Chapter 17

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My legs work faster and faster until I reach the small, empty shelter behind the canteen. I think I've lost them. Taking a sigh of breath, I slump into one of the seats. How can I keep such a huge secret from her? This is impossible. I can't look her in the eyes and try to convince her that I'm a loyal friend. I shouldn't have even tried to make friends, it always ends in disaster for me. I always end up ruining every good thing that comes my way. Just like Jessie and Daniel-

"Why are you crying?" A voice in the distance asks me. Ferris steps out of the darkness of the far corner of the shelter, showing off his rough physique. My heart jumps at the sight of him.

"Because of you," I glumly reply, wiping my tears with the back of my hand.

"What did I do?" I can hear the faint glimmer of sarcasm behind his tone.

I glare at him.

"You know what."

"I'm sorry.. He says, seating himself next to me and draping his arm across my shoulder. I jerk away, pushing his arm away from my body just as he opens his mouth. "And just so you know, you're the one that kissed me."

"Oh, you were practically begging for it." I spit into his face, watching as his expression changes.

"Well, sorry for giving you exactly what you wanted."

A small laugh leaves my mouth. Exactly what I wanted?

.Exactly what I wanted? I have probably ruined a perfectly normal friendship with Christina because you decided that you wanted to seduce me!" I am on my feet now, waving my arms around like a crazy person. "What you did was the furthest from what I wanted!"

Ferris just sat there silently.

"I guess I read the signs wrong."

"Signs? There were no signs to read!"

I let out a huge sigh before sitting across from him, purposefully not meeting his eyes.

"Look, I'm sorry for what happened, okay?" I hear him say.

I gather the courage to look at him, his sympathy filled eyes are staring back at me and I find myself consumed by him once again. His words cut through me like a knife and twisted itself into the already infected wound inside of me.

Hesitantly he mounts, supporting himself by holding onto the wooden outlayer of the shelter. I catch my breath as he sits next me once again, this time closing his eyes and leaning his head back.

"So what's new?" I hear him say, his eyes still glued shut.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"What's new? How have you changed?"

"Nope. I'm still the same person." I reply, looking over at him to see him with his eyes opened, facing me.

"Everyone changes overtime."

"Not me." I'm not going to tell him about my family life. I'm not going to tell him all my problems and all the pain I feel on a daily basis because he won't understand. He won't understand how it feels to be constantly let down and constantly broken and always left alone. He just... He won't understand. 

I feel a soft touch on my shoulder and his piercing brown eyes staring through me.

"I know you're upset."

My heart flutters at his soft words, but I know what this is. He doesn't like me; he's using me. Just like he used Christina.

"Ferris, stop playing these games with me. I'm not going to fall for it."

His hand is removed from my shoulder and he scoots further away from me.

"I'm not using you, if that's what you think. Not like her."

"Who, Christina?" I turn to face him and see he is staring at the wall across from him.

"I didn't like her the way that she liked me." He turns to face me. "I didn't know how to tell her the truth so when she called me her boyfriend that day... Something in me just burst."

A small voice inside of me is saying that I should believe him, that I should believe all of his words. But I know I can't. I know what he did to Christina was to embarrass her. And it worked.

"You really hurt her, Ferris. You embarrassed her in front of everyone and you didn't even think about apologizing." The calmness in my voice is chilling. "You lied to her and you led her on-"

"I know! Ok, I know!" Ferris is on his feet, pacing back and forth in the small shelter. "I know what I did to her and I regret it."

My own body finds herself on her feet.

"You obviously don't regret it enough because you're doing the exact same thing to me." I turn to leave, my legs dragging me away from the one thing that I want but will never get. Suddenly, I'm pulled back and my lips are colliding with Ferris'. And all the old feelings of his lips on mine come rushing back. All the anger I feel towards him has vanished along with all the air from my body.

My lips move along with his, taking in every pain, every wound, every conflict. His arms wrap around my waist, bringing me closer to him. The need to pull away is tugging at me but the desire to stay close to him is stronger, like the magnet pulling me to him.

"Kaylee?" I hear from a distance, bringing me back to reality. I pull myself away from Ferris' magnifying touch and compose myself so that I am able to walk out of this shelter without crumpling.

Sophia's head pokes through the door of the shelter and spots me with Ferris.

Oh no.

Sophia's entire body shows at the doorway of the shelter, her protective mode shining through.

"Kaylee, we were looking all over for you." She was addressing me, but her eyes didn't leave Ferris' glare.

"Sorry, I was just reminding Ferris how much of a fucking dick he is." I quickly say, adding a little laugh at the end.

My eyes glance at Ferris, whose eyes are focused on the ground and the redness seeping through his veins. Instant regret fills me and all I want to do is comfort him. If what he's saying is true, then we could try but I don't know the new him. I don't know who he is behind all the roughness and the violence.

"Okay, well let's go. Class is starting in a couple of minutes. We've got english." Sophia puts her arms out for me. Hesitantly, I take the hand and step out of the shelter. I can't bear to look back and witness the mess I made.


There was a point in the movie (iykyk) where I couldn't stop crying.

And then men crying set me off again because I can't handle it.

But all in all, it was so GOOD.

The ending tho, I was in TEARS. They just kept coming.

I'm just... no words.

-H 🤍

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