𝙢𝙮 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙨�...

By user475802495

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when y/n grealish meets her brothers teammates, phil foden starts it up with her. but here's the twist, she h... More



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By user475802495

phil starts to walk quicker into the building where the after party was, we all got here before the rest of the guests.

"oh my god you have to see this." he says

i walk up to him with addi still in my arms, he puts his hand round my waist as my jaw drops. i knew what i wanted and what it was going to look like, but seeing it in person was unreal.

*the after party*

this was where everyone was going to have a late lunch, and this is where all kids could stay. but later, phil's mum is going to take the triplets and phil's younger cousins back to her house and we're travelling to a different venue for the night.

"let me take her, you guys go look around." beth says walking up to us and taking addi from me

i hold onto phil's hand as we walk in and look around.

"almost as beautiful as you." he says looking at me

"you're cute foden." i say smiling

"you're cuter foden." he replies

"sounds really good doesn't it." i say

"y/n foden, yeah pretty cool." phil says, "but it's not about how it sounds, it's about you being mine and no one elses."

he leans down and i put my hands on his cheeks, our lips touch as we kiss. suddenly i feel small hands on my legs and so does phil.

"mama." a little voice says, "mama dada muah."

phil picks addi up and puts her on his hip.

"how did you get away from maya and beth." i say ticking her tummy

"muah." she says leaning out towards me

i give her a kiss and she turns back around to face phil.

"dada muah." she says before giving phil a kiss

"mamaaa." she whines

phil passes her over to me as i rub her back.

"do you want to play with cousin tom?" i ask her

even though they were phil's cousins, we called them the triplets cousins to not confuse them too much.

"yaya." she mumbles

"lets go see if he's here." phil says

i put addi down, knowing she would want to walk. she can just about do it, she walked to me at jack's house. but she's still a bit wobbly.

me and phil both hold one of her hands so she's in the middle of us, we have to catch her a few times but she managed to get to the entrance.

phil had three cousins, amber the eldest who was 14, tom who was 11 and shawn who was 9.

we get there as their taxi pulls up, amber picks addi up and gives her a big hug.

"where are the other cheeky monkeys?" phil's uncle asks

"they're with y/n's friends, we'll go get them if you can keep an eye on her?" phil suggests

"doesn't look like a problem to me." the uncle says as we all look over and see all three of them playing with addi

me and phil walk off to go find the other babies, we take one each from my friends and walk back to phil's family.

*four hour time skip*

it was now 6 o clock and everyone had finished eating their late lunch two hours ago, we were all sat in a different room now. me, phil and the kids were on one sofa, phil's uncle, auntie and their kids were on another, phil's parents and brother were on one, all of my old friends, and then the football boys.

"food." bentley mumbles

"you had food earlier." i say

he crawls onto my lap and i sit him in my arms.

"food." he starts whining as phil notices

"i think i put some snacks in their bag, can you check?" i ask

he leans down and picks up the blue back pack, he pulls out some spare clothes that were packed for them until he finds some snacks. he gives bentley a small box of raisins before having to give the girls some aswell once they saw their brother with food.

"right kids, we better be off." phil's mum says standing up off the sofa

"why can't i stay, i'm not 8." amber says

"you're not staying, god knows what these lot will be doing later once they're all drunk." claire says

"wait are we sleeping at yours?" she asks

"yes." claire replies

"yes double bed." amber says

"tom and shawn are having that tonight, you all have to move around cause of the babies." phil's mum says

"ugh." amber says

"right moody pants, get one of the triplets." claire says

"mummy and daddy will see you tomorrow." i say giving bentley a kiss on the head before passing him to amber

me and phil say bye to the girls and the rest of his family before they leave, so it was now us, my friends and the footballers.

"lessss goooo." phil cheers pulling me up off the sofa with him

"someones excited." jack says

"jump." phil says looking at me

i get on his back and put my arms round his neck, he starts to walk out the room as everyone follows us. the limo was already waiting outside.

it was december so it was already dark outside, phil puts me down on the floor.

