To Capture a Heart ✔️

By depressedn0nce

1.7K 46 1

And then we're kissing and my fingers are running through his hair, and his heartbeat is merging with mine. A... More

Character Aesthetics
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Author's Note
To Break A Heart

Chapter 29

29 0 0
By depressedn0nce

The alarm pierces through me, waking me up immediately. I am greeted with a banging headache as I sit up in bed that penetrates through every single bone in my body. I look around my room hoping to see the boy that visited me late last night but I am only met by my own hideous reflection. I forced myself out of bed as my immensing headache throbbed on. I should probably get a rest, but I need to get something in my system that isn't alcohol or wine. I stumble down the stairs and look around. The dreaded alcohol bottles are still there and the entire house is a mess. Mum usually cleaned whilst me and Louis were at school, but now... Dad has tried to do the easiest of house work, but it just doesn't come naturally for him. He struggles to clean a plate properly, never mind polish the entire house until it's spotless. Groaning, I roll my sleeves up and get ready for a sunday full of immaculate scrubbing.


I flop onto the sofa with a sigh, my arms aching from the wiping and scouring. The house is fairly clean, with most of the mess being disposed of. Suddenly, my phone buzzes and Christina's name pops up. I guess we have a lot to talk about since I hardly saw her at the party before I ran away.

Hesitantly, I answer it, bringing the phone to my ear.

"Kaylee, are you okay?" Christina blurts out.

"Yeah I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" I ask the receiving line.

"I just woke up and got thousands of text messages telling me what happened!"


"I'm so sorry! My parents came home earlier than I expected and I'm now grounded for throwing a party without permission."

"What? I can tell them it was my idea-"

"No, it's okay." Christina cuts me off. 'Now can you tell me exactly what happened?'

"Erm..." What do I say to her? I can't tell her the truth about me and Ferris. "Me and Tyler were... And Ferris walked in." I lie. "Tyler said some stupid things and Ferris just lost his temper and completely attacked Tyler."

"I missed it?!" Christina says, cheering me up.

"Yeah, you were too intoxicated to even get out of bed!" I laugh along with Christina, hoping to have convinced her of my lies.

"Again, I'm so sorry that your birthday party didn't go as planned. Me and Sophia got you presents but we didn't get to that part of the night, so do you think you could call Sophia and the both of you can come over?" Christina suggests, brightening my mood.

"Yeah, of course. I've got stuff to do, but I'll be over as soon as I can." I hang up and lightly throw my phone onto the sofa. After what happened last night, I'm not sure if I can confront Christina about the affairs that took place in the comfort of her home. Sifting through the pros and cons of my situation, I travel back to my room, drop onto my bed and a series of thoughts scramble through my brain as I wonder whether or not to tell Christina about the spring fling that me and Ferris are involved in behind her back. I know that it will break her heart all over again if she finds out what I've been doing with the guy who ruined her.

I jump as my phone buzzes once again, this time with a different name on the screen.

Ferris. I quickly leap off my bed and quickly open the message that lays inside. It read,

I'm outside.

Confused, I look outside of my window to see Ferris hovering outside, his phone cradled in his hand. Quickly, I run downstairs, aware of my hungover father asleep in his room. I swiftly unlock the door and slowly open it, revealing a sleep deprived Ferris standing in the cold.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper, hoping my dad doesn't hear.

"Yes, of course I'll come in." Ferris replies sarcastically as I move from the doorway to let him in.

"Again, what are you doing here?" I repeat, staring coldly at him.

"I needed to talk to you." He replies, shoving his phone into his jeans pocket and stepping closer to me. Throwing me off guard, he wraps his arms around my waist and brings me into a warm embrace. Hesitantly, I bring my arm around his neck and a small sigh leaves Ferris' mouth as he buries his face into my neck.

"Ferris..." I try to speak up but my words are unable to form.

Finally, he let's go and clears his throat.

"I told you last night, this isn't going to work." I slowly walk past him and into the living room, which I'm glad I cleaned. "It was never going to work." I say, turning around to see Ferris looking around the small room.

"So why'd you let me in?" He asks, staring right into my eyes.

"I don't know." I reply, sighing as I flop onto the sofa.

"Can I ask you something?" Ferris asks as he seats himself, turning his body to look right at me.

"Sure," I hesitantly replied.

"Why are you so afraid of letting yourself be happy, or to let yourself live?" He asks, gazing straight into my eyes.

"How do you know I'd be happy with you?" I question back.

Of course I'd be happy with him, why wouldn't I be?

"Are you?" He replies, scooting closer to me.

"It's not that I'm stopping myself from being happy, I'm just..."

"You're just what?" He ponders.

"I'm scared of the consequences." I admit, forcing myself to look at him.

"So I do make you happy then?" A small smile creeps onto his lips as he brings his head closer to me.

"Is that the only thing that you listened to?" I squeal, pushing against his chest. Selective hearing at its finest.

A few minutes of silence pass before Ferris speaks up again.

"You friends are really important to you, aren't they?" He whispers.

"They are." I answer, keeping my voice low.

"Why?" He asks as he shifts his body.

"If Christina knew... I don't know how I could deal with her hating me every single day and even the possibility that this," I wave my hand back and forth between us. "Could ruin what I have with her... I just don't want to take that risk."

The sympathy in Ferris' eyes are clear as he sits quietly next to me.

"What makes you think that she'll hate you? What if she's... acceptant?"

Ferris is extremely gullible if he thinks that Christina will be fine with the idea of me and Ferris being an item. Christina hates Ferris one minute, but is all over him the next.

"You must be insane if you think that Christina will be alright at the idea of us."

Ferris lets out a deep sigh, clearly thinking carefully about his next words.

"If she doesn't want you to be happy, then she's the insane one."

A small smile travels onto my face as I stare admiringly at him.

"You always know what to say, don't you?" I question, smiling wider at him.

"I... tend to say things that will get a reaction out of someone."

"Oh, I know, trust me."

Ferris doesn't say anything after this, he just stiffens and sits silently.

"You okay?" I ask him, clutching his chin to face me.

"Yeah... I'm fine."

I plant a kiss on his cheek, letting it linger for a little longer before pulling away.

Ferris frees a small smile before he kisses me back.

A/N: I got accepted into college!

Eeeeh! So excited.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

-H 🤍

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