Innocent Deaths: Daddy's Litt...

By Queenart13

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Clarissa Regan, a teenage beautiful girl turns psychopathic and inherits a dark mind at a young age when her... More

Chapter 1: Too little to Murder
Chapter 2: School is the place
Chapter 3: Suspicions
Chapter 4: It's Just The Begining
Chapter 5: Getting In The Game
Chapter 6: Catching Up
Chapter 7: The Meeting
Chapter 8: What's The Plan?
Chapter 9: A Trip To Mexico
Chapter 10: Into The Vipers Nest
Chapter 11: Into The Vipers Nest: Part 2
Chapter 12: Love At First Sight
Chapter 13: Kristy, You're Next
Chapter 15: Little Harris
Chapter 16: Tears Of Cheers
Chapter 17: When Evil Returns
Chapter 18: Hide And Seek!
Chapter 19: Innocent Kidnap
Chapter 20: Only Mine
Chapter 21: Family First
Chapter 22: Evidence Doesn't Lie
Chapter 23: Innocent Deaths?
Chapter 24: Don't Leave Me
Chapter 25: Where The Sun Doesn't Shine
Chapter 26: A Second Chance?

Chapter 14: Just Keep Going

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By Queenart13

It was 10:56 am in the morning and Easton was at his office at home. He was busy with a lot of papers and he had been on a call with Alia recently. She was still on her "trip", as she said she was, so Easton had nothing to worry about.
Clara had gone to school earlier today so she wasn't going to be home till 4:00 pm. Daniel was at home, doing things unknown to him. He didn't mind.

As he just finished reading a document, he was about to sign when his pen accidentally dropped on the floor. He bent down still on his seat to pick it up.
When he retrieved the pen, he slowly sat back up. Then the huge family portrait that was hanged on his wall caught his eye.

His face saddened deeply as memories fled back. He had missed her, her brightness, her smile, everything.
The moment those bastards killed her, he lost everything.
His true happiness, his daughter's bright personality, the voices of laughter and joy booming around the house..
All Gone.
"Oh Gabby" he sighed under his breath, as he looked at the frame.

Her death was terrible, her blood was everywhere. And before she could make it to the hospital, she had already passed away.

"All because of that damn bullet!" He shouted at particularly no one in annoyance and anger.

He had hated himself for not being able to save her. And now his only daughter hates him for marring Alia. Bringing pain into her life.
And because of him, she now has a serious anger condition. It wasn't easy taking care of her as a single father, especially when he had work to do. The maids were able to keep Clara busy for a whole year while he stayed at prison.

He growled and then threw his glass cup at his wall at up most frustration and immediately, a knock came on his office door. He sighed heavily breathing all the self anger away.
"Who is it?" He asked,

"Its Betty sir, if its ok, I can come back later" She said from the other side.

Easton then thought that she probably must have heard the glass break and she got scared.
"No no its ok come in" Easton approved.

He sat back on his seat and Betty entered his office closing it behind her. Betty first saw her boss then the shattered glass bits on the ground right under the family portrait.
Betty sighed sadly.
"You miss her too huh?" Easton said, looking at the portrait with her.

"She was a good woman sir. She didn't deserve to die"

"I know. She did a lot for you and your mates. Anyways," Easton looked st Betty,
"Why are you here please?"

Betty faced Easton.
"Sir, Madame Lea said to inform you that all of the cleaning supplies had finished"

"Wait, really?"

"Yes, especially the ones in the extra store room sir"

"Wow. Well, they did last for a long time. Alright, I'll send some of the guards to buy the supplies for you. Just give them a list of what you need"

"Thank you sir" Betty said bending down in respect.

"I would have given Alia the job of telling them, but she isn't around at the moment."

'Thank God' Betty said in her head.

"OK sir. Thank you very much"
As Betty was about to turn to the door, Easton spoke up,

"Yes sir?" She answered facing him again.

"How long have you been working here?"

'Why is he asking that?' She asked herself curiously.

"About over 10 years sir"

"10 years...." Easton whispered in surprise. She had been working here for a long time since Gabby was still here.

"And when was the last time you actually took a break? Along with the other maids?"

"With all due respect sir, since Ali- I mean since Mrs Alia came, we haven't really had any breaks. It has been a few long years now sir"

"Crap. How about your son? Is he doing well?"

The young mother didn't feel comfortable talking about that subject but she answered anyways.