"let me get a photo of you all." he says 

i pass him my phone and he unlocks it, i walk over to my friends and we all pose as he takes the photo.

i post it on instagram.

*the post*

@y/n.grealish: the gals

@maya.woodlock: yesss bae

@philfoden: looking good babe😍

@philandy/n: where are the babies???

@ilovey/ngrealish: congratulationsss!!! i love you so so so much

@y/nandphil4lifers: change the usernameeeee xx

*end of post*

phil takes my hand and helps me into the limo, i sit down inbetween him and jack.

"why do all of you ave bags?" jack asks us

"you'll see." i say smirking

"na seriously, what's in there?" phil whispers in my ear

"dresses." i say

"how many outfit changes are you gonna have?" he asks laughing

"not enough." i say

"can i see?" he asks

"no, you have to wait." i say 

he slightly nudges me but we were all quite tight closely together so i go into jack.

"woah woah." he says

"sorry." i say

"what was that about?" he asks

"phil pushed me." i say

"wooo phil you pushing her?" jack asks

"it was a joke jack." i say

"na na na phil you push my sister?" he asks

"has he had something to drink?" i ask mason as he nods

"jack calm down." i say

"y/n." he says

"yes." i reply

"where are we going?" he asks

"club." i say

"are their gonna be girls?" jack asks

"no, you and abby are together anyway so i'd hope you wouldn't do anything stupid." i say

"abby." he says, "abby, abby."

i look back over at phil, music starts to play in the back of the limo. jack jumps up.

"sit back down, we're on a main road, i don't want you to hit your head." i say pulling him back

"you better not be acting like my mum when we're there grealish." jack says

"he does know i'm his sister right?" i ask phil

"honestly, at this point i don't know if he knows any of us." phil says chuckling

*skip to arrival at the club*

"lets go m'lady." phil says standing up and taking my hand, "wooo that ring."

"oh my god i know right." i say giggling

we're the first ones out followed by everyone else and a very drunk jack.

suddenly i feel myself being lifted up and thrown over someones shoulder. i could tell by their trainers that it was jack.

"my sister got married, woooo." he cheers running in the club and past the waiters

i slightly lift my head up and see phil and mason following us laughing

"i'm gonna kill you." i say making sure they noticed

jack finally puts me down and i walk over to maya.

"did you hear about your sister?" i ask her

"i'm gonna be an auntie, it's crazy." she says

"my brother and your sister, that's the crazy thing." i say laughing

"you're right." she says, "ooo here he comes." she says walking away

i turn around confused, phil comes over to me and puts his arm round me.

"alright?" he asks kissing the top of my head

"yep, come on." i say

"where we going." he says

"you'll see." i say

i walk over to where my friends were and give them a sign, we all grab our bags and i tell phil to wait where he was. we all walk round the corner and get into our new dresses.

*my dress*

i knew what i was doing to phil wearing this.

once we're all ready we walk back out to where all the boys are, even though me and phil were the only couple, it was still nice for the girls with the boys watching. they were all sat on one of the white corner sofa's waiting for us.

we are all in a line, i'm in the middle, holding hands. we start to walk out, we can see the boys but they can't see us. 

we walk up a few stairs and turn to face the boys, we all stood still as they stared at us. i felt phil's eyes on me.

jack gets up and walks over to me.

"what is that?" he asks

"a dress." i say

"you're literally wearing nothing." he says

"just the way i like it." phil says pushing past jack so he;s stood infront of me, "you look incredible."

"you like?" i ask

"you kidding? of course i like it." he says

"i thought you wouldn't like me dressing like this infront of your friends." i say

"i don't, but fuck it. they all know you're mine." phil says before smashing his lips on mine

"now lets go and have fun, sound good?" he asks pulling away as i nod

the boys start to come over and the music gets louder.

"where you going missy." phil says as i let go of his hand

"drink table." i say

"i'll join ya." he says smirking

i hold my cup out as he pours god knows what into my cup, i swig it down and hold it out again. it was sharp.

