The Royal Arrangement

By anamika200

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Jai Singh Rathore is the prince of Ajmer. Even though the monarchy is no longer at play in India, Royalties d... More

Brief Background
Chapter 1: The Meeting
Chapter 2: Who is she?
Chapter 3: Again So Soon!?
Chapter 4: Clumsiness and Cuteness Together is a Killer
Chapter 5: No More Embarrassment Please
Chapter 6: Start of Something New
Chapter 7: Talk about exiting in all Swag
Chapter 8: She swagged off
Chapter 9: He is such a big...
Chapter 10: Forgive Me
Chapter 11: In for a Surprise
Chapter 12: What are you?
Chapter 13: Best Sleep Ever
Chapter 14: Keep Your Hands Off
Chapter 15: I am not jealous
Chapter 16: The Dress
Chapter 17: One Step Closer
Chapter 18: Fiancee?!
Chapter 19: You are the one for me
Chapter 20: All over the place
Chapter 21: Remember this Universal Formula
Chapter 22: Permission!
Chapter 23: Inappropriate Suitors
Chapter 24: Back Home
Chapter 25: Another Party, Another Suitor
Chapter 26: This is it
Chapter 27: New Day, New Beginnings
Chapter 28: Eating and Teasing
Chapter 29: Tricks and Treats
Chapter 30: First Date with Miss Sarcastic
Chapter 31: The Day of the Engagement
Chapter 32: The Surprise
Chapter 33: Midnight Conversations
Chapter 34: My Lioness!
Chapter 35: Surprise Meeting
Chapter 36: Knocked Off
Chapter 37: Oh Boy!
Chapter 38: The Marriage
Chapter 39: Post Wedding Rituals
Chapter 40: Sassy Mornings
Chapter 41: First Fight
Chapter 42: Marital Bliss
Chapter 43: First move
Chapter 44: I Like You Too
Chapter 45: Celebrations
Chapter 46: I Love You
Chapter 47: Revelations, Hurt and Confessions
Chapter 48: Rendezvous
Chapter 49: Love & Jealousy
#Maira's Pregnancy Bonus#
New Story Announcement

Chapter 50: This is it

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By anamika200

Maira's POV:

It's almost ten months to our marriage now. Life and work has both been going great for both Jai and I. The Royal Regal is starting to expand and is planning on taking projects in two other places in the country and it is going well. The Jaipur branch of my law firm is now much more established and smooth functioning as compared to before and we have been able to bring in more clients and are keeping busy.

What do you think happens post few months of marriage in India?

Well, the questions about kids.

Jai and I also faced those questions but we were clever enough to dodge them and sometimes explaining that we haven't yet decided which would then lead to an hour long lecture. Jai and I haven't really talked about kids and to tell you, I am scared to have kids. It's so painful and not to mention the responsibility that comes with it and the morning sickness..... Ewwwwww.

I am right now packing my bags for my trip to Delhi. I have a very pouty husband sitting on bed next to my bag who is doing nothing but irritating me.

"Jai!" I say sternly. He doesn't reply and keeps doing what he is.

"Jai, I will throw you out of our room if you don't stop this."

"Maira, don't go. Please!" He says cutely making me smile slightly even through my irritation.

"You know I need to go. I have a hearing to attend tomorrow. Don't be a kid now."


"Jai, stop removing the things from my bag. I will forget something important if you keep doing this." I say before making my way towards the closet to get a pair of slippers.

"But you are already forgetting the most important thing that you will need there." He mumbles from behind me.

"What's that?" I ask confused before continuing. "I have packed two pair-"

"Me." He says making me sigh and look at him tenderly. I go and stand before him, in between his knees. He surrounds his arms around my waist and puts his head over my stomach. I run my hand through his hair.

"Jai, you know it's important for me to go. It's only three days."

"But I am gonna miss you if you do that."

"Jai, don't be such a kid now. You can always come with me." I say suggesting a way out.

"You know I can't. I have a meeting in Mumbai."

"Perfect! You are going to Mumbai and I am going to Delhi. We both have work that needs to be done and it's not like we won't meet then. Come on, don't make such a face. I won't be able to leave happily." I say feeling upset. Jai and I haven't been separate apart from our fight since our marriage and so, this restlessness of being apart for next few days is normal. That being said, it does not mean that we don't leave each other for our work commitments.

"Come, I will drop you to the airport."

