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The next few hours went by slow and painfully in a drained silence, Steve eventually dropping his hand from Bucky's knee. They just sat there, Bucky still not daring to look at Steve, who noticed this but didn't say anything.
At some point when the morning sun finally started rising, Steve got up in silence and left the bedroom, entering the bathroom quietly, leaving Bucky to sit there in silence.

The sound of the door locking tugged at Bucky's heart as he dropped his head from looking after Steve. Knowing that Steve never locked doors from him.
Slowly getting up, Bucky grabbed his set of sheets and carried them into the office, neatly putting them down on the couch there. Moving back into the bedroom and sorting out Steve's side of the bed, shaking slightly as he thought about how this must've been where he'd hurt him.

Looking up at himself in the mirror, Steve took in his changed appearance. The light injuries on his lips had gotten better already thanks to the serum, but the rest was still the same and partly worse.
As he'd expected, his neck was now a deep shade of bruised purple and dark blue. The only positive thing about the change in color was that the shape of Bucky's hand was less visible now, the parts where exactly his hands and fingers had been becoming less distinguishable.
Brushing his teeth for longer than necessary, Steve got ready for the day and walked back into the bedroom, changing into fresh clothes -not even noticing the changed bed- while making sure Bucky wouldn't see the bruises on his stomach and shoulders. Figuring he might show them to him eventually, but knowing Bucky seeing them on top of everything would make everything worse -though he wasn't even sure if that was possible-.

Throwing his dirty clothes into the hamper, he sighed as he grabbed the handcuffs and put them back into the closet, shielding it slightly by standing in front of it. Jumping a bit as Bucky spoke up from the doorway. „You think I don't know you have weapons in there?"
Steve turned around to look at him, taking in Bucky's insecure stance and the way he was looking down at Steve's feet. The way his face was lined with worry and upset.
„I never said that." Steve stammered, frowning slightly. Thinking Bucky had never looked into that closet, having no reason to, as it was supposedly empty and had a lock.
„Just saying. No need to hide them from me." Bucky shrugged slightly, shaking more than he'd care to admit as he shook his head to himself. „Anyway, I moved my bedding into the office for now. Probably better that way."

Steve inhaled shakily, closing the door behind himself and nodding. „Yes, it probably is."
Bucky grimaced slightly, turning away from the bedroom and walking into the kitchen. Steve's words ringing in his ears. Steve was the type of person to negotiate things like this, by telling him he didn't have to stop sleeping in their bedroom, that they'd continue sleeping in one bed. But he hadn't done that. He hadn't even hesitated to agree, he hadn't even said it would be best for now and they'd reevaluate in a couple days. He just agreed.

Trying to ignore his shaking hands, Bucky started making Steve's coffee and his own tea, picking out Steve's favorite cup and waiting for everything to be done. Carefully carrying Steve's coffee to him, taking in how his lover was uncharacteristically focusing on anything but him. Holding his right hand out to him, waiting for him to take the coffee.
„Thank you, Bucky." Steve said quietly as he took it from him, not even looking up as he kept his eyes on his phone.
Bucky knew Steve didn't intend to be mean, but it still broke his heart. Nodding slightly although Steve didn't see it, he retreated to the kitchen again and sat down by the table, clutching his tea cup in his hands. Shaking as he took careful sips in a desperate attempt to fill the empty feeling of coldness in his chest.

He heard Steve's footsteps approaching despite the blond being light on his feet, so he was already looking at the doorway when he entered.
Steve leant against the side of the wall and looked at him, knowing he probably looked even worse with the lights turned on. Noticing how much his distanced behavior hurt him, but for once needing to put his own needs above Bucky's.
„I'll be in the office for now. I'll be talking to Sam, but you can knock and come in if you need anything, yes?"

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