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„Rebecca told me you guys are going to the Café today?" Jade asked Bucky as she passed him the butter, all of them having breakfast together -except for the boys, who'd already taken the school bus-.
„Yes, the one you mentioned." Bucky said, smiling at her as he got his food ready.
„That's great. She was very excited. In disbelief, bit very excited." Jade smiled as she talked to Sarah for a bit.

Bucky poured Steve some more coffee, refilling his own cup as well and putting sugar into it, not missing Steve's usual giggle at the amount he used.
„Shush..." Bucky teased him softly, smiling softly and nudging his upper arm gently.
Sam watched them a bit, taking another bite of his toast as he stayed uncharacteristically quiet.
Whilst Steve and Sam helped Sarah clear the table, Jade headed off to work and Bucky went upstairs to take a shower -knowing from Steve's worried expression that his nightmare made him feel unsettled about Bucky being alone, though he didn't say anything-.

„I had a very long phone call yesterday night once Jade and I got home." Sam said to Steve as they washed the plates, looking at him from the side.
„What's happening?" Steve asked, drying the plates and cups he handed him.
„They think Rumlow and his guys are planning some sort of attack in Lagos. They're not sure what, but they think they know the rough location and what time they're headed for. It's still quite a while, but they want us to be there." Sam explained, sighing a bit.

Steve glanced towards him, sighing a bit. „Can't they find anyone else?"
Sam shrugged, finishing the dishes. „They asked for us specifically, and you know there's a good reason for that. As I said, it's still some time. I'll keep you updated."
Steve nodded, putting away the dishes with him and then heading off to their room to get ready with Bucky -who was just getting dressed, shamelessly stealing one of Steve's sweaters as he always did-.
Quietly walking up from the door, Steve made to grab him from behind and had already opened his mouth to yell out in triumph as Bucky bend down last second, stepping aside and laughing as Steve stumbled forwards onto his suitcase.

„You think you can sneak up on me, huh?" Bucky giggled softly, watching Steve stand up straight again and fake pouting as he looked at him.
„I was being super quiet." He mumbled, making puppy eyes at him which only made Bucky laugh harder as he walked towards him, cupping his face and kissing him softly onto his pouting lips.
„I'm sure you would've successfully snuck up on everyone else. Just not me." He giggled against him and kissed his cheek. „Now stop pouting~"

Steve giggled as well, kissing his forehead and pulling him close by his sides, moving a bit and then kissing him deeply, grinning against him.
Bucky closed his eyes as he leant into the kiss, pulling himself close to him and gently caressing his body. So utterly and stupidly in love with him that it drove him crazy.
Steve slowly parted from him, smiling softly. „I'll get ready. Then we go and see Becks, yes?"

Bucky nodded, exhaling deeply and nodding against him. „I love you."
„I love you, too." Steve smiled softly, kissing the tip of his nose and sighing.
He moved over to the bathroom, getting ready for their day whilst Bucky got their wallets and keys out. Once they were good to go, they headed of towards the home Rebecca was staying at, Bucky watching Steve drive, noticing he was lost in his thoughts.

„You gonna tell me what's on your mind?" Bucky inquired softly, gently extending his metal hand and smiling when Steve interlaced one of his hands with it.
„Just work." Steve replied, squeezing his hand softly as the cool contrasted against his warm fingers.
„Anything in particular?" Bucky asked, caressing his hand softly.
Pulling into a free spot close to the entrance, Steve swallowed and shook his head. „No." He smiled at him then, shaking his head again. „Just thinking about who I need to call so you can come with me."

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