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„You have to stop growing baby, I'm not ready for you to be bigger yet." Bucky giggled softly as he kissed the top of Alpine's head, sighing as the now two month old cat somehow nuzzled out of his grip, hopping off the couch with ease.
„Steve..." Bucky whined jokingly, looking at his lover who exited the bathroom. „They're growing too fast."
Steve laughed softly, bending down and kissing his forehead. „It's what babies do."

Bucky smiled at him, ironically rolling his eyes. „I know. But still... it's too fast."
Steve laughed softly, gently massaging his right shoulder and his neck with his left hand. „I know, my love. But that way they learn new things everyday."
Exhaling softly, Bucky closed his eyes. „I know. What's the plan for the rest of the day?"

Steve sighed softly, running his hand over his nape as he knew he had to bring up what Bucky had been avoiding all day long. „You know what the plan is, Buck. We haven't done your recording yet."
Bucky moved his head from his touch slightly, shaking his head. „I don't want to."
„I know it's not easy. And I know the recent ones were especially hard. But can we please not have this discussion every day."
Bucky got up, shaking his head. „It's not a discussion, Steve. I'm not doing it."

„Buck." Steve whispered, looking at him softly. „Please. I know you can do it. You always do so well. Having this talk every day is not going to chance anything."
Bucky shook his head a bit, shaking slightly. „I don't want to."
„Bucky." Steve carefully walked towards him, sighing as Bucky stepped back. „Please."
„No! I'm having a bad day, Steve. I don't want to!" Bucky shook his head, glaring at him through teary eyes, crossing his arms over his chest.

„You were having a perfectly fine day, please don't lie to me just to get out of this." Steve sighed, watching Bucky sadly as he kept his expression soft.
„I'm not lying." Bucky mumbled, hugging his own chest and dropping his head. Not meeting Steve's eyes.
Steve sighed, knowing Bucky's tells as well as when and how his lover needed him. „Come here..." He gently moved up to him, hugging him carefully and pulling him into his arms. „I got you."

Bucky was still shaking, exhaling deeply as he closed his eyes. „I don't want to."
„I know, my love. I know." Steve reassured him softly, running his hand over his back carefully but supportingly.
„I really don't." Bucky shook his head, extremely tense in his arms, his own ones still crossed over his chest.
„I'll be there. I'll hold you today, hm? It's a short one, don't worry." Steve moved a bit and kissed the side of his head. „How's that sound?"

„Still don't want to." Bucky whispered, shaking a bit.
„Please. I'll hold you. And tonight you can choose what we do." Steve whispered against him, kissing his cheek softly.
„Hm-hm." Bucky shook his head, biting the inside of his lip and burying his face into Steve's shoulder, inhaling shakily.

„Hey?" Steve carefully ran his hand up to Bucky's head, his heart breaking as Bucky started whimpering against him, his body convulsing with his shaky inhales as his breathing picked up.
Bucky shook his head again, pulling himself close to Steve as his crying turned more intense, breaths panicked and uncontrolled as he started sobbing.
„Shh, shh, my sweetheart." Steve pulled him close, moving carefully and sitting down on the couch with him, pulling him into his lap. Slightly overwhelmed as this hadn't ever happened before. He often had trouble convincing Bucky to watch the recordings, but he usually found ways to convince him and they'd get it done. And even though Bucky had tried talking his way out of it and had been stubborn many times, this wasn't usual. And Steve knew Bucky wouldn't ever fake this.

„Calm down. I got you." Steve held him gently and swayed him back and forth, moving his hands over his back as Bucky held onto him with his strong arms, his weight present in Steve's lap as he'd gained some more muscles.
„I-I d-don't want to do it! N-not today!" Bucky sobbed against Steve, trembling as his tears ran down his cheeks and onto Steve's shoulder as he basically begged him. „N-not today, please..."

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