"more?" he asks

"yeah." i say holding it out even further

he fills it up again, gets himself a drink and we go back over and see that people are now dancing. we put our drinks down on the table and join them, i go over to beth where i hype her up.

i pick up my drink again and sip it all down again, i get sudden rush and go over to maya where she holds my arm and spins me around.

i let go and walk over to phil who was talking to ben.

"hey y/n." ben says

"hi." i reply, "phil what was the drink you gave me earlier?" i ask

"why?" he asks back

"i was gonna get myself some." i say

"you need to slow down, that'll be your third glass in under five minutes." phil says

"stop being mr serious, i'll be fine." i say

"fine, but i'm getting it for you." he says

"why?" i ask

"just because." he says, "stay here."

i wait for phil to come back with half a glass of alcohol.

"seriously?" i ask looking in the cup

"seriously." he replies, "be sensible." he says walking off to kyle

i go over to one of my friends, tammy. 

"i can tell you're loving some time away from the kids!" she says

"i love them, but i can't lie, why can't every night be like this." i say laughing

"nah we all agree, trust me." she says, "soo what's it like to be married?"

"i feel like 30 years old, so grown up." i say

"well you beat us all too it." she says

"he is really good to me." i say

"i know, i saw that drink situation." tammy says

"let a girl drink." i say laughing

"take it easy okay." she says holding my arm

"whatever." i say walking away

"y/n." i hear jack shout from across the room

"what?" i ask

"come here." he shouts

i reluctantly walk over, i see jack watching me approach him. suddenly someone comes out from round the corner making me scream.

i hold onto my chest catching my breath.

"i hate you." i say seeing it was mason

behind him all the other boys came out one by one.

"where's phil?" i ask

"dunno." jack says

someone puts their arm round my shoulders, i look to the side and see his face.

"here i am." he says

we spend the rest of the night partying, as it approached the end we all sat down on the leather sofas and went through some photos and everyone posted a few.

*my post*

@y/n.foden: the best things in life are better with you❤ 

y/nandphil4lifersss: love the userrr

@philfoden: i love you beautiful

~reply to @philfoden: @y/n.foden: love u hubby

@masonmount: best night i swear

*end of my post*

*maya's post*

@maya.woodlock: beautiful bride, best night <3

@y/n.foden: i love youuuu

@bethcawler: 💗💗💗💗

@ilovey/ngrealish: ahh all of you are soo prettyyyy i swear

*end of maya's post*

*phil's post*

@philfoden: the wife ladies and gents

@y/n.foden: <333

@phxlfodxnn: soo cute

*end of phil's post*

*my second post*

@y/n.foden: fav people @philfoden @maya.woodlock @tammy.smith

*end of my post*

*mason's post*

@masonmount: congrats to the fodens!

*end of mason's post*

it was now approaching midnight.

"we're gonna have to go soon, not sure the limo wants to wait." phil says putting his hand on my thigh

"okayyy." i say kissing his lips

"i think someone's a bit drunk." he says laughing

"does my breath smell." i say

"drunk." mason says

"come on then, wife." phil says getting up

he bends down and picks me up and holds me like a baby, we both wave to everyone and phil takes us to the exit where we get in the limo that takes us home.

*time skip 4 years*

the triplets were turning 5 in two weeks, how had time flown by so quickly? me and phil had our fourth child last year, he was called oliver.

the triplets loved him, they'd always want to help mummy out.

i got a notification that phil had tagged me in a post.

*the post*

@philfoden: loves @y/nfoden 

*end of post*

i post a photo of bentley and oliver from earlier.

*my post*

@y/nfoden: my boys

*end of post*

everything was good, everything was right, everything was how it was meant to be.


authors note: i had so so much fun writing this story, and i'm so glad you guys enjoyed it. thank you so much for all the support i received. i hope you guys liked it! my new story will hopefully be up soon, i will also be carrying on with 'quickadd'! <3

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