For Better or for Worse (Stuc...

By wolfstarmanaged

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One night, Bucky shows up on Steve's doorstep asking to lay low at his place for a few weeks. Together they t... More

To Keep You Safe
Sickness And Health
Falling Apart
Sick Days
4th of July
Standing Trial
A New Stage of Life
Moving On


796 20 28
By wolfstarmanaged

7 Years Later

Even after years of dating, marriage and living together, Steve still didn't like waking up alone.
Turning around in bed, he extended his arm for Bucky and sighed, finding his side of the bed empty, the covers folded already. The bed was hit by some orange sunlight that made it's way into the room through the blinds.
Sighing softly to himself, Steve stretched a bit and sat up, running a hand through his messy hair and walking to the attached bathroom, taking care of his business and washing up a bit to get ready for the day -though he stayed in sweats, knowing Sunday always meant slow mornings at home-.

Opening the windows in the master bedroom and bathroom, he smiled -the little house they'd gotten a bit outside of the city two years after they'd gotten married still feeling like the perfect home for them-.
After sorting out his covers, he exited the bedroom and made his way towards the kitchen, since he knew he'd likely find Bucky there.
He smiled softly as he walked into the kitchen, finding Bucky by the counter, back facing the door as he used his right hand to mix something in a bowl.

Hip tilted to the left, he bounced it up and down slightly, humming rhythmically to a song that was playing quietly in the background.
Smiling softly, Steve quietly walked forwards, spotting the signature head of messy, auburn hair peeking over Bucky's shoulder, as well as a tiny leg resting on his hip. Heart fluttering with love and affection as it always did when seeing his family, his smile widened as the almost two year old girl moved her head a bit, looking up over Bucky's metal shoulder.
Emerald green eyes crinkling around the edges with her smile, they lit up as she lifted her head a bit more, mumbling so preciously around her pacifier that she was suckling on sleepily. „Papa..."

Extending his arms to her and making playful grabby hands, Steve smiled and continued greeting her as Bucky also turned around. „Good morning, princess."
Carefully handing her over from where he'd been bouncing her on his left arm and hip, Bucky smiled as he watched Steve carefully grab her, holding her close in his strong arms and nuzzling into her soft curls, knowing his beard didn't bother her.
Holding onto his shirt with her free hand -the second one tightly clutching her small blanket-, she leant her head against his strong chest, pacifier in her mouth as she blinked slowly. „Papa."

„That's right, princess. I'm here." Holding her close, he swayed her up and down in his arms gently, moving slowly as she was obviously still sleepy.
„Morning, darling." He smiled softly, pressing a chaste kiss to Bucky's lips.
„Morning, love." Bucky smiled as well, looking at him and down at the girl in his arms. At their precious daughter Grace, who they'd officially adopted when she'd only been two days old, fresh out of the hospital. And now she was already close to turning two, growing up way too fast for Bucky's liking.

„How did you sleep, princess?" Steve asked gently, pressing a kiss to her head that she continued to rest on his chest, watching Bucky with sleepy eyes as he went back to preparing the pancake batter they'd started together.
Not removing her pacifier, she nodded slowly and continued holding onto him, always cuddly in the mornings. „G'weat."
„You slept great? That's nice to hear, love. Were you nice to dad this morning?" He teased her softly,  nuzzling against her hair that smelled like raspberries and their extra sensitive laundry detergent that they used for her clothes and bedding.

She nodded at that, watching Bucky as he grabbed the chocolate chips. „Yes." Wiggling in his arms slightly, she sleepily extended her hand to Bucky again. „Me."
„You wanna add the chocolate chips?" Bucky asked her gently, popping one into his mouth and grinning as her eyes widened slightly.
„Soquat zips..." She nodded, words muffled and also hard for her to pronounce correctly just yet.
Using his left arm again, Bucky took her from Steve and held her close, knowing she didn't mind the metal. Knowing no one in his family did. Gently taking her blanket from her and slinging it over his shoulder, he handed her the bag. „There you go. Now, remember to be careful when pouring, yes?"