"No, no. Don't worry about it. I need to go to my parents' before going to airport. You better go to work."

"Absolutely not. I am dropping you off and that's it."

"Your choice." I say shrugging. I keep my final things inside the bag before closing it. I check my handbag and laptop bag before we make our way downstairs. I quickly say goodbye to everyone while Jai carries my bag and drops it in the tunk of the car. He opens the door for me and once I settle in, makes his way on the driver's seat.

"So when are you leaving for Mumbai?" I question.

"Tomorrow, I guess."

"And when will you be returning?"

"That I don't know as of now. Probably once I meet the investors then only will I be able to make my return tickets."

"Okay. Lemme know what you plan."

"I will provided you'll have enough time to talk to me."

"I always have time to talk to you."

"Lier! You remember last time you went for that criminal case? You would return my texts at such odd hours and you wouldn't even talk on phone, like ever."

"But that was before marriage and after marriage there was never a situation where we need to talk on phone. Also, you know I don't like talking on phones." I say scrunching my face.

"You are really something, Maira."

"That's why you married me." I shoot back.

The rest of the ride passes in listening to music and talking about random stuff. At my place, we enter the house and follow the voices that are coming from the kitchen.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I shriek out looking at my elder sister. Everyone turns to look at Jai and I. My sister comes up to me and hugs me tightly, and I want to push her away because I am not a big hugger atleast for my sisters. We separate and I give her a look over only to keep my hands over my mouth.

"Is it what I think it is?" I ask unable to move my eyes.

"I think so."

"Is this why mom wanted me to visit before leaving?"

"They didn't really know this until I came here which was just a few minutes ago but yeah this is why I asked mom to ask you to come."

"I still cannot believe if what I am thinking is right ."

"You are gonna be an aunt." She comes closer and leans before hushing in my ears and confirming my doubts.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my god. I can't believe it. Are you serious? This isn't a joke right?" I ask her moving away from hug but seeing her shake her head, and the tears coming from her eyes I hug her tighter than before.

"How many months?"


"You waited five freaking months before telling us?" I ask appalled.

"Well, we wanted to tell you all personally but our schedules didn't allow that and then we thought better to show then tell."

"Yeah, you could have come after four more months directly with a kid in your hands."

"Okay, sorry. I just-" She starts but I cut her off by hugging her tightly.

"I am so freaking happy for you and Jiju (brother-in-law)." We break the hug and Jai congratulates my sister while I go towards my brother-in-law and stand before him.

"You do realise, your life is gonna become hell for next few months or even years?" Jiju lets out a laugh.

"I know, have been dealing with it for past few months or even years." He gives me a wink making me laugh.

"Are you ready for it?" I see Jiju looking at my sister with so much love and respect in his eyes and imagine if this is how Jai looks at me. The intensity of love between my sister and her husband has always been something that I dream of having.

"More than ready."

"Congratulations, Jiju! I am very happy for you and dii(elder sister). You both are lucky to have each other and start such a journey together."

"Thank you." I stand next to him looking at hormone levels getting too high in the room, with my sisters crying, my mother crying, my father's teary eye, my own eyes that are watery.

Jai comes and stand next to me after hugging and congratulating Jiju. We are leaning against the table, actually he is leaning against the table while I am leaning a bit into him. Jai places his hand at my back keeping his cheek over my head.

"I love you!" I hear him say slowly from over me.

"I love you too!" I reply.

"They look so happy." He comments looking at my family surrounding dii(sister) and making her laugh through her harmonal tears. It's such an amazing feeling to look at your family so happy and enjoying themselves that you can't help but feel happy. I take Jai's hand and drag him to the circle and we all sing and dance a little in joy of addition of the new little member in our family.

We sit down and talk before it's time for me to go to the airport. I say my goodbyes to everyone.

"You should have told me you were coming." I tell my sister.

"Well, it wouldn't have been a surprise then."

"Don't act smart. Now I won't be able to meet you before you leave." I say.

"Don't worry. We will meet soon."

"When are you planning on coming back?"

"When you give the good news!" She winks at me. I flush slightly before replying.

"Well I do have a good news, I won my last case." I smirk at her.

"Seriously, Maira?"

"What? You only asked me to give you good news and I did."

"If you want me to put it in words now, alright. I am talking about you getting pregnant."

"Dii, you know me and you know that I am not yet ready to embrace motherhood."

