Autorstwa OGlilChickenStrip

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Xaphaite was home schooled until one day, when she ventured outside her home strumming her guitar, a nosy stu... Więcej



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Autorstwa OGlilChickenStrip

3rd P.O.V.

"Jade what about you?" Andre asked Jade who was staring off into space.

They were talking about whether or not they thought Tori was going to keep Xaphaite as her sister.

"Oh yeah, she's definitely a keeper. I mean who wouldn't wanna keep something so small and soft, something so innocent and...mmm." Jade moaned to herself before widening her eyes to see Cat, Beck, Robbie, Rex and Andre all looking at her confused.

"I mean, yeah I'm sure she'll stick around. I have to go to the bathroom." Jade stood from the sushi restaurant stool to head to the restroom.

Beck was very suspicious because he knew when Jade got into her mind about someone, she had a secret with them. And he wanted to know what it was.

Jade opened the door to the lady's room when Beck grabbed her arm.

"What the hell?" She asked.

"Jade what was that back there? Why are you acting so weird whenever we bring her up?" Beck asked.

Jade just gave him her sinister smirk.

"Come here." He said as he grabbed her waist.

"Get your hands off me- mmh." Jade moaned as Beck's hand reached into her skirt rubbing his fingers against her moist slit.

"So she made you this wet? Huh? Jade." Jade didn't answer. She wasn't even looking at Beck, but past his shoulder.

Beck frowned and looked to where she was looking to see Andre and Cat with shocked expressions seeing his hand in Jade's skirt.

"Oh my. Would you look at that," Jade said as Cat blushed and ran off to the front of the restaurant.

Jade took Beck's hand out of her skirt and walked into the bathroom with a large smirk on her face.

Andre and Beck gave each other look that meant they would talk later but first they had to go find and calm Cat down.

"So what's your name Baby?" DeAnte said as he gazed over at Xaphaite who was now just a lump inside of his hoodie. She had folded her knees to her chest while holding on to her side.

"Xaphaite." She answered while clutching the bandage around her waist area.

"Xaphaite? Sounds interesting. Greek mythology type of name." He said while driving. Xaphaite looked up towards DeAnte. His nose ring would shimmer a bit in the light whenever he turned his head. She blushed at how handsome he was as he turned the steering wheel.

"You're very quiet." He said as he looked back at her and slightly flinched at how close she was to his face. She was leaning out of her seat to his and her left eye was almost cat-like in the darkness of his big hood.

"Can you see out of both your eyes?" He asked curiously. His voice rang in Xaphaite's ears. It was so smooth and deep.

"Yes." Xaphaite responded as something caught her eye. She looked in the backseat of DeAnte's car and stared at the plastic container.

"What these?" He asked grabbing the cupcakes.

"Uh huh." Xaphaite answered as she stared them down. They had come to a red light and DeAnte had taken his hand off his steering wheel.

"They're cupcakes." He said with a raised brow.

"Cakes in cup shapes." Xaphaite said standing at the yellow treats with white frosting on top of them.

"Yeah." DeAnte chuckled, brown still raised.

"Is it like a cookie?" She asked him while looking up into his eyes.

"No, not really, do you not know what a cupcake is?" He asked staring back at her.

"I think so. The orphanage didn't give me any of those cakes. But my Da baked me cookies and pancakes and they were made in a pan but with no frosting." Xaphaite said as she looked at the traffic lights.

"Hold on what orphanage? Hold on-"

"Green means go." Xaphaite said in a more hushed tone than before.

DeAnte didn't say anything further as he looked ahead. He received a text shortly after.

It was from Devin.

'Bro they're still at it'

DeAnte shook his head at the text and continued driving until they had made it to his shared home, a very large and extravagant home that is.

Xaphaite was chewing on the sleeve of DeAnte's hoodie. He hadn't noticed this at firsts she got out of his car and went to the passenger side to open the door for the girl. She was still in a ball on the seat.

"Come here." He said as he reached his arms out to her scooping her while trying not to hurt or touch her naked skin too much.

Devin's P.O.V.

   "Hello?" I said as I answered my phone. It was an unknown caller.

  "Yeah is this Devin, the new dude from school?" The guy asked.

  "Who's asking?" I responded.

"Look don't worry about it. All I'm gonna say is, Cat Valentine is not available. This seemed like something you should know." The guy said.

"Okay?" I asked already bored with this dude.

  "I'm not being rude, I'm just letting you know bro to bro. The little red haired girl isn't available. Someone gave an anonymous tip to me to let you know that man that's all." He said.

"Oh. Well alright then is that it?" I asked.

  "Yeah. Be safe bro." He answered and I just responded with a quick "you too" and hung up.

  Just in time my boy Tae pulled up.

   Dude texted and told me to heat up some damn chicken nuggets and macaroni. What the fuck?

