Adeline Petrova: Klaus mikels...

נכתב על ידי 000Username

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We've all heard the story of katerina Petrova but what if I told you there was another Petrova sibling and Kl... עוד

Part 1: 'No one wants to marry a whore or her sister.'
Part 2: 'England just seemed like a nice change.'
Part 3: 'As for your tounge, i think itll be more use in your mouth.'
Part 4: 'Swan I'm not joking let's get going now.'
Part 5: 'Don't be afraid of a little competition.'
Part 6: 'I haven't even kissed these yet."
Part 7: 'Did he ever kill your sister's child?'
Part 8:' Get your ass up now Adeline.'
Part 9: 'Miss Adeline please help!'
Part 10: 'I only did it because I love you!'
Part 11: 'What not even a kiss goodbye.'
Part 12: 'That's me.'
Part 13: 'Now go. Run!'
Part 14: 'Well you see sir, she left.'
Part 15: 'Better you than I.'
Part 16: 'So we run.'
Part 17: 'We'll have to change that, won't we.'
Part 18: 'Well the more, the merrier.'
Part 19: 'You know you talk alot, and yet somehow I know nothing about you.'
Part 20: 'If she told me she wanted me right now, I would choose her.'
Part 21: 'Do you love her?"
Part 22: 'We will find her, I promise.'
Part 23: 'Sorry, my mistake here.'
Part 24: 'This isn't real.'
Part 25: 'Then kiss me.'
Part 26: 'More to learn and love.'
Part 27: 'So go kiss and makeup.'
Part 28: 'I am done.'
Part 29: 'She died.'
Part 30: 'That is a good answer.'
Part 31: 'Hey, day.'
Part 32: 'You look young.'
Part 33: 'It has a brain.'
Part 34: 'Your sister know you're here?'
Part 35: 'Bonnie can we talk?'
Part 36: 'You're oddly quiet.'
Part 37: 'Do I at least get best friend love?'
Part 38: 'You know?'
Part 40: 'Love you too babe bye.'
Part 41: 'Lockwoods spill.'
Part 42: 'Um, Uncle Mason."
Part 43: 'Easy Italy.'
Part 44: 'To talk.'
Part 45: 'What's going on?'
Part 46: 'Yeah? Well, running keeps us from dying.'
Part 47: 'Then we're looking at a solid maybe.'
Part 48: 'Why would I agree?'
Part 49: 'Where to now, oh protector Damon.'
Part 50: 'Locked up tight.'
Part 51: 'No that would be stupid.'
Part 52: 'Andie is a journalist. Big on facts.'
Part 53: 'Spent 500 years running from one.'
Part 54: 'What do you know?'
Part 55: 'Do you think he killed her?"
Part 56: 'Don't call me that.'
Part 57: 'I have no clue.'
Part 58: 'Oh, don't worry. There's actually no choice.'
Part 59: 'Perhaps it is his time to die.'
Part 60: 'Apology not accepted.'
Part 61: 'It's the new order, sweetheart. You join us or you die.'
Part 62: 'And you never thought to mention this.'
Part 63: 'He's being a narcissistic wanker.'
Part 64: 'Someone like me?'
Part 65: 'Get a new boyfriend.'
Part 66: 'You really think there's a ghost here?'
Part 67: 'There's the Klaus I know.'
Part 68: 'It's not a party, man. It's a wake'
Part 69: 'You disrespect her again and I'll take your hand off.'
Part 70: 'You're going to want to get out of my way, mate.'
Part 71: 'What did I miss?'
Part 72: 'No more betrayals, forever and always.'

Part 39: 'Goodbye Kat.'

9.3K 178 33
נכתב על ידי 000Username

S2e01 'The Return.'

"Where the hell are we?" I demanded, I wanted to get up and leave but my limbs and my head felt so heavy.

"This cute little hotel room. On the outskirts of town. Now you are going to lie right there until whatever John gave you is out of your system while I go and run a few errands." She was literally insane.

"Do you really think I am going to sit here while no one else knows your back?" My eyes felt so heavy and all I wanted to do was sleep.

"No I don't think you want to but you will because you are so weak from whatever he stuck you with, so let me be your big sister for five minutes and rest up." I scoffed at her.

"When have you ever been my big sister? Do you know what don't answer that because frankly, I don't care?" She pouted at me.

