Our Other Place In The Sun

By Durden42

18.8K 349 253

Rem and Subaru one night get mysteriously transported into Subaru's world. Subaru helps Rem get adjusted to a... More

Chapter 2 (Far From Lugnica)
Chapter 3 (Reunited At Last)
Chapter 4 (Bad Romance)
Chapter 5 (An Unexpected Turn)
Chapter 6 (Going Places)
Chapter 7 (Double The Love)
Chapter 8 (Romance of the Three Kingdoms)
Chapter 9 (Old Friends)
Chapter 10 (A Strange Man, In A Strange Place)
Chapter 11 (I See Everything)
Chapter 12 (Sick Day)
Chapter 13 (The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword)
Chapter 14 (The Bell Tolls For Us)
Chapter 15 (Seriously!?)
Chapter 16 (Subaru's Long Lost Journal)
Chapter 17 (My True Friend)
Chapter 18 (Sweet Harmony)
Chapter 19 (Academical)
Chapter 20 (Völva)
Chapter 21(Tear Down This Wall)
Chapter 22 (Take That, von Hasburgs)
Chapter 23 (The Emerald Isle)
Chapter 24 (Bad Blood)
Chapter 25 (Crusader Kings)
Chapter 26 (Crusader Kings 2)
Chapter 27 (Our Words Are Backed With Nuclear Weapons)
Chapter 28 (Keeping It In The Family)
Chapter 29 (Trading The Narrow Path)
Chapter 30 (With a Little Help..)
Chapter 31 (Death Or Dishonor Or Cake)
Chapter 32 (The Good, the Bad, and the Weird)
Chapter 33 (Where The Heart Is)
Chapter 34 (AAA Credit)

Chapter 1 (The Rising Sun)

3.3K 43 54
By Durden42

"I don't think I am ever going to get tired of your cooking Rem'' Subaru said graciously as he gathered the plates and put them on the cart. Rem smiled at the complement, she loved it whenever Subaru would compliment her cooking

It was another ordinary day at the mansion, not much happened. Subaru was slowly but surely getting better at his butler job, but he still had a long way to go. Subaru still made common slip ups

Subaru began to roll the dinner dishes to the kitchen to get cleaned up. Rem followed behind him

"Subaru, Rem can do the dishes tonight if you would like" Rem said as she started to unload the cart

"Sure if it's ok with you. Thank you," Subaru said graciously. Rem turned to smile at him as she packed piles of dishes to the sink.

"Rem will see you tomorrow Subaru, rest well" Rem said as she started to clean the dishes carefully making sure every bit of food was scrubbed off. Something Subaru needed to take note of. Most nights Subaru would just rush cleaning the dishes. This commonly earned him a scolding by Ram

"I will, goodnight Rem see you tomorrow" Subaru said as he walked out of the kitchen and down the gigantic hallways of the mansion

Subaru was thinking about going on another date with Emilia. But while he was thinking about Emilia his mind started to wander to Rem. Subaru had trouble deciding between who to choose in his life. On one side was Emilia who caught Subarus eye first, but then there was Rem who never left Subaru no matter the circumstance. Subaru had a hard time choosing, he loved them both equally almost

While lost in thought, Subaru suddenly bumped into Beatrice. Beatrice fell to the floor dropping the book in her hand

"Watch where you're going I suppose!" Beatrice said angrily as she got off the floor

"Oh sorry Bea-ko" Subaru said apologetically grabbing the book off the floor. Before he handed the book back to Beatrice, Subaru looked at the cover. The book looked almost ancient. Before Subaru could open it Beatrice snatched it from him

"Hey Bea-ko what is that book about?" Subaru asked curiously

"Nothing of your concern," Beatrice said as she started to walk off. Subaru sighed, he wanted to know what was in that book. It looked different from the other books in the forbidden library. Subaru eventually shrugged it off, and entered his room not thinking anything of it

Subaru changed out of his butler outfit, and put his tracksuit on. His tracksuit became his sleeping attire. He laid down in his bed exhausted from another day of "hard work"

Thoughts of who to choose in his life came over him again. Subaru couldn't shake these thoughts. They kept reappearing, and there was nothing Subaru could do.

