By Frozenfellow

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Eun-mi was born in a house that despises women children and suffered her childhood. To add to her misery, her... More



1K 83 81
By Frozenfellow

Jungkook’s pov:

I and Eun-mi were walking around the garden in paradise. It was like every other day spending all our time together, happily chatting with each other or enjoying the blissful silence with each other.

When Eun-mi was admiring the flowers in the garden, I spent my time admiring her face. She suddenly showed something behind me with much excitement in her eyes. I turned back to see a purple flower surrounded by snow.

It's rare to find purple flowers here and that's one of Eun-mi's favourites. 

"Do you want that baby?" I asked her, knowing she would love to have it. 

She nodded her head like a kid to my question.  I smiled at her cuteness and went towards the flower. 

As I reached the flower, I bent down to pluck it. Once I picked the flower I turned towards Eun-mi to show her the flower. But she wasn't there in the place I previously saw her. 

I tried searching for her all around the garden. First I thought she was playing around, hiding from me. As time passed and she still didn't come to me, I knew it was God's work. 

God should have written another fate for her. If she got one, what am I doing here? Didn't God write something for me? With that thought, I went towards where the almighty is. 

I peeked inside to see the usual place of almighty empty. Me being curious, sneaked inside to see what God wrote for Eun-mi this time. 

I've been searching for Eun-mi's file for some time and finally found it. I patted my back in victory and opened the file to read her fate. 

Once I started reading them, I couldn't help but cry at her fate. I was quite upset with God. 

So I took the file and went in search of the almighty. 

"Are you searching for someone, Jungkook?" I heard the almighty voice behind me.

I turned and said, "Yes, I was searching for you"

The Almighty gave me a smirk and asked, "May I know for what?" 

I showed the file of Eun-mi in front of the almighty and asked, "Why did you do this?"

The Almighty gave me a confused look pretending not to know what I'm asking. 

"Why did you write such a fate for Eun-mi? She had done nothing wrong, still suffering all her life. Why?" I asked the Almighty with tears in my eyes, thinking about the fate Eun-mi was going to have.

"Did you go through my file without my permission Jungkook?" The Almighty asked me without answering my questions about Eun-mi's fate. 

"I am sorry I looked at them without your permission. I was curious to know how Eun-mi was doing. But I did not expect this. Why did you write such a fate for her?" I asked again.

I want an answer today. She is such a beautiful soul. We were just minding our own business here and when finally God decided to give her another life, she deserves the best not this.

"Mmmm... Fine... I was jealous. You both made me feel single every day by going around together being all lovey-dovey. I was upset that I don't have a partner. So I thought of doing something to one of you. And that something happened to be this'', The Almighty said just like that. 

Wait what!? Jealous!?...maybe he is kidding me.  

"You are jealous? But you are the Almighty. You can't be jealous", I said wondering.

"Stereotypes... what made you think that I don't have feelings? If I don't have feelings, how do you expect me to get angry at the bad ones and punish them? I know most humans are racist but I never thought you are one among them Jungkook", The Almighty expressed displeasure towards me.  

But it's not a valid reason to put Eun-mi through this. And I still can't believe that the Almighty was being serious. 

"Ohh, please. I'm being serious here. It's not fair for Eun-mi. You can't do this to her", I once again tried to make the Almighty realise Eun-mi doesn't deserve to suffer. 

"Well, I can and I did", Almighty simply stated.

Now I don't know what else to do, other than requesting the Almighty to give me a place in Eun-mi's life.

"At Least put me in her life too. I would help her", I demanded.

"How do you think you can help her? You won't even remember her when you get another life on earth", the Almighty asked, chuckling.

"I have sworn to protect her for eternity in our previous life. So my love will identify and take me to her no matter what", I told the almighty. 

If her fate can't be rewritten then let my fate make some changes in hers. I will make sure of it. Even if I can't, I will be with her during the worst giving her support no matter what. I believe in my love for her.

"Oh, come on Jungkook. Everybody promises to protect their wife in their marriage. But only a few really do. You did it in your previous life, but trying to protect her for eternity, don't you think it's too much" Almighty tried persuading me to change my mind.

But I was adamant. I can't live at peace knowing that Eun-mi is suffering, "No I keep my promises no matter what".

"So you are gonna go and help her and
change her fate?", the almighty asked me amused.

"Yes", I said confidently.

"But you do know that you can't be with her right? I wrote this life of hers with Taehyung", the Almighty replied. 

Even though hearing her name with another man pricks my heart, I should do this. I can't let her suffer.

"I know. I will just go and help her out of her misery", I said determinedly.

"It's your choice then. Let's see what changes you will bring on her fate", With that almighty accepted my request and sent me to earth.

I know I won't remember anything once I get reborn there. But I believe in my love for Eun-mi. My heart will beat only for her.


Jungkook's pov after birth on earth:

I know I have been living my life and enjoying every second of it. But why do I feel like I am missing out on something important? I feel like I forgot the sole purpose of my birth.

Whenever I feel like this, I try to avoid the thought and go on in my life. But the thought doesn't seem to get out of my mind.

I can feel the yearning of my heart. It's a yearning for something or someone. But what is it? Why do my eyes keep on searching for someone?

This question has been running in my mind since my birth and finally, I felt like I got my answer.

One day when I was roaming around the kingdom, I saw her. It was a feeling of knowing her for eternity even though I know it was the first time I am seeing her. My eyes got fixed on her. My heart says it's her I was searching for. My foot took me towards her without letting my mind think. 