"Don't be so rude. I'm helping you." She sat down beside me and put her hand on my head, I slapped it away.

"What are you doing back?" I spat at her while she smirked. She walked over to something sitting on the table, it looked like a coffee cup. She brought it back over and held it in front of me.

"Hot chocolate." She told me. I eyed it suspiciously.

"How do I know it's not poisoned?"

"I am your big sister, I wouldn't poison you." She scoffed at me. I finally accepted the drink and my god was it good. "Now to answer your question I'm fixing something that needs to be fixed for both of us. Now sleep." She told me while pushing hair behind my ears.

"You can't keep me here," I told her barely keeping my eyes open. She laughed.

"Sure I can't." And then I finally gave in to the sleep.


"Stefan," Katherine called out pretending to be Elena.

"Hey, how's Caroline?" Stefan inquired none the wiser about who was in front of him.

"Not good." Katherine was trying to keep her voice at this whinny pitch while she wrapped her arms around Stefan. "Just what I needed." She pulled back and went to kiss him but before she could get any closer Stefan grabbed the back of her hair and pulled her away. He threw her across the room but she shot back up.

"Katherine." He spat at her in hatred.

"Well, at least I fooled one of you." She laughed at him, Stefan didn't sound human as he grabbed her and swung her into the wall. "Happy now?" She asked him teasing.

"Where is Adeline?" He growled out at her. She only smirked in return.

He grabbed her again and pushed her up against the other wall. The sound of keys in a lock distract med Stefan for the second Katherine needed to get him off her and on the ground. She sped away before Damon and Elena walked in.

"What happened?" Elena asked seeing the mess of things.

"Katherine happened." Damon had already realised Katherine was back and upon seeing the mess in the house he realised she had tricked his brother too.

"Did she take Adeline?" Elena asked putting the pieces together.

"I think so," Stefan told his girlfriend.

"Did she say what she wanted?" Damon asked sick of her already.

"No." Stefan sighed.

"Woman certainly knows how to make an entrance," Damon commented walking around.

"She said she fooled one of us, at least. What does that mean?" Stefan asked Damon.

"She pretended to be Elena too when I showed up earlier tonight," Damon explained.

"I told Jeremy. I can't lie to him anymore." Elena told the two.

"You all right?" Stefan asked his girlfriend.

"No, I'm not alright. I thought with all the tomb vampires gone things would get better but now Adeline's missing, Caroline is in hospital and Katherine's back." Elena was stressed two of her best friends were in trouble and she couldn't do a thing to help.

"I know. We all did." Stefan tried to comfort.

"Katherine was in this house. That means that she's been invited in. What are we gonna do?" Elena realised.

"Move." Damon deadpanned.

"Very helpful. Thank you." Elena couldn't deal with his sarcasm right now.

"Katherine wants you dead, there's zero you can do about it. You will be dead. But you're not, so clearly she has other plans." That's Damon's version of comfort.

"We need to find out what those plans are and not provoke her in the process. What happened tonight when you thought she was Elena?" Stefan circled back around.

"To risk another frown line encroaching on a very crowded forehead we kissed." Damon teased.

"You thought it was me?" Elena asked a mix of disgust and confusion evident on her face.

"What do you mean you kissed?" Stefan's tone showed nothing but anger.

"Well, you know, when two lips pucker and they go:"

Damon demonstrated for Stefan and Stefan lunged for him. Damon prepared for this and moved before Stefan got too near.

"Don't be obvious Stefan." Damon continued to tease. Stefan went to lunge at Damon again but before he got a chance Elena stepped in between the two.

"Stefan, wait, he kissed Katherine, not me. I wouldn't do that. We don't have time for this guys. Adeline is missing." Elena pushed the two apart.

"Later." Stefan glared at Damon.

"John knows something. There has to be a reason Katherine tried to kill him." Elena re-directed their anger.

"She's Katherine. She loves to play games and your fooling yourself if you think you're gonna find out what she's up to before she wants you to know." Damon spat out at the two.

"Actually, Elena's right. John could know something through Isobel. Maybe where Ade is. We can go to the hospital get him to talk." Stefan defended his girlfriend.

"I've got a better idea. I'm just gonna ignore the Bitch. See you." Damon bitterly responded.

"And what about Adeline?" Elena asked him.

