
499 17 2

Trigger Warning: This chapter contains mentions and descriptions of rape and rape aftermath.

„What do you say to Barnes being pardoned, Mister Rogers?" One of the reporters asked, her voice loudest amongst everyone around them.
„I have been supporting him throughout this entire trial, so obviously I am happy this decision has been made. It is the only right decision." Steve said, looking around at the reporters that were crowded around them. Bucky stood slightly behind him, staying quiet and solemn as he let Steve talk. Hating the overlapping voices and flashing lights, but knowing Mrs Taylor had been right when she said it was better to talk to them here -in front of the court building- rather than elsewhere.

„But didn't you work against HYDRA? You gave your life to stop them!"
Steve inhaled deeply, really not up for this and just wanting to go home. „Mister Barnes never willingly worked for HYDRA. He was used as a weapon by them and I will answer no further questions of this nature."
Steve took an ever so slight step back to subtly try and shield Bucky from more of the cameras, pointing towards another reporter. „Mister Barnes, what will you do now?"
Glenching his jaw slightly, Steve glanced at Bucky, who looked slightly confused. „Mister Barnes isn't commenting on anything at this point in time."

„Will he work with you to take down what remains of HYDRA, Mister Rogers?" One of the reporters asked, shuffling to the front.
„We don't know much about what remains of HYDRA and we don't know what Mister Barnes will choose to do next." Steve said, his annoyance slowly becoming audible.
„But there is public knowledge that there are remaining members, like Jack Rollins and Brock Rumlow! Does Mister Barnes know where these people are?"
Shuddering at the name, Steve looked towards the reporter. „No comment. We're done here."

Without giving them any time for further questions or comments, Steve turned around and carefully put his hand onto Bucky's back, leading him away as countless pictures were taken of them.
Closing the heavy door behind them, Steve continued walking down into the garage with Bucky and gently caressed his tense shoulders as he did so. „Shall we go home, my love? Or do you want to stop somewhere?"

Bucky looked towards him, eyes big as he inhaled deeply. „We can go places now..."
„Yeah, we can." Steve smiled softly, gently putting a hand onto his cheek. „Because you're free, baby. Because you did so well, and now you're free."
Bucky leant into his touch, sighing softly as he smiled at him. „I can't wait to do so many things with you. But let's head home for now."

„Of course." Steve smiled softly, getting into the car with him and driving off, smiling as Bucky didn't duck down this time. Glancing at him from time to time whilst he took in everything outside.
When they arrived at home, Steve smiled as he watched Bucky get out and walk to the apartment, keeping his head high for the first time. Looking up at buildings and the surroundings as he did so.
Walking behind him, Steve smiled as he watched Bucky unlock the door and take off his shoes.

Walking up to him from behind, Steve hugged him softly and smiled against his nape. „I love you."
Bucky exhaled deeply, smiling. „I love you, too. Let's get out of these clothes."
Steve smirked softly, running his hands to Bucky's chest and opening the button of his suit's jacket and running his hands down his stomach. „I'd love that..."

„Steve!"'Bucky giggled softly, shaking his head softly and grabbing his hands softly. Subtly letting him know he wasn't in the mood for that kind of celebration. At least not now.
Steve smiled softly, kissing his nape chastily. „Sorry."
Bucky shook his head, turning around and kissing his forehead, running his hands up and cupping his face softly. „It's okay. Don't worry."

Smiling, Steve leant his forehead against Bucky's. „What would you like to do?"
Bucky closed his eyes a bit, sighing softly. „Can we plan going to Louisiana?"
Steve smiled, moving a bit and kissing his cheek. „Of course. Anything you want." Gently taking his hands, Steve pulled Bucky to the bedroom with him before they got changed into more comfortable clothes. When they were done, they moved to the couch and sat down together, Steve having grabbed his laptop on the way.

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