New Leaf (Taekook 21+) [Compl...

By cyndicyn22

105K 6.4K 3.2K

After being caught doing cocaine in a back alley by his parents, Jungkook was forced into a reform school for... More

1- Unmanageable Youth
2- New Found Acquaintance
3- Touch and Go
4- Major Malfunction
5- Seeking Supplies
6- Dangerous love
7- Frightened and Upset
8- Promise to Protect
9- Incident Avoided
10- Taehyung's dilemma
11- If I can't have you...
12- Out of mind, out of body
13- Bittersweet
14- Resist the temptation
15- Crisis averted
16- Impromptu visit
17- On the contrary
18- Easily persuaded
19- Change of Pace
20- Denied Satisfaction
21- Opening Up
22- Vulnerability
23- Comprehending Each Other
24- Over Exertion
25- Forgiveness
26- News Flash
27- Peep Show
28- Hoseok's Dilemma
29- Obtaining your Way
30- Feeling Uncertain
31- Graceful and Erotic
32- Petty Theft
33- I'm Fine
34- Still Struggling
35- Problems Abound
36- Convincing Taehyung
37- Unraveled at the Seams
38- Mask the Pain
39- Brand New Man
40- Confessions
41- Reignited Love for Life
42- First Date
43- Passionate Night
44- Promise Revealed
45- Picnic disaster
46- Catastrophic Endeavour
47- Near Death Experience
48- Sudden Requests
49- Congratulations
50- Unwanted visitor
51- Concocting a Plan
52- Engagment discussion
53- Graduation Party
54- Talk it Out
55- Preparty Jitters
56- Unfocused
57- Announcement
58- Settled Fiancé
59- Dangerous Expanses
60- Surprise Surrogate
61- Fear for the future
62- Attempted seduction
63- Wake up call
64- Who are you?
65- Heart's Recognition
66- Upcoming Holidays
67- Christmas Eve
68- Christmas Eve date
69- Remnants of a ruined date
70- My presents to you
71- Christmas Night
72- Rough Night
73- Birthday Blues
74- Belated Birthday wishes
75- Surprise Guests
76- New Year Celebration
77- Bitter return
78- Conjugal visit
79- Misfortune strikes
80- First Meetings
81- Destined Day
82- Dire First Signs
83- Plans for a Future
84- Concerns and Questions
85- Location Scouting
86- Wedding Bells
87- Wedding Reception
88- Late Night Rendezvous
89- Off to a great start
91- Sweet Surrender
92- Over Zealous Jealousy
93- He's More like You than You Know
94- Gabriel's slip up
95- Happy Anniversary!
96- Electric Love
97- Disaster Strikes
98- Unforeseen Misfortune
99- Lost Time
100- We'll Meet Again, My Love

90- Sweet Serenity

453 50 23
By cyndicyn22

Hello, all you beautiful readers~♡ I hope that you are well~♡ I couldn't be happier with the way things have been going so far~♡ It's the first time in a while that my life is back on track.🤣😂 I hope you all feel that way about your lives too~♡ I hope that everyone is excited because we're now at chapter 90 out of 100~♡ Can you all believe that? I couldn't until I looked at how far we've gone together~♡ In my word document, this story is 233,996 words in total. I guess because I had fun writing it, I didn't realize how much I'd written for it until I saw that number.😂🤣 Either way, I'm working on editing the next chapter for Wish you were Here but that one won't be released until later this evening.:3 Now, from there, this chapter has mention of sexual content so please remain advised when reading~♡ I hope that you all will enjoy this chapter and the next 10 to come~♡ Please enjoy~♡


Jungkook decided to throw out the itinerary once Taehyung had returned from the hospital safely. The reason being, everything on it seemed like it would take a lot out of Taehyung. Jungkook decided that staying in the cabin and relaxing was the best option for Taehyung. They could visit Gatlinburg again at a later date and go sightseeing then. Jungkook was far more concerned about Taehyung's health than sightseeing this time around.

When they arrived at the check-in location, the clerk was pleasantly surprised that they'd showed up. They'd thought that the two weren't going to show up since the office was close to closing time. Although when Jungkook explained their situation as to why they were late, much to Taehyung's chagrin, they were greeted with sympathy. Sympathy Taehyung could have cared less for as they were handed the keys to their cabin.

