Before The Electric Shock | C...

By Roseberry2000

564K 9.8K 3K

"Turn your face towards the sun, Let the shadows fall behind you, Don't look back, Just carry on, An... More

Season 1
Crush, Chop & Burn, Part 1
Crush, Chop & Burn, Part 2
Commando App
Leo's Jam
Rats On A Train
Exoskeleton vs. Grandma
Smart And Smarter
Moments At The Lake
Bionic Birthday Fail
Death Spiral Smackdown
Can I Borrow The Helicopter?
Back From The Future
Chip Switch
Drone Alone
Chore Wars
Dude, Where's My Lab?
Air Leo
Night Of The Living Virus
Mission Invisible
Concert In A Can
Mission: Space
Season 2
Speed Trapped
Spy Fly
Missin' The Mission
Robot Fight Club
Bro Down
The Rats Strike Back
Parallel Universe
Spike's Got Talent
Leo vs. Evil
Hole In One
Trucked Out
The Bionic 500
Bionic Showdown
Memory Wipe
Adam Up
Llama Drama
The Haunting Of Mission Creek High
Perry 2.0
My Little Brother
Prank You Very Much
Trent Gets Schooled
No Going Back
Season 3
Sink Or Swim
The Jet-Wing
Mission: Mission Creek High
Zip It
Not So Smart Phone
Scramble The Orbs
Principal From Another Planet
Three Minus Bree
Which Father Knows Best?
Cyborg Shark Attack
You Posted What?!?
Armed And Dangerous
Kiss The Girl
Alien Gladiators
Brother Battle
Face Off
Merry Glitchmas
Rise Of The Secret Soilders
Bionic Houseparty
First Day Of Bionic Academy
Adam Steps Up
Admiring Him
Unauthorized Mission
Season 4
Bionic Rebellion Part 1
Bionic Rebellion Part 2
Left Behind
Under Siege
Bionic Dog
It's All Falling Into Place
Mission Mania
Simulation Manipulation
Forbidden Hero
Spider Island
Welcome To The World
Spike vs Spikette
Lab Rats vs. Mighty Med
Space Elevator
Bionic Action Hero
One Of Us
Bob Zombie
Human Eddy
The Curse Of The Screaming Skull
Lab Rats: On The Edge Part 1
Lab Rats: On The Edge Part 2
Ultimate Tailgate Challenge
And Then There Were Four
Space Colony
The Vanishing

Twas The Mission Before Christmas

4.2K 69 15
By Roseberry2000



I was sitting on the couch in the living room when Leo came over and sat down to sort through a bin of Christmas stuff. Adam was dressed in a Santa suit by the counter while Davenport and Tasha were over by the dining table.   

Tasha looks through letters when she turned over to Davenport "Donald, I just noticed the holiday card we mailed out. What happened to the family portrait we took to celebrate our first Christmas together?"

Davenport looks at the card "Oh, I shredded those. These are way more festive." I turn around and notice he's holding up a greeting card of Santa and reindeers with his face on them.

Adam gets up from the counter and shows us some uncooked cookies "Who wants a Christmas cookie?"

Leo looks over at the cookies "Adam, those aren't even cooked."

"Oh, no problem." Adam then shoots a laser out of his eyes and burns the cookies "Careful, they may be hot."

I go back and sit on the couch right as Bree walks in through the front door "Okay, who covered the entire house in blinking lights? People already think we're weird, we don't need to shine a light on it."

Adam shakes his head "No, I did that. I want to make sure Santa Claus comes to our house first."

Bree sighs "Adam, we all love Christmas, but I think you're going a little overboard."

I look around "Has anyone see my fiance?"

Right on cue Chase bangs on the door and then enters, tied in blinking lights causing Bree to laugh "That, however, is spot on."

Adam steps forward and points over at Chase "Hey! Get back up on the roof! You're ruining my display!"

Chase scoffs "You were lucky a raccoon chewed me free!"

The alarm sounds and Davenport looks at us "That's an urgent mission alert. We have to get to the lab."Davenport, Leo, Adam, and Bree rush to the lab.

I turn to leave but stop after hearing Chase's voice "Hello? A little help?" Chase tries to hop over to me but stumbles and falls behind the couch.