She nodded eagerly, grabbing the bag of chocolate chips and turning it upside down sloppily, pouring almost half the bag in.
Chuckling softly, Bucky helped her hold it upright again with his free hand and pressed a kiss to her small head. „If you put any more in there, we'll have chocolate chips with a tiny bit of batter rather than pancakes with some chocolate, sweetheart."
Giggling around her pacifier, she leant her head against his chest again. „Willy..."
„I'm silly?" Bucky gasped jokingly, nuzzling against her and tickling her tummy carefully, making sure to step away from the bowl so she wouldn't accidentally hit it as she kicked her legs around, her shrill laughter filling both the house and her parents heart. „You're silly~ Yes, you're silly!"

Stopping after a bit to make sure she was breathing okay, Bucky smiled at her, eyes glistening as he saw her so happy, smiling widely around her pacifier. Pressing a soft kiss to her forehead, he smiled softly. „Daddy loves you, sweetheart."
She giggled softly, nodding before leaning her head against his shoulder again. „'ove you."
Bouncing her up and down a bit more, he carefully ran her curls behind her ears and tugged them there, smiling to himself. Always enjoying the weekend mornings with her, knowing they could take all the time they wanted -unlike during the week, when he would need to head of to work eventually-.

„I think someone needs a new diaper, hm?" He asked her gently, kissing her head softly as she started squirming in his arms and pushing her head against his shoulder in upset as a pout formed on her lips. „Should papa go and do that with you whilst I get the pancakes started?"
Turning her head, she kept it resting against his shoulder as she looked at Steve, who just put his coffee mug aside. Whining a bit because her wet bottom felt uncomfortable, she extended her small hand to him.
„Let's go~" Steve sing-songed jokingly to get her to lighten up, grabbing her carefully and lifting her above his head. „Off goes the diaper plane."

She stopped whining at that, still not laughing though and extending her arms downwards, still wanting more cuddles.
Steve didn't object, holding her close as they walked to her room -that lay right next to theirs- together. He adored her cuddly nature in the mornings, knowing she must've gotten this from Bucky. Because even if they weren't biologically related, Steve always noticed new traits that he felt certain she'd gotten from one or both of them.
„Do you want to choose your outfit together today?"
Resting her head on his shoulder, she nodded in agreement and watched as Steve grabbed stuff from her closet.

„How about this?" Holding up a nice, slightly warmer mustard yellow dress with sleeves that went a bit past her elbows, he smiled when she nodded, having a fondness for the color.
Grabbing a basic, bordeaux red pair of leggings and some socks with pads underneath to keep her from slipping, he looked at her and gained another nod of approval before carrying her over to the changing table, gently laying her down and keeping one hand on her as he bend down to grab a fresh diaper.
Humming to her quietly, he started unbuttoning the one-piece pyjama by opening the buttons that ran up from one foot all the way over her side to her neck. Being careful to make sure she was okay, he pulled it off of her gently by first lifting her to one side and then the other, putting the pyjama aside.

Bending down, he blew a raspberry against her bare tummy, giggling as she squeaked with laughter and her tiny hands held onto his head whilst she kicked her legs a bit.
Laughing fondly against her skin, he did this one more time before stopping, noticing her growing fuzzy again because of her diaper.
Grabbing some wet wipes, he opened her dirty diaper carefully and cleaned her up, disposing of it with ease and making sure she was fine before putting a fresh one on her, running his finger under the edges and making sure it wasn't too tight. „All good~"

Grabbing some lukewarm water that they kept by the table in a thermos, he used a simple cotton cloth to wipe her body down and clean her a bit, knowing she didn't need a full shower or bath every day.
Smiling as he noticed the smell of pancakes filling the house, he grinned as he raised his eyebrows at her. „Smells like breakfast to me~"
Overrun with excitement, she suddenly scrambled to her naked feet, still on the table and hurling herself forward, almost tumbling off if Steve hadn't caught her. „Wow, Grace!"