"It has to be Emilia. I already said that I loved her, but Rem also said that she loved me" Subaru debated in his head. Subaru felt awful for rejecting Rem. She poured her guts out to him and he turned her away. Subaru even cried some nights thinking about how disappointed he made Rem

He couldn't believe his response to Rems confession was "I love Emilia '' he felt so selfish, but to say to Emilia that he loved her but go on to be with Rem didn't feel right either. This battle was killing him internally. Thoughts about rejecting both, and going the unthinkable option and set his sights on Ram also danced in his head, but Subaru knew him and Ram would never happen

Subaru didn't want to hurt any of their feelings, but he had to only choose one. Subaru was weirded out by having more than one wife, so he already decided against that approach. Subaru eventually drifted off to sleep still stuck on who to choose

Subaru suddenly awoke to the loud sound of crickets, and felt a soft wind blow over him. His eyes shot wide open to reveal the bright moon and stars in the pitch black sky. He felt the cold grass underneath him

"Where am I, am I dreaming?" He asked himself as he sat bolt upright to reveal nothing but trees for miles around. All he remembered was dozing off in the mansion, now he was suddenly sleeping atop a hill in the middle of a forest of some sort. He was dressed in nothing but his tracksuit with no shoes. The same attire he wore to bed. "Who took me here? Why was I taken here?" he began to ask himself. Trying to come up with possible reasons that could lead him to this position, but none of them made sense

"Mmmmmh'' Subaru heard a groan down the hill. He walked over cautiously to see Rem sleeping in nothing but her blue nightgown down the hill.

"Rem!?" Subaru said aloud while walking towards her

"Mmmmm, Subaru" Rem whispered back. Her eyes slowly opened revealing the dark forest. Rems eyes widened as soon as it hit her that she was outside, and not in the mansion

"S-Subaru where are we!?" Rem said rushing to her feet, checking her surroundings to see nothing but the long trees and the pitch black sky

"I don't know Rem, I just woke up. It seems like someone dragged us outhere or something" Subaru said, he was somewhat relieved knowing he was not alone, and had someone as strong as Rem to protect him from any monsters, but he was still confused about what was happening

"Who could have done this. Was it the witches cult? Where's Nee-Sama!" Rem said panicked, she looked around to see no one else but Subaru. She looked into Subarus eyes pleading for answers

"I don't know... Where Ram is. I also have no clue to who did this, but I can tell you if it was the work of the witches cult I am pretty sure they would have just killed us already. What reason do they have to let us live" Subaru said approaching Rem

"I guess, but..." Rems breathing started to get heavy her heart was racing. Subaru noticed Rem was on the verge of breaking down. He needed to do something to keep her calm

"Let's just think for a second. Do you remember anything odd happening before you went to bed" Subaru asked calmly. Rem didn't remember anything odd happening. After she finished last night's dishes, she said goodnight to her sister, changed and went to sleep. Nothing was out of the ordinary

"Rem doesn't remember anything... Subaru" Rem said tears welling up in her eyes her voice breaking

Subaru started pacing back and forth trying to gather clues to why they were out here. "Was it the witch, no it wouldn't be why would she bring Rem with me. This isn't making sense" Subaru thought to himself

Tears trickled down Rems cheeks, Rem fell to the grass "Subaru... What do we do" Rem asked hopelessly, Subaru stopped pacing and walked over to sit next to her.

"I guess we should start by finding a way to get out of this forest, we should look for a trail or something" Subaru said

"What about Ma Beasts or other monsters, or members of the witches cult, I don't think we could fight them all off" Rem replied looking around anxiously

"I know Rem, but we are all out of options... We need to be brave Rem" Subaru said

Rem didn't say anything. Subaru stood up and offered Rem his hand before pulling her up and started walking down the hill.