I quickly rush over and help him out of the lights "Why did you allow Adam to do this to you?"

After getting out of the lights I help him up only for him to once again stumble into me "Sorry, and I didn't allow it" Chase then looks at me up and down causing a light blush to form on my cheeks "Wow you look hot" I smile and peck him on the lips before grabbing ahold of his hand and guiding him to the lab.

Walking into the lab Davenport explains things to us "The alert is coming from Facility X, my research center in the frozen tundra."

Leo stops Davenport from explaining "Hey, hey, I'm the Mission Specialist. I'll handle this. The alert is coming from Facility X, his research center in the frozen tundra."

"Wait. The tundra's near the North Pole." Adam gasps "Santa needs our help! You wrap, you tape, I'll go hang with the elves!"

Davenport pulls up a video call "Dr. Evans, are you there?"

Dr. Evans shows on the screen "Yeah, I'm here! Although there's been a major volcanic eruption nearby and we're experiencing aftershocks. I'm afraid if we don't act fast--" the communication fails.

Adam scoffs "Oh, Merry Christmas to you, too, Dr. Evans. Rude."

Davenport turns to Adam, Bree, Chase, and I "Sorry, guys. I know the timing's not ideal."

Chase reassures Davenport "It's okay, Mr. Davenport. We know what we have to do."

Adam nods his head "Yep. Let's crack open some eggnog and hit it hard after the New Year." he then runs out of the room.


I walk back into the lab after changing into my mission suit and wait for Adam, Bree, and Chase to step out of their capsules. Once they do we all start grabbing our mission gear when Leo sighs "I can't believe you guys have to go on a mission on Christmas Eve." he turns to Davenport "Just to be clear, I don't have to wait for them to open my presents, right?"

"Well, I'm not going to let this ruin my Christmas spirit. So, I will be wearing my Santa hat." Adam pulls out a Santa hat from his mission bag.

Chase looks over at Adam and shakes his head "Really, Adam? A Santa hat with a mission suit?"

Adam scoffs "Hey, if the ladies at the bank can wear them at work, so can I!"

Turning to Chase I let out a sigh "Just let him be babe" Chase looks down at me and nods his head before wrapping an arm around me and kissing my head knowing I'm upset about having a mission on today of all days.

Davenport walks over to us and sets the tablet he had on the control panel "I can't re-establish contact with Dr. Evans. The volcano must have knocked out satellite communications. This giant ash cloud has plunged the area into total darkness. There is no way rescue teams will be able to get through."

Davenport pulls up a hologram of the place and Bree turns to Davenport "Well, that means Dr. Evans is trapped."

Adam sighs "Eh, he's better off. The airports are packed this time of year."

We all just ignore Adam and turn to Davenport "There's an automated transport ready to take you up there, but without satellite communications, Leo and I won't be on the comm set."

Chase smiles "Well, it will be tough navigating through a mission without the constant sound of Leo chomping on carrot sticks."

Leo turns around and points after us as we walk away "Hey! You know I'm a stress-eater!" he then starts to eat on the carrots he had in his hands.

We finally arrived at Facility X only for Dr. Evans to runs up to us wearing a Viking hat "Oh, good, you made it."

Bree turns to us "Uh, did we really just risk our lives to save a guy in a Viking helmet?"

Dr. Evans points to the hat "Oh, this? This is my TV antenna. When the ash cloud clears, I get great reception. All two Eskimo channels."

Chase looks around "Is everything okay here?"

Dr. Evans looks around "Well, the volcano really shook things up. Communications are down, and the pizza guy is four years late. But other than that, I'm good."

Bree groans "Great. Another genius with bad jokes. Merry Christmas to me."

Dr. Evans looks at the four of us "Wow. I can't believe I'm finally getting to meet the bionic super-humans and inhuman I've heard so much about."

Adam starts to stutter "Wh-- You know our secret? Oh, great, we came to save him and now we have to destroy him. Chase, you grab his legs, I'll get the bucket."

Adam goes to walk off but I stop him "Stop. He's Mr. Davenport's chief scientist, he knows everything about us."

