Not What We Expected. {JJK x...

By SSears90

45.9K 1.9K 516

~A BTS horror story~ The boys are sent on a vacation by their manager, but the location they end up in has a... More

We're Going on Vacation!
Is This A Joke?
Listen To Me (Pt. 1)
Listen To Me (Pt. 2)
Something To Accomplish.
Talk To Me.
I Won't!
A Day Well Spent (Pt.1)
A Day Well Spent (Pt. 2)
Please Not Again.
Do You Understand Me?
Where Is He?
Just A Nightmare, Right?
Come Back Home. [Part 1]
Come Back Home. [Part 2][Final]

The Whisper.

2.1K 108 65
By SSears90

As Namjoon was walking down the  dark hallway he put his hands on the walls to look for any signs of a light switch. Finally finding one, the hallway lit up a multitude of random wooden closed doors appeared. He slowly began opening them to find nothing but old run down bedrooms.

Suddenly, creaking footsteps could be heard behind him. He turned around expecting to see one of the other guys walking towards him, but nobody was there. How old is this damn house? He began down the hallway that went in the other direction, but still only found more empty bedrooms.

He stopped back in the living room.

"There isn't even a bathroom down here," he told his members.

"Then there's got to be one upstairs. Do you want me to go look instead?" Jin offered.

"No no, I got it. I'll find something." Namjoon continued up the wooden staircase. Again all he found was a hallway full of closed wooden doors. He opened the first one. Finally, a damn bathroom.

It was definitely not the type of luxurious bathroom they would usually encounter on their trips. The paint was chipped, the sink, bathtub, and toilet were full of dirt, and the mirror was shattered. Under the sink were two wooden cabinets whose handles had been falling off. Namjoon slowly pulled one open trying not to break it any more than it already was. To his surprise , the cabinet was full of supplies they might need. Wash cloths, towels, toothpaste, a first aid kit, soap...and...Oh good! he also found some fever reducing liquid.

He grabbed it and was headed back into the hallway when he heard something behind him again, but this time it wasn't footsteps. He thought he heard whispering coming from a door in the hallway that happened to be ajar. He was intrigued by the odd noise, half expecting his members to jump out and scare him as some type of stupid prank they would always pull, especially Taehyung and Jimin.

"Guys?" he asked out loud as he headed toward the door. As he got closer the whispering stopped. He opened the door and turned on the light. Another bedroom. Nobody else was in the room, as there was nowhere for someone to hide. The only thing in it was a bed and wooden dresser. He looked around to see that this was the same bedroom with the curtain in the window that he saw move earlier.

He inspected the window which to his surprise was still very intact, so he wondered how the wind could have moved it earlier when they first arrived to the house. The rooms walls and flooring were made of wood, none of which seemed to be rotting. 

He heard whispering again, but this time he couldn't tell where it was coming from or what was being said. It almost sounded like it was coming from everywhere at once. It made him curious. Suddenly he felt a hand grab the back of his shoulder and he swung around, startled.

"Joonie, did you find any medicine?" It was Jin. He thought Namjoon was taking an awfully long time so he set out to find him a couple minutes beforehand to make sure he was okay.

"Oh yeah, I have it right here."

"Oh thank God we had something. What are you doing in here? This room is creepy," Jin said with a shudder in his voice.

"I was just looking around, I think this room is kind of neat," he told his hyung.

"Sometimes you can be so weird," Jin chuckled.

The two of them headed back downstairs, Namjoon giving one last look around the room before turning the lights off. He felt drawn to that room, he wanted to know what those whispers were.

Jin and Namjoon returned with the medicine.

"Oh you found some?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah it was in a cabinet upstairs in the bathroom, there was also other supplies too like wash cloths and toothpaste and stuff. The bathroom is gross though," Namjoon replied with a nasty expression.

"Lucky us," Taehyung said sarcastically. Hobi couldn't contain a small giggle. 

Namjoon handed the medicine to Yoongi who began gently shaking Jungkook to wake him up, he'd been asleep the entire time.

"Hey, Kookie...Kookie wake up," Yoongi said softly. Jungkook slowly opened his eyes but didn't say anything. "We found some medicine for you to take."

"Why do I need medicine?" he asked.

He looked at the bottle to see some weird orange liquid and saw that it said fever reducer on it. He remembered having that same medicine before, he hated it.

"Because you have a fever. What do you mean why? Don't you not feel good?" Yoongi asked.

Jungkook didn't have the energy to reply, he just wanted to fall back asleep. Yoongi poured a measured amount into the cap and put it to Jungkook's mouth. "Just take some, it will help."

Jungkook swallowed the medicine and let out a small whine while making a disgusted face, he really hated the taste of that stuff.

"I'm really tired," Taehyung spoke up as he began to yawn. All the rest of the members agreed that it was getting pretty late at this point and they were all feeling exhausted.

"How should we decide on rooms?" Jimin asked, "We haven't even explored the house yet so we don't know who will sleep where."

"This whole house is bedrooms, there's probably enough for us to all sleep in our own room if we really wanted to." Namjoon only knew this because he was the only one to explore around the house so far.

"I don't want to sleep in a room by myself, this place is creepy," Taehyung frowned.

"I agree with Taehyung on this one I don't want to sleep alone either," Hobi said.

"Suit yourselves but I want one of the rooms upstairs I saw earlier." There was a sternness to Namjoon's request. As if he wasn't asking, but telling the members that he already claimed that room to himself.