He held her with one arm, not wanting her to fall off and hurt herself. „You gotta be careful, princess. You can't just jump off this table."
Green eyes wide, she looked at him, the shock of how far she would've fallen for her size sinking in. Tears slowly crowding her vision, she inhaled shakily around her pacifier, her cheeks turning crimson as she shook her head.
„Oh no, it's okay..." Steve tried to reassure, but the damage was done.
Cheeks a dark red, she started crying, her tiny frame trembling as her wails filled the house. Hiccuping and sobbing, she screamed as thick, round tears streaked her cheeks, some hitting her pacifier whilst others ran down to her chin.

„Shh, nothing happened, Gracie. You're fine, peanut." Steve pulled her closer gently, cradling her in his strong arms as she slumped her head onto his shoulder, sobbing around her pacifier. „Nothing happened, Papa just got scared you'd hurt yourself. Shh..."
Bouncing her up and down continuously and shushing her, he grabbed the clothes they'd gotten ready for her and carried her to the kitchen. He continued to whisper to her that she was fine as she sobbed around her pacifier, head slumped against his chest and shoulder, feeling overwhelmed with the emotion of fear that she was still growing used to.

Having heard her crying but also having heard Steve with her, Bucky turned around as they entered and slowly extended his hands to her, offering to hold her but not pressuring her if she preferred to stay with Steve.
Tiny frame shaking with sobs, she extended her arms to him, her big eyes glistening with tears. Gently taking her in both arms, Bucky cradled her body close, running his flesh hand over her bare back whilst the metal arm supported her diaper clad hips. Swaying her gently, he let her drop her head onto his shoulder and nuzzled into her hair, cooing her softly. „You're okay, princess. Nothing bad is happening, you're okay. You're safe. Papa and I are right here with you. And we're gonna have a great Sunday with pancakes and cuddles and other things you'd like to do."

Continuing to bounce her up and down on his hip, he glanced towards Steve, who was still holding her clothes. „We're gonna have a great day, princess. But for now, I'll just hold you until you feel better, yes?"
Tiny frame still shaking with hiccups, Grace nodded against his shoulder, thick tears still running over her cheeks though her active screaming had stopped, having been replaced by soft sniffles.
„Okay, I got you." Bucky reassured again, continuing to bounce her as he walked towards Steve -who'd turned down the heat so the pancakes Bucky had been making wouldn't burn-. Pressing a soft kiss to his collarbone, he smiled as Steve leant in for Grace, gently caressing her curls and tugging some behind her ear, letting her know they were both there and that she didn't have anything to be afraid of. Both of them despising to see their little girl all upset.

When her breaths slowly calmed down, she nodded against Bucky's shoulder again, slowly lifting her head to look up at Steve. The color of her cheeks returned to normal as she continued suckling on her pacifier, breathing through her nose.
Smiling softly, Steve ran his fingers over her cheeks to dry off the tears that had fallen, bending forwards and pressing a kiss to her forehead. „All good again. I told you, nothing happened."
Nodding again, she dropped her head onto Bucky's shoulder again and looked towards the clothes. „Cold..."

Moving around them, Steve started dressing her in Bucky's arms, the three of them working together perfectly and quickly having her dressed, looking slightly happier again in her dress as she still cuddled Bucky.
Smiling towards Steve briefly, Bucky carried her back over to the stove, turning the heat back up and flipping the first round of pancakes, smiling as she watched quietly.
Steve set the table for them, grabbing a sippy cup for Grace and making some hot chocolate for her -Sunday being treat day, she was allowed to have things they wouldn't necessarily feed her for breakfast every day during the week-.

