Before The Electric Shock | C...

By Roseberry2000

571K 9.9K 3.1K

"Turn your face towards the sun, Let the shadows fall behind you, Don't look back, Just carry on, An... More

Season 1
Crush, Chop & Burn, Part 1
Crush, Chop & Burn, Part 2
Commando App
Leo's Jam
Rats On A Train
Exoskeleton vs. Grandma
Smart And Smarter
Moments At The Lake
Bionic Birthday Fail
Death Spiral Smackdown
Can I Borrow The Helicopter?
Back From The Future
Chip Switch
Drone Alone
Chore Wars
Dude, Where's My Lab?
Air Leo
Night Of The Living Virus
Mission Invisible
Concert In A Can
Mission: Space
Season 2
Speed Trapped
Spy Fly
Missin' The Mission
Robot Fight Club
Bro Down
The Rats Strike Back
Parallel Universe
Spike's Got Talent
Leo vs. Evil
Hole In One
Trucked Out
The Bionic 500
Bionic Showdown
Memory Wipe
Adam Up
Llama Drama
The Haunting Of Mission Creek High
Perry 2.0
My Little Brother
Prank You Very Much
Twas The Mission Before Christmas
Trent Gets Schooled
No Going Back
Season 3
Sink Or Swim
The Jet-Wing
Mission: Mission Creek High
Zip It
Not So Smart Phone
Scramble The Orbs
Principal From Another Planet
Three Minus Bree
Which Father Knows Best?
Cyborg Shark Attack
You Posted What?!?
Armed And Dangerous
Kiss The Girl
Alien Gladiators
Brother Battle
Face Off
Merry Glitchmas
Rise Of The Secret Soilders
Bionic Houseparty
First Day Of Bionic Academy
Adam Steps Up
Admiring Him
Unauthorized Mission
Season 4
Bionic Rebellion Part 1
Bionic Rebellion Part 2
Left Behind
Under Siege
Bionic Dog
It's All Falling Into Place
Mission Mania
Simulation Manipulation
Forbidden Hero
Spider Island
Welcome To The World
Spike vs Spikette
Lab Rats vs. Mighty Med
Space Elevator
Bionic Action Hero
One Of Us
Bob Zombie
Human Eddy
The Curse Of The Screaming Skull
Lab Rats: On The Edge Part 1
Lab Rats: On The Edge Part 2
And Then There Were Four
Space Colony
The Vanishing

Ultimate Tailgate Challenge

2.6K 55 11
By Roseberry2000


The sun beaming into the room shining its light in my eyes ended up with me slowly opening my eyes and blinking away the sleep. Wondering what the time is I look up at the alarm clock seeing it strike 7:56 a.m.

I groan a bit going to get up out of the bed only to feel an arm tighten around my waist hearing the soft groan of my wife who moves her head and then stills once again slipping back into dreamland.

I smile down at her brushing my fingers along her arm watching as a small spark comes off her with every brush of my fingers. Moving my hand up I work my way up to her hair brushing some behind her ear and admiring every bit of her face I can see.

She always has this way of seeing me for me no matter whatever else I'm trying to be. I still wonder why she decided to settle with me. Love me. Have a daughter and even wants another child with me.

We have been trying lately for another baby but so far the test has been negative every time. Every time it comes back negative it does disappoint us a bit but we still have our daughter so we focus on her and hope one day the test will be positive.

And Amora is seven months old now, she loves to crawl and even escapes her mother's arms just to crawl over to me. Lately, when it comes to me or Y/n going over to get Amora out of her crib we find her standing up on her own.

She's not walking yet but I can tell she's close to taking her first steps. Looking over at Amora's crib I notice my daughter wide awake standing up in her crib eying me down as she babbles away.