"Maira, no one can ever be ready for motherhood, you get ready in the period of these nine months and even then you can never be too sure if you are ready."

"Listen I am getting late I will talk to you later. Byeeeee." I hurriedly go outside and see Jai opening the door for me, saying a quick thanks I get inside while he makes his way to the driver's seat.

We are on our way to the airport when I decide to try and see if I can accomplish the impossible.

"Jai?" I say sweety.

"Yes?" He gives me a quick side glance.

"Ummm... I want something. Will you give me what I want?"

"You know bug, normally I would have said yes but knowing you I am sure this is something that I wouldn't wanna give you but still go ahead and tell me and I will see what I can do."

"No, no. First promise me you'll give me whatever I ask for."

"Well, provided it's reasonable and in my hands, I promise I will give you whatever you want."


"I just said it."

"Pinky promise?" I ask forwarding my hand. He hooks his hand with mine. "Pinky promise."

"I don't want to take these bodyguards with me... Hear me out! I don't think there's any danger in Delhi and I feel so suffocated knowing everywhere I go and everything I do is getting monitored. It's as if I have lost my freedom." I explain Jai.

"Maira, I just don't want anything like last time to happen. And if you want I can ask them to maintain more distance from you-"

"It's not about the distance, it's about the knowledge that I am being looked at."

"Okay, I will see what I can do about it."

"Really?" I didn't think it was gonna be this easy.


"Yes, yes yes." I air bump my fists before continuing. "I love you so much."

"Ahhh, just because I am doing what you want, you love me." He asks teasingly.

"Obviously!" I wink at him before turning my face to the side and looking out of the window.

I feel Jai squeezing my hand and sometimes I even forget that he always holds my hand, it has now become a second nature for us. We reach the airport and I get down from the car while I see Jai talking to the bodyguards before taking out my bag from the trunk. I take out my documents and look up to see Jai standing in front of me.

He cups my face in his hands. "Since I heard you, I am gonna need you to listen to me too. You are gonna take care of your health. You will not overwork yourself and eat on time. You will call me every night before going to sleep."

"Yes, mom." I say making him laugh.

"I will miss you."

"I know. I am worth being missed." I flip my hair to lift his mood.

"I'll see you soon."

"Yes. Bye, Jai."

"Bye, bug. I know you will rock the case and you will win it! All the best!"

"Thank you!"

"I love you!" He says as I make my way towards the doors. I look at him and give him a wave before entering the airport.

I reach the hotel and immediately get to work. I make sure I have everything I need for the trial tomorrow and meet my team that will be working alongside me for this case. It's almost midnight when I am done with my work so I decide to sleep. I check my phone once I lay down in the bed, only to see Jai's text reminding me for dinner. I quickly shoot him a reply of good night before falling asleep.

The next three days are pretty hectic with all the trial and making the final documents and filing the documents asked by the court. I take the flight immediately after my last appearance in the court. I haven't had time to talk to Jai but I know he is back in Ajmer as his work in Mumbai was done. I am excited to be back but way too tired. The only happiness is that the next two days I don't need to go to office and I can take all the rest I want.

I wait for my car at the airport when I feel some eyes on me. I look around the airport and decide to call my driver to get rid of the irking feeling. I feel a tap on my shoulder making me jump slightly before looking at none other than my devilishly handsome husband standing with his aviators on. I hit his arm before he pulls me in for a hug.

"You scared me."

"I missed you." We say simultaneously.

"Jai, people are looking move please." I say before breaking the hug. A slight movement catches my eye on the side making me see red. I leave my bags to be taken care of by Jai while I make my way to the car and sit inside. Jai comes and sits next to me before taking hold of my hand which I leave.

"What happened?"




"Mrs. Sarcastic?"

"Mrs. Jai Singh Rathore?" I ignore him and keep looking out, too angry to be talking to him at this point.

"Maira, please tell me what happened?"

"Go ask your bodyguards." I tell him and I can see realisation dawning over him.

"Maira, hear me out please."

"No, you lied to me. You could have easily said no but you lied to me and you sent the bodyguards after me."

"Maira I didn't want you to get into any trouble and I lied to you because I thought if you didn't know that they are there you wouldn't be bothered." I don't say anything.

"Please bug. I know I am wrong but I didn't wanna hurt you."

"Well, you did."

"I am sorry I was just worried about you."

