuz I'm clearly remember their house is not that big when the last time I visited here, its more like a mansion than a house.

"Junwoo-yah!!, where do you think you're going?" I snapped out to the reality when Dahyun noona calls me, "Our houses is over here"

Oh? so that is not their house? "Ahaha, mianhae, hehe, I was spacing out" ah yes, that is the house that I remembered.

"Pfftt, Hahahahahahaha,,," I heard someone laughing so hard. it was Samchon. "Wellcome Junwoo, I'm really sorry for not telling you before that I can't picking you up at the airport"

"Ehehe, it was really not a big deal, Samchon" I was awkwardly replied him.

"So how was your flight Junwoo?" Sukmo asked me.

"Well, its fine. The landing was a 'lil bit bumpy but other than that its fine -yaaaahhh" I accidantly yawning again after replied her question. "Mianhae hehe"

"You must be really tired right now, here, let me take your stuff to the guest room" His offer.

"It's okay, Samchon, I can handle it"

"Well, okay then" now he faced Dahyun noona who standing next to me "Dahyun, can you take Junwoo to his room?"

"Ne Appa.. here, this way"

"Okay" I following her from behind to the second floor of this house.

When me and Dahyun noona finally get to the room she said "The bathroom is over there, just in case" she pointed out the room.

"Oh geurae, thanks noona" I put my stuff at the corner of the room and then doing my night routine in the bathroom, when it finished I head back and buried my face into the pillow.

"Sleeping already?" she's hopping onto the bed.

"Geez!!!, why you still here? you scared me, Noona"

"I don't know, maybe its because this is my room?" she said with the flat expression.

"Oh really? mianhae, I'm really tired, I don't even noticed this is your room, Noona" I was gonna walk out the room, but she stopped me.

"Where you going?, you put your suitcase over there, remember?"

"Huh?" I took a glance at the corner "that mean I'm sleeping here..... with.... you??"

"Mhmm, so what do you think Woojun-ah?" now she smirked at me. what the heck is that? no no no no, don't you even think about it, Junwoo.

"Pfftt, you really think I'm gonna sleep here?, I' m just kidding hahaha. Why is it so fun to see you blushing hahaha"

"I know it was a joke, but...."

"Okay okay, I'm sorry hehe, you must be really tired, sleep tight Woojun-ah~" , "If you need something, my room is next to the bathroom, okay"

"Yeah, you too. Thanks Dahyun noona" Why would she do such thing like that? okay calm down Junwoo, "Your body is tired and so your mind, you need to sleep right fucking now!" I lie down on the bed and before I know it I was sleeping already.....

the next day

"You're leaving already?, why don't you stay here one more night?"

"I wish I could do that, Sukmo, but my class starts on thurstday, so I have to prepare everything from tomorow"

"Omo~ though its only last night you got here, now you already have a busy scedule?" she said.

"Its nothing hehe, my previous schedule is busier than this actually" not really.

"Just take care of yourself, okay? and you always wellcomed here anytime you need us"

"Ah~ Thanks Samchon, Sukmo"

"Lets go now, shall we" said Dahyun noona who already wait in her car. Just like yesterday, she is driving me to my apartment because Samchon had to go to his work.

Its such a busy day and you would easily know it just by looking at the trafic jam "Tch, why are they doesn't move even an inch?" Dahyun noona complained.

The distance between my apartment and Samchon's house is quite far and it takes a bit time.

Finally after an hour of driving we made it to my to new home. I'm checking in on the receptionist, take my apartment key card and go to my room at the fifth floor.

"Its lunch time, lets go out and see what we can get here" said Dahyun noona.

"I think delivery service is the best option, Noona, I still need to unpacking my stuff today" are you serious? we're just barely got here.

"Okay then" she open her phone and ready to order, "So what do you want?"

"Anything would be fine for me" ain't got time to be picky....



I just get up from my bed, and stretching my back a little bit. I open the window just to let the fresh air come in, it still dark outside "What time is it?", I pick my phone from bedside and unplugged it from the charger. I take a look on it clocks and.... "Only four thirty? I should've sleep more longer than this", I lay back to my pillow and try to get another sleep but all I can do is just starring at the ceiling.

I take out my macbook from the backpack and log in to my Steam account, I see Bryan is on GTA online, should I join him? "No.. maybe next time, its still too early to hear his babbling". I moved on to youtube and play some relaxing song and put my earphone on it, so the others wont get bothered form their sleep. Actually, my body is still tired from the flight yesterday but I don't know why I can't get back to sleep, I sighed "Stupid jetleg"

And then after a few episodes of Wanda Vision series, I decided to start my day already, this is my first day at Yonsei by the way, I don't want to be late on my first day. I feel excited and nerveous at the sametime...

7:49 am at Yonsei

(Shin Ryujin point of view)

Here I am at Yonsei University, I'm not an idol in this story by the way, just a regular colleger who lives with my besties and a sister. Yes, we live together in an apartment, because why not?, we know each other from long ago. By the way, this is the first day in my second year of college, and thank god that Yuna's high school is only a blocks away, so I didn't waste my time on the way here? yeah thats true, I have to take her to her school with my ride.

"See you guys at lunch, bye" I waved goodbye to my three bestfriends who also my apartment-mate and go to my class, it is already a lot of people here and I know almost everyone in this class room, either their name or just how their faces look like, but I can tell you only a few of them that close to me. I sighed "I'm little bit late today" , seems like everyone already have their bench-mate right now, when I'm looking for bench that I can sit on, there's one girl that I never see before, she sat on back bencher and laying her head on the desk "Isn't it too early to tak a nap?" maybe she just get tired from yertesday, you never know. "Jogiyo, can I sit next to you?" she raised her head.

"Uh? oh hey, you need someth- I mean, you need something?" he's reply whilst taking off his earphone, "Wait the fuckin' minute... he's a guy?"

"Oh I-i thought you... you were girl"

"Pfftt, you waking me up only to say that?, haha" hes giggling.

"What so fuuny?" I said in confusion.

"Well, you're not the first saying that, hehe". of course I'm not, just look at your hair, "Anyway, is there something I can help, Noona?"

"First of all, don't call me noona, and the second is it seems like this is the only bench remaining, do you mind if I'm sit here?"

"Sure, no need to ask though"

The lecturer walk in the class a minute after, making everyone back to their seats. "Okay class, I guess all of you have already known me from last year, no need to introducing thing again. Now lets open page seventh for todays material". "Arghh, why is philosophy should be in the first class?"

Half of hour passed and then.... "Any questions?".......

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