
477 15 21

Trigger Warning: This chapter contains mentions and implications of suicide/murder.

„I still don't get why they can't find anyone else." Steve sighed, shaking his head a bit after he took a sip from his water.
„I know, Steve. But if they want us there, there's a good reason for it. I'm sure Bucky will be fine with you being abroad for a couple days." Sam replied, passing Steve the onions which he'd finished cutting. „When is he gonna be back from work again?"
„About twenty minutes. And I don't think the problem is him staying back alone. The problem is him wanting to come along on the bigger missions, too." Steve replied, shaking his head a bit.

„Right, but he did it before. Two weeks back, the mission close to Baltimore. So it wouldn't be an issue, he'd just be watching from afar. He did fine last time." Sam tried to reassure him, glancing at him.
„Well, if everything goes as we expect it to, we'll arrest Rumlow. If things go south and he won't cooperate, we'll be forced to kill him, Sam. And with their history and how Bucky -deep down- still feels about him, I don't know what to expect." Steve shook his head a bit, sighing.

„I understand that you're worried. But he's a grown adult, he can rightfully make his own decisions." Sam leant against the counter, smiling as Ebony walked up to them and picking her up gently.
„I just don't know how he'll handle it. He's very happy at the moment, you know. He's been working at the bakery for a month now, he's made friends there. His medication is helping him, he's happy we're gonna get married. He's excited for Christmas coming up, all that. I'm afraid of what could go wrong."
„You think you wouldn't be able to convince him to stay here?" Sam asked, kissing Ebony's furry head and sighing when she dramatically squirmed in his arms, causing him to drop her.

„Not a chance, he's too stubborn for that. Especially once he finds out it's about Rumlow." Steve replied, smiling as Ebony started cleaning her head, shaking it repeatedly.
„So, you gonna tell him tonight? It's supposed to be next week." Sam went back to cooking, glancing at his phone to read Jade's text, letting him now she'd be there in an hour.
„Yeah, I guess that's best. When's Jade coming?"
„She just texted me and says she'll get here in an hour." Sam replied, a small smile tugging at his lips.

„What are you smiling about, hm?" Steve teased, nudging his shoulder jokingly.
„Nothing, Nothing." Sam replied, the smile not leaving his face.
„You hiding something?" Steve teased, jokingly grabbing Sam's hand and looking for a ring.
„Nope. Not engaged. If anything, I'd ask her, either way." Sam replied, looking down at Steve's hand. „Where'd Bucky get the ring?"

„You planning something?" Steve teased, continuing to cook.
„Not right away, no. But I could imagine it, with her." Sam replied, his smile not leaving his face.
„He wouldn't tell me where he got the ring, saying I'd just go to the place to see how much he spent to complain about it being too much. So, you gotta ask Bucky about that."
„Ask me about what?" Bucky's voice rang through the kitchen from behind them, startling both of them so much that Sam almost dropped the pan whilst Steve held his chest like he was having a heart attack.
Bucky giggled at that, holding his hands up mockingly. „Didn't mean to scare you two."

„Does he always sneak like that?" Sam gasped, leaning against the counter as he looked towards Steve.
Steve laughed softly, shaking his head a bit as Bucky walked towards him. „Maybe we just have bad ears." Gently tugging him close by his hips, Steve kissed Bucky softly and smiled into the kiss, mumbling that he'd missed him.
„I missed you, too." Bucky replied, running a hand over his cheek and giggling when Sam jokingly gagged from next to them.

Parting from Steve, he walked over and hugged Sam -who was complaining about him being so sneaky- before going to change his clothes. Joining them again soon after, Bucky put his hair up to start helping as Steve hugged him from behind. „Love, you've been working all day. Feel free to sit down."
„That's okay." Bucky shook his head, smiling as he glanced towards Sam. „What did you want to ask me?"

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