The Keepers of Chaos: A Vault...

By Kronaeon

858 209 23

Unknown forces stir in the depths of Waterdeep, Dead gods, and fallen homes. The unsolved mystery of missing... More

Alekzandr Ikorov: I
Riu Astrial: III
Adleth: IV
Asher Exitium: V
Adleth: VI
Markos Amanodel: VII
Ammalia Cassalanter: VIII
Alekzandr Ikorov: IX
Riu Astrial: X
Adleth: XI
Alekzandr Ikorov: XII
Herod Westwood: XIII
Vaelle Lurval: XIV
Asher Exitium: XV
Markos Amanodel: XVI
Ryvvik Dlardrageth: XVII
Herod Westwood: XVIII
Riu Astrial: XIX
Adleth: XX
Alekzandr Ikorov: XXI
Donna Evergrove: XXII
Markos Amanodel: XXIII
Riu Astrial: XXIV
Asher Exitium: XXV
Ammalia Cassalanter: XXVI
Herod Westwood: XXVII
Asher Exitium: XXVIII
Riu Astrial: XXIX
Alekzandr Ikorov: XXX
Markos Amanodel: XXXI
Herod Westwood: XXXII
Adleth: XXXIII
Ryvvik Dlardrageth: XXXIV
Asher Exitium: XXXV
Vaelle Lurval: XXXVI
Alekzandr Ikorov: XXXVII
Markos Amanodel: XXXVIII
Riu Astrial: XXXIX
Herod Westwood: XL
Adleth: XLI
Asher Exitium: XLII
Ammalia Cassalanter: XLIII
Riu Astrial: XLIV
Alekzandr Ikorov: XLV
Vaelle Lurval: XLVI
Andraste Liadon: XLVII
Adleth: XLVIII
Asher Exitium: XLIX
Andraste Liadon: L
Ryvvik Dlardrageth: LI
Markos Amanodel: LII
Riu Astrial: LIII
Herod Westwood: LIV
Ammalia Cassalanter: LV
Adleth: LVI
Asher Exitium: LVII
Herod Westwood: LVIII
Markos Amanodel: LIX
Donna Evergrove: LX
Alekzandr Ikorov: LXI
Riu Astrial: LXII
Andraste Liadon: LXIII
Vaelle Lurval: LXIV
Adleth: LXV
Herod Westwood: LXVI
Asher Exitium: LXVII
Markos Amanodel: LXVIII
Alekzandr Ikorov: LXIX
Adleth: LXX
Riu Astrial: LXXI
Ammalia Cassalanter: LXXII
Asher Exitium: LXXIII
Vaelle Lurval: LXXIV
Estral Ever'reiyn: LXXV
Andraste Liadon: LXXVI
Herod Westwood: LXXVII
Riu Astrial: LXXVIII
Markos Amanodel: LXXIX
Herod Westwood: LXXX
Alekzandr Ikorov: LXXXI
Vestus Konstotte: LXXXII
Vaelle Lurval: LXXXIII
Adleth: LXXXIV
Markos Amanodel: LXXXV
Herod Westwood: LXXXVI
Andraste Liadon: LXXXVII
Rishall Callahan: LXXXVIII
Herod Westwood: LXXXIX
Alekzandr Ikorov: XC
Riu Astrial: XCI
Vaelle Lurval: XCII
Ammalia Cassalanter: XCIII
Alekzandr Ikorov: XCIV
Andraste Naïlo: XCV
Vestus Konstotte: XCVI
Adleth: XCVII
Riu Astrial: XCVIII
Markos Amanodel: XCIX
Ryvvik Dlardrageth: C
Alekzandr Ikorov: CI
Ammalia Cassalanter: CII
Vestus Konstotte: CIII
Adleth: CIV
Herod Westwood: CV
Markos Amanodel: CVI
Vaelle Lurval: CVII
Riu Astrial: CVIII
Adleth: CIX
Alekzandr Ikorov: CX
Markos Amanodel: CXI
Andraste Naïlo: CXII
Ryvvik Dlardrageth: CXIII
Herod Westwood: CXIV
Vestus Konstotte: CXV
Riu Astrial: CXVI
Markos: CXVII
Adleth: CXVIII
Vestus Konstotte: CXIX
Vaelle Lurval: CXX
Andraste Naïlo: CXXI
Adleth: CXXII
Ryvvik Dlardrageth: CXXIII
Alekzandr Ikorov: CXXIV
Riu Astrial: CXXV
Ammalia Cassalanter: CXXVI
Markos Amanodel: CXXVII
Vestus Konstotte: CXXVIII
Herod Westwood: CXXIX
Alekzandr Ikorov: CXXX
Adleth: CXXXI
Andraste Naïlo: CXXXII
Vaelle Lurval: CXXXIII
Riu Astrial: CXXXIV
Herod Westwood: CXXXV
Vestus Konstotte: CXXXVI
Alekzandr Ikorov: CXXXVIII
Riu Astrial: CXXXIX
Vestus Konstotte: CXL
Adleth Meliamne: CXLI
Vaelle Lurval: CXLII
Ammalia Cassalanter: CXLIII
Andraste Naïlo: CXLIV
Markos Amanodel: CXLV
Herod Westwood: CXLVI
Victoro Cassalanter: CXLVII
Vestus Konstotte: CXLVIII
Markos Amanodel: CXLIX
Alekzandr Ikorov: CL