My heart took over my actions after getting to know her. My entire life only revolved around her. Even when she moved to Kim's I couldn't seem to get her out of my mind. Someone in me keeps on telling me that I should only think about her. 

My dad's death doesn't seem to affect me. Someone inside me said it was all a step to get closer to Eun-mi. Bear everything it will lead you to Eun-mi it says. And I bore everything thinking of it as a stepping stone to reach Eun-mi.

After meeting Eun-mi in Kim's and looking at her suffering, it hit me. My sole purpose is to protect her. 

I now and then get a few dreams of us where I promise her to protect her for eternity in our marriage. They all felt like they really happened. And once again when she came back to Jeons and married me, it felt like I was reliving those moments with her again. What's with these dreams and feelings?

Even though it felt good to reminisce about the feeling of being with her, something in me tells me that it will all come to an end. This time my soul was asking me to not get too attached to her because I can't get to be with her all my life. 

But I couldn't help it. I can't stay away from her. 

Even if I have only a few days, let me cherish my days with her. But what will she do, if something happens to me? Can she bear it?

So I wrote her a letter in case something bad happens to me like what my mind has been telling me lately. And I am glad I wrote it. 

Like I predicted, my life came to an end. And during my last breaths, I remembered everything. I remembered the sole purpose of my birth and I was happy that I could make some changes in her fate. 

And I was glad that I got to see her face and feel her touch in my last moments. I am happy that I get to spend my life with her even if it is short. 

So with a promise of fulfilling her wish, I closed my eyes accepting my end.

Jungkook's pov after death:

I entered the well known white gate surrounded by smoke. I opened the gate and went towards the one who was waiting for me with a smirk.

"Welcome back", Said the Almighty who was standing in front of me now.

"Well, my work there is done", I said with a shrug.

"I see. What do you think is gonna happen next?" The Almighty asked me with too much amusement in their voice.

"I don't know. All I hope is that it goes as I planned", I told what I feel truthful.

"let's wait and watch", This time the one in front of me shrugged with much amusement.

It was very tough to watch Eun-mi crying and suffering at the beginning of my death. I was afraid that she would take her life away to get to me. 

I want her to live happily. I went there to give her happiness. Not to make her suffer more. 

I was glad that her mother and my mother knocked some sense into her. She started accepting her life. At least for the sake of our child.

When she gave birth, I was sad that I couldn't be with her. But I was pleased that Taehyung took care of her and my son. 

Finally, she started accepting Taehyung in her life as I asked her to. I wouldn't say I was not jealous, but still, I was happy that she is in good hands now.

She visits my graveyard now and then to talk to me. And I used to wait for her. Those were our moments. 

She says she is keeping a count of the days that I left her there to punish me when she returns to me. I am gladly waiting for her with the flower she asked for.

Well, Taehyung interrupted our time today. He says he is going to compete with me in the next life for Eun-mi and it's not gonna be an easy win. 

Seriously? Does he think he can compete with me? "No, pal. that's not gonna happen", I thought and watched them talking. 

My Eun-mi seems to be happy. And that's what I want. 

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by a voice nearby, "Aren't you mad that she is happy with another man"

I smiled at the almighty question and answered, "No. I am happy that she is happy. How can I call it love, if I want her to be happy only with me? Her happiness is what matters to me. No matter whether she is with me or someone else, I wish for her happiness. I know she had no choice but to move on from me. I would never blame her for this. And this is what I wanted too. For her to be happy. And I was prepared for this since the beginning I asked you to send me to earth"

The Almighty made a big groan and said, "That's it. You made me jealous again. I should go and write something now" And started moving away from me.

"What!? Write something good. Don't make us suffer again. Please", I shouted at Almighty my request trying to follow behind.

"Ok… How about this?", Asked the almighty.

I lifted my eyebrows and waited for the reply, "You are the CEO of a multi-billionaire company and Eun-mi is your wife", The Almighty started.

"Great… Do that... Write that… I love it" I said, accepting the almighty all happy and excited for the next life with Eun-mi.

"Fine and then one day you appoint a very sexy Len-ah as your secretary", Almighty said with a dreamy look

"What!?" I asked, surprised.

 I know where this is going.

As I predicted, the Almighty  said, "And one fine day, Eun-mi came to surprise you at the office for your anniversary and saw you making out with Len-ah and.."

I immediately stopped the almighty, shouting, "No-no-no... Stop it... Don't do that"

The Almighty gave me a confused look and asked, "Why? It will only be interesting then. Believe me, I have seen a fair share of stories and people only love these types of dramas"

I shook my head no and said, "No. People love fluffy stories full of love and passion. Write something like that for me and Eun-mi"

But almighty gave me a look of disgust and said, "No not interested" And continued thinking louder, "Should I include Taehyung as her step-brother or something"

I once again shouted, "No no... Oh, God!"

Almighty imitated me with, "Oh, Human"

"I sometimes wonder if you are really the Almighty or the satan", I expressed my displeasure.

"Well, I am the creator of Satan as well. So you should know how I play", the Almighty said and shrugged.

Just like that, they started bickering with each other. 

Even if it is an Almighty's game to test the bond of Jungkook and Eun-mi, to reward them something greater than paradise, I don't know if it's Jungkook who likes to bicker or if it's others who like to bicker with Jungkook.

The end...

I hope you aren't disappointed with this ending.
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