Dr. Evans nods his head "That's right. Well, here, let me, let me show you around." Dr. Evans grabs us by the shoulders and spins us around slowly while giving us a tour "This is my lab-slash-bedroom-slash-kitchen-slash-that's pretty much it."

Bree looks over at Dr. Evans while Adam, Chase, and I look around "Wait. You live here all alone? With no brothers? Does this place have a guest house?"

Dr. Evans sighs "This is it. And I'm sorry about the mess. Things have really gone downhill since my hologram wife left me. I'm kidding!" he laughs "We actually get along great. Although she's a hologram, she's not really there for me."

"Hey, guys, look! A giant crystal ball. I'm gonna ask it a question!" Adam starts rubbing it "When will Chase start to look like a man?"

Dr. Evans sets down his Viking hat and heads over and moves Adam "Uh, careful, careful. It's a gamma sphere. It's a containment vessel for the most powerful source of energy known to man, gamma rays. If we can harness these, we could solve the world's energy problems. Davenport and I have been working on this for years."

Chase steps back "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I was trying to develop a gamma-sphere for Mr. Davenport."

Dr. Evans turns to Chase "Well, I guess I beat you to it, little guy. But don't feel bad. Nobody's perfect. In fact, if they gave out medals for trying, you would have a gold!"

Chase raises an eyebrow "Are you patronizing me?"

Dr. Evans laughs "It's patronizing. And yes!"

Chase looks back at us then at Dr. Evans "You do realize I'm the smartest person on the planet?"

"Mmm. And every time you have to say it, it diminishes it just a little bit." Dr. Evans starts to make a shrinking gesture with his fingers.

Bree laughs "Are you two watching this?"

Adam nods his head while laughing "I can't look away."

I can't help but laugh as well "Finally someone who can take Chase's ego down a peg"

Chase looks at me and pouts "Hey!"

Dr. Evans turns to the sphere "Luckily, the sphere wasn't damaged during the eruption. Even the slightest crack could have had catastrophic consequences."

"Like what?" Adam ask

"The gamma rays would have blown a hole in the atmosphere and wiped out 20% of the population." Dr. Evans tells us.

Bree nods her head "Well, that is Davenport Industries: Risking the fate of mankind since 1992."

Chase sighs "Come on, Dr. Evans, we gotta get you outta here."

Dr. Evans looks at us  "Whoa, I can't leave until I've stabilized a few things. If you'll all help me, this won't take very long."

Chase steps forward "Oh. Oh, it won't take long. Because I'm smart!"

"You said it again." Dr. Evans starts to make the shrinking gesture again cause Adam, Bree, and I to laugh again.

Dr. Evans walks over to us after we got done helping out "Oh, thanks for lending a hand, guys."

Chase smugly smiles "No problem. Glad we could help. 'Cause you needed it. Yep, brilliant scientist rescued by a 16-year-old. You, sir, are welcome." Chase walks across the room.

Dr. Evans steps closer to us "I know I haven't been around people for a while, but he's really annoying!"

Bree nods her head "Yeah, it's the most powerful of all his abilities."

"And my most powerful ability is being able to love him for it" I mumble causing Adam and Bree to nod their head.

We then start hearing rumbling "What's that noise?" Bree ask

Adam looks at us "Oh, uh, you remember that questionable meatball sandwich I had at the gas station? Question's been answered."

Chase walking back over to us "No, that sounded like an..."

The lights go dim and the room starts to shake "Aftershock!" Chase and Dr. Evans shout

Chase hurries over to me "Brace yourselves!" everyone ducks and Chase covers me as the alarm sounds.

Adam gets up from where he was hiding "Okay, that was not the meatballs."

Chase gets up and looks around "Uh, Dr. Evans?" he points to the gamma-ray vessel, which has cracked opened.

Dr. Evans gasps "Oh, no. There's a crack in the gamma-sphere."

"Oh, man, that looks dangerous. Well, we're gonna bounce. Merry Christmas." Adam tries to leave but is stopped by Bree.

We start walking closer to us but Dr. Evans: stops us  "Whoa, don't get too close. If that crack opens up, those gamma rays will mix with the ash cloud, and... say good-bye Northern Hemisphere!"