Sighing to myself I kiss my wife's head before carefully getting out of bed and walking over to my daughter. Picking Amora up in my arms I kiss her little cheek then pull away resting her onto my hips "Look like its an early morning for both of us"

Looking straight at me Amora nods her head then turns over and points to her mom while trying to babble "Ma"

"Mommy sleeping and we don't wake her up or she'll kill daddy" I comment starting to walk over to my closet pulling out some clothes since it's an off day and then heading over to Amora's dresser and pulling out some clothes.

In my arms Amora rests her head on my shoulder moving her head every time I move so she can still keep her mother in her sights "Ma-mu"

After finishing pulling out clothes I sigh and wait until my daughter finally makes eye contact with me "And mommy says I'm the favorite" Amora then leans over and kisses my cheek sloppy since she doesn't know how to kiss yet (and I hope she never does, no one but me and my wife deserves her kisses) then laughs to herself as she messes with my hair. I smile at my daughter and then kiss her cheek a couple of times before leaving my last kiss on her forehead "I love you too"



I ended up sleeping in today which was much needed so I'm glad Chase took care of everything for me. Walking into the common area first thing after getting ready I smile as my daughter notices me and wiggles out of her father's hands.

Chase gets confused at first as he was standing next to Davenport helping him with something at the control panel then turns over and notices me and realizes why our daughter was so ready to get out of his arms.

As he sets her down Amora comes crawling over to me as fast as she can, smiling whenever I blend down with open arms until she makes it to me. I of course pick her up while starting to stand up straight, placing a kiss on her cheek "There's momma pretty girl, you enjoy your boring day with daddy so far?"

Amora babbles a bit then rest her head on my shoulder whenever Chase comes over to me and kisses me good morning on the lips softly before pulling away "How'd you sleep?"

I start to rub Amora's back feeling a bit happy she's clinging to me more than Chase"Good but my stomach still hurts, I think I could be coming down with something and I don't want Amora to catch it."

Chase looks from me over to Amora and then back to me "Well she might since she doesn't seem to wanna leave your side lately"

I nod my head slowly then smile at my husband and pat him on the chest with my free hand "Jealousy looks hot on you"

Chase scoffs "I'm not jealous"

"Sure whatever floats your boat" I then head over to where Adam was sitting next to the hyraloop as Chase rolls his eyes and heads back over to help Davenport out. Leo and Bree start to walk in talking among themselves as the hydraloop opens and Tasha walks out "Hey, guys, I've got some exciting news. I got us all tickets to the big college football game this weekend at my alma mater." She then starts dancing as Leo looks at her horrified "Go, Pioneers! Whoo!"

Adam shakes his head "Trust me, guys, it wasn't much better from back here."

I nod my head in agreement as Tasha looks over at Adam, Amora and I then over to her husband who speaks "Football? Pass."

Tasha looks at Davenport "You're going."

Davenport shakes his head "Honey if you wanted a sports guy, you should've married one."

Tasha rests her hand on her hip "Excuse me."

I walk over and stand between Chase and Bree as Davenport quickly clears his throat "I mean, please don't leave me. I'll go."

Bree smiles "I can't believe I'm gonna have a real-life college experience. Ooh, I wanna be like those kids on TV who paint their faces and scream into the camera."

Chase groans "Oh, Bree, please do not embarrass us. Everyone knows that the proper way to enjoy a sporting event is to clap politely, not hoot and holler like a buffoon."

I arch an eyebrow at Chase's statement whenever Perry comes in doing the exact thing Chase told Bree people don't do "Whoo, go, Tech! She's at the ten, the five, touchdown. Vikings!"

Davenport looks at Perry "You went to Mission Creek Tech?"

Perry nods her head "Best 12 years of my life. And I was on the football team."

Bree shakes her head "No way. They let girls play back then?"

Perry shakes her head "Nope. Had to grow a mustache and say I was Tom from Ohio." she then noticed Tasha's sweatshirt "Ugh. Pioneers? I knew there was a reason I never liked you. You went to my rival school."

Tasha rolls her eyes" Oh, yeah. State's takin' Tech down."

