Author's Note

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I cannot believe that I actually finished this book! I couldn't be more grateful for everyone who's read this book and gave it shot, you're the reason I carried on writing.

To Capture A Heart is the first book that I've ever completed, and I couldn't be more proud. Even though I have a permanent frown on my face and a rbf, my heart is doing cartwheels right now.

Words cannot describe what I'm feeling right now, and that isn't weird because I'm horrible at expressing myself.

This book started as a stupid idea that a thirteen year old girl had about her own problems, and now, it's all written by a matured version of that little girl with big dreams.

The only thing I can say is a BIG BIG BIG thank you to everyone who gave this book a go and is willing to carry on reading about Kaylee and Ferris's story.

Thank you thank you thank you!


-H 🤍

To Capture a Heart ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें