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7 Years Later

Even after years of dating, marriage and living together, Steve still didn't like waking up alone.
Turning around in bed, he extended his arm for Bucky and sighed, finding his side of the bed empty, the covers folded already. The bed was hit by some orange sunlight that made it's way into the room through the blinds.
Sighing softly to himself, Steve stretched a bit and sat up, running a hand through his messy hair and walking to the attached bathroom, taking care of his business and washing up a bit to get ready for the day -though he stayed in sweats, knowing Sunday always meant slow mornings at home-.

Opening the windows in the master bedroom and bathroom, he smiled -the little house they'd gotten a bit outside of the city two years after they'd gotten married still feeling like the perfect home for them-.
After sorting out his covers, he exited the bedroom and made his way towards the kitchen, since he knew he'd likely find Bucky there.
He smiled softly as he walked into the kitchen, finding Bucky by the counter, back facing the door as he used his right hand to mix something in a bowl.

Hip tilted to the left, he bounced it up and down slightly, humming rhythmically to a song that was playing quietly in the background.
Smiling softly, Steve quietly walked forwards, spotting the signature head of messy, auburn hair peeking over Bucky's shoulder, as well as a tiny leg resting on his hip. Heart fluttering with love and affection as it always did when seeing his family, his smile widened as the almost two year old girl moved her head a bit, looking up over Bucky's metal shoulder.
Emerald green eyes crinkling around the edges with her smile, they lit up as she lifted her head a bit more, mumbling so preciously around her pacifier that she was suckling on sleepily. „Papa..."

Extending his arms to her and making playful grabby hands, Steve smiled and continued greeting her as Bucky also turned around. „Good morning, princess."
Carefully handing her over from where he'd been bouncing her on his left arm and hip, Bucky smiled as he watched Steve carefully grab her, holding her close in his strong arms and nuzzling into her soft curls, knowing his beard didn't bother her.
Holding onto his shirt with her free hand -the second one tightly clutching her small blanket-, she leant her head against his strong chest, pacifier in her mouth as she blinked slowly. „Papa."

„That's right, princess. I'm here." Holding her close, he swayed her up and down in his arms gently, moving slowly as she was obviously still sleepy.
„Morning, darling." He smiled softly, pressing a chaste kiss to Bucky's lips.
„Morning, love." Bucky smiled as well, looking at him and down at the girl in his arms. At their precious daughter Grace, who they'd officially adopted when she'd only been two days old, fresh out of the hospital. And now she was already close to turning two, growing up way too fast for Bucky's liking.

„How did you sleep, princess?" Steve asked gently, pressing a kiss to her head that she continued to rest on his chest, watching Bucky with sleepy eyes as he went back to preparing the pancake batter they'd started together.
Not removing her pacifier, she nodded slowly and continued holding onto him, always cuddly in the mornings. „G'weat."
„You slept great? That's nice to hear, love. Were you nice to dad this morning?" He teased her softly,  nuzzling against her hair that smelled like raspberries and their extra sensitive laundry detergent that they used for her clothes and bedding.

She nodded at that, watching Bucky as he grabbed the chocolate chips. „Yes." Wiggling in his arms slightly, she sleepily extended her hand to Bucky again. „Me."
„You wanna add the chocolate chips?" Bucky asked her gently, popping one into his mouth and grinning as her eyes widened slightly.
„Soquat zips..." She nodded, words muffled and also hard for her to pronounce correctly just yet.
Using his left arm again, Bucky took her from Steve and held her close, knowing she didn't mind the metal. Knowing no one in his family did. Gently taking her blanket from her and slinging it over his shoulder, he handed her the bag. „There you go. Now, remember to be careful when pouring, yes?"

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