"Joonie're weird," Taehyung chuckled.

"So I've been told." Namjoon glanced at Jin. Jin shot him a playful smile.

"Wait before we choose rooms or whatever, I'm starving. We haven't even eaten since we got here," Jimin mentioned.

Suddenly everyone realized they hadn't eaten anything yet and all agreed to eat before choosing who was going to sleep where. They got up ready to walk into the kitchen and explore their options except Jungkook who had fallen straight back asleep.

Taehyung walked over to him and playfully started pinching his cheeks to try and wake him up. "Maknae wakey wakey, we're eating."

Jungkook let out a small groan but didn't wake up.

"Jungkookie are you hungry? We're eating before we pick rooms and go to bed," Taehyung said.

Jungkook opened his eyes and stared at Taehyung for a second before replying. "I'm not hungry, I'm just going to sleep on the couch." His voice was full of exhaustion.

"On the couch? All night? You don't want a room?" Taehyung asked.

Without saying anything, Jungkook rolled his eyes and faced the other direction on the couch, falling back asleep.

"Suit yourself I guess," Taehyung said. Taehyung looked down at him for a moment, feeling a little concerned. He thought eating would help Jungkook feel better but he was clearly too tired. Taehyung headed to the kitchen with the others.

They began exploring the cabinets and refrigerator, to their surprise finding it stocked with all their favorite foods. Kimchi, ramen, pork belly, egg tart, and tons of other things. Hobi opened the cabinet to find his and Jungkook's favorite cereal, Honey Nut Cheerios.

Hobi did one of his little happy dances he was known for doing whenever he got overly excited about something. "Yes! My favorite!"

The members all found a little snack for themselves and sat at a small kitchen table, eating pretty quickly and quietly as they were all more than exhausted and also didn't want to wake Jungkook up. Considering Jungkook claimed the couch and Namjoon wanted that room upstairs by himself, the only members to decide on rooms were Taehyung, Jimin, Yoongi, Jin, and Hobi.

They played a game of rock paper scissors. Taehyung ended up sharing a room with Jimin, and Yoongi got Jin. Hobi refused to sleep in a room by himself and asked if he could share a room with Taehyung and Jimin. He loved hanging out with the maknae line, they were like his babies. He always had fun with them around. He also thought maybe they'd be less creeped out by the house with one of their hyungs in the room with them.

Once they were done eating they all said goodnight to each other and headed for random bedrooms.

Before going, Jimin brought a water bottle and snack to put near Jungkook incase he woke up later and wanted something.

"Sleep well Kook-ah," Jimin said as he gently put his hand on Jungkook's cheek. He was still warm which worried Jimin a little bit. He hoped Jungkook at least woke up feeling better tomorrow.

Jimin, Hobi, and Taehyung entered a bedroom down the left hallway. The room had a twin sized bed, and a queen sized bed. They played rock paper scissors to decide who would get which bed. Hobi was excited to win the twin sized one. Jimin and Taehyung had to share a bed.

Jin and Yoongi decided to take a bedroom down the right hallway, and this bedroom only had one king sized bed. "Look's like we'll be cuddling a lot on this vacation," Jin laughed. Yoongi looked at him with a playfully disgusted look. They both laid down on the bed, Yoongi was ready to pass out right away while Jin decided to play with random buttons on his little flip phone for a bit.

Namjoon entered the bedroom he had been in earlier and looked around once more. Still nothing special about the room, so he didn't understand why he was so drawn to it. He didn't hear whispers this time, although he was the only person on the top floor now so he figured he probably wouldn't hear whispers. Earlier he convinced himself it was probably Jin messing with him the first time he heard them when they were both upstairs.

A couple hours had gone by and the house was quiet now that everyone had fallen asleep. The only noise that could be heard was the thunderstorm and rain outside.

Namjoon woke up to the sound of footsteps in his room that had made the floor creak. He checked the time on his phone, it was 1:47 am.

"Jimin? Taehyung?" he whispered.

If anyone was going to try and prank him in the middle of the night, it would be one of those two, or Jungkook but he figured Jungkook wasn't leaving the couch anytime soon. 

He turned the flashlight on his phone on and looked around the room, but did not see anybody. He laid back down.

Again he heard footsteps , and the whispers started again. Just like before, he couldn't make out where the whispers were coming from or what they were saying.

Movement in the corner of the room caught his eye. He froze. A dark figure was standing there. The figure was shaped like a man, but it had to be at least 9 feet tall. No way it was one of his members.

The figure started slowly creeping towards his bed, and he sat up with his back against the wall as it got closer. It was whispering something to him while he tried backing up further but the wall had already stopped him. He was absolutely terrified to the point where he couldn't even find the strength to scream or yell for help. It was like he suddenly became paralyzed. The figure stopped right in front of his bed, and he slowly looked up. It was a tall dark mass that was missing human features. No fingers, no face. It was just...darkness shaped like a tall man.

Namjoon suddenly didn't feel afraid of it, he felt intrigued. He stared at this figure as the whispers started again. All his fear subsided and he began to feel connected to this...thing. Suddenly he realized what the figure had been whispering since he first entered this room earlier.

"Okay, I will." Namjoon replied with no emotion in his voice, as if this dark mass had sucked out his entire character and soul.

The black figure dissolved right in front of him and the creaking and whispers stopped. He laid back down on his bed and stared towards the ceiling. Replaying over and over in his head what this thing had just said to him.

"Jungkook...kill him."

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