"He's doing fine, I've been receiving letters and cute drawings from him since the last few months. The baby sitter I hired is doing a good job"

"You've been doing a great job here along with Madame Lea, and the other maids. So you all are given a break."

Betty's eyes widened at the mention if the word "break". Was he serious??

"Are you serious sir?" She asked with hope.

"Yes I am. From today, you maids deserve a break along with the guards for their good work over the years, especially you Betty"

"W-wow thank you so very much sir!"

"Your welcome" he said with a smile.

Betty even got down on her knees thanking him for his kindness and Easton just took it all in. Betty decided to ask for a favor,
"Sir, I don't want to ask for too much, but.."


"Can Harris come over? I promise I won't let him spoil anything in the house. I just want to see my little boy for the first time in years!"

"Its just for one day please!" She added.

"One day? Says who? Your whole break is three days in fact, that's to the end of this week" Easton said smirking.

Betty's eyes shown like stars in the sky as tears of joy ran down her cheeks. She ran to him and held his hand, with a sad smile on her face,

"Thank you sir! I will serve you and your daughter forever! I swear!"

"I guarantee it. You are family"


"Thank you sir, I owe you everything! First I'll clean up the broken glass and tell the others the good news"

"I'm sure you will. Go along now"

"Thank you sir, May God bless you!" She said running out of his office to the maid quarters as fast as she could carrying her gown up so she could run faster.

"Betty, if this is some kind of sick joke, I will NOT take it lightly with you young lady!"

"Madam Lea, I'm telling the truth! I'll never lie, you know me!" Betty said with a truthful face.

Betty had gathered all her fellow maids and told them what happened, but some didn't believe.

"Are you sure, I don't want to get in trouble with Mrs Alia" Grace said rubbing her arm where a bruise laid; that Alia caused.

"Master Easton clearly said,
that we deserve a break, starting from today! For three whole days!!" Betty said doing hand signs.

"Oh wow! I can't believe this is happening, for the first time in years!" Flora said shocked,

"I know right! I can finally meet my son again! Oh I miss his cute face!" Clara said already imagining herself holding her son tight.

"Whatever! I can't wait to buy new clothes at the mall with my savings!" Ciara said flipping her long brown luxurious hair over her shoulders.

"I'll be with you! I need to buy new shoes" Ciara's closest friend said.

"I need a new hairdo and new perfumes too!" Diane said.

"Hey did anyone forget about the cleaning appliances that got finished?" Nora reminded.


Everyone looked at Madame Lea. She folded her arms.
As the head maid and her many long years of working here, she was an old woman. An age of 67 and still had her strong will and kindness of a woman. That's was one of the reasons why people respected her except for Alia of course.

"Alright young ladies...we know that we all have been granted three days off, from Master Easton hearing from Betty. But just to confirm, I'll confront Master Easton myself."

She cleared her throat to continue,

"For the mean time, Sarah and Angel, start writing down the cleaning supplies we need to finish our jobs."

"If this 'break' was true," Madame Lea smiled,

"OK Madame Lea" Sarah and Angel chorused. They both went to fullfil their duty.

"The rest, we are going to clean up the mansion before we all do what we desire. Is that clear?"

"Yes Madame Lea" They agreed.

"Aria go tell the chefs to start cooking, and ask them if they want extra ingredients or supplies so we can add it to our list"

"Of course" Aria said rushing to the kitchen.

"Alright! Get to work darlings, while I go to confirm my suspicion"

"Oh Madame Lea, make sure to carry a broom and a dustpan on your way there" Betty reminded.


Madame Lea finished packing the broken glass pieces into the dustpan as Easton confirmed his order.
"Thank you sir. This is a big show of kindness you have shown to us"

"You're welcome Mrs Lea. Besides you're like a mother to me. You deserve it"

Mrs Lea smiled proudly. She went to the door with a last saying of thanks and exited his office. She left for the maids quarters to tell them that it was true.
They were joyful as they got just three days worth of spending their normal lives once again from their stressful work.
Meanwhile, Betty had gone to the guards to tell them the good news. They didn't believe her at first but some other maids came to confirm up her words. Madame Lea finally convinced them and they were indeed happy.

After an hour of cleaning the whole mansion, the maids were getting ready to start their three day off. All where removing their cleaning uniforms and wore normal casual clothes. Some started to wear makeup while others went natural.