When they arrived at their cabin, Jungkook unloaded all of their luggage from the rental car while Taehyung unlocked the front door. Grumbling to himself about being treated like an invalid, Taehyung opened the door to a foyer with two staircases. The staircase leading up was a beautiful burgundy with a well furnished kitchen meeting his immediate sight. When he walked up the stairs and to the left he could see that the living room was equipped with a large wall mounted flat-screen television, white satin love seat, sectional couch, and chaise to offset the burgundy carpeting, and a crystal clear, glass plated coffee table with black steel framework. The back doors from the living room that led out onto a balcony were fully glass and clean as could be so that the patrons could see out onto the beautiful smoky mountains.

Taehyung was mesmerized by the bright white snow that glistened in the setting sun. It was almost blinding how brilliantly white the snow appeared as the sky was dyed in fiery reds, orange, lilac, and soft pink. It greatly contrasted the snow and kept Taehyung rooted to his spot as Jungkook walked up behind him. Jungkook tenderly wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist and rest his chin on Taehyung's shoulder as they stared out at the Smoky Mountains. "Breath taking, isn't it?" Jungkook asked softly, squeezing Taehyung a little tighter before turning Taehyung's head towards him. He tenderly kissed Taehyung's lips, lingering for a moment before biting his lip and taking a step back. "Have you seen the rest of the cabin?" Jungkook asked as he walked down the hallway to the right of the kitchen.

Taehyung followed after him, noticing that there were two bedrooms on either side of the hallway, a bathroom in the middle of the two rooms on the right, and another staircase between the two rooms on the left side. "Why are there so many rooms?" Taehyung asked incredulously, amazed by the sheer size of their cabin. Jungkook chuckled softly as they explored the upstairs, finding another living room with a more open view of the lower floor and the mountains in the distance with the full glass paneling that made up the lower living room back wall. The television was mounted on the wall opposite the opening with a cozy white love seat against the railing. A lovely little light brown end table with doilies was perched underneath the television mounted to the wall.

At the end of that floor, stood another door for another beautifully decorated bedroom. Taehyung felt struck as Jungkook pulled him back down the stairs and down into the foyer and down those steps. "It's so spacious," Taehyung commented incredulously, noticing the room on the left at the far end of the hallway had a pool table visible through the crack of the open door. "Why'd we get such a spacious cabin for the two of us?" Taehyung asked as he turned toward Jungkook, who tenderly planted a kiss on the tip of Taehyung's nose. "It was one of the only ones they had available for this time of year," Jungkook explained firmly, shrugging as Taehyung walked over towards the billiards room.

Once inside the room, Taehyung noticed that they were on the ground level of the cabin now. The part that had been built into the side of the mountain as he opened the glass back sliding door. There he noticed a hot tub off to his right and the beautiful view of the mountains greeted him yet again. "So we can relax in the hot tub and stare out at the view?" Taehyung asked amazed as Jungkook walked up behind him once again. "It would seem that way. Are you happy with the cabin we rented?" Jungkook asked softly, shoving both his hands in the pockets of his trenchcoat. "It's enough to keep us entertained without us ever having to leave," Jungkook commented shyly, averting his eyes as Taehyung realized Jungkook had rented this cabin more for the sake of his health than it being the only one available. As he'd so claimed earlier.

Taehyung turned toward Jungkook with a gentle and warm look in his eyes as he wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck. He pressed his lips tenderly against Jungkook's at first, tilting his head and kissing Jungkook with more fervor the longer the kiss lasted. Taehyung pulled away from the kiss to gaze up at Jungkook, only to be met with the dark, lust filled eyes of Jungkook. Although, Taehyung noticed there was something off about the way Jungkook gazed back at him. It wasn't only lust evident in his gaze, there was definitely something else swirled within those dark eyes. Maybe guilt?

Taehyung couldn't be sure what it was honestly as Taehyung kissed Jungkook softly yet again. "Which room shall we claim as ours?" Taehyung asked softly, kissing Jungkook's lips yet again. Taehyung could see that other emotion Jungkook was trying to keep buried slowly ebbing away with each sweet and tender kiss. "We have plenty of rooms to choose from," Taehyung commented playfully, kissing Jungkook once more. Jungkook chuckled throatily at Taehyung's attempt to cheer him up, Jungkook's hands resting on Taehyung's hips as that emotion completely ebbed away now. "How about you take me to bed and whatever room you choose is the one we'll sleep in later," Taehyung whispered sultrily, earning a hard swallow from Jungkook. Taehyung noticed that emotion was back to mixing with Jungkook's desires immediately after he'd said that.