"Can we patch the crack?" Chase ask

Dr. Evans turns to Chase "Patch the crack? Billion-dollar technology, unstable energy source. Sure, let's put a little chewing gum in there and see if that works."

Chase scoffs and mumbles "Startin' to see why the hologram wife left."

I hit Chase upside the head "Stop it" Chase rubs his head and starts mumbling curses to himself.

Adam looks at us "Hey, how about I shoot my heat vision at it?"

I turn to Adam "How would that help?"

Adam shrugs his shoulders "I don't know, it's what I do!"

The crack starts to get bigger "Whoa. The more oxygen that gets in that crack, the worse this is gonna get." Dr. Evan tells us.

Chase turns to "Wait. Maybe we can temporarily contain it with both our force fields together." I nod my head.

"We can give it a shot," I say

Dr. Evans turns to us "Great. And I'll come up with a more permanent solution." Chase activates his force field and puts it around the gamma-ray sphere. I charge up and put an (f/c) electrical field around Chases to make it more secure.

"Well, uh, you seem busy, so I'm gonna go watch TV." Adam puts on the Viking antenna helmet and turns to Dr. Evans "What do you, uh, recommend, Eskimo one or two?"

Chase groans "The gamma rays are melting a hole in my force field and will soon melt one throw Y/n's. I don't know how much longer we'll be able to contain it."

Dr. Evans sighs "Uh, you have to, I don't have a fix yet."

Chase sarcastically scoffs "Shocking."

Adam sighs "Wait, so when these gamma rays hit, we're pretty much goners."

Chase smiles "Well, we'll be. But you should be fine, since your head is full of lead." Adam cheers thinking Chase was serious.

Dr. Evans perks up "Ha! Yes! Lead!"

Adam turns to Dr. Evans "Hey, Dr. Smarty, we just met. You don't have that privilege yet."

Chase shakes his head "No. Lead can contain the gamma rays."

Dr. Evans nods his head "Exactly. And Davenport made this building out of lead to keep everybody from spying on his secret technology. All we have to do is rig enough explosives to...implode on the gamma-sphere."

I smile while trying to hold charge "Great idea!"

Adam fist bumps Bree "Blowing stuff up on Christmas. It is the most wonderful time of the year."

Adam starts sings "♫ Deck the halls with large explosives ♫ Boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom ♫" he then makes explosion noises.

Bree groans "Okay. Charges are set. So now, all we have to do is light this fuse to start the implosion."

Chase turns to everyone while we keep up our force fields "We'll only have 15 seconds to get out of the blast zone once the fuse is lit."

Adam looks at us "Oof. Think we'll make it out in time?"

Bree smiles "I know I will."

Dr. Evans walks up to Adam "Okay, Adam, light the fuse."

"Right." Adam fires heat vision at the fuse. Chase deactivates his force field while I uncharge. The gamma rays begin to escape the sphere.

Bree turns to us "Let's go." Adam, Bree, Chase, and I run out of the room

Dr. Evans stays behind "Oh. These rays, they're so beautiful. Although, I really thought they'd be a lot more blinding." light flashes "Ah! There's the burn."

I run back in against Chase's will and grab Dr. Evans "Come on!"

We run from the building and dive to the ground as the building explodes behind us "Did it work? I still can't see anything." Dr. Evans shouts.

Chase sighs "Don't worry, it'll wear off. We gotta get you out of here. Adam, where did you park the transport?"

"In the garage under Facility X," Adam says causing us all to look at the destroyed building and groan.

Bree turns to Dr. Evans "All right. Dr. Evans, hop on, you're first."

Dr. Evans trying to climb on Chase "Ready when you are, missy."

Chase pushes Dr. Evans off "Wh-- No. Get-- Get off me!"

"She's a feisty little thing, isn't she?" Dr. Evans comments while pointing at Chase.

I laugh as Bree speeds off with Dr. Evans then speed back for Adam, I turn to Chase and smile at his aggravation "Come on and hold on to me, I fly us back home"

"Fine" Chase sighs and wraps his arms around my waist, I kiss him on the nose to lighten the mood. Chase finally smiles as I take off.

Adam, Bree, Chase, and I walk into the lab, Leo hurried over to us "You're back!"

