Chapter 13

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By the time we left the party, it was midnight. Sophia took us both home as she was the only sober one out of all of us. Christina had started to sing halfway up her road, her arms flailing around her. We all stood there for a good five minutes just laughing till we lost our voices.

After we dropped Christina off, I told Sophia I was sober enough to walk home by myself. She protested obviously, but she ended up leaving me at the top of Christina's road.

As I walked home, I couldn't shake the fact that I just drank half a bottle of wine. I promised myself that I wouldn't follow in my dad's footsteps, but that's exactly what I'm doing. I did it once, so what's stopping me from doing it again? These drunken thoughts are taking over my brain as I enter the house, treading carefully, hoping not to wake anyone. As I walk into the living room, my dad is perched on the sofa, his eyes fixated on the television. As I walk in, he doesn't even glance at me.

"Dad?" I say, hoping to get a reaction out of him.

"Where were you?" He asks, still staring at the t.v.

"I told you, I was-" My quiet voice was interrupted by his yelling.

''I told you to come home almost two hours ago!" He screams, standing up and facing me.

I move back holding my hands out in front of me. He's going to smell the wine, he's going to smell the wine... I held my breath, hoping I didn't give it away.

"Were you drinking?" He asks, his eyes showing no mercy.


"Why the hell were you drinking Kaylee? You're not even old enough!"

"I'm sorry!" I shout, my mind still intoxicated from the wine.

"You stupid girl! You stupid, stupid girl!"

"You can't say anything!" I shout, bravery taking over my mind. "You're the biggest drunk I've ever known. You shouldn't be surprised that I would follow in your footsteps, because it's the only influence I've ever had! You were never there for me and-" I stop myself before I say something I regret. But the look on my fathers face tells me that I've already said too much. It's not anger.

Sadness takes over his face, filling his eyes with tears and his body with regret. He doesn't say anything, he just... walks away. He just walks away. I drop my head, guilt overthrowing the intoxication. As I stumble up the stairs, my legs take me to Louis' room, where he lays, sound asleep in his bed. Someone must have brought him home earlier. A smile takes over my drunk face as I walk back to my room. As soon as my body touches the bed, I fall into a deep sleep.

I wake with a huge headache, my hangover killing me on the inside. I groan and fall back on the bed, my head hurting from the pain. I reach for my phone on the bedside table but I can't feel it. I quickly get up, searching my bed for my phone, looking in every nook and cranny in the room. What if I left it at the party? What if someone has stolen it? My head hurts and I can't remember anything about what happened at the party after I got drunk. I vaguely remember coming home... shouting... sadness... and quiet.

As I stress about the whereabouts of my phone, I know that I have to go to school, maybe someone found it and wants to return it to me.

I change my clothes, reminding myself to return the dress I'm wearing to Christina. I go for a casual look, not wanting to dress up because of my blasted hangover.

Eventually, I picked out a cropped, blue, sweater with blue booty shorts. I look... decent.
Now, I have to find my phone.

A/N: I'm crying and throwing up because of how cringe this whole thing Is.

When I edit, I will be making major changes to the writing and storyline.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

-H 🤍

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