They wanted to do a lot;
They wanted to visit their families,

They wanted to go to the mall,

They wanted a break from the mansion and visit the outside world,

They wanted to buy a lot of stuff for themselves,

They wanted to see their long lost friends,
They all just wanted a break!

When they were ready, the guards were ordered to drive, protect and be with them to wherever they went 24/7.
They didn't want anyone running away. Not like anyone will, everyone was being paid fairly in the mansion. They could quit because of Alia, but they stood strong.

When everyone was ready, Madame Lea gathered them around for an attendance list. For the first time in years, people were surprised to see Madame Lea go casual,

A sky blue top, with a blue A- line skirt with flower designs. On her feet were a pair of black flat shoes. Her white and black shoulder length hair, was no longer in a clean bun, but let down straight.
Everyone was amazed by her new look.

No one knew she had that taste of style since she only wore dozens of copies of the black and coral blue gown, with long sleeves, the master maid uniform, all her life.

Madame Lea started the attendance list, calling everybody's name and whoever answered, will be checked.
In total, they were all, 16, due to the huge mansion, Clara lived in.

As soon as the attendance list was over, they all went outside to the two classic limos waiting for them.

Madame Lea divided them into two groups,

People that wanted to go to the mall and the others that wanted to visit loved ones. They had to carry two because of their large number.

Each group got in their respective limos and Easton watched from his office as one of the limos drove off.
A chauffeur entered the limo (for loved ones), that Betty was on and began driving out of the compound. Betty could see Easton smiling down on them from the window. She smiled back. She faced her mates as they adored the limo, laughing together. She couldn't wait to see her son.
With confidence, she said to herself,

"Don't worry Harris, mommy's coming for you"

Clara's POV
The whole time I had attended this academy, I know every single information about everyone, at least the important ones. Since the day I killed Henry, I had been spying on Kristy very closely, getting to know everything about her.

To her publicity to her secrets,
Her darkness to light,
Her family and to her personal life.
Everything, things that I could use to my advantage to ruin her reputation.

I had hidden behind one of the school bushes today during break time, and eavesdropped on Kristy and Maya's conversation.
Maya was another fellow cheerleader. The day after tomorrow, there was going to be a match held in the school stadium. That meant that the cheerleaders practice time will be doubled, just to be extra ready.

I learnt that Kristy had a secret alcohol addiction. She always drank a bottle at the back of the school before every practice so she could be energetic. That's what made her more spiked than the others.
No one really knew about this.

If tomorrow, I can catch Kristy all alone by herself, drinking alcohol, I might be lucky enough to knock her out right there in the spot and be able to hide her somewhere; maybe in my car.
Then at night, I'll find a way to entertain myself and when I'm done with her, she'll be 6 feet underground.
I could easily find a way to poison her but it will be too easy. I want to kill Kristy with my own bare hands.
It will all be worth it when I finally have Mike all to myself.

I drove myself home, thinking of all the ways I could torture her. I stopped my car at the gate, expecting them to open, but no one came.
I blew my horn, but no answer. It took like 10 minutes for a guard to come and open the gate. Once I parked my car, I called the guard over. I was so pissed off. I asked him why it took him so long to answer and he said,

"Sorry miss, but we were on a break"

I blinked in confusion,
"A break? When was the last time you guys had a break?"

"A couple of years maybe. Your father granted us a three day break for all the maids and guards" he said smiling widely.

Honestly, I didn't know the last time the workers of this mansion took a break...ever.

"Hmm, no wonder the grounds look empty...alright you can go"

"Yes miss"

He went back and I decided to confirm the truth. I went inside and went for his bedroom first.
I knocked, but no answer.
"Must be in his office" I said.

I went to his office that wasn't far from his room and knocked on the door. I could hear his voice from the other side. I told him it was me and he assured me to come inside.
"Good evening father"

"Hey dear, how was school today?" He said still typing on his laptop.


I took a seat in front of his table, dropping my bag on the floor.

"Thought you might say that" His attention was on me now.

"Father why is the house empty, where did everybody go?"

"Oh they haven't told you? I granted them all a three day off"

I blankly stared at my dad.

"They have been working for years now Clara. They deserve a break, especially Betty"
He raised his eyebrow,
"You haven't forgotten her, have you?"

"Of course not"

"Good because she did a lot for you when your mom passed away. She managed to take her role into her own hands even when-"

"-She had her own son....I know I know" I said knowing what he'll say.

"She did deserve it anyways. Alia is a monster"
My father cleared his throat giving me the look, while I rolled my eyes.

