Roller Coaster - Lauren/You

By coconutwater1234

59.1K 1.8K 452

Life is a highway? No. Life is a roller coaster. What happens when you're thrown into a crazy lifestyle of f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
New Fic
Chapter 13
New Story

Chapter 12

2.9K 103 30
By coconutwater1234

"Alright Y/N, time to spill. We want details." Mum said eagerly as she scooted her chair closer to dad who was equally interested as she. I had literally just landed thirty mins ago and barely stepped into the house before they started bombarding me with questions.

"Well, the tour has been increbile I'm having a lot-"

"No not the tour tell us about Lauren." Mum interupted.

"Oh Lauren. Well she's honestly amazing, she's so talented, caring, intelligent and the most beautiful girl I've ever met."

"She's so in love honey" mum told dad as he came to join us, taking a seat next to mum.

"Sounds like she's whipped." he laughed, earning a slap on the arm from mum.

"Not a joking matter. Our daughter is finally in love."

"We're very happy for you Y/N," dad said sincerely. "so when do we get to meet this lovely girl?"

"I'm not too sure, probably after I finish the tour. Or maybe when we have a show here, she might have some time off." As I was telling them how Christmas was with the Jauregui's, my phone rang and it was a FaceTime call from Lauren. My eyes lit up and the biggest smile stretched from eye to eye was on my face, my parents insisted that I answer it with them.

"Hey Lauren." I answered it with both the parental hovered behind me trying to fit themselves in the screen.

"Hi baby!" she greeted excitedly. "and hi Y/N's parents."

"It's so nice to meet you Lauren, this one here hasn't been able to stop talking about since we picked her up." Oh wow thanks for throwing me under the bus mum.

"What! Mum you literally asked me about her."

"Oh hush. Anyways, when will we be able to properly meet you Lauren?"

"Umm....probably when Justin's got a show there, right Y/N?" she hesitantly asked, unsure of what I think.

"Will you have time off then?" I was really hoping she would. She nodded, barely containing her smile from growing. Before I could even continue talking mum took the phone from my hand and started having an animated conversation with Lauren, while dad and I just looked at each other confused as to what had just happened.

"Mum can I please have my phone back so i can talk to Lauren?" I looked at her expectantly.

"Sweetheart, you can talk to her after. Right now your girlfriend and I are having a very interesting discussion about you," she smirked. "isn't that right Lauren?"

"Talk to you later Y/N." Lauren laughed agreeing with my mum. I huffed in frustration before going to the backyard and playing some basketball with dad. After a few rounds mum finally finished her little chat with Lauren and I'm dying to know what they were talking about. Reaching my old bedroom Lauren refused to tell me what they had discussed, vaguely telling me that I'll find out soon. Whatever that was suppose to mean. We planned for her to come down with me to Australia during the shows so she can meet everybody, plus we'll have a few nights before I head off with Justin to continue his tour, thankfully though it'll only mean one week before it finishes after the Australia shows.

So far the girls were still on their break, but only for a few more days before they're back to promoting Reflection, then The Reflection Tour which I am personally excited for. Since Justin's tour would be finished by then I'll just be recording the album so I'll have plenty of time to see Lauren and since my EP was so rushed, we're taking our time with the album. Making sure everything is up to scratch and perfect.

"Ok so what time is it right now in Miami? I feel like it's super late." I asked, noticing Lauren wasn't talking too loud and she was in her pyjamas, which happen to be my favourite hoody, my year 12 one. I was looking for that.

"It's you know....just, 3 am." she whispered the las part.

"Lauren. Come one, get some sleep."

"I don't want to, I want to stay and talk to you and look at your pretty face." she said in a childlike manner with that famous pout of hers.

"Lauren, you're going to miss sleep when you're back from your break."

"Ok fine, fine. But just so you know-" and in came my annoying sister back from school, not even bothering to knock on the door.

"What's up bitch!" she shouted before jumping on my. God what did she get bigger or something. Geez this girl is impossible.

"Jane. You're killing me here." She only ignored my plea and moved to now sit on my back and took my phone from me.

"Ooooooo who's this? Is this the Lauren that someone over can never shut up about.?" she asked smirking glancing over her shoulder as I struggled to get back up.

"Hi, you must be Jane." Lauren greeted stifling her laugh.

"The one and only." Jane flaunted some dramatic posses and flipped her hair.

"Jane! Get off now!" I pushed her off and she went flying onto the floor. Picking up my phone from my bed I was faced with the love of my life. "see. The things I do for love babe."

"How romantic of you. Yet something tells me you'd still do that even if we weren't together."

"Yeah but I still did whatever I had to do to get to you."

"My hero." she jokingly swooned and before you know it I was hit in the side of the head by a pillow. I am going to kill her.

"Anyways, nice meeting you Lauren, but I have to run now cause this one is most likely to kill me," she scattered for the door as I managed to get back up. "as your possible future sister in-law Lauren, save me!" she yelled before shutting my door.

"Possible future sister in-law huh?" Now Lauren was smirking, god Jane and her big mouth is gonna get me in trouble one day.

"Shut up. Now go to bed loser."