Perry scoffs as Adam walks over to us "In your dreams. I just wish I could be there to see it. The game's been sold out for weeks."

Adam then perks up "Oh, you should talk to Tash--"

Davenport shakes his head "No, she shouldn't." he then leads Adam away from us.

Perry looks at Tasha and then slowly starts to walk up to her "Do you have tickets?"

Tasha nervously shakes her head ""

Perry smiles "Good. Because I know, if you did, you'd invite your bestie Terry. Right?"

Leo then leans back to speak to Chase, Bree, and I "Did she say bestie or beastie?"

Tasha scoffs "You just said you didn't like me."

Perry rolls her eyes "I've grown as a person since then! Come here!" she starts aggressively hugging Tasha "Don't fight it. Like me back."


In the common area, I sigh to myself deciding not to dress up and not take Amora since I don't think she's ready for that type of crowd yet so instead, me and Chase are leaving her with a trusted student here even though Spin wanted to babysit her. Tasha breaks me out of thought as she yells for the boys "Come on, boys, let's go. I want to get there early so we can tailgate."

Bree squeals in delight as Davenport, Leo, and Chase walk in with Adam and Bob coming in from a different door "Hey! Who's ready to reluctantly attend a sporting event?"

Chase walks over to me and hugs me from behind resting his chin on my shoulder with a content sigh as Bob speaks up "I know I am."

Tasha looks at Bob sadly "Oh, I'm sorry, Bob. I only have enough tickets for our family."

Bob nods his head "Oh, great."

Tasha shakes her head and walks close to Bob "Immediate family."

Bob once again nods his head "Fantastic."

Tasha places a hand on his shoulder "I don't have a ticket for you."

And again Bob nods his head "Sounds good."

Tasha then looks at everyone confused as Adam speaks up "Well if he's not going, I'm not going."

Bob looks at Adam "Aw, you'd really do that for me?"

Adam nods his head "Of course, man. We're buds. I'm not gonna leave you here by yourself."

Chase then lifts his head a bit from my shoulder "All right. Then I guess we have an extra ticket." I then sigh still not feeling good and turn over in my husband's hold and rest my head against his chest. Pulling me closer to him Chase moves his arms to rest behind my neck and then kisses the top of my head knowing I don't feel too well again today"

Bob perks up at the idea of an extra ticket "Oh, I'll take it."

Adam stops Bob as Tasha sighs "I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but since we have an extra ticket, should we maybe offer it to Perry?" everyone but me looks at her in silence for a moment, and they all burst out laughing. I can feel Chase's laughter vibrate through him which surprisingly comforts me.

At the football stadium spectators cheer and take selfies with Willie McGinest a sports news reporter as Leo, Tasha, Davenport, Chase, Bree and I walk into the clearing with Tasha sighing happily to herself "Oh, to be back in college. I had the best days of my life here."

Davenport smiles "Other than the day you married the Donald Davenport, right, sweetie?"

Tasha scoffs "Get me my own island and we'll talk."

Spectators start to check Bree, Chase, and I out causing Chase to pull me over to him "Hey, why is everyone staring at us?"

Bree sighs "Because they know we're bionic and Y/n is inhuman. I am totally using this to get in with them."

Chase scoffs "Are you really that shallow? You're gonna flaunt your bionics just to impress a bunch of tailgating gorillas?"

Bree nods her head "Yes."

I sigh looking at how everyone is looking at Chase and I then look up at Chase "I am so glad we didn't bring Amora or else people would swarm her"

Chase nods his head in agreement "Me too, but as she gets older the public is gonna find out about her, they know we have a daughter named Amora just haven't gotten a photo of her yet"

I puff out my lip a bit in thought "I know but I don't want cameras up in our daughter's face"

"I don't want a camera in any of our children's faces unless it's one of us behind the camera" Chase comments and I catch on to him implying us having more kids which makes me blush thinking about it.