Rem held Subarus' hand tightly as they made their way down the hill and towards the tree line. Subaru could tell Rem was scared. This was strange to Subaru. Rem fought battles so bravely, for Subaru she was one of the strongest and bravest people he knew

Rem suddenly latched onto one of Subarus arms, and held it tightly. She was shaking uncontrollably, and was staring right into the bushes

"What's wrong, Rem?" Subaru asked, confused. Rem responded by pointing at a creature that barely made itself visible in the bushes; it was tall and had long antlers. Subaru observed the creature, it looked familiar to him, it didn't appear to him to be a monster of anysort. he approached slowly trying to get a better look.

"Subaru stop please, don't go near that beast" Rem pleaded while trying to pull Subaru away from the creature. Rem being an Oni, she pulled hard. Subaru could feel like his arm was going to get torn off. Subaru stopped and got a better look at the creature Rem pointed to. That's when a moose's head revealed itself , the moose ran away upon seeing Subaru and Rem.

"It was just a moose Rem," Subaru said calmly. He had not seen a moose ever in his life, and was quite amazed at the sight of one. Rem let go of Subaru's arm. She looked at Subaru weirdly

"A...M-Moose?" Rem asked confused at Subarus calm composure

"Yah a moose, have you never seen a moose before?" Subaru asked

"N..No" Rem said

"Moose are harmless creatures; they mainly just run away whenever they see anything they consider a threat," Subaru told Rem in a informative voice. He was trying to hold back laughing at the sight of Rem cowering in fear over such a harmless creature. Rem hit Subaru in the hip, after hearing him snicker at the situation. Subaru fell to one knee rubbing his hip.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR THAT REALLY HURT!" Subaru shouted. Rem stood there with her arms crossed and an unamused expression on her face

"For laughing at Rem, Rem didn't think it was funny" Rem said while looking at the tree line. Kind of hoping to see that moose again. Rem was actually quite amazed by the moose. After learning that it was harmless.

"Where I come from almost everybody knows what a moose is, even if you lived in an area where there was none. So it was kinda funny to see someone get scared of one. Especially if that someone is as strong as you." Rem blushed at the compliment.

"Anyways I am going to go check past these bushes for a trail" Subaru said before he got up and started to make his way through the bushes

Subaru shouted in pain, stepping barefoot on sharp tree branches. Trying to get across. While half way through walking he noticed a barely visible dirt trail leading into the woods

"Hey Rem, good news I found a trail that might lead us back to the mansion!" Subaru shouted back at Rem. He heard Rem struggling to make her way to him. None of them had shoes on so they had to make the journey on bare feet. Hearing her little yelps of pain.

Subaru sighed as he walked back and picked up Rem bridal style and began making his way back towards the trail. Trying his best not to drop Rem. From the added weight while crossing the bushes. Eventually he made it to the small dirt trail. Rem stood back up and clung back onto Subarus arm as they both walked down the trail. Subaru knew that Rem was scared and did nothing to protest it. Rem suddenly buried her face in Subarus arm as she began to sob lightly

"S-S-Subaru im s-scared, what if this trail leads us to encounter members of the witches cult, or whoever dragged us out here" she said, her words somewhat muffled. Subaru stopped walking and so did she. He looked at Rem who still had her face buried in his arm

"What if we return to the m-mansion, and we find everyone dead" Rem continued her sobbing growing louder

"Don't be scared Rem we will find a way out of any problem that awaits us we always do, if you know me best then you know that I am always one step ahead of any problem" Subaru said cheerfully while stroking Rems hair trying to calm her down. Rem clung on to Subarus arm tighter

"What if Rem never gets to see Nee-Sama ag...." Rem couldn't bring herself to finish her sentence; her sobs grew even louder. Her tears began to soak Subarus' track suit sleeve.

Subaru took his hand and cupped her cheek and moved it to look at him. Rem still hugged his arm like a teddy bear. Subaru looked at Rem, and saw her crystal blue eyes glistening in the moonlight. Tears still streaming down her face.

"Rem I promise I will do everything I can to get you back to your sister. Even if I have to sacrifice my own life to do it. We will find out who or what did this to us later, let's just focus on getting somewhere safe" Subaru said in a voice full of determination.