"Katherine will not hurt her sister and Adeline will be out in no time." Damon continued.

"Is that smart?" Elena asked again.

"If Katherine thinks she's being ignored, it'll lure her out. She'll make a move." Damon explained his plan.

"Yeah? Then what?" Stefan spat.

"Stake her, rip her head off, something poetic. We'll see." Everyone left to go their separate ways.


I finally woke up to see no one in the room. Katherine wasn't in here so I quickly sped out. I had no clue where I was so I just kept walking dead until I somehow came to the grill. But before I could walk in Katherine appeared infront of me.

"I'm sorry, didn't running away from your hotel room not make it clear that I didn't want to talk to you." I spat at her, my voice getting louder at the end.

"Please Ade your my sister and I want us to act like it again." She pleaded with me.

"When have we ever been sisters? Not since Bulgaria. Not since we were human. You've blamed me for all of this, in your mind, it's my fault this happened.

"You think I blame you? Adeline, I love being a vampire, it's amazing. I feel bad for humans I mean imagine." Katherine shuddered at the thought and I couldn't help but laugh. "I've just wanted to protect you because I failed then, that's it."

I was so mad at her for so long but I had reaped the benefits of her scheme for years and as much as I hated her methods everything was fixed now. But I'm the other hand she screwed Damon and Stefan over so badly and she was obviously here for some new scheme. But she's my sister.

"I don't know what to say," I replied honestly.

"I just need my sister back and I get that your mad but you need to forgive me because you made a promise years ago and I'm not letting you forget it that easily."

"Why are you here?"

"A multitude of reasons, to see you, I was curious about Damon, Stefan and Elena and the rest you can't know." She was obviously up to something but she was here.

"Goodbye, Kat," I told her turning around.

"Goodnight Ade."

I walked into the grill searching for a familiar face when my eyes fell upon Bonnie who when she saw me jumped off her seat and all but flew across the room into my arms, I immediately wrapped my arms around her too.

"Where the hell were you?" She asked after detaching herself and dragging me to her table.

"John drugged me and then I woke up in the Gilbert house and Katherine took me to a hotel room and I slept." Bonnie looked so confused.

"Wait so you don't know anything?"

"Know what?" I asked taking a sip of her drink.

She then went on to explain how Katherine had pretended to be Elena to try and kill John, kissed Damon while pretending to be Elena, crashed Mayor Lockwood's wake and overall pissed everyone off and that Caroline was in the hospital.

After I talked to Bonnie I had to go back home. I walked into find Damon sitting on the floor with a bottle.

"Your back." He didn't even look at me.

"I see my sisters been here," I said and in a second Damon was in front of me he looked the worst I had seen him.

"You loved me? Right, I fucking hate Katherine I hate her and Elena is damn liar and Stefan," He paused to laugh, he was scaring me. "Stefan's the worst but you never loved him. You loved me." He started stroking the side of my face.

"Damon, what's wrong?" I put my hand up to take his hand away from my face.

"Do you still love me?" He asked looking like a heartbroken kid.

"Damon," I couldn't do this again.

"Ok ok, so not love but anything do you feel anything for me." He brought my hands up to his face.

"Go to bed your drunk." I went to walk away but he pulled me back. "Damon," I warned.

"Answer me dammit!" He threw his fist into the wall above my head.

"No Damon I won't answer you now let me go."

"Then I'll just find out." He put his lips to mine and tried to kiss me but I moved my head.

"Damon what the hell." I put my hands up to try and stop him but he just went to kiss me again.

I couldn't get him off he just stood there forcing his lips on mine I refused to kiss him off and then I got him moved the tiniest bit.

"You're hurting me." I managed to get out and that seemed to snap him out of it he pulled himself back and looked at me, he then started crying and put his head in my neck, crying.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He just kept repeating it over and over again.

"It's ok, it's ok." I reached my hands up behind his neck and snapped it.

Stefan walked in and seeing me standing there with Damon on the floor he didn't even look confused just sorry.

"I snapped his neck. What happened?" I asked wiping away the tears that had managed to fall.

"Something with Katherine and then he went to Elena's and he killed Jeremy," He saw the look on my face and corrected himself. "He had the ring on."

"It's not an excuse Stefan."

I went to walk past to go to bed but Stefan lightly grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug. I just stood with him for a while.

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