Tasha walks over to us "It's so good to see you guys. Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas!" Davenport says as we all hug one another "So, how'd the mission go?"

Chase enthusiastically nods his head "Yes."

Davenport smiles "Well, how's my research facility?"

Adam, Bree, Chase, and I laugh awkwardly "Oh, you wouldn't even recognize it." Bree comments.

Adam then steps forward "Hey, why are we down here when the presents are upstairs?"

We all start to head upstairs but are stopped by Leo "Hey, wait, wait. Not so fast. Um...Principal Perry is upstairs. I repeat, Perry is in the house."

Chase pulls me into his side "You know, I am very tired."

Adam nods his head "Yeah, I could use some sleep."

I fake yawn and look at Chase "I think I'll sleep in your capsule tonight"

We all head towards the capsules and Bree turns to everyone "See you in the new year."

We continue to move around but Tasha stops us "Freeze. Look, the poor woman is all alone, and it's Christmas. Hey, at least we're all together. So, let's make the best of it, right?"

"Absolutely not. Enough is enough. We are going to march up there right now and tell this woman, vamoose, lady! This is our Christmas!" Davenport says

We start cheering and start to walk out but Chase stops us "Wait! She can't see us in our mission suits."

Davenport nods his head "Well, hurry up and change, I'm not telling her without backup."


I just finished changing out of my mission suit when Chase came into my room with something behind his back. Raising an eyebrow I walk closer to him "What's behind your back"

"Oh what this?" Chase pulls out a mistletoe and hangs it above our heads

I laugh and shake my head " Dang, rules are rules, looks like we have to kiss"

Chase fake pouts "Well if we have to"

I giggle and place my hands on his chest before we both lean in and kiss, Chase wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer. After pulls away we smile and look into each other eyes "Merry Christmas Chase"

"Merry Christmas Y/n" Chase whispers before pecking me on the lips once more then pulling away and guiding me into the living room with everyone else.

Walking into the living room Davenport points over to Perry "Principal Perry, we-- Uh, smell food."

We turn to see Perry cooking and Leo was quick to ask "What are you doing?"

Perry turns to us "What's it look like? I'm making dinner."

Adam steps forward and shouts "We've had enough of this. Get out!"

Tasha hits Adam on the chest and walks over to Perry "Principal Perry, this is amazing."

Perry shrugs her shoulders "Well, I didn't see you cooking anything."

Bree smiles "Wow. I can't believe you actually did something nice."

Chase looks around and nods his head "It's a Christmas miracle."

Perry waves her hand around "Ah, it's nothing. I figured I crashed your holiday, it's the least I can do."

Tasha peeks into the oven "Oh, look, how fancy. She made a Christmas goose."

Perry shakes her head "It's actually a swan from the pond down the street. You know, you could walk right up to 'em."

We start hearing cat's meows from across the room and Davenport turns to Perry "Please tell me that's not coming from the oven."

"I got it. The Christmas tree is one big scratching post for those cats." Perry walks over to the shaking tree and tries to grab the cat "Ooh, come on, Dingle. Come on, boy. Oh, he's usually very, very good." the cat meows aggressively "Come on, Dingle, come on. He's getting really feisty now. Sorry about this. We're guests, Dingle, we're guests. Come on, Dingle. Come on." the cat screeches "Get out of here!" Perry jumps on the tree and it falls over. She starts throwing ornaments backwards as the rest of them watch in shock.

All of us sit around the dining table eating dinner while Perry serves us,  Tasha turns to Perry "Principal Perry, thank you again for this meal."

"Oh, you're welcome." Perry then reaches in her pocket and places check in front of Davenport "I'll take that whenever you're ready."

Davenport looks at the paper "What's this?"

Perry turns to him "Uh, your bill."

Tasha looks at it "I see you included tax, tip, and the cost of a new tire."

Perry nods her head "Sorry, gratuity is included for parties of six or more. I have no say in that."

Davenport shakes his head "You're actually gonna charge us for dinner?"

Perry nods her head and holds up her pinky "Well, I didn't make this meal with love. I made it with skill, sweat, and whatever came off the tip of my pinky when I was chopping the veggies." Everyone spits out their food and starts coughing. Both Chase and I pat each other's backs to help stop us from choking.

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