When all the pancakes were done, Bucky carried the big plate over to their table, smiling as he gently sat Grace down in her high chair, kissing her forehead as she'd still been holding onto him.
Looking towards the stack of pancakes, she giggled around her pacifier as her eyes gleamed. „P'nswakes!"
„Open up, sweetheart." Steve said, making grabby hands for her pacifier and smiling when he carefully but playfully popped it from her mouth, being rewarded by a toothy grin. „Can you say pancakes?"
Grace nodded eagerly, kicking her legs a bit. „Pancakes!"

„Oh wow, that's so good! Look at you, all grown up. Soon, you'll be smarter than Papa and I." Bucky encouragingly said, grabbing her small plate.
„Willy..." She giggled again, blushing.
„He's silly, isn't he?" Steve encouraged, earning an affectionate eyeroll from Bucky.
Grace nodded dramatically, extending her little hands for her plate as Bucky cut her pancake into small pieces. „Hurry, Papa!"
„Would you like syrup with that, your highness?" Bucky teased, giggling as she blushed and nodded.

Putting some syrup onto her bite sized pieces, Bucky handed her the plate and served Steve and himself as well, glancing at her as she waited impatiently.
„Okay. Enjoy your food." Steve said, smiling as she started eating right away, knowing to wait until everyone had food on their plates. „Did you have a good dream tonight, Gracie?"
Looking up at him with her pancake stuffed cheeks and syrupy lips, she nodded at him and smiled.

Giggling softly as he looked at her, Steve shook his head. „You know we chew and swallow first before we put more into our mouths."
Chewing what she had stuffed away in her cheeks, she nodded and swallowed dramatically, inhaling loudly. „Ta-Da."
„That's better." Steve praised her, taking a sip from his coffee and smiling as she also drank some of her hot chocolate from her sippy cup, her small hands holding onto it tightly.
Watching them fondly, Bucky smiled to himself as he continued eating, finishing soon after and watching Grace quietly.

As she finished too, she giggled and leant back, running a hand over her stomach. „Yummy..."
Chuckling softly, Bucky shook his head to himself, heart flooded with affection for her. „So dramatic."
Steve giggled at that, winking at him teasingly. „She gets it from you."
Laughing softly and getting up, Bucky carefully lifted her from her chair, wiping off her messy mouth with a napkin and holding her close. Smiling happily, she dropped her head forwards, resting it on his shoulder.
„My cuddly baby." Bucky whispered gently, moving his arms a bit so he was holding her further up, nuzzling into her hair.

Draping her small arms around his neck, she closed her eyes for a bit, always relaxing so easily with her fathers.
Pressing a row of soft kisses to her head, Bucky nuzzled into her hair some more, smiling as he whispered to her. „I love you so much, Grace. And so does Papa."
Smiling as she nuzzled against him, she giggled and exhaled contentedly. „L've you..."

Holding her close as he bounced her gently, Bucky smiled towards Steve over her shoulder, his eyes filled with affection.
Steve walked towards them, running his hand over Grace's back gently. „Should we go to the park later?"
Lifting her head, she smiled and nodded eagerly, starting to kick her legs. Chuckling, Bucky gently set her down on the floor, knowing she needed to move around. „Papa." She extended her little hand to Steve, waving it impatiently when he didn't grab it right away. „Papa!"

Steve chuckled, grabbing her tiny hand in his, stumbling after her as she hopped off towards her bedroom. „What are you going to show me?"
Grace looked back up for a second before continuing onwards, shrugging and humming.
Lovingly shaking his head at that, Steve let himself be pulled towards her room and glanced around, realizing he hadn't sorted out the changing table earlier due to her upset. Gently letting go off her tiny hand, he headed towards it to put aside what he'd been using earlier.

„Papa!" Grace walked up to him, shaking her head in disapproval.
„I need to clean this up, princess. Then we can play." He reassured her, folding her pyjama neatly, as it was clean and good enough for another night.
„No play." She shook her head, her soft curls bouncing.
„You don't want to play?" Steve feigned shock, raising his eyebrows.
She shook her head at that, holding up the book she'd gotten from her small shelf. „Read."

