Heroes Do Exist (ILYBD Treque...

By Kinaru_Sad_Ninja

27.6K 1.5K 237

She has no memories of the Akatsuki, her home. No memories of her love, her family, or friends. No memories o... More

Not the Real
She Couldn't Remember
Wordless Cries
Her Ring
Never Accepted
That Did It
Seed of Affection
I Hope This....
Mysterious Man
When Was
Needed to Know
Mah, She's Fine
Kill Before She Joins
He Will Report Her
She Promises
I Need You Too
Pretty Gift?
Go to Konoha
No Home for Kyuubi
Take Care of You
Don't Hold Your Breath
Not Ready
Found You
Yuna's Decision
Tragic Love Story
They Can't Have You
Team Seven
The Promise
Not Now. Not Ever!
I'd Hate to....
Torn Away
Her Purpose (End)
Epilogue & Alternate Ending
Next Book & AU Yuna Lives

Stand Down

742 43 3
By Kinaru_Sad_Ninja

Kinaru: Alright, first off, Am I the only one upset with Wattpad's new change to our chapter? It just makes it harder to read and there are all these ads between pages! Seriously, you couldn't just leave things the way they were? Some of us writers are still getting used to you're update in Works..

Also, you might need these



'Speaking in Animal'

Demon/Biju/Tailed Beast voice talking” (Human can understand this one)

Alright, enough of my rambling.... Hope you enjoy.


Chapter 9

Trees tumbled, the wind changed, it was all team hebi could do not to get crushed by the beast or the trees it sent crumbling to the earth. Red filled the area above them. The area becoming hot with anger. Sasuke quickly realized this may be a little too much for even him to handle.

When the trees fell silent and the ground finally stilled, screams filled the air. The crazed yell of a familiar “Kill!” Followed these cried. The Uchiha ignored them though.

His gaze lifting to the blazing kyuubi above him. She was larger than he had expected. Hell, he'd expected her to be no bigger than him. But he could see now, that had been a pitiful assumption. The majestic beast that stood before him was ginormous, her front paw alone was large enough to cover Suigetsu completely. Sasuke figured he was no larger than two of her fingers.

He smirked slightly, thankful Yuna's attention was on the water boy. Her teeth were currently trying to sink into Suigetsu's flesh. Her humungous paws attempting to rip him limb from limb. Unfortunately, the boy's body was becoming water at her claws.


He was brought from his observation by Karin. The annoying female was trying to prevent Juugo from killing not only the Uchiha, but the kitsune and her prey of the moment. Sasuke sighed, closing his eyes, couldn't he be left along for one moment?

He activated his sharingan, meeting the tall man's gaze. “Calm down, Juugo. You don't want to kill us.” After he was sure Juugo's curse mark was receding, he relaxed, his eyes returning to charcoal.

“OI! Sasuke! A little help here!”

If it wasn't for the fact that there was a large kyuubi already trying to kill the boy, Sasuke would have driven chidori through Suigetsu's chest. Did they expect him to do everything?

“I'm sure you can handle a kitsune.” He said, waving a hand in dismissal to the light haired boy.

Sasuke's gaze returned to his old teammate. Her eyes were as demonic as they had been that night when Team seven had a slumber party. Right before she'd run off. Had she changed into this creature after leaving?

No, they would have found her easily then. Sakura had run out after the demon that night, forcing the two boys to help her search. Even if Sasuke was weary of being attacked and Naruto was terrified. They had returned fruitless after two hours of hunting. It was then Mebuki had given the Uchiha medical aid.

Ignoring the different voices around him, Sasuke approached his old friend. Dare he call her that, even with their rivalry, they had almost been that. If he hadn't of taken advantage of her weakness in that spar, friends they may have remained.

He took slow steps, not really hesitating, just taking his time, recalling old memories. Though, pause he did, when he spotted a mark on the kyuubi's upper torso, where the fur had parted. He nearly froze, that was where he had stabbed her their last meeting. It looked so much larger on this form.

The skin had scabbed over, but it seemed fur refused to grow over the spot. It was then Sasuke noticed another, just a fur hair lines away from the first. He'd actually scarred her. He hadn't thought it possible to do such a thing, but there the evidence lay in front of him.

