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Feeling less than even slightly rested, Steve grunted as he turned of his alarm and turned back around, nuzzling against Bucky who was resting peacefully. Burying his face against Bucky's naked skin, Steve inhaled deeply and smiled as he thought of last night, blushing slightly to himself. Because though he'd been nervous and scared, Bucky had made him feel so safe and good. And Bucky had trusted him on a physical level which Steve appreciated just as much as their emotional trust. 

What they'd done made him feel like they'd bonded on another level, showing each other more of themselves -not just physically-. Kissing Bucky's bare skin softly, Steve sighed as he slowly let him go, getting up and dressing quietly, watching Bucky who rolled over onto his side of the bed, nuzzling into his still present warmth but opening his eyes soon, feeling around for Steve. „Steve?" He asked, hair messy from sleeping and voice raspy.

Steve moved over to him and sat down, running a hand through his hair and smiling at him softly. Relaxing at his touch, Bucky glanced up at Steve sleepily. „What're you doin...?" He mumbled, drowsy with sleep as he curled up and pulled both their blankets over his naked body.

„I'm meeting Sam to go running. Though I wish I hadn't agreed to that." Steve smiled softly and leant down, kissing Bucky's cheek and grinning. „I think I worked out plenty last night."
Glancing at Steve from the corner of his eye, Bucky giggled softly and pulled the covers over his face, cheeks a dark red. „Oh, shush."

Chucking softly, Steve ran a hand through Bucky's hair and kissed the top of his head. „I loved it. And I love you."
Cheeks still flushed, Bucky removed the covers again and smiled at Steve softly. „I loved it, too. And I love you, too. But, I do need more sleep. So have a good run." He mumbled, disappearing almost completely under the covers and closing his eyes.

Steve smiled softly and got up, grabbing his phone. „I'll see you later." He gently closed the bedroom door and leant against it, smiling to himself like a teenager as he blushed again.
He walked to the bathroom and got ready, heading down at five minutes to eight and meeting Sam in their usual spot.

Sam smiled at him and greeted him as they always did before starting to jog, keeping up some small talk and glancing at Steve from the side, chuckling after some time. „You know, considering you're the super soldier here, you're pretty sloppy today."
Grinning slightly, Steve shook his head and shrugged. „Even I can't run without enough sleep."

Since they'd run quite a bit already, Sam offered to take a break on a bench and Steve slumped down, yawning slightly. „How much sleep did you get?"
Closing his eyes for a second, Steve tried to assort his thoughts and sighed. „Three hours of real sleep. More or less."

Sam chuckled and looked up at the rustling leaves. „Why? Did something happen? Is Bucky okay?"
Steve smiled softly -relieved that Sam had stopped being so judgemental towards Bucky despite the circumstances that led to it- and shook his head. „He's... Bucky's fine. We went out at night. I took him to the park, it was very nice."

Sam nodded slowly, looking at Steve from the side and grinning as he saw two hickeys just beneath the collar of his shirt. „That sounds good. Just remember to be careful."
Steve nodded and smiled softly, cheeks flushed as he thought of Bucky. 
„So... you stayed at the park for the whole night?" Sam teased, grinning as he wiggled his eyebrows at Steve.

Steve blushed as he looked at Sam, shaking his head as he saw Sam's knowing grin and flushing even harder. „Shut up."
Sam laughed wholeheartedly and shook his head to himself, grinning. „Ah Steve, there goes your whole ‚I'm so innocent' play. Right down the drain."

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