"I don't care that does not give you the right to lie to me." I say before looking out. Being tired and exhausted I lean my head over the window and close my eyes falling asleep in few minutes. I am shaken awake by Jai who is still looking apologetic but not giving heed to him, I take my handbag and proceed up the stairs to the front porch. I reach the last stair when all of a sudden, I feel everything in front of me going black. I immediately shoot my hand out to grab onto something while the other goes to my head. I feel a hand around my waist and some muffled voice which I cannot make any sense of.

A few minutes later, I regain me consciousness and realise that Jai is holding me while we are still on the stairs. His concerned face comes before me and I realise I have been clutching his arm to keep myself from falling.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I don't know what happened."

"Let's go to the doctor's."

"No, no. I don't want to. It's probably nothing."

"How can you say-"

"Shush... Let's go inside. I will take rest and I'll be fine, I am telling you." We make our way inside and I see all the family sitting there. I m et everyone before standing next to Jai. I again feel everything going black in front of my eyes. And before I realise I feel myself wanting to lie down. My eyes shutting, my body sitting or falling, something I cannot make sense of.


Jai's POV:

I knew when I was doing it that Maira is gonna be pretty upset when she comes to know about it but I didn't wanna say no to her and I didn't wanna let her go without any security. I am ready to beg for her forgiveness and make her hear and understand my side so that she forgives me for lying to her.

We are now standing with my family while Maira goes ahead to meet everyone before coming and standing next to me. From the corner of my eyes I notice Maira swaying a bit and before I can make sense of anything I see her falling backward. I immediately cushion her fall by keeping my hands around her before she hits the floor. I then pick her up and make her lay down on the couch.

"Dia, bring some water." I instruct her while I rub her hands and my mom rubs her feet. Dia immediately comes back with a glass of water and I sprinkle some over her face. Maira's eyes flutter a bit before I see her opening them. Her hands immediately shoot to her head. I help her sit on the couch and drink water while I decide to take her to a doctor. I knew I should have taken her that time only but no. I am such an idiot. Why do I even listen to her when it comes to her health, knowing she'll take all the chances she can if it gets her out of a hospital visit.

"Maira, we are going to the doctor. That's it."

"Jai, I-" She cuts herself off when she jumps from the couch and runs towards the nearest room. I immediately follow her and see that she rushes in the bathroom before closing it. I hear her puking her guts out and I knock on the door, anxious that she has locked it and is all alone inside. After what feels like hours, I hear the flush and then water running. I knock on the door after two minutes not getting a reply.


"Maira, open the door." I keep knocking and then I hear the faucet turn off and the door opening. I see Maira's face gone pale and I immediately wall forward only for her to step backward.


"Jai, everyone is here. Please don't." She says softly. She then walks towards the worried family members.

"We are going to the hospital and that is it." I say loud enough for everyone to hear.

"No, we are not. I am sure it's nothing serious. It must be all the traveling."

"For my inner peace we are going." I tell her and before she can put up an argument my mother breaks the tension between us.

"Maira, I think you should visit the doctor."

"Mom, please I don't want to go." She whines and pouts a bit to melt my mom and as my mom opens her mouth to speak something, I see Maira again close to falling and this time I lift her and make her lie down on the bed in the guest room as it would be useless for me to take her upstairs to our room. This time even water doesn't bring her into consciousness and I call the doctor for home visit.

"Jai, don't worry. I am sure she is alright."

"I don't know mom. She fainted and she was close to falling thrice in last one hour and she even puked. I don't know what I should do." I run my hands over my face before looking at Maira. I take hold of her hand and place a kiss at its back when I hear my mother.

"Jai, I think I know what is wrong with Maira." She says slowly.

"What mom?"

"Maybe, she's pregnant." If I were drinking water, I was sure to have spill it all out but since I am not, I compensated with the fits of cough I was experiencing. I don't say anything because I couldn't tell her we use protection.

"Let's not jump to conclusions mom. The doctor is on her way and it's probably just the stress." I tell her. Thankful that there is no one else in the room.

"No, no. I am sure." She tells me excitedly.

We wait for the doctor and by the time the doctor comes, Maira is again concious and my mother told her what she suspects has Maira puking and fainting. She too says the same thing that she thinks it's just her stress taking toll on her and nothing else but my mother doesn't listen to her. Maira has flushed dark red.

"Yuvrani Saa(Prince's wife), what have you had for breakfast?" I see her looking at me slightly before fidgeting with her fingers slightly worried.