   What is that he has in his hands?

DeAnte's P.O.V.

   She's so light and soft. But she needs to get her face away from my neck like this unless she wants me to put her on her knees.

  Why is she holding on my neck so tight? I'm not gonna drop her.

  3rd P.O.V.

DeAnte walked into their house straight into the living area down the hall to the kitchen then the dining area.

   DeAnte was a bit surprised that Xaphaite wasn't going on about how amazing their home was.

   That's when he looked down to realize she had coated his sleeve with her saliva from chewing it so much and he remembered that she needed to eat.

  "Oh shit, D!" He shouted but Devin was already sitting down a bowl of Macaroni and cheese next to a plate of 12 chicken nuggets.

  DeAnte let out a breath of relief but then smacked his lips as Devin sat down and stuck a spoon in the macaroni taking a bite out of it.

  "Mmm, you know, I don't remember Mac and nuggets tasting this good but I guess it tastes better when your bro asks you to make them." He said with a smirk as DeAnte sped to him sitting Xaphaite in a chair.

  "Woah D what the..." Devin's sentence stopped as he watched Xaphaite's little head emerge from the black hoodie.

  "How, when, why, what." Devin said looking straight to DeAnte.

  "Unc told me to drop her off at home..."

  "Yes her home not ours dumbass." Devin said with a serious face.

  DeAnte smirked and sat down staring back at his brother as if they were having a mind conversation.

  Devin's frown slowly turned into a smile as he stretched his hand to DeAnte giving a brotherly handshake.

  "What's your name?" He finally asked Xaphaite who was but a ball inside the big black hoodie.

  Xaphaite peeped up at him with her big mix shaded gray eyes.

  "Yoo you got some big ass eyes. How do they even make contacts that big and realistic looking?" He asked staring deep into Xaphaite's eyes with awe.

  "They aren't contacts..." Xaphaite said lowly. Devin spent an entire 2 minutes talking about how cool that was.

   But he was cut off by the growling of Xaphaite's stomach.

  "Oh shit are you hungry?" He asked slowly.

  "Yes and she had requested what you're eating in the car." DeAnte said with a pointed look to Devin.

  "Oh...fuck." Devin said as he looked up at Xaphaite who stared at his plate.

  He got up to go back to the kitchen and find something else he could whip up for Xaphaite. "Stay right here." DeAnte said as he followed in the kitchen.

     "She can just eat the nuggets and if she's still hungry afterwards, then I'll figure something out." DeAnte said.

  "You know they're still up there doing the do, it wouldn't matter if we went ahead and made dinner without him." Devin said as DeAnte shook his head.

  "But like she's so small, there's no way she'd eat more than two nuggets." Devin said and DeAnte raised a challenging brow.

  "You know she can't stay for dinner her parents will flip out." Devin reminded.

  "Either way, her parents seemed pretty tied up with something else anyway." DeAnte began.

  "No you have to at least try and get some permission to..." Devin trailed off as his smile came to his face.

  "I couldn't get that out with a straight face, we never do that." Devin said as he and DeAnte chuckled walking back to the dining area where an empty plate and bowl laid before them.

"What the..." Devin walked over to Xaphaite who had nugget crumbs on her face and cheese all over her fingers.

"How in the hell did you just do that? We were gone for 2 minutes." Devin said as he walked over to take a seat. DeAnte on the other hand stood in place with a blank face.

"D," Devin said as he looked back.

DeAnte facepalmed himself when the doorbell rang. "I got it." Devin rushed to the door coming back with a smile on his face.

"Someone ordered Chinese, nice." He said as he placed the two bags of three plates onto the table.

One had egg-rolls and rice with vegetables and shrimp and eggs, and fried wontons, while the other plate was filled with thick noodles, full shrimp, two fortune cookies.

"Smells so good." Devin said as he went to get two plates.

"Wait who ordered it?" DeAnte asked.

"Me." A voice rang through the dining room. Cindy said as she stopped at the table.

"What the hell is in that damn hoodie? Bundles?" Cindy asked as she got a peek at Xaphaite's hair.

"Let me guess, you ordered Chinese because that's what you think your boyfriend is." Devin said as he stood in front of Xaphaite who was apparently hiding.

"" Cindy said as she looked at the three plates Devin had.

"Oh we were actually gonna eat upstairs in Xayne's room." Cindy said as she began grabbing the plate.

"Who's money did you use to get this?" DeAnte asked as he pushed the plates back.

Cindy just stared at him with an incredulous expression.

"Seriously?" She said.

"That's what I thought. Xayne is gonna check the food, and make sure his money wasn't spent on the wrong order." DeAnte said as he closed the plate.

"She's my girlfriend, don't disrespect her." Xayne's voice rang from where Cindy had came from.