Smiling fondly, Steve grabbed the book and looked at it. Reading the title in his mind ‚My first year of Life'. „That's your baby book, princess."
„Mine?" She tilted her head a bit, reaching up with her small arms.
Steve nodded, picking her up in his arms and carrying her back to the couch in the living room. Sitting down with her, he smiled as she climbed into his lap where he held her close. „Yes, yours. We made this for you when we adopted you, so we could put pictures in here and milestones."

She tilted her head a bit, getting distracted for a moment and squealing happily as Ebony and Alpine hopped onto the couch. Extending her little hand, she carefully petted them before they laid down, curling up on the other end of the couch.
Steve held onto her side gently as she moved around so she wouldn't fall, smiling fondly as she moved back into his lap. Slapping her small hand onto the book, she nodded excitingly. „Read."
Tugging her small body closer, Steve smiled as Bucky entered the room -even after the years still taking time in the mornings for meditating to sort out his emotions-, walking over to them. „Want to read with us?"

„Sure." Bucky smiled softly, sitting down next to them and draping his metal arm around Steve carefully, using his flesh fingers to caress Grace's curls.
„My first year of Life." Steve said quietly, letting Grace help with flipping the page.
Starting to read to her, he read her birthday out loud and pointed towards the words. „I was born at 18.5 inches and weighed 6 pounds."
Smiling up at him, she extended her arms as wide as she could. „Big!"

Steve chuckled softly, kissing her head. „Actually, you were pretty small, princess."
She giggled softly, looking up at Bucky who nodded in agreement. Looking back down at the book, she flipped the next page and looked at the picture of herself, all tiny with her legs and arms pulled close.
„That's the first picture we got of you, princess. Right after you were born." Bucky explained, smiling as he looked at the picture and the one on the next page after that, where she was seen being bottle fed by a nurse.

Grace nodded understandingly, looking at the picture and back up at them. „Where you?"
„We weren't allowed to see you yet, princess. They had to make sure you were healthy first before we could see you." Bucky explained, smiling softly.
She frowned softly, looking back up at Steve. „Papa not there?"
„We were there soon after. When you were a couple hours old they let us in and after two days, they let us take you home." Steve explained, smiling softly.
„Okay." She nodded slowly, turning the next page and looking at the picture of her in Bucky's arms.

He was holding her carefully, at the time only using his flesh arm as he cradled her, a soft smile tugging at his lips as he wasn't paying attention to the camera. Utterly fixated on and overrun with love for her.
Looking up at Bucky, she smiled and pointed at him. „Dad."
„That's right, peanut. That's the first time I held you in my arms." He bend down, pressing a kiss to her little head.

Closing her eyes, she squealed at his kiss before looking back down at the book and pointing towards Bucky's metal hand on it, noticing how it was mostly covered by a long sleeve shirt he was wearing in the picture. „Arm."
„Yeah, baby. I've had it for a long time now, way before you were born." Bucky replied gently, running his fingertips over her forehead so her hair wouldn't fall into her eyes.
„Since daddy was baby?" She asked curiously, tilting her head so sweetly.

„No. Not that long. I got it after some time." Bucky bend down, pressing another kiss to her head. Always lathering her in love, glad she was just as affectionate in return.
„Why?" She asked, tilting her head up and kissing his cheek sloppily.
Smiling as he nudged her head gently, he ran his hand over her side. „I'll tell you when you're older, baby. It's a long story."

„Okay." She nodded, looking back at the book and skipping to the next page, smiling as she saw a picture of Steve holding her, bending down with his forehead leant against her tiny one. „Papa!"
Steve nodded, smiling as she wiggled her little arms in excitement. „That's the first time I got to hold you. I let your daddy go first."
She nodded happily, looking back down at the picture and moving a bit, smiling as Steve pulled her a bit closer. Flipping a couple pages at once since she was still a bit clumsy, she raised her eyebrows as she saw a picture where she was roughly three months old. „Who that?"