Herod Westwood: II

33 6 1
By Kronaeon

Disorder On the Floor: II

 "Cool, morons brawling." Herod piped up, moving himself to turn around and stare at the tavern brawl he sipped a small glass of whiskey chuckling lightly.

'They're not worth our time..' Vulity shimmered as the fox danced around his vision.

"Is anyone going to stop this?!" A voice in the crowd shouted. Herod snickered to himself at those cries, seriously? They wanted to stop it, just relax and everything would be ok.

"It would take an absolute idiot to get into the middle of that right now." He scoffed wondering who the hell thought someone was going to stop the fight. "Better to let it Simm- what the fuck is that half-elf doing?" Herod looked on in a mixture of shock and intrigue. Markos, a figure who had just introduced themself to the drunker he was sitting next to, stand up and slowly but aggressively push his way through the narrow crowd to the two fighters. "Oh, Vulity.." Herod cursed, shaking his head.

"Hello, non-believers! There's no reason to fight!" Herod watched curiously as the crowd parted, letting him get a clear view of Markos. The half-elf conversed with the fighters. "We need not hit one another, not while you can witness the greatness that is our lord and savior Cthul-" The big human swung his fist at Markos and Herod cringed averting his eyes he wasn't ready to watch the little fuck get knocked on his ass that quickly!

"You're peaking!" Vulity giggled. He squinted through his fingers. Markos squatted and turned, spinning on his leg and avoiding the fist.

"Cthulhu, let us come to gather in our worshi-" Markos flung his head to the left to dodge. One of the four men behind the bald one swung at the half-elf.

"Well, this is a better show than the drunk's stories," Herod muttered to himself. He watched while the kid ranted about some slumbering god and his personal experiences.

"I've BEEN to the far realms my soon-to-be believers! It is a wondrous place!"

Herod laughed. This stick figure was A. Clearly a warlock who took his job far too seriously, and B. Definitely had never been to the far realms.

"Enough talk!" The bald human swung with a dagger and this time, Markos was not so lucky with his evade. He slashed across his arm, he was pushed back and knocked down. 'And another idiot gets gutted.' He thought. Markos jumped to his feet with a might that seemed out of his reach. He pulled down a giant trident from his back and swung it at the bald man, slashing him across the chest before stabbing it into him. "AGH!"

"Oh.. no.. uh.. oh.. not more to clean.. is that blood? Oh.." A voice came from behind the counter. Herod looked over to see a rather robust bar maiden looking awfully irritated at the bloody mess.