"Whatever man. I know you two aren't eating all this by yourselves, might as well share." Devin said as he lightly tapped DeAnte's arm to nod his head towards a still hiding Xaphaite.

DeAnte moved to them to help cover her but Xayne had already caught a peek of things.

"What are you hiding and isn't that your hoodie?" Xayne asked.

"None of your business. But you could've asked if we wanted something too." DeAnte said as he pointed to the plates of food.

"Help yourselves." Xayne said in disbelief.

"Why would I not feed my brothers, obviously that's why there's so much." He answered as he counted the plates.

"Why did you only set three out?" He asked with his brows furrowed.

"Did you forget Cindy was here?" He asked as he went to get another plate.

DeAnte just sighed heavily.

"No." Devin answered.

"Uh huh. Who had something cheesy?" Xayne asked as he began walking around the table suspiciously.

"I did." Devin answered but Xayne had already moved behind DeAnte and grabbed his hoodie.

"Hm." Xayne said as he picked up the now empty hoodie.

Everyone stared at each other silently when a loud smash of glass was heard from somewhere upstairs.

"What the hell was that?" Cindy shivered against Xayne.

"I'll go check it out." Xayne said as he rolled up his sleeves and walked to where he heard the noise.

Cindy rushed behind him and Devin and DeAnte followed trying to get to the area before they did.

"Oh shit how did she leave like that?" Devin whispered as he sped next to DeAnte.

"I don't even know I didn't even feel her move." DeAnte whispered back.

After about 15 minutes of searching, Xayne finally came downstairs with the others.

"The damn sound came from the TV in the guest room Cindy and I were in, somehow the volume got turned up. It was on pause right on a scene with the guy dropped a glass." Xayne said with a sigh.

Cindy let out a worried breath but Devin and DeAnte were both looking around frantically trying to find Xaphaite's small body anywhere in the house.

"What the fuck?" Cindy exclaimed as she held up two empty plates.

"How..." Xayne began as he looked up at Devin and DeAnte.

"You two have been acting really strange lately. I won't even address the issue, just clean up, we'll eat later." Xayne said as he and Cindy walked upstairs.

Cindy smiled at this. It meant they could go back to their previous activities.

"Where, are, you!" Devin whisper shouted.

"Right here." Xaphaite's tiny whispered shouted back to him as they quickly turned around to see her fluffy velvet curls of hair peeking out from both sides of the chair.

DeAnte and Devin let out a sigh of relief before Xaphaite quickly said "Wait, I'm not wearing the hoodie."

"Oh...shit here." Devin said as he tossed the hoodie behind the chair. He and DeAnte were more than tempted to go grab her tiny body from behind that chair but they had restraint as they looked elsewhere as she put on the large hoodie that was now back to her mid thigh as her hair dangled just beneath it.

"Did you eat all that?" DeAnte asked.

"I apologize." Xaphaite began.

"Holy shit," Devin said with his mouth open. Then, while biting his lip, he approached Xaphaite who was back folded into the chair.

"You thirsty Babydoll?" He asked as he leaned closed to her half hooded face.

"What kind of juice do you want?" DeAnte shouted from the kitchen.

"Water." Xaphaite whispered.

"Water!" Devin shouted back.

DeAnte came back from the kitchen holding a bottle of water in his hand with a confused look on his face but he gave her the bottle anyway.

"That was close. What you did was some ninja shit. But it's about to be 9 and we have school." Devin said as he stretched.

"You can sleep in one of the guest rooms close to mine." Devin said.

DeAnte gave him a look then smirked.

"Actually, you can sleep on my bed." He said as he placed both his hands on either side of the table where she sat.

"No," the word came out of Devin's mouth before he could stop it.

"I mean you can't sleep with her, she might be uncomfortable. You barely know her." He said clearing his throat.

"I'm sleeping on the sofa in my room." DeAnte said with a bigger smirk as he had realized he had caught Devin.

"Right...I can sleep in your room too then just in case something else happens." He said as he stared DeAnte down.

"Tch, sure, the floor is all yours." DeAnte said as he grabbed Xaphaite by her waist.

Her body was limp against him and he had noticed she drank all of her water and had fallen straight asleep. The medicine she was given had her sleeping more lately but it would be wearing off soon.

"I'm convinced she's a-"

"Yeah, I'm way ahead of you." DeAnte said cutting Devin off.

"You think she's ever been trained?" Devin asked while staring at the lump poking from over DeAnte's arm where Xaphaite's butt was located.

"I doubt it, she has manners but she still went through our house and ate up all the food without asking and she doesn't speak up when being spoken to. So who knows?" DeAnte said as he carried Xaphaite up to his room for bed.

They didn't bother doing anything else but play the Ps5 while she slept on the bed, then they'd go shower but for now, they only wanted to enjoy this moment with her lying there as if she'd been living there all along.

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