Bucky smiled sadly, pressing a chaste kiss to her head. „That's your aunt Becca. My twin sister."
Grace smiled, not really grasping the concept of twins -or siblings, for that matter- yet and therefore not questioning her age. „We visit?"
Running a hand over her head, Bucky shook his head. „She's not around anymore, baby. We can't visit her, sorry."
Steve turned his head, kissing Bucky's cheek gently. Remembering how hard it'd been for Bucky when she'd passed almost a year ago. But they'd both known it was coming, and were glad she'd stopped suffering at her age.

Bucky gave him a thankful smile, running his hand through Grace's hair. „She was very happy that she got to meet you."
Grace smiled at that, nodding and flipping through some more pages. „Is Auntie Jade!" She giggled happily, pointing at a picture of Jade playing with her when she'd been six months.
„That's right, sweetie." Steve encouraged her, pointing towards the next picture. „And who's that?"

„Uncle Wam!" She replied, looking up at him with a proud grin.
„It's an S, sweetie. Sam." Steve corrected her gently, smiling.
She nodded, smiling too. „I says Wam."
Steve giggled, kissing her forehead softly. „You'll get the hang of it."
Looking back down, she nodded and pointed at the boy that was standing next to Jade in the picture, hiding slightly. „Jacob!"
„Yes, sweetie. That's Jacob." He smiled softly, kissing her head.

„Where Noah?" Grace inquired, tilting her head in exaggeration, causing Bucky to giggle.
„He was still in Aunt Jade's tummy at the time." Bucky told her, smiling as he kissed her head. „Know how he's still very small? That's because he had to grow in her tummy first."
Grace nodded in understanding, looking up proudly. „I knows."
Bucky chuckled at her pride, helping her flip through more pages, so many memories rushing his mind at each one. Gently running a hand over her hair, he looked down at her, smiling gently to himself.

Steve caressed her side gently, looking at Bucky when he wasn't looking. Always loving how overrun he was with affection for their daughter. Knowing Bucky was the best dad their child could hope for. Moving to the side a bit, he kissed Bucky's cheek gently, whispering. „I love you."
Bucky smiled, closing his eyes for a second. „I love you, too." Chuckling as he felt Grace move to protest, he kissed her head. „And you, too, princess."
She looked up at him, smiling contentedly and leaning back against them once more. Looking back down at the book, she smiled as she looked at more pictures, always focusing on the ones with her parents for longest.

Gently caressing her hair and head, Bucky leant against Steve, running his metal hand over his strong side. Smiling as he focused on Grace again, loving her so incredibly much.
Steve leant his head against Bucky, watching Grace as she flipped through pages and making sure to help her sometimes when she struggled or a picture got stuck. „That was your first birthday."
Steve gently pointed at the picture of her in a high chair, beaming widely at the elaborate cake in front of her.

Smiling at the memory, Steve pressed a kiss to her small shoulder. „Daddy made that cake for you. Took him two whole days because he wanted everything to be perfect."
Grace smiled, looking at Bucky who smiled fondly. „Daddy make g'weat cakes."
Bucky chuckled softly, tugging a stubborn strand of hair behind her ear. „Thanks, sweetie. I'm a pastry chef, so I sure hope my cakes are great."
„A pwasty chef." She smiled proudly, nodding. Suddenly frowning so sweetly, she blinked slowly. „Wha's a pwasty chef?"

Chuckling, Steve ran a hand over her head. „A pastry chef, love. It's someone who makes really, really good and elaborate treats, cakes and desserts. And your daddy is one of the best ones there are."
Blushing softly, Bucky waved him off. „Thank you."
Grace nodded again, looking at the remaining pictures from her first birthday with them and then closing the book, putting it aside. Getting up and -not as carefully as she should be- walking across their legs and the couch, she moved over to Bucky and leant against him, trying to tickle him with her small hands.