"Coffee?" She says nervously. Well, she should be because she is soon going to get an earful. It's late afternoon and all she had is a cup of coffee. What am I going to do with her?

"And what about the dinner?"

"Umm... I might have skipped it." She mumbles lowly.

"When was the last time you had something to eat and what was it?"

"Last evening I had an orange."

"Well, when was the last time you had a proper meal?"

"Ummm... I think, I think I had lunch day before yesterday. Though I did take some snack here and there, so I wasn't empty stomach any time." I just want to strangle myself seeing how careless Maira is with her eating habits.

"How many hours are you sleeping at night?"

"Umm... Enough to keep me active?"

"Hours, Yuvrani Saa (Prince's wife)."

"2-3?" She grimace knowing what is going to happen when the doctor leaves her.

The doctor turns to me before addressing me. "Yuvraj(Prince), I think it's just because of her eating habits that she fainted and as for her puking, having coffee on an empty stomach isn't good and can do that. I am also assuming her caffein intake was more for past few days and she ate less. I will give her an injection so that she sleeps off all the exhaustion and caffeine. Please make sure she eats properly and she should be okay in some time."

"No, no, no , no. I am not getting an injection. Doctor please, gimme medicine I am fine but no injection."

"But, Yuvrani Saa (Prince's wife) injections are a better way. It directly mixes in your blood stream and works faster."

"No, no, no. Jai please tell them I don't want anything piercing me. Please." I see Maira's tears streaming down.

"Maira-" She cuts me off.

"Mom, dadi(grandmother), please tell her to not use the injection please." The doctor take out the syringe and proceeds towards Maira only for her to edge towards other side of the bed. I immediately go to that side to stop her from getting down.

"Maira, you are going to listen to me now."

"Please, Jai, you know I don't like injections. Please." She is close to full on wailing. I see other family members closing the door, leaving me with Maira. I get on the bed along with Maira. She immediately hugs me tightly hiding her hands between us.

"Bug, you need to allow doc to inject you and you know it, right?"

"No, no, no. I promise I'll eat on time and I won't ever fall sick. Please." I hug Maira in a way that my hands are under her arm making her hand over mine while I entangle and trap her legs in between mine. I gesture the doctor to come closer while I lock Maira's hand in between mine.

"Bug, we need to make sure that you are fine.  You are my strong girl, right?" The doctor is inserting the injection and I feel Maira trying to get out of my grip.

"Bug, you're gonna hurt yourself. Stop. See, it's almost done."

"I hate you. You tricked me. Ahhhhh... Take it out, take it out." Maira sobs. The doctor take out the syringe and place a cotton over the poked area. I hold it there for Maira while she sobs into my shirt.

"Shhhhh... See it's done. You are my strong girl."

"Jai, it's hurting." I kiss her head before holding her tightly to me.

"Don't think about it. It'll be fine in a few minutes." I feel Maira dosing off and then I hold her closer before I feel my eyes closing too before we both are asleep.

I wake up sometime later, only to see Maira still sleeping. I leave her after pecking her lips and go out of the room to get her something to eat. I see my family there and after telling them that Maira is still asleep and I need food, they allow me to go in the kitchen to fetch food for her. I carry the tray inside the room and keep it on the side table before deciding to wake Maira up.

"Bug, wake up." I say in her ears softly. I shake her a bit before she finally moves a bit and groans.

"Lemme sleep." She mumbles before turning to other side.

"Maira, wake up or God forbid I will have a nurse come in and put an IV drip. You will then have an injection stuck to your hand for hours." I tell her sternly.

"You know I hate you, right?" She mumbles turning to face me and opening her eyes slightly.

"And after what you have done, rest assured the feelings are mutual." I tell her before making her sit properly, with a pillow against her back for more comfort. I take the soup bowl in my hand and sit infront of her.

"Open your mouth." I tell her sternly.

"You are angry on me." She mumbles before opening her mouth and drinking the soup. She was drinking without saying anything knowing I was already angry at her. Once done, I get up to keep the bowl. I turn around to see her holding her ears and pouting, my resolution of staying angry at her breaking.

"I am sorry."

"No, Maira. This time you took things too far."

"What did I even do?" She asks me. She seriously has the nerve to ask me this.

"You really don't understand, do you?" I ask her, trying my urge to shout out loud. I see her shaking her head making me lose my temper.