"Do you promise... To bring Rem back to Nee-Sama" Rem asked. The soothing sound of crickets and owls were contributing to calming her down

"I promise" Subaru said, smiling giving her a thumbs up. Subaru began to walk with Rem down the little trail. The pain from the rocks and dirt. Started to slowly fade as the longer they walked. Subaru and Rem were on active lookout for any monsters or cultists. The noise the forest made, added with the present breeze, was fairly relaxing for Rem and Subaru.

After 15 minutes of walking, Subaru saw an end to the trail and it revealed a small road. A road from his world. The yellow stripe stood out to Subaru the most

"Am I back in my own world? Did the witch send me back?!" Subaru thought to himself. His head was racing with thoughts trying to make sense of his current situation. His thoughts were interrupted by a familiar noise. A noise he has not heard in over three months. He looked in astonishment when he saw a car zoom past. Rem squealed and clung onto Subarus arm

"Subaru what was that!" Rem asked. Subaru just stood there in disbelief of what he was seeing. Subaru then began to run with Rem all the way to the road.

"Slow down Subaru!" Rem shouted. When they arrived at the side of the road. Subaru turned to look at Rem. He put his hands on her shoulder. His heart was racing, and his breathing was heavy; he didn't know what to make of this situation.

"Subaru is everything ok, you look scared" Rem said in a concerned tone

"You know how I told you that I came from a far away country". Rem nodded her head in response

"Are we in your country?" Rem asked in a curious and innocent voice

"Well... maybe, but we might not just be in my country. We might be in a whole different world" Subaru told Rem. Rems' eyes widened at what Subaru just told her. She was in disbelief at what he was saying. How could they be in a different world

"Subaru what is happening, Rem is confused. I don't understand anything you are saying, how could we be teleported to a different world?" Rem said

"The truth is Rem. I don't come from your world. That's why I was so out of tune with the people there. I was transported to your world one night three months ago. I suddenly was transported to the capital. Where I met Emilia and you know how the story goes from there" Rem listened in astonishment. Her mind could not process this information. It didn't sound true at all, but she could hear the sincerity in Subarus voice

"I-I don't know anything more then that... just trust me... Please!" Subaru pleaded, his breathing getting heavier. Rem felt his hands on her shoulder started shaking uncontrollably. Rem took Subarus hand and put them in her hand. She put on a smile

"Take deep breaths Subaru everything will be ok" She said as she looked into Subarus eyes. She suddenly went in and hugged Subaru tightly. Hoping to calm him down further. Subaru was shocked at Rems sudden warm embrace. It seems that Subarus words of encouragement in the forest stuck with Rem greatly. Subaru was expecting Rem to get angry with him

"I'm so sorry Rem, I just don't..." Subaru was trying to figure out a response, but couldn't

"Don't worry Subaru, Rem has already put faith and confidence in you to bring her to safety" Rem said

Subaru noticed another car come towards them. They were fully engulfed in the cars headlights. As the car came closer. The driver of the car noticed the guy in a tracksuit and a blue haired girl in a nightgown that were in a tight embrace on the side of the road

"Why are these people dressed like that out here at this hour?" The man asked himself. he was curious about what was happening. Something within the man felt like he had to pull over to see if the two were in any sort of trouble

The car passed Rem and Subaru. But slowed down as it turned off the road and onto the dugin. The car stopped, and the driver's door opened. The man got out of the car, but stood by the door

"You guys alright out here?" The man asked looking at Subaru and Rem. Subaru looked at the man he could see the look of genuine concern on his face

"Uhhh" Subaru stood there for a minute not knowing how to answer "Are you able to tell us how far we are from the nearest town or city?" Subaru asked

"The nearest city from here is Kyoto, and I would say from here it's around an hour drive I would say... Are you guys in any sort of trouble. I can offer you a ride? I could call the police or hospital if you guys want" The man asked

Subaru knew it was dangerous to accept rides from strangers. But something about this man seemed legit. The man did not stick out to be anybody dangerous. The man looked old, like in his late 50s or early 60s. He had a white beard, and hair. Subaru knew that if he were to do anything funny that he and Rem could easily overpower him.