I turn over to the others as Leo takes off his jacket, wearing a red and gray shirt, and spectators start booing. Tasha is quick to look over at her son "Leo, why are you wearing the Vikings colors?"

Leo shrugs his shoulders "What do I know about team colors? Just be happy it's clean."

Tasha groans "See, this is why you need Mommy to pick out your clothes."

Perry then walks over to us "Hey, Dooley, nice threads." she then takes his jacket "Ooh, great, I've been looking for a grease rag." she wipes her spatula on it then throws the jacket down.

Davenport looks over at Perry "What are you doing here?"

Perry looks at us "I'm here for the Ultimate Tailgate Challenge. The winner scores tickets for the big game. And since I cook and eat most of my food in a parking lot already, I'm a shoo-in."

Chase arches a brow and crosses his arms "For what, parasites?"

Perry rolls her eyes "Shut it, Frodo. Behold, my tailgating spectacular."

Leo groans "Great. I'm starving." the spectators clear and Perry's car is revealed to be covered in meat cooking in various places "And now I am not."

Tasha looks at Perry "You're cooking food on your car?"

Perry nods her head "Better than anything you ever cooked. Ooh, check out my rotisserie chicken." the two rotisserie chickens start moving back and forth as the windshield wipers move.

Leo looks at Perry "So do you have a way to cook them, or are you more of a raw bird kind of gal?"

Perry presses a button and flames shoot out of pipes, cooking the chickens then reaches over and takes on and eats it "Mmm! Delish! Hey, what are you all doin' here anyway? The game's sold out."

Davenport then for a moment "Uh...we came for the chicken." he takes a piece off the windshield wiper and eats it "Is that diesel?"

Sitting down at the front of the football stadium Bree looks down at the food she was eating while I on the other hand could even stand the smell "You know, if you don't think about how it was cooked, the chicken is actually quite tasty."

Perry turns over to us "Oh, I ran out of chicken. That's falcon."

Bree drops the meat back into the plate and Leo drops his plate of food "I'm done."

Perry groans "But you haven't even tried my sausages yet." she pulls sausages from out of the car tail pipe.

Leo looks over at her in disgust "You cooked them in the tail pipe?"

Perry scoffs "You call it a tailpipe, I call it a smoker. Any time I see hot air coming out of something, the first thing I think is, how can I put meat in there?"

I sigh looking around for my husband who seemed to have disappeared as Davenport commented "And to think you're still single."

People then cheer a couple of feet away from us as Bree sets down her plate "Well, that's enough E. coli for one day. Time to go wow my college buds with some bionic razzle dazzle."

Bree walks over to a group of people, who are chanting "M.C State, M.C. State!"

I arch a brow and walk over next to Bree as she questions them "Hey, guys, what's everyone looking at?"

I then slap a hand face seeing my husband in the middle of the crowd, shirtless and wearing body paint as he shouts to the crowd "I can't hear you!"

The crowd then gets louder "M.C State, M.C State!"

Chase uses his molecular kinesis to form a football shape out of several footballs as Bree shouts "Chase?! What are you doing? I thought you said flaunting your bionics for attention was shallow."

Chase nods his head "It is, and I'm okay with that. They like me!"

I groan and motion hands around "I left you alone for a couple of minutes and this is how I find you" Chase nods his head and I shout "Put your shirt back on!"

Chase shakes his head "Shirt stays off, I'm putting on a show"

I roll my eyes as the crowd cheers behind us "Chase, Chase, Chase, Chase!"

I hum to myself for a moment then look at y husband "Find then I'll put on a show of my own" Chase looks at me with an arched brow then widens his eyes as my hands brush the bottom of my shirt.

As I go to take it off Chase throws the footballs with molecular kinesis and the crowd cheers as he quickly pulls me into his arms stopping me from taking my shirt off "Okay and the shirts coming back on"

Chase is receiving cheers and high-fives from the crowd before walking over to Bree and I as I throw a shirt at him which he catches as he speaks to us "Can you believe it? These people actually think I'm fun. Me! I don't even think I'm fun. Isn't college awesome?"