"Well, if you don't get it, I think it's better we drop it here only." I say and exit the room before she has time to say anything. I roam around the the house, angry at myself for thinking she'll look after herself, angry at myself for not directing the bodyguards to make sure she was eating, angry at her for thinking she can take her health lightly.

I sit on the couch and lean my head against the back, keeping my hand over my eyes and trying to relax, trying being the keyword here. I feel hands caressing my hair and I remove my hand from over my eyes to see Maira looking at me with concerned eyes. I remove her hand and start getting up from the couch when she comes and sit on top of me, stopping me from going anywhere.

"Jai, I am sorry naa. Please talk to me." She says while I look everywhere except her.

"I am talking to you, Maira."

"No, you are angry with me."

"I am not angry."

"Yes, you are or else you wouldn't have called me Maira."

"But Maira is your name so obviously I will call you Maira."

"No, you never call me Maira unless you are angry or upset with me."

"Leave me, Maira. You should anyways go and take some rest."

"But I won't be able to sleep without you." I give her a side glance to see her pouting.

"I think you managed just fine past few days." I say a bit sarcastically.

"Hawwwww... There's no need to be this rude. It's not like I deliberately fell ill. You know I don't even like falling ill because it means medicines and injections and I don't like those. Ewwwwww..." I see her making weird disgusting faces showing her distaste. I control my urge to laugh at her cuteness.

"Doesn't seem that way or else you would have looked after yourself."

"Jai, you know I don't like eating alone and on top of that whenever I got time to eat, it would be pretty late at night and I would sleep after having a cookie or something. And whenever I have a case I am unable to keep anything down before the apperance and after the appearance I directly came to the airport where I had coffee because I was hungry but they didn't have anything that made me want to eat something."

"Sometimes your health is more important than your taste. You should have told me if you weren't eating Maira."

"But we didn't even talk because of all the work load, and it's not like I wasn't well there. I was all fine until I landed here."

"That doesn't matter. I am supposed to know about your health."

"Jai, I think you are overreacting." She realises her mistake and bites her tongue and closes her eyes slightly, before looking at me.

"Leave me." I say untangling myself from her.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry. I didn't mean it that way."

"No, I clearly know what your meant. I am not going to say anything to you from now on." I get up from the couch and start going up the stairs before I hear a loud gasp. I turn around to see Maira sitting in middle of the stairs holding her leg.

I descend to where she is and sit infront of her. "Why the hell are you so careless?"

"Jai, sorry. I am very bad, I worry you alot." She sobs while speaking. I bend down and pick her up before carrying her to our room.

I make her lay down on the bed. I start moving back from the bed, only for Maira to hold onto me. I realise myself from her grip before bringing the pain relief spray and slightly applying it over her ankle. She shrieks due to the sudden coldness from the spray before keeping her leg in a comfortable position.

"Jai, don't leave me. We decided never to sleep upset with one another." I take a deep breath before settling down next to her.

"Maira, I will always be worried about your health and knowing you haven't had proper meal in three days, is killing me."

"But it isn't your fault. I didn't wa-"

"It is my fault. I should have known and accompanied you."

"Jai, this is senseless you can't do that everytime I go out."

"Promise me you will take your meals without any carelessness from next time."

"Jai, I don't even see the time while I am working. So, I am not making such promises."

"But Maira, I can't be worried about your health everytime you are gone."

"I promise I will not let such a situation arise again as far as I can help. Can we please sleep now? I am too tired and even have a headache."

"Let's sleep." I lay down with her before holding her tightly against me. I give her a quick kiss before snuggling with her.

"You know what?" She asks me suddenly.


"I have realised something."

"And what is it that you have realised?"

"I have realised that I have lost my edge after meeting you. I no longer use the lever of sarcasm or sassiness I initially had with you. But then it's only you with whom I don't use it and so I think I will probably work on that."

"Is that so?" I raise my eyes at her.

"Yes, yes. Haven't you seen how nice I have become to you? Me saying sorry, and apologizing. Me not replying you back even when you are so mean and rude with me. I mean you should be happy that I am not that same old Maira for you."

"I think I should." I say. I hear Maira yawn loudly which in turn makes me yawn a bit.

"Goodnight bug." I say laughing.

"I love it when you call me bug. I don't like you calling me Maira when we are alone." She mumbles slowly before dosing off.