The orc on the floor got up and pulled an uppercut on the bald guy, the other four now moving in.

"Fuck right off Krentz!" The orc screamed. Flailing her legs she kicked at the men. The four guys however shifted their focus, pulling out various blades they swung at the half-elf cutting him in one arm and slashing against his chest. Markos spun around and knocked two off their feet, slicing their legs open. Stabbing at the head bald guy again

"Take that non-believer!!" Markos yelled as he stabbed them.

Markos was hit back. The five men stood up as a trident met Krentz's leg pushing him on his back. The orc pummeled him the five ran to the exit trying to drag their knocked down friend. Markos jumped to his feet and recoiled his arm ready to fling his trident into them. Durnan moved fast, too fast, as Markos pushed his trident forward Durnan grabbed the crazy boy's arm, halting his attack.

"That's enough, they got it," Durnan said sternly. "OUT!" Durnan yelled at the fleeing figures.

"Dear Tyr, more things to clean." A barmaid came from behind Durnan looking down at the spilled blood "Was stabbing him really necessary?" The barmaid said, looking over at Markos.

"Oh yes, very much non-believer!" Markos replied. "Though if you let me preach in the tavern I'd be happy to help clean it up!" The barmaid shook her head. She looked relieved to have help but, really confused. Herod couldn't help but start laughing. He prayed to Puderis these idiots wouldn't continue fucking things up.

"Ok nut job.. you uh.. do that.." The barmaid handed Markos a mop and let the cultist get to work. That's more than he expected.

"You alright Yagra?!" Alekzandr shouted, the female orc stood up and looked over at Alekzandr.

"I'm fine Alekz." Yagra muttered in a bull of a voice. "Durnan I'm gonna need a drink," Yagra rolled her eyes before hauling herself over to the bar where Alekzandr made a seat available. Herod shrugged grabbing his drink.

"Well now that that is all sorted out- What on Toril is he talking about?" Alekzandr inquired staring at the preaching figure of Markos.

"I believe the most merciful thing about the human mind is its inability to correlate all of its contents. We live on islands of placid ignorance amongst seas of infinity and we were not meant to voyage far-" Markos kept talking. He tried to convert random people who paid attention.

"Eh, he's pretty good," Yagra chuckled sullenly, she took a swig.

"He's insane and a cultist," Herod added.

"Is there any other kind of cultist?" Alekzandr retorted as the three of them laughed. The laughing was short-lived.


The tavern which was just getting back to normal was filled with the sound of bells.. Coming from the portal. An alarm. A massive green hand shot out of the well at the center of the room clawing the sides pulling something big up from the bottom.

"Oh.. my.." Durnan muttered to himself. Before the bar, a large lumbering creature clawed out of the well. It was nine feet tall, green, and covered in warts. With a tangled net of black greasy hair, a carrot-shaped nose, and bloodshot eyes. "TROLL!" Durnan screamed at the top of his lungs. Various parties in the tavern dove for cover while alarms were sounded on each level of the bar. Herod grabbed Alekzandr by his collar and threw him across the room hurling them both behind the bar. Yagra jumped to her feet and scattered to the other side of the bar itself. She was injured and most definitely not getting anywhere near the troll. Herod took a deep breath and felt Markos vault over the bar joining the two hiding adventurers.

"Hi, non-believers! Whatcha doing?!" Markos yelled. Herod shook his head.

'Is it fighting time?' Vulity asked like she really needed to know, he pointed for her to look over the bar and keep watch. Vulity his small blue three-tailed fox spirit of a blade.

"Listen, cultist." He offered calmly. "We need to slam that troll as hard as possible-"

Alekzandr stood up and looked over the bar.

"Why did you grab me, Herod? I didn't even finish my drink.." Alekzandr climbed back over drunk as hell swinging back a drink of his bottle.

His mouth was agape for a moment but he shook it off.