"Uhh yeah we would appreciate a ride to Kyoto if you don't mind, can I just tell my... my friend something in private first" Subaru said accepting the man's offer

The man smiled "Take as long as you want, just hop in the back when you're ready." The man said as he walked back to the car

Subaru turned to look at Rem, and saw the troubled look on her face. He knew Rem had no clue where Kyoto was. Rem never heard of a city named Kyoto

"Subaru, where's Kyoto?" Rem asked

"Rem Kyoto is the name of the city where I lived before I was teleported to Lugnica. Rem... I know where we are, and I have a place for us to stay for the night" Subaru said. Rem just stood there

"Th-Thank you Subaru, but since we are in a different.. World. How are we going to get back to Lugnica?"

"I don't know Rem... But I will do anything I can to get you back... Back to your sister. I promise, you just have to trust me" Subaru said

"Thank you Subaru, please keep me safe" Rem said as she hugged Subaru again

"I will Rem.. What we need to do now is let this nice man give us a ride to my house, or apartment I should say. Just leave the talking to me, things work differently in this world and I don't want to cause suspicion" Subaru said. Rem looked at him with a confused look

"Ok Subaru, but what do you mean when you say your world works different" Rem asked

"Well you see Rem our world does not use magic. So that means we grew to rely on technology in its place. Meaning that my world is more technologically advanced then yours is" Subaru explained to Rem with a smile on his face. He was actually quite excited to show Rem everything his world had to offer in terms of technology.

"No magic. Then how do you fight off monsters and other stuff" Rem asked

"Uhhhhh, truth is in my world there aren't really any monsters" Subaru said as he reached for Rems hand as he began to walk towards the car. Rem gave her hand to Subaru as she started to follow.

"Let's save all the questions until we make it to my apartment. We are just going to get in this man's car and get there. I will personally make sure he does not do anything funny or weird when we get in. You have my word on that"

"Rem is extremely grateful for your guidance Subaru, but can you please tell me about this car we are getting in" Rem asked having to know about this car Subaru spoke of

"Ummm how do I explain it. It's like a dragon carriage except it runs off of gasoline and is completely metal, and there's no dragon" Subaru answered hoping to satisfy Rems question.

"Gasoline?" Rem questioned again still not fully understanding these things Subaru was telling her

"Let's just save the questions until we make it to my apartment" Rem nodded agreeing to Subarus request. They both made their way to the back of the car. Subaru grabbed the door handle and opened it and let Rem in first. Rem got in and made her way to the other end to make room for Subaru.

Once Subaru entered he closed the door, and put on his seatbelt. He looked over to Rem. She had no idea what a seat belt was and why she needed to wear it. Subaru then leaned over, grabbed Rems' seat belt, put it across her waist, and buckled it for her. Rem looked at Subaru confused at what they both were wearing

"Safety first," Subaru said with a smile, hoping Rem would understand what he meant

"Where are we heading?" the man asked. Subaru began to give the driver directions to his apartment. Rem was looking all over this futuristic carriage fascinated. The seats were very comfy and Rem was trying her best not to fall asleep. She looked at the driver and saw a bunch of lights and buttons by a wheel of some sort

She couldn't wait to tell Ram about this. Then she remembered that she was in an entirely different world. Rems face dropped as she leaned carefully on the car door hoping that it would not open. A few tears fell down her face as thoughts of never seeing her sister again filled her head. Subaru and the Driver were busy talking to notice Rem in her sad state. Rem then remembered Subarus promise he made to her, and that put her a little bit at ease.

"Alright let's hit the road" the driver said. Rem suddenly felt the entire car move onto the main road. This experience excited her. She looked out the window to see the trees move by faster and faster. The noise of the car filled her eardrums

"Sorry if this comes out as nosy but what are you guys doing out here at this hour dressed like this?" the driver questioned. Looking in the rear view mirror.