Laughing at her efforts, Bucky pulled her close with his left arm and tickled her with his right hand, bending down and blowing a raspberry against her neck as she squirmed and squealed.
Kicking her little legs, she shook her head quickly and giggled, throwing her head back to look at Steve and laughing. „PAPA HELP!"
Steve raised his eyebrows teasingly, extending his hands and starting to tickle her little armpits just when she'd hoped he'd safe her, causing her to curl into herself and squirm as they continued teasing her, both of them being careful to make sure she was breathing fine.

Laughing softly as he saw his daughter so happy, Bucky slowly stopped tickling her and ran his hand over her head, smiling. „You know Papa likes tickling you just as much as I do~"
Grace giggled softly, slowly calming down and nodding, looking at Steve. „Papa! I think'd you help."
„You thought I'd help you~?" Steve encouraged her speech, pulling her over into his arms carefully. „I'm sorry, love. I'll help you next time." He smirked then, winking at her. „Maybe."

Grace giggled, bending forward and booping her nose against Steve's, giving him as Eskimo kiss.
Bucky watched them fondly, smiling to himself as he took in all his blessings. „Want to get ready for the park?"
„Yes!" Grace nodded eagerly, jumping up and running to her bedroom to grab things she wanted to bring.
Bucky smiled as he looked after her, walking to their own bedroom with Steve. „How did you sleep?"
„Good. I was sad to wake up alone though." Steve pressed a kiss to his temple as he walked past him, grabbing some clothes. „How about you?"

Bucky smiled, undressing slowly. „I slept fine. And Grace woke up at 6:30, calling for us. You know I hate making her wait."
„I know." Steve smiled softly, walking over to him when they'd both just put on new boxers and pants, still shirtless. Hugging him from behind, Steve pressed his lips against his naked skin and sucked his neck softly. „You're so hot, babe."
Closing his eyes, Bucky exhaled deeply. „You are."

Grinning, Steve nuzzled against his neck. „You know, I miss you. The only downside to having a kid is that I don't get to hear you scream during sex anymore. God, how I miss your sweet voice."
Shuddering, Bucky grabbed Steve's hands, turning around and kissing him deeply, holding onto his neck. „Stop teasing me."
Grinning against his lips, Steve carefully bit the lower one, tugging it between his teeth gently. „I just can't control myself." Slowly parting, Steve pressed a kiss to the soft spot behind Bucky's jaw and under his ear, knowing it was a sweet spot of his. Sucking it briefly and teasingly, he blow against it, his saliva being hit by the cold air causing Bucky to shudder. „What do you think about a bath after Grace's asleep tonight? And afterwards, I'll treat you real nice..."

Goosebumps running over his skin, Bucky tugged Steve closer by his hips and kissed his shoulder. Knowing that Steve treating him real nice meant him fucking him senseless as he muffled his moans and screams into a pillow or Steve's hand. „If it wasn't for Grace, I'd fuck you right here, right now, babe."
Steve grinned, leaning his head to the side. „I'll take that as a yes."
Grinning, Bucky nodded against his skin. „You know you're teasing me by bringing this up now, I'll be waiting all day long..."

Steve nodded, pressing a kiss to his head. „I know, babe. That's the point."
Bucky shook his head, chuckling softly. „C'mon, let's get dressed."
„Yes, you're right." Steve agreed, putting on his thin long sleeve shirt as Bucky did the same.
Smiling fondly, Bucky looked towards him and sighed, knowing he was so lucky to have him. Unconsciously playing with his wedding ring that he wore on his right hand, as it felt weird with the metal one, he exited their bedroom, peeking into Grace's room.