"Ok, so he's dead," Herod concluded plainly. "Look, here's the plan: I'm gonna vault over the cover and hit him with an eldritch blast." He peeked over the counter. The troll grabbed a chair and swung it to the higher levels. "Then you go to the other side hit him with an eldritch blast ok?" Markos's head tilted to the side. "The force will knock him about."

"Ok.. yeah.."

"Great go!" Herod jumped over the bar pulling his blade from his side and spinning it lightly. Vulity lept from the table and melted back into the sword letting a teal blue glow envelope it. "Vulity ceriorem ventus! Mother fucker!" An enormous green explosion blasted from his long sword pushing the troll back the spectral image of a teal fox leaped from him at blinding speed; old and reliable. Almost on cue, three bat-like creatures split off from the troll's back swooping upward to attack those on the second floor. "Hit him, Markos!" Herod looked over and saw the cultist crouch, he swung his trident forward.

"Eldritch blast!" Markos yelled at the top of his lungs before impaling the troll in the leg. "Hey cool!" Markos yelled out while the troll screamed in pain. His eyes twitched, Herod felt like he had just been kicked in the brain oh.. He got it now. Son of a bitch did he get it now.

"Puderis help me," Herod sighed softly. "He's not a warlock, he's just fucking crazy." Markos grabbed his trident and scattered back towards the bar vaulting to its side. On the rafters above them, Herod saw a hooded figure swing around a dagger trying to deal with two of the bat-like creatures. While a third one buzzed towards a seated figure who effortlessly swung out a short sword cutting it in two. Herod looked back down to feel the swinging fist of the troll knock him across the tavern. "Sh-" He hit hard against a table and barely stood on his feet. The troll yelled before smashing part of the bar missing Alekzandr by an inch. "Shit the drunk!-" Herod stood up and tried to move to the bar before Alekzandr stood up.

"Da fuck are you?" Alekzandr's hands moved slowly as he unslung the object on his back held it up to his face. "I'm trying to drink." Suddenly a massive ear-piercing sound could be heard throughout the tavern. A blue spell exited Alekzandr's weapon smashing into the Troll and pushing it slightly. The troll snapped its head to Alekzandr "oh yeah.." The drunk was slammed in the chest. He flung backwards hitting the side of the bar and then snapping a chair, he slumped over knocked out. The troll swung again. The trident-wielding cultist that had jumped behind the bar gets swung backward when he tried to stab the creature.

"Die non-believe- oh crap!" Markos hit the side of the wall behind the bar bouncing off of it with a massive force before landing on a table nearby. He wasn't out but he was definitely not getting back up. The door to the tavern slammed open to Herod's left. Great another person. A tall figure stepped in. He was nearly six foot five, Herod would describe his features. If he could see them, the guy had short yet rough black hair and a slim mask that sat over his face. It was ornate in design resembling a piece of pottery, the bottom looked like a golden skull's jaw while the top of it resembled a dark black wolf's skull minus the nose. He wore scale mail over a tunic with a leather and wool outfit on top of it. In his left hand was a shield while his right held a long elven scimitar. Strapped on his back was a pair of X-crossed longswords that looked like they hadn't been taken out in a while. The man had to be around thirty-four at the least judging on the sound of his voice and stood with the arrogance of a soldier and the caution of a mercenary.

"This is quite the commotion." The man ran forward and slashed into the back of the troll. The troll turned, he rolled to the side, and got closer to Herod. "You good Markos?!" The man yelled.

"Y-yup.. yessss sirrr." Markos held up a half-hearted thumbs up before collapsing over the table.

"Eh he'll be fine." At that moment a creature flew down to Herod. It was yellow and had bat-like wings and an orange sack had giant fangs and swung down sinking them into Herod's shoulder.

"Fuck!" Herod swung his sword which vanished out of his hands turning into a blue mist. A large blue three-tailed fox leaped off of his hand and bit the head off of the batlike creature. Herod crouched his vision blurring with pain. "Thanks, Vulity." Herod murmured under his breath he stumbled back to his feet realizing he hadn't actually been hit all that hard, he readied himself to start tearing the troll apart. 

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