"Me and her were on a camping trip when suddenly a bear showed up and tore the camp apart. We had little time to spare so we could not even get our shoes, but luckily we made it" Subaru made up a lie on the spot

"That's ruff, make sure you guys be careful while out camping, you never know what's out there. I had a couple bear encounters myself" the driver said, his eyes never leaving the road. 10 minutes passed. The only people talking were Subaru and the driver. The driver was asking Rem and Subaru basic questions like, who they were, where they were from, or how they were, ect. Subaru answered them to the best of his abilities. But had to make up lies for most of Rems questions

"I am just going to turn on the radio, gonna have some tunes going for the ride" the driver said

"The radio?" Rem thought to herself. Her thoughts were cut short suddenly when the sound of K pop blasted through her ears. She jumped at the sudden noise.

"Oh sorry for that, I didn't mean to scare you" the driver said as he turned the radio down. The music then played at a normal volume. Rem didn't know what she was listening to, but found herself enjoying what she was hearing. She never heard anything like this before. In fact Rem hasn't really heard much music in her lifetime. The drive was mostly silent for the remainder of the trip to the city.

Rem found herself dozing off. But her eyes lit up at the sudden view of the city. She has never seen anything more beautiful before. The bright lights, the tall buildings, everything about it was amazing to her. The driver noticed Rem staring out the window with glitter in her eyes. He chuckled

"You ever been to the city before" the driver said

"No she isn't really from around here" Subaru spoke for her

"I see," the driver responded. The car made its way through the city. Rem could not stop staring at all the lit up buildings.

They finally arrived at Subarus' apartment complex. The car pulled up to the curve and Subaru got out of the car. He noticed Rem struggling to take the seat belt off. Subaru leaned back over and pushed the button for her. Rem then pulled the handle and the car door creaked open.Rem bowd and thanked the man for bringing her to Subarus apartment

"Don't mention it just be safer next time y'all go camping" the man said

"We will, thank you" Subaru said before closing the door. The car took off onto the street, disappearing into the night

"Alright Rem let's go in, I don't want anyone to see us dressed like this" Subaru said before taking Rems hand and guiding her towards his apartment. They went up several flights of stairs before reaching his floor.

Rem knew Subaru was nervous about something, she could see it in his face. She could also feel his hand start to shake more and more, the closer they got to the apartment. They eventually got to his floor, and walked towards his apartment door. Rem stopped dead in her tracks which caused Subaru to stop too.

"Is something wrong Rem?" Subaru asked, looking back at Rem, she shook her head in response

"Rem is fine, but I am concerned for you Subaru. You seemed nervous about something."

"What are you talking about, everything is fine?" Subaru responded quickly.

"Subaru you don't seem fine, what seems to be bothering you." Rem said not buying Subarus response

Subaru let out a sigh "It's just that I have been gone for like three months and I am scared as to what's going to happen once my parents see me." Rem got close to Subaru and smiled

"You dont got to be scared, Rem will never leave you no matter what happens, I am always here for you." Rem said

"Thank you Rem. I really do appreciate that '' Subaru said with a smile spread across his face, Rem nodded with a smile still on her face.Subaru and Rem made it to the door of the apartment. Subaru rang the doorbell. Another astonishing thing presented to Rem.

"Subaru what was that noise!?" Rem asked

"It's a doorbell Rem, it alerts the people who are inside that someone is at the door" Subaru said

"A door bell? Why don't you just knock" Rem asked

"Door bells are louder than knocks so the owner of the house does not have to put up with multiple loud knocks on the door" Subaru answered. The two stood there for a minute with no one coming to the door. Subaru rang it again. They stood there for another minute still having no one who answered.

"That's odd, why are they not answering?" Subaru said.

"Maybe they are asleep, it is quite late outside it seems" Rem suggested. Subaru looked at a clock at the end of the hallway

"Ehhhh it's only 10:30"

"10:30?" Rem asked not understanding the unit of time Subaru just presented to her

"Oh yeah I forgot. Our worlds use different time units" Subaru said.

"Wait, your world doesn't use fire time, earth time, or water time?" Rem asked

"Yah we use something different, I will explain it to you later" Subaru said staring at the door expecting someone to answer

"Where are my parents? Why are they not answering the door" Subaru said angrily. Subarus face soon lit up, as he remembered that they kept a spare under the mat.

