Chapter 41

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Me and Ferris freeze as the front door slams and we hear footsteps. Ferris jumps up just as my dad walks into the room, stopping at the doorway. He looks from Ferris to me to the bruise on my face. His face turns as red as a tomato as he assesses the room. I spot Louis behind him and I internally curse under my breath.

My little brother is about to witness whatever is about to happen. And so is Ferris. Speaking of, his hands turn into fists at his side and I see him take a step forward. I lurch toward Ferris, wrapping my hand around his fist and holding it behind his back. My thumb rubs against his knuckles and I hear his breathing slow as he takes a few deep breathes.

"What the fuck is going on?" Dad asks, but his anger is directed towards Ferris.

I freeze, closing my eyes. The punch replays in my head, but now, I don't think his fist is going to be aimed at me. I try to stand in front of him, but I feel him clasping his hand around mine, now. He's trying to stop me, protect me. He's not letting me feel the wrath of my own father.

"We were just..." I speak up, but my voice is weak. " We were just hanging out."

"Really? This is the same guy you were whoring around with the other month." Dad's glare turns to Ferris and he takes a step forward and I try to move but Ferris' hand tightens around mine. "What do you want with my daughter, huh? You give her that bruise?"

I'm slightly taken back. Dad knows that he punched me. He didn't... forget, did he? Does he seriously think that Ferris hit me?

"I'm sorry, what?" Ferris asks, his grip moving to my wrist, like he's trying to restrain himself. Like he's trying to stop himself from lurching forward and killing my father.

"Did you hit her? Did you put your hands on my daughter?"

"Did I put hands on her? Oh, that's so Goddamn rich of you-" I just wanted to tell Ferris to shut up but before I can, dad jumps forward, his hands gripping Ferris' neck.

I jump back, my hands instantly going over my mouth.

"What are you saying, boy? That I'd hit her? Is that that the bullshit she's been feeding you?" Dad screams, his hand striking Ferris across his face.

"Dad! Dad, stop it!" I yell, pushing him away from Ferris. Dad stumbles back but he doesn't lose his footing. He's on Ferris again, this time landing punch after punch onto his face and stomach.

Ferris is on the floor, hunched together as dad lands kicks and punches to his body. My brain shuts off. My heart stops beating and my body stills. I didn't know what to do. Louis is at the door to the room, crying his eyes out.

Everything is spiralling out of control and now, my boyfriend is on the ground because of my father.

I grab my phone and dial 999.

"Dad!" He glares up at me, and at the phone in my hand with the screen facing him. "I will call them! I will call the police if you don't get off of him!"

Dad staggers to his feet, a look of confusion and worry circles his face before he looks at Ferris and then, back at me. He runs out of the room and I immediately crouch down next to Ferris, holding his head in my lap.

Ferris looks at me, his face covered with blood and cuts.

"Hospital." He chokes out, his cheek was rubbing against my palm.

I help him to his feet and carry him out of the house and into the back of his car. Louis jumps into the passenger seat and I sit in the drivers seat.

"Uhh, Ferris?" I turn around to face him as he sits at the back, holding one hand on his stomach and the other on his leg. "I don't know how to drive."

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