Taehyung sighed softly as he stepped away from Jungkook. "Darling, it's our honeymoon. Don't hold back on my account. I'll be fine as long as I get plenty of rest. I'm not a complete invalid, you know?" Taehyung grumbled under his breath, brushing past Jungkook to stalk off in a huff. Although Taehyung was halted in his tracks completely, yanked into Jungkook's strong arms and whirled around for Jungkook to kiss him passionately in one fluid motion. Taehyung held onto Jungkook for dear life as he melted into the kiss, his knees giving out on him. Jungkook was quick to hold Taehyung flush against him to keep him from falling. "I know you're not an invalid, my love. I just want to ensure your recovering rather than exerting yourself," Jungkook whispered lustfully against Taehyung's lips, finally releasing the elder as soon as he made sure Taehyung could stand on his own again.

Taehyung flushed lightly as he scurried from Jungkook yet again, this time more out of embarrassment. Jungkook laughed softly to himself as he followed after Taehyung, watching while Taehyung picked the room closest to the bathroom and kitchen. "There. We have our room now," Taehyung announced firmly, wheeling his luggage into the room. Jungkook perched himself on the side of the bed and glanced over at Taehyung. "Why'd you pick this room, my love?" Jungkook asked curiously as Taehyung smiled with satisfaction that Jungkook had asked. "Well, we're close to the kitchen if we want a late night snack and we're close to the bathroom if we have to get up late at night," Taehyung explained with dignity, proud of himself for his choice. Jungkook stifled a laugh as he admired his husband, a man that he could finally and fully call his. Jungkook honestly had no idea what god he'd been praying to for him to have met such a wonderful man.

While pondering this, Jungkook reached for Taehyung's hand and Taehyung willingly offered his hand to Jungkook. Jungkook rubbed tender circles on Taehyung's hand with his thumb before pulling Taehyung down onto the bed with him. Taehyung let out a loud and playful laugh as Jungkook swiftly covered Taehyung's body with his own, kissing the elder senselessly. Taehyung moaned softly into the kiss, his hands reaching around to squeeze Jungkook's ass. Jungkook pulled away from the kiss, slightly baffled by the action as Taehyung giggled at him. "Not used to me grabbing onto you, I see. We'll have to change that," Taehyung whispered sultrily, leaning up to press his lips against Jungkook's own yet again.

Jungkook ground his hips against Taehyung as the elder continued squeezing and kneading his ass, both of their lust elevating. Taehyung continued to moan due to the friction and the electrifying kisses, drawing out Jungkook's ravenous side. It was only heightening Jungkook's already frayed hormones and self control as he planted one hand heavily above Taehyung's head to elevate his shoulder and back and give himself some leverage. It made grinding against Taehyung that much easier and that much more pleasing. Jungkook broke the kiss when pain surged from his lower region, halting all of their ministrations as Taehyung swiftly sat up. "Wh- What's wrong, darling? You looked like you were in a lot of pain," Taehyung commented softly, resting his hand on Jungkook's shoulder.

Jungkook shook his head and tried to laugh through the pain as he realized why this was happening. He'd never actually got the chance to find his release that night after their wedding. He sighed with annoyance when he realized he'd blue balled himself and it was only going to keep hurting until he ejaculated again. Taehyung seemed genuinely concerned by his side as Taehyung moved to reach for him and Jungkook swiftly stood to his feet to avoid Taehyung's touch. "Uh, I'm rather hungry. We haven't eaten yet. Let's make dinner and do that," Jungkook swiftly countered as Taehyung stared up at him with surprise. "I- Is that why you were in pain? Come to think of it, you did throw up right off the plane and I don't believe you've eaten anything since, have you?" Taehyung asked as Jungkook shook his head frantically and made for the kitchen.

Taehyung watched him leave with a tilt of his head, confused by his husband's actions. He'd felt Jungkook become excited when something hard had pressed into his thigh, but then Jungkook ceased all of their fun by saying he was hungry. He'd discerned that Jungkook was still evidently aroused when he'd moved to stalk off to the kitchen, but he couldn't figure out why Jungkook was being hesitant. They'd already talked out the whole treating him as if he were too feeble to do anything scenario. So he wondered what would honestly be holding Jungkook back when things were getting heated and then it dawned on him. Jungkook had ensured his needs had been met that night after their wedding, but even as he was drifting off to sleep, he never once heard Jungkook make any sounds of euphoric pleasure or even moan. He wondered if the younger had said he'd take care of it himself and never did.