"Rem please step off the mat, I remembered that we kept a key underneath" Rem nodded and stepped off the mat so Subaru could retrieve the key underneath. After retrieving the key he put it in the key hole turned it and the door unlocked.

Subaru slowly opened the door and noticed the apartment's lights were off. He entered the apartment with Rem in front of him. He slowly closed the door trying not make too much noise. Just in case his parents were sleeping

"Subaru it's very dark in here Rem can't see" Rem said walking around blindly and carefully as to not bump into anything

"Yah I know, hold on just let me find the light switch, it's on this wall somewhere" Subaru said trying to feel the wall blindly. It didn't help that the curtains were closed so no city light was glowing through the window. He suddenly felt his hand grab something soft, the texture felt weird. Subaru stopped, not yet realizing what he just grabbed onto. That's when he found the light switch with his other hand. He flicked the switch and all the lights sprung to life

Subaru was suddenly blinded by the bright light. When his vision started to come back to him his heart stopped at what his hand just grabbed onto. His hand was directly on one of Rems breasts. Rem looked at Subaru and Subaru looked at Rem. Quickly he took his hand back, his face full of red from embarrassment. He turned his back towards Rem. Subaru couldn't even look at Rem after that encounter

"I am so sorry Rem!" Subaru said. Rem just giggled at Subarus reaction, her face was also red from embarrassment.

"It's alright Subaru. Rem knows it was just an accident" Rem said while looking around Subarus' apartment, walking into the living room amazed at everything that was in it. Her eyes fixated at the giant black square on a table of some sorts. Subaru looked back at Rem relieved

"Thank you Rem... Please let's just forget about that" Subaru said. Rem nodded her head

Anyways Mom, Dad are you home!" Subaru said going up to their bedroom door. He opened the bedroom door slowly. He peeked through to see an empty bed.

"Looks like they are not home" Subaru said as he walked over and opened the curtains to the living room revealing the buzzling city all lit up. Rems' eyes lit up at the sight of it.

"Wow Subaru your world sure is pretty." Rem said as she got close to the window her eyes were in awe at the sight before her. She felt like she couldn't get enough of it

"Yup it is pretty nice, our society having no magic means we drew a dependency on technology in its place.... Wait didn't I tell you this already? Anyway Rem, we should probably clean up." Subaru said as he looked at the bottom of his foot to see it was black from all the dirt he stepped on.

"Sure Subaru, but Rem has one quick question" Rem said looking at Subaru

"Rem wants to know the purpose of that giant black square on that stand" Rem said pointing at the TV. Subarus smiled as he started his explanation to Rem on the television

"Well you see Rem this is what we call a Television or TV for short. The TV is able to play all types movies, shows, etcetera" Subaru said going to the coffee stand to get the remote

"Movies, and shows I don't understand what are those" Rem said still not understanding the TV

"Just imagine a picture that moves. You know that picture I took of you a while back on that Metia" Subaru said, Rem nodded in response.

"Well just imagine that but it's moving to tell a story like the ones found in books" Subaru then used the remote to turn the TV on. The TV lit on and a documentary about the American Civil War filled the screen. Rems' eyes widened at what she was seeing and hearing. The sight of what seemed to her to be soldiers using these mysterious weapons.

"Since when were my parents into watching history documentaries" Subaru said while turning down the volume

"Subaru why are these people fighting!" Rem said her eyes were fixated at the ongoing battle on the TV

"Calm down Rem it's just reenactment, nobodys really getting hurt. It looks like they are showing a battle of some sort. I don't know, don't ask me, I don't know anything about history let alone American history" Subaru turned the TV off and the screen went black. Rem looked at Subaru her eyes wide open, she didn't even know what she just saw.

"We don't need to watch that right now let's get cleaned up and head to bed" Rems smile returned back to her face and nodded. After explaining to Rem how to use the shower.They both got cleaned up and ready for bed.