I started to think about my mother, and then Alia clicked in. Seeing her face was horror. Her plan to ruin me and dad just kept disturbing me even if I had blocked all safe in the houses.

"Should I tell him?" I asked myself as I ran my hand through my hair, sighing.

"What's wrong? If you're tired you can take a nap" my dad said shuffling some papers.

Daniel maybe around, who knows, whether he'll be hearing me right now. I bite my lip. I had to do it now before it will be harder when Alia returns. I grabbed my confidence. It was now or never.
"Dad" I said seriously. He looked up at me.

"I need to tell you something important"

His face turned serious now.
I stood up and opened the door. I looked left and right in the hallways to see if anyone was there.
I locked the door with the key and sat back down. My father looked confused,
"Look its something about Alia and Daniel" I said in a low tone.

My dad sighed annoyingly.
"Clarissa, again with this.."

"Hey! Promise me you wont interrupt or talk till I'm done. This is important, its for our own good. And even if you don't believe me after, I'll still do something to prevent it"


"Dad..." My eyes softened, "please"
He was a tough wall but gave up and gave me permission. I sighed ready to spill.

"Look, Alia and Daniel they're planning against us, from the very beginning. Alia doesn't love you-"


"DAD! When I'm done"
He kept quiet and I continued,

"She's planning to steal all our money from us, framing you for drug dealing and get you in jail and no one will be able to bail you out this time.
You see, Alia was never on a business trip, she's not even in a business trip right now. She's putting her plans into action right now, as I'm talking to you dad. She's only using your kindness to her advantage dad"

"How could you say that? And how do you know if she's not on a business trip?"

"Father. I'm. Not. Done." I said getting annoyed that he kept interrupting me.
He had a firm frown on his face.

"Alia and Daniel traveled to Mexico and made a partnership with the biggest drug dealers most ever wanted in Mexico."

"I knew because I followed them to Mexico. That's why I wasn't around in the first place. They are trying to leave us bankrupt here! That's why Daniel came back earlier to-"

I looked back at the door, scared.

"Who is it?" My father asked.

"Father it's me, Daniel"
My eyes widened. I had to finish telling him.

"Wait don't let him in, I begging-"

"Clara! That's enough!" He said angrily for the first time.
"Im serious! You're being hateful of my wife and my son. Its high time you take a break young lady"


"Go open the door"
"NOW" He ordered in a deadly tone.

I was beyond frustrated. I stood up and banged my fist on the table with all my strength and said to his face,

"You know what!? I'm sick and tired of trying to save you and I from that witch you married to.
As if it wasn't enough that you chose Alia over me, you don't even want to hear your own daughter out! Well guess what?! That's your freaking loss!!"
I went for the door,

"Clara you better get back here!" My father ordered who was also angry.

I ignored him opening the door and slamming it shut with all my strength. When I saw Daniel standing there with a confused look on his face, I shoved him aside and walked angrily away from my father's office and went up the stairs. I stopped halfway when I heard my father shout from his office,

"Clarissa Isabella Regan Belle! You did not just slam mg door on me!"

I was about to talk back with everything I had, but I could hear Daniel saying,
"Don't worry father, she's not worth your time"

That bastard,...threw me off.


There's was silence and that was my que to run upstairs to my room .
I banged my door shut and locked it.

With all my anger and frustration, I started to throw things at my wall. When I ran out of things to throw, I just slid down my wall and sat down on the floor.
A tear slid down my cheeks. I didn't bother to wipe it away. That single tear represented my pain.
This was just too much for me. I can't just handle all the stress.

"Why the hell can he not open his eyes? Why father?" I cried.

I didn't want us to suffer more than we were now, all because of that woman.

I wish my life wasn't meant to be like this, with all this pain, bloodshed, bruises, suffering, tears, problems.
Life is just useless to me.
And other people's lives, mean nothing to me.

If I've learnt something from my mother's death and my life so far, is that: No matter how the pain hurts you, even at the worst just have to keep going till you can do no more.
Because in the war,
Defeat is better than Giving up.

Fun Fact:
That tight quote, was written and made by me🌝 at least in some situations.
Yeah, you just gotta keep going to make it to the ending. And even if you fall, what matters is that you gave it a try. My artwork is up there, tell me what u think about them k?🙂
Make sure to vote and comment OK!!? THX and God bless
Cya in the next chapter🚪🏃💨

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