The Uchiha almost wanted to reach up and touch the scars he'd left, but knew it would most likely turn the beast's anger on him, that and he was a 'little' too short to reach them. He sighed, approaching her front paws, where Suigetsu was more liquid than boy.

“Enough Yuna. We have a good days travel ahead of us, and we need everyone in tip top condition.” He said, holding up a hand, assuming that could stop her attempts to murder his new teammate.

A dark chuckle rose in the beast's chest, it was almost a growl, but bits of it clung to humanity, making it a chuckle. The kyuubi released to boy, dropping down to her belly, so she could glare more closely at the boy that dared to order her around. Hot breath billowed out her nostrils, blowing Sasuke's hair back.

Fool. Kyuubi listens to no human.”

The Uchiha frowned, lowering his gaze to the ground. “That may be true, but I am no ordinary human.” Her breath ruffled his hair and clothes as he could now see her red chin, her mouth above him. “I am an Uchiha.”

Sharingan eyes raised to look at her's but, her eyes were on the sky above, the demon only purred at his words. “You think this demon a fool?” She asked teasingly. “She know better than to meet your gaze.”

Sasuke's frown deepened, as he reached out to take hold of some of her fur, only to find the fur red hot. He relinquished his hand in disgust, again coming to the realization that this form may be too much for even him to handle.

“I am not a fool.” Sasuke felt the familiar burning sensation as he let his curse mark overcome some of his body. Though he hated the snake, he knew he'd need more than just will to make this oversized house pet submit.

Yuna's lips curved up into a deathly smirk, moving back to observe the Uchiha. Her stance that of a cat ready to pounce on her next prey. Sasuke took on a stance of his own, preparing to jump onto the beast.

I won't hold back this time.” She warned, drawing back one front leg, so she was almost bowing, but the Uchiha knew better, she was getting ready to propel herself forward.

“I wouldn't want it any other way.” They stood there for barely a moment, before Sasuke leapt into the air.

“Go Sasuke! Beat that bitch into shape!!!” He ignored Karin's cheers from the sideline, focusing on the beast that had risen up to meet him. What was forty yards to him, seemed like only a few feet to her. She had the advantage in size, so he had to gain the advantage in speed.

She made to attack him in the air, but Sasuke twisted, landing on her back. He probably would have payed more attention to the heat, if there weren't teeth trying to snap at his small form. He avoided her jaws, making his way up the back of her neck.

He'd been told not to wound the female demon, or there would be consequences. And he wasn't in the mood to be lectured or beaten by the other Uchiha in Akatsuki. Yuna's body shook more than an earthquake in an attempt to get him off, but Sasuke kept a firm hold on her fur.

He had to basically drag himself up to the top of her head. “Enough Yuna! Stand down! You'll need your energy for better things than to kill me!”

The growl that spilled from her lips, vibrated deep in her chest. “You think your death means so little to me?”

Sasuke slipped, releasing her fur, he fell down her snout, he just barely had time to grab onto her fur, before her fell over her nose. He found himself looking into two menacing red eyes. Her pupils were thin black slits focused on him.

You killed my mate. Killing you will avenge his death.”

Sasuke furrowed his brow, pulling himself up so he was on her muzzle and not dangling for his life. He had a brilliant idea, that may just save his life for the time being. “Wouldn't a sweeter revenge be to kill my mate?”

He watched her eyes go slightly wide, as she paused in her movement to retort. He had to hide a smirk as he could already see her thinking of the possibilities. “Just saying, wouldn't it be better to make me suffer the way you have, instead of just ending my life? I mean, that would put an end to my pain, wouldn't it?”

The kitsune's brow creased as she glared at him. “You make a valid point.” She finally hissed. “But don't think this spares you from a merciless death. After you've begged and begged for me to kill you and given up all hope, I'll finally give you what you want.”

Sasuke nodded, as though in agreement to her plans. “Then stand down. We'll have our fight. It will be some time before death calls our names.”

Before he'd even finished, Yuna had begun to shrink and Sasuke found himself tumbling to the ground, landing with a hard thump, as the kyuubi returned to her more human looks beside him. “It will be sooner than you think, Sasuke.”

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