"As you wish." She stood up and slowly took off my hoodie leaving her in nothing but her underwear. Her nipples were slightly hardened form the sudden wave of cool air.

"W-what are you doing?" I managed to ask.

"What, you didn't expect me to go to sleep wearing your hoodie did you? It's pretty warm right now," the whole time she was talking my eyes were trained on her breasts, hey you would be doing to same thing if you were in my position. I find it hard to focus when you have your beautiful, sexy gorgeous girlfriend in front of you (sort of) practically naked. "eyes up her babe." she husked, snapping my eyes back to meet her green ocean filled gaze.

"Lauren, please go to bed before I book a ticket to Miami and take you on your bed."

"Please do Y/N....but I was thinking my table instead." Oh my god. Resisting the urge to actually to that, I suppressed all the, what's the word to describe it....explicit thoughts to the back of my head. Or tried to at least since her bare torso was still in full view and she was now biting her lip.

"You're not playing fair Laur."

"You're right, I'm sorry baby. I should go to sleep though," I nodded in agreement. "i'll be thinking of you though Y/N and all the things i'm going to do to you when I see you again." I groaned in frustration. She is definitely not making this any better.


"Good night baby. See you in my dreams." she winked before ending the face time call.

Being away from her for another month is going to be a struggle. Especially if she's gonna be doing that on a regular basis. Just one more month Y/N, you can do this.


It's been a week of me just enjoying spending time with my family and friends. Seeing all my loved ones all so proud of me and how far i've come is something special. Lauren and I have been talking everyday, either texting or face time. She'd call me even if she only had a few minutes and I love her even more for that. Right now my friends and I were on our way to a bar in the city for a pub crawl. One of the many things I missed about Australia, the drinking age. I mean I'm not an alcoholic or anything, I'm just Australian. What my best friend Annie didn't tell me was that Candice was gonna be there too. Candice was someone whom I occasionally hooked up with, she's still a friend and all. I'm not worried I'd do anything to compromise my relationship with Lauren. It's Candice I'm worried about. She had a record of becoming even more flirty and touchy when she drank. Especially around me.

No matter, even when I'm drunk I know I would never cheat on Lauren, or even think about it. I'm just nervous to see her. Haven't seen her since I left and I haven't really kept in touch either. While waiting for my friends to come with the cab I sat in the living room scrolling through my twitter notifications, replying to as many of my fans as I could. In the midst of me replying to everyone, Lauren had tweeted me.

@LaurenJauregui : I miss your voice :( and that accent of your's @Y/N😔

@Y/N : Is that all you miss? @LaurenJauregui 😏

@LaurenJauregui : I miss a lot more....especially your lips ;) @Y/N😉💋

At this point the fans were going crazy, I think we may have broken the internet and of course the other girls joined in too.

@dinahjane97 : Hoi! Keep it PG please @Y/N @LaurenJauregui😳

@dinahjane97 : and why doesn't anybody miss Dinah Jane? @Y/N @LaurenJauregui😡

@camilacabello97 : I miss you! @dinahjane97 @LaurenJauregui @Y/N🙋🌵🌵🌵

Cue worldwide trends #Y/S/N (your ship name, just incase you didn't know).


"Another round?" I asked and everybody gave me a 'duh' look. Well I missed you guys too. I made my way through the crowd and reached the bar, it only took a few minutes before a bartender asked what I wanted.

"6 wet pussy shots" I felt a hand make it's way around my waist and I realised who it was. Boy this was gonna be a bit annoying. Candice. 

"Wet pussy huh?" she smirked. I simply shrugged and before you know it the drinks were ready. Thank god, I really can't keep a conversation with her. I finally realised that's why were only hooked up, we never really could maintain a natural flowing conversation. Candice helped me bring the shots over to everyone and we downed yet another round. Hours passed and we had made our way to over 5 bars. Round after round, I'm surprised my tolerance is still this good considering I hadn't had a hard night out in a while. Maybe it's not as good as I remember considering the position I was sitting in with Candice. She was sitting on my lap, but thankfully not facing me. This should be fine right? I mean friends do this all the time. 

"So Y/N, someone finally snatched you up huh?" Luke asked handing me another beer. Everybody started nudging and teasing me, while I of course couldn't stop smiling and blushing. I was describing her to everyone. her qualities, both personality and physical. 

"Hold up hold up," Simon interrupted and pulled out his phone. After a few seconds he turned it and showed everyone Lauren. Not just Lauren though. Lauren from the Worth It music video. Lauren wearing possibly one of the sexiest outfits I've ever seen. Well apart from her lingerie. "this is your girlfriend!" I nodded and finished off my drink. "Y/N congrats! She's a keeper." 

The guys kept checking out more pictures of Lauren and I'm not jealous or anything, I mean it's all fun and games. But I had to stop them at a point, she is still my girlfriend after all. 

"Ok, that's enough guys." 

"I still can't get over the fact that she's your girlfriend." James stated high living me. 

"Whatever," Candice said before storming off. Well that was unexpected, geez what's her problem.

A/N : Holy potatoes it's an update! So finally got some stuff for you guys, it's more of a filler chapter but whatever. Let me know your thoughts people :)  

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