Taehyung rolled his head on his shoulders, standing up straight before he stretched his back and wandered into the kitchen where Jungkook's back was to him. Jungkook was already busily throwing himself into cooking as Taehyung approached, glancing around Jungkook to see what he'd decided to make. "Ooo, you decided on steak and eggs for dinner with scalloped potatoes and hash browns. Sounds good to me! I can't wait," Taehyung whispered huskily near Jungkook's ear, purposefully dropping his voice as Jungkook shuddered violently against the lower cabinets. Before Jungkook could move, Taehyung had pinned him to his spot with his arms caging him against the counter.

"You know, one would assume you're trying to avoid intimacy with me, darling," Taehyung continued to whisper in a sultry voice, drawing on Jungkook's frayed hormones yet again. "Do you not want to be intimate with me anymore?" Taehyung asked as he rubbed his elegant hands up Jungkook's inner thighs, stopping just short of touching him. Although he'd outlined Jungkook's crotch perfectly enough to know Jungkook was as hard as could be right now. "N- No, my love," Jungkook answered weakly, Taehyung's hand rubbing and stroking exactly where his erection was most prominent. "I- It's n- not that... I don't want to be intimate," Jungkook explained quietly, his voice cracking with each painful stroke that began to feel like it would drive him crazy. "I... it just h- hurts because I let myself go unchecked on our wedding night," Jungkook finally explained, cementing Taehyung's theory.

"Then why not let me take care of it for you, darling? All I want to do is help you feel better," Taehyung continued softly, unbuckling Jungkook's belt with a soft jingle. Jungkook made no love to stop him, in fact, he leaned into Taehyung's touch. His body was hot and ready for any sort of release as Taehyung finally nudged his hand into Jungkook's pants. The moment Taehyung's hand made contact with the heated and sensitive skin, Jungkook's entire body shuddered with delight as his head rolled back onto Taehyung's shoulder. Jungkook panted this time as Taehyung continued stroking Jungkook's length rhythmically and swiftly. "Wh- what about th- the f- food?" Jungkook moaned out his question feebly, his mind honestly solely focused on one thing.

Taehyung shook his head with a throaty chuckle, never once letting up on Jungkook's length. "The food can wait, love. You need to be taken care of now," Taehyung whispered softly in Jungkook's ear, his free hand traveling up under Jungkook's shirt that was no longer tucked in. Taehyung found one of Jungkook's pert nipples and flicked it hard, wanting to see what sort of reaction Jungkook would have. Jungkook's knees buckled underneath him and Taehyung gently lowered them to the floor with Jungkook in his lap while never once breaking his infallible rhythm. "That's a more erotic reaction than I thought you'd have," Taehyung declared astounded as Jungkook panted heavily in his arms. Jungkook's eyes held nothing but sincere pain as he leaned his head back hard on Taehyung's shoulders, squeezing his eyes shut. "I- It's coming," Jungkook panted out through grit teeth, his breathing becoming more labored as Taehyung used one of his legs to adjust Jungkook's legs into a propped up position. "Fuck, Tae. It hurts," Jungkook added through gritted teeth as Taehyung turned Jungkook's head so that he had to look at him.

They stared at each other for a split second before Taehyung kissed Jungkook tenderly. In that instant, Taehyung felt Jungkook's hips jerk, his throbbing cock twitch violently, and his whole body tense in that kiss. A loud moan erupted from Jungkook as Taehyung allowed him to bite down on his lip with his release. He continued stroking Jungkook's length until he'd made sure the younger was empty, Jungkook finally releasing Taehyung's lower lip. "I- I'm so sorry, love," Jungkook apologized profusely when he'd spotted the blood on Taehyung's lower lip. Taehyung shook his head and kissed Jungkook heatedly, throwing himself into Jungkook's lap with his legs bracketed around one of Jungkook's powerful thighs. He wrapped his arms tightly around Jungkook's neck, relinquishing any self control as he grinded against Jungkook's thigh. "Let's skip dinner for now," Taehyung whispered heatedly against Jungkook's lips and the younger nodded his approval, already begging for a round two.

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