"Alright Rem I will be sleeping in my room, and since my parents are gone I don't think they would mind if you took there ro-"

"Wait!" Rem shouted suddenly interrupting Subaru. Subaru looked at Rem with a concerned and confused look on his face

"What is it? is there something wrong Rem?" Subaru asked softly

"It's just that... Rem misses Nee-Sama very much... And would prefer... if I had someone to keep me comfortable" Rem asked, she covered her face from embarrassment. Tears were welling up in her eyes

Subaru could tell that she was worried about Ram. He also thought she might have been a little homesick. All this new world stuff must be overwhelming to her. So Subaru put the brightest smile on his face

"If you wanna sleep with me... that's totally cool" Subaru said blushing half way through. Rem also blushed at his offer. She smiled and nodded her head in agreement

Subaru couldn't believe that he was actually going to be sleeping next to a girl. He has never gotten that far in his life. He felt a little weirded out, but decided to push past it for Rems sake

"So it's settled then, follow me then Rem '' Subaru said as walked towards his door. Rem followed. He opened the door and turned on the lights. Rem was astonished at his room; it looked real nice, with posters hanging off the wall. And a mysterious system on a desk near the window

"Man it feels good to be back" Subaru said as he looked around his room, surprised to see that it hasn't changed one bit since he left

"What's that?" Rem asked while pointing to his desk. Subaru turned around and saw that she was pointing at the computer

"Ah Rem that is what we call a computer"

"A computer?" Rem said curiously

"Yes, a computer we will go over the computer another time, for now let's just get some rest. I am exhausted" Subaru said while turning on the lamp. He walked over to turn off both the living room lights and his bedroom light. The lamp is still illuminated resting on top of the nightstand by the bed. Subaru suddenly heard Rem giggle behind him.

"What's so funny Re-"Subaru turned around and he nearly collapsed at what he saw. Rem found his lewd magazine stash underneath his bed. She was reading through one of them, flipping through the magazine, examining every page

"Hey give that here!" Subaru shouted as he bolted to Rem and snatched the magazine from her hands. He placed it in the box and took the box out of the room, and hid it somewhere he hoped Rem would not look. When he returned to the room he saw Rem rolling all over her side of the bed laughing hysterically. Tears coming out of her eyes. His face grew bright red as he laid next her trying his best to hide his embarrassment.

"How did you even find those?" Subaru questioned.

"One was sticking out from under the bed" Rem said, still giggling trying to hold back laughing. Subarus face dropped as he knew for a fact he would alway ensure those magazines were all in the box and hid well under the bed. That could only mean his parents found his stash while he was gone, and did not bother to move them. His thoughts were interrupted by Rem asking him another question

"Subaru w-why is there a stain here?" Rem said, pointing to the stain on Subarus side of the blanket.

"Dont worry about it! Just go to sleep" Subaru said while getting under the covers and covering his face with his hands from embarrassment. "I should have changed the sheets while she was in the shower." He thought to himself. Then again he had no idea he would be sleeping next to Rem

"Ok Subaru" Rem said while also getting under the covers. Subaru turned off the lamp on the nightstand. Subarus heart was racing. He couldn't believe he was actually sleeping next to Rem. Subaru could hear Rem breathe, and hear her move around on her side of the bed

"S-Subaru," Rem said, breaking the silence. Subaru turned over to face her.

"Yes Rem?" Subaru said praying that she didn't discover another embarrassing thing he forgot about

"Do you still promise that I will see Nee-Sama again?" Rem asked. Subaru could barely see Rems blue hair and eyes stick out from the darkness

"Of course Rem" Subaru said smiling relieved at the question

"Thank you Subaru, Goodnight" Rem said before closing her eyes. Rem enjoyed Subarus world a lot. She was not too happy at first knowing she was in a different world and away from her sister. But she eventually enjoyed it knowing she was with Subaru. Rem wanted nothing more than to be able to show Ram Subarus beautiful world

Rem eventually drifted off. The comforting presence of Subaru made her feel very relaxed, she didn't feel lost. She had Subaru right by her side

Subaru eventually heard Rems light breathing. Subaru knew she was asleep. Opened his eyes to look at her. He felt weird watching her sleep, but he couldn't get enough of it. She looked adorable. Subarus eyelids eventually closed and he dozed off to sleep with the sound of Rems breathing

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