Who Are You | A Loki Fanfic

By zjam03

21.9K 699 389

Loki and his brother Thor, princes of Asgard, are ordered to find a traitor of the throne who has run off to... More

1. Silly mission
2. Partners
3. Titan
4. What did you expect
5. Undying loyalty
6. Alessia
7. S'mores
8. Father
10. Until we meet again
11. Trust is for children
12. System failure
13. Washington DC
14. I can't feel you
15. Reindeer games
16. "All Things Wrong With Tony Stark."
17. This is different
18. It's the dress
19. Secrets
20. Eternal flame
21. Fool for you
22. No way
23. First mission
24. Morning
25. Follow my lead
26. Impossible
27. Inevitable
28. Reunions
29. Waiting game
30. Last blow
31. Home
To be continued...

9. Little one

580 22 17
By zjam03

Loki from the ground 

   Ryanne jumps into the middle of the crowd and confesses her arrival. She does not have the best survival instincts clearly. 

   "I'm here," she says with a sword behind her back ready to be taken out. 

   "Yes she's the one. How lovely to see you again." Again? Right before my eyes a blue ray of light takes the creature along with Ryanne. I look up to see a spaceship above us hidden in the sky. That's probably where Thor is. But how will we get there. 

   "What was that," Alice talks about the blue ray. 

   "Oh has your God not mentioned that? Did he not talk about all the dangerous species that you know nothing about in the galaxies," I let out my frustration on her. I'm just angry that this is all happening today. She lowers her eyes to the ground and doesn't say a word. I look away and decide to search the perimeter. I turn back to where I left her and find that she's gone. My first thought is to go search for her, but maybe it's for the best that she's not with me at this moment. 

   I ask around for the leader of this city so I could steal a space ship. But I got nothing. Why in the nine realms did we pick Midgard to escape to? I sigh and brush my fingers through my hair to calm my nerves. That's when I see a ship from a far approaching me. It looks like the one that we came in. How is that possible? It drops to the grounds level and opens up to reveal Alice.  I gasp in astonishment and lay my hand on the metal. 

   "How-," I try to let out. 

   "There is so much that you don't know about me." I shake my head and step into what was our escape pod. 

   "You are brilliant," I smile as I press the once damaged buttons to launch it up. Now we can go get my brother. 

Ryanne's POV continued...

   That's it. My heart has come to a complete stop. I'm the Mad Titan's daughter. 

   "You're lying."  Loki told me to not believe a word that comes from his mouth. "Where is my mother," I emphasize on mother. She is not his lover nor is she anything else. 

   "I'm so sorry little one," he reaches to massage my shoulder with his large hand. I swiftly take out a knife to stop him from coming closer.  

   "I will kill you if you don't bring me to her," I try to hold back my tears. 

   "Ryanne!" I hear Loki call my name. 

   "Loki," I say under my breath and let my guard down. Thanos then steps in front me, not allowing them to pass. Loki stops in his tracks as soon as he spots him. 

   "We bring you what you came for," Loki says with his hands raised. What is he talking about? "The tesseract." 

   "Hand it over and I'll spare your life." Loki walks closer and makes it appear in his hand from thin air. This isn't possible. It must be an illusion. What is he doing? 

   "Almighty Thanos. I, Loki, prince of Asgard, Odinson, the rightful king of Jotunheim, god of mischief, do here by pledge to you my undying fidelity," he kneels with one hand raised which has the tesseract in it. Thanos takes it off his hand and Loki yells 'now' then gets up quickly. 

   That's when Thor charged in with his hammer, all lighting and all, and knocks him and the tesseract out of his hand. He becomes startled and Alessia starts shooting at him with a ray gun. Thanos kicks Thor and he goes flying. He swings his arm at Alessia making her hit the wall. She moans from the pain. Without hesitating I see a chance. I take my sword from my pouch and stick it through him from the back. He slowly turns to see me holding the sword. Loki hurries to shake the gauntlet from his hand. 

   "Little one," he coughs. 

   "Don't call me that," I take my sword out and slide it back behind my back. He drops to the floor and we all look for each others reaction 

   "He's not dead you know," Thor says. 

   "I know," I bite my lip. 

   "Well then let's finish this before he comes back to kill us all," Loki says as he drops the gauntlet and steals the sword from my back. 

   "Stop!" I yell which causes him to stop. He's inches away from having his head cut off. 

   "And why should I?" he says. "I'll be doing everyone a favor." Tears starts forming in my eyes. I don't know if I should let him. I want to but he's my father. A part of me believes that for some reason and doesn't want him gone. 

   "Because I said so," I don't feel like explaining it all to them. 

   "But he killed your mother," he blurts out. 

   "What?" my eyes widen in shock. 

   "As I was taking the gauntlet off I might have went through his memories. I saw him throw her off the cliff in exchange for the soul stone," his voice lowers. My heart starts beating faster and I disconnect from reality. All the noise turns to buzz and my vision is blurry. 

   "Ryanne!" they snap me out. I come back with my eyes still wide and watery. I look at Thanos laying on the ground unconscious. 

   "Kill him," I gulp and walk away emotionless. Is this what it feels like. Is this what it feels like to be dead. 

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