Bree scoffs "I wouldn't know. I haven't talked to any of them because you've been hogging all the attention. But you know what? I have bionics, too. Hmm!" she goes walking over to the crowd "Hey, guys, ever seen a cheerleader super speed? Two, four, six, eight, go..." she super speeds back and forth, knocking over the crowd's popcorn and drinks "state."

The crowd starts booing Bree as Chase comments "Don't worry. I'm still here!" crowd starts cheering again.

I look over at Chase and glared at him "Not for long if you don't put on a shirt. That view is for my eyes only." Chase smiles at my glare and walks over to pull me into a hug, I swat away his hands but he just ignores my swats until he squishes me against his painted chest "I hate you"

"I love you too" Chase mumbles

A group of people walks by, carrying Chase and chanting "Chase, Chase, Chase, Chase, Chase, Chase, Chase!"

Chase jumps down and walks over to Bree and I "You hear that? They're chanting my name, and not because they're angry with me."

Bree nods her head while I roll my eyes "Great. This was probably my one chance to have a college experience, and you're having the day I wanted."

Chase nods his head at Bree's comment then perks up "Oh, I know. Can you take some pictures?" Bree starts to walk away in disgust while I motion Chase to do something "Bree. Bree, wait. Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to steal your thunder. But there's no reason we can't both have fun. I have an idea."

Bree is now dressed up too, standing with Chase and a crowd of people while I stood at a good distance "Ready to do what no Mission Creek State student has ever been able to do before?"

Bree nods her head "Oh, yeah." Bree super speeds away and back, now holding the Viking's mascot "Whoo!"

The crowd starts cheering as Chase comments "She got the Viking mascot head! That was epic, Bree." the crowd cheers again "However, it is technically stealing, so I'm gonna have to return it to its rightful owner." the crowd starts booing and throwing stuff at Chase "Hey! Hey! Stop it!" he runs off and the crowd follows him, still throwing stuff.

Bree sighs "Ah! And once again, everything is right with the world."

I nod my head in agreement as we both start chanting "M.C State, M.C State!"

Back in the Mentor's Quarters Davenport explains everything to us with Adam and Bob in the room "And since there was so much fire damage to the stadium, they had to cancel the game."

Tasha looks at Davenport "You're going to the next one."

Davenport nods his head "Yes, dear."

Chase sighs standing next to me wiggling around as I was sitting down "I'm gonna go take a shower. My body paint is campus"

I shake my head and stand up from my chair "Let's go I wanna see my daughter" I comment as we both leave the room.

Walking down the hallway Chase turns to me "You do remember Amora staying with Spin tonight since he wouldn't stop begging for us to give him a chance"

I nod my head and wrap my arms around one of Chase's painted arms "Yeah I know but I didn't wanna voice out I was gonna join you in the shower now come on" Chase shakes his head but then excitedly pulls on my arm to hurry me along to our bathroom.

A/n: So sorry for the late update, I've been super busy with my senior year coming to an end and me moving three days after my graduation plus I've been working a lot. I would have updated last week but if you don't follow me or don't look at my message board I was at work Saturday night when a lady decided to bash containers over my head breaking the two staked-up containers she was hitting me with resulting in me having a concussion all because I wouldn't fold her clothes even though I told her I'm not allowed to nor do we do that (I work at Family Dollar) my manager even explained to her before she hit me that I was trained not to and can get write up for going against my training.

So I had a headache for a while plus I still couldn't rest cause May is my busiest month so it took a while for my headache to go away. Which reminds me this month and the beginning of next month I will have slower updates because I will be very busy but when I move I just got a new laptop so I'll still be able to write just have slower updates cause I'll finally be doing more than just school and work. Even though I will no longer be in school and I plan to take a gap year before going to college. So just be patient with my updates please and thank you 😊

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