The next few days pass by smoothly for us, with banters between us like always but nothing severe. She has been particular about her eating habits too after the last episode and even I make sure that she no longer is empty stomach. Even when she take trips I have her get on a call with me whenever she eat and if we can't get on a call, I get her to send me pics. Even my bodyguards have been instructed to make sure Maira have her meals and this infuriates her to no extend but with time she has become used to these two hulks as she calls them. Life with Maira is never dull and all I can hope is for us to always be so in love with one another and keep this spark between is alive for years to come. Maira is my strength, my pride, and without Maira there can never be a Jai.


Maira's POV:

Life with Jai has been going great. There are time I would become utterly unreasonable but Jai has made me much more flexible and I would usually bend to his demands which I know I shouldn't but I guess love changes you in ways you never expected yourself to be bit these chages are only for that one person who has brought them in you. It's just another night in our lives and I am sitting on the couch in our room, working on laptop with my back leaning into Jai's side who has his legs over the coffee table in front of us.

Due to exposed screen time, Jai has to wear spectacles while he is on laptop and seeing him in the thin rimmed glasses makes him so hot that I find it difficult to shift my gaze form him. Somehow I concentrate on my work while he is on his laptop going to some financial accounts.

Jai's phone rings and he answers it. I shift a little before massaging my neck lightly with one hand while working with another. Jai removes my hand from my shoulders and starts massaging it himself. I lean more into him, so much so that I am able to hear to the person on the other side through Jai's wireless. I focus more on the relief I feel from his hands and the presentation I am making.  Whenever Jai speaks I can feel his breath over my body making it harder for me to work. On top of that Jai's occasional kisses on my hair, or my cheek, or at the back my neck are making it really difficult to not turn back and kiss him deeply. Jai takes advantage of my exposed neck due to my hair being in a bun over the top of my head. He presses his lips to the entire of the back of my neck and it is them that o notice he has kept the phone already. My handsome husband is making my breath hitch at this point and I find it really difficult to even comprehend what I was doing.

Was it a document or presentation I was doing?

"Bug, you done?" He asks slowly, leaning into my ears.

"No. You go ahead I will sleep later on." He continues his ministrations over my neck and having has enough I move myself away from him.

"Go and sleep Jai."

"But I don't want to. I cannot sleep without you." Jai can sense my frustration but still is enjoying it to much.

"Okay, so you sit here, I am going to go and work in the office." I say. Before I can get up, Jai snatches my MacBook from my hands and keeps it on the coffee table.

"Jai, what are you doing?"

"Bug, we both know you don't want to work."

"But that doesn't mean I don't have to. Lemme get back to it."

"You know when a person is sexually frustrated, it's very difficult for them to do the work." I let out a loud gasp at his bluntness and I can feel myself going red.

"Jai, I am going to work. Goodnight." I get up before deciding to take my MacBook and leave before I give in to my desires.

"Bug, you just have to ask and you know I will give in. Tell me you don't want to work." Jai has his body plastered to me and I can feel his breath over my neck, making my entire body shudder with need.

"Why do I always give in when it comes you you?" I ask a bit breathless.

"Because I do the same when it comes to you."

Thankfully Jai takes hold of the laptop before pulling me towards bed where I ultimately give in to our desires, much to Jai's wishes.

The next morning we sit in the backyard with the entire family, having breakfast and all I can think seeing this is how lucky I am to have such a family where I have no restrictions over me, where everyone loves me, and respects me. I turn to look at Jai next to me, to see him already looking at me with his eyes shining. I squeeze his hand slightly before leaning a bit into him.

"Thank you for giving me such an amazing family."

"Thank you for giving me and us a chance." He replies.

In this garden where there are so many different flowers, all complimenting each other, such is my family, each different from one another but everyone complimenting and completing each other.

"I love you, bug!" Jai says. I always feel like a child on Christmas when Jai says these words to me, even of he says them multiple times a day.

"I love you too!"

Just like that I know, no matter what comes our way, our love is strong enough to emerge through it. We will come out as stronger than before and our love purer than earlier. Jai has been my savior, my rock. I hope everyone gets their Jai in their life, for without Jai there is no Maira.


Hey guys!

Finally the story has come to an end. Keep your eyes open for an epilogue but other than that this is Jai and Maira and it might not be the end for them rather just the beginning for their life together but for us this is where the story ends.

I hope you all enjoyed it. I will edit the story soon whenever I get time.

Thank you for all the love and support you have given to this story. Don't forget to vote and comment.

Love you all:)

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