Chuckling, he shook his head to himself as he watched Grace packing her little backpack, trying to squeeze as many toys as possible in there. „Are you trying to take your whole room with you, peanut?"
Looking up at him, a cheeky smile and blush crept onto her face. „Daddy! I don't wike it..." She gestured towards her backpack that wasn't closing, still smiling nonetheless because she knew he'd help her.
Bucky smiled fondly, walking over to her and helping her pack, carefully handling her toys and pulling the zipper shut with ease. „Ta-Da."
„Thanks!" Grace smiled up at him, grabbing the backpack and hopping off towards Steve, who was putting on his shoes in the hallways after having packed water bottles and snacks for them whilst Bucky had been helping her.

Joining them as well, Bucky put on his shoes and helped Grace, running his hands over her small shoulders as she shrugged on her jacket.
Making sure they had everything, they walked to the nearby park together, Grace holding Bucky's hand as good as she could whilst they walked, bouncing with excitement.
When they got there, Grace immediately headed for the playground area, running around and just getting rid of some piled up energy, quickly befriending a girl who was also playing there.

Sitting down by a bench nearby where they'd be able to watch her, Steve draped an arm around Bucky and held him close, smiling as he watched her.
Leaning his head against Steve's shoulder, Bucky smiled softly. „I love her so much."
Steve smiled, turning and pressing a kiss to his head. „She's amazing. And she loves you, too. And you're the best father ever for her."
Bucky smiled at his compliment, leaning into his touch softly, their PDA subtle and not inappropriate. „You're an amazing papa for her."
„Thank you. I love you." Steve whispered quietly, watching as Grace played.

„I love you, too." Bucky replied quietly, watching as Grace pointed towards them and her new friend followed her gaze, beaming widely and waving at them clumsily.
Bucky smiled, lifting his hand and waving back, feeling Steve do the same before the girls returned to playing. „You know... One day she'll learn about us at school. See her parents faces in the history books."
„I know. But as soon as she understands, we'll explain it to her first before she learns anywhere else. We'll tell her our stories." Steve reassured, watching her play.

„She'll read about all the things I did. They'll learn about history and she'll read her own fathers name in the place of assassin. Not just once." Bucky mumbled, shaking his head a bit. Those thoughts as well as memories of the past only crossed his mind very rarely, but it happened.
Giving his shoulders a reassuring squeeze, Steve held him close. „She's a smart girl, Bucky. And she'll grow up to be even smarter. And she will understand that you did not choose to do those things. And she will learn about how you fought for your pardon and became yourself again."

Sighing, Bucky leant his head against Steve's shoulder, taking in his warmth as he always did. „Thank you."
Steve smiled, watching Grace as she played with her new friend, waving towards her parents politely as they pointed towards them and then to Grace to inquire if she was with them. Continuing to hold Bucky close, Steve tilted his head slightly, focusing on him after some time. „Bucky."
„Yeah?" He smiled softly, lifting his head and looking at him.
Pressing a chaste kiss to his lips, Steve smiled against him, exhaling quietly. „You are my forever."

Bucky smiled, his cheeks rosy as he leant against him, whispered quietly. „You are my always."
Bending down for another kiss, Steve couldn't help but chuckle when he felt two very familiar small hands tug his jacket.
„Wha's about me?" Grace asked them in shock, having come over to get some water from their big backpack.
Bucky smiled, carefully pulling her into his arms for a second and giggling softly. He nuzzled into her auburn curls and pressed a gentle kiss to her head, smiling against her Steve did the same on her other side. A quick glance between them being all that was needed as they reassured her in unison. „You are our everything. And we'll be with you till the end of the line, Grace."

This is it, it's done!
I just wanted to give a quick thank you to everyone who read this story and took this journey with me!
I might write a Prequel (aka mainly Bucky's time with Rumlow inside Hydra) or a Sequel (aka more Grace because damn, I adore this fictional child I formed!) at some point! Let me know if you'd be interested in that!

Thank you again for everything, every single vote and comment always made my day!
Thank you! ~L

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