Chapter 1

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It was late. REALLY late. And it was creepily silent. It usually isn't this specially when my parents are together.

I was sitting on my bed and sketching. Sketching my perfect life, with a loving family, a loving boyfriend and no annoying sibling to tear my life apart. But this is reality we're talking about so no boyfriend, no loving family, and yes, I have an annoyingly annoying creep of a brother to spend my years with. All I could hear was the scratch of my 4B pencil on my sketch pad. I was marking the hair of my imaginary boyfriend when I heard a glass break downstairs. And that's when the shouting began.

Told you the silence was creepy. Like there was a spirit just lurking in the corner, eagerly waiting for something to happen. Because something always happened. Like that day at the beach... I was 11... And I saw him hit her.

Nothing is ever normal in my house, especially with my family, they always find a way to make my life a complete and utter train wreck.

I heard my mum scream. He hit her, he hit her. My mind was racing as I slammed my sketch pad shut, threw it on the floor and crawled under the duvet.

He's drunk, blame it on the alcohol. But I couldn't. I blamed it on him, that man. That man downstairs that I have to call my father. Anger shook through my body as I cuddled into myself to get warm. I could hear her cries as she stumbled up the stairs. Silence. And then my door creaked open.


It was my mum. I poked my head up out of the duvet and my mum let out a sigh.

"I didn't wake you, did I?"

"No. I was already awake."

No one could sleep through THAT. She stepped forward and perched on the end of my bed. I could see the pain in her eyes, the hurt. I sat up but she leaned over and pulled me in for a big hug.

"I'm so sorry." I heard her say through all the tears and snot.

I was awkward, what shall I do, what shall I say? So I just rubbed her back.
"It's okay, mum."

Finally, she let go and played with her hands.

Oh no, she's about to tell me some bad news... and then she spoke.

"Me and your father... we... We have some news for you and Louis in the morning. Nothing bad, just... get some sleep, okay?"

Nothing bad, okay... she left in a hurry and turned the light off behind her. I was left In the dark with my mind searching for answers that I knew I wasn't going to get. I lay down and closed my eyes. Nothing bad, nothing bad.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this story!

I have so much more chapters but they are unedited!

FYI, I'm going for a non- toxic relationship between the mains and a toxic friendship. Switchin' it up a bit!

This is the first book in a four (maybe more) series that are planned but unwritten. It's my first book so it will probably be cheesy and cliché but don't we all love a bit of cheesiness?

Hope you enjoy the rest of this book and I can't wait for you to go on this journey with me!


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