The fall of our secrets

By abirrosa2

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She was fire, he was ice. She raged and burned everything in her path when he stayed calm and collected. She... More

My first note
Chapter 7
Chapter 32
Chapter 33


49 11 2
By abirrosa2

"I used to advertise my loyalty and I don't believe there is a single person I loved that I didn't eventually betray."
- Albert Camus,



The moment I heard Ethan closing the door of the apartment, I hopped out of bed. I headed to the bathroom first to take a much-needed shower. After drinking a steaming hot cup of coffee, I deemed myself ready to finish this most detestable mission.

I went back to my room and dialed Alberto's number. It took him three times to answer my call.

"Damn it! It is eight in the morning. Why are you calling so early?" Alberto answered with a groggy voice.

"Because I missed your voice." I rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour. He was a baby in a big man's body. "Now, I have the opportunity to carry out your mission. Give me the details." I said, not giving him the chance to speak more of his nonsense.

"From where are you talking to me? Are you sure you are safe? I don't want my life on the line because of a stupid decision on your part."

I snorted. Of course, he thought about himself before anything else. I always wondered what crime I committed to deserve the punishment of being stuck with a selfish man as a boss. I took a deep breath to calm myself before I answered.

"Do you think I am this useless, Alberto? I checked the security system in Ethan's house. I am safe inside my room."

"Good, then I will connect you to Allen now. He will take care of everything related to security. He is good at his work."

And with that, he ended the call. I waited for another five minutes before Allen called me.

"Hello Nina, are you still beautiful?" These were the first words he said to me. I chuckled at him and was surprised that his words didn't rub me the wrong way.

"Allen, you know that my life literally depends on you. Please turn on your smart version."

"I will let nothing happen to you. Trust me, beautiful." Allen said in a high-pitched voice.

"Okay, I will trust you. But if I die because of you, my ghost will haunt you forever." I said in a dark voice, which caused him to laugh some more.

"Okay, don't move from your room until I tell you so." Allen's voice became serious, and I knew it was time for business.

He was silent for a few moments before he spoke again. "I managed to hack into his cameras. They are out of service for the next two hours."

"Won't they notice this?" I asked with suspicion.

"No, I made sure the cameras will continue recording as if everything is normal. They just won't detect you." Allen answered with what I can tell a proud voice. I couldn't blame him since I was impressed with his abilities as well.

I went out of my bedroom and entered Ethan's office. It wasn't the first time I visit this room, but I found it intimidating and suffocating. I sat in his chair and turned on his laptop.

"There is a password," I spoke to Allen when the box demanding I enter a password appeared in front of me.

"Wait a minute. I will crack it for you."

True to his words, a few seconds later, Ethan's desktop appeared on the screen, and I sighed in disappointment. For a moment, I hoped Allen wouldn't be good enough to access Ethan's computer.

"You don't want to do this," Allen stated from the other side.

"Does it matter? I don't have a choice."

I was glad Allen didn't comment on my words and remained silent until I finished copying Ethan's project into my hard drive.

Seeing all the efforts he had put into this, I felt a pang of guilt hit me inside my heart. It wasn't right to steal someone's hard work, but I must do it because my little sister's life was on the line.

"I am done," I announced.

"Good, I will delete all of our traces from Ethan's server. Don't worry. He won't know you are the one who leaked his project to the Anderson's." Allen assured me.

But I know who is the traitor. How could I live with myself after this?

Stop it, Nina! You are doing your work, end of the story. My subconscious admonished, and I agreed with it. I had a mission, and I must do it.

I smiled at his words and nodded my head, even though he couldn't see me. "Thank you, Allen. You were of great help today."

"You are welcome, beautiful." With that, Allen ended the call, and I watched as Ethan's laptop turned off on its own after all the files were closed.

I hurried back to my room and called Alberto. "I have all the files you wanted."

"Excellent work, Nina. As always, you went beyond my expectations." Alberto praised, and I resisted the urge to gag.

"I will send them to you by email, and you can do whatever you want with them." I ignored his words and started loading the files.

"What else am I supposed to do with them? I will ruin Ethan Salviatti's work. He thinks he is strong and untouchable. Let's see how he will manage this time."

Do you remember the laugh of evil characters in Disney movies? It was the same sound Alberto produced. I ran my hand through my hair in frustration and cut him off. "If that's all, I will hang up."

"Yes, that's all. Well, at least for today because my destruction just began."

I didn't give him the chance to say any more poisonous words and pressed the end call button.

Once I was finished and made sure the files were deleted from my phone, I stretched on the bed and closed my eyes. How I wished this nightmare would be over. It was killing me slowly, and I couldn't do anything about it.


Patience was never my virtue. It was dark outside, and Ethan wasn't back yet. I don't know why I was nervous. Maybe I feared his reaction to what happened today. I could imagine his rage and frustration.

Silly girl! You are afraid he will discover the truth, and you will be six feet under the ground before you can even blink. Do you think a man with his power would be blind?

I shook my head to get rid of these dark thoughts. When I agreed to Alberto's offer, I knew my work would get dirty at any minute. And here I was, betraying the man who started trusting me.

Do you really believe Ethan Salviatti trusts you? You are more naïve than I thought.

The annoying rational part of my brain whispered. I sat on the couch and stared aimlessly at the TV. I can't do anything until Ethan is back, and I digest his mood and reactions.

It was two hours later that I heard the door being open. I schooled my features and pretended I was quietly watching a movie.

"You are still up," Ethan said as he went to the kitchen.

"Yes, I slept most of the day away, and I don't have the desire to sleep yet," I said nonchalantly and took a handful of popcorn from the bowl on my lap to munch on. It was an excellent technique to keep your mouth busy in tough situations like this.

"We are leaving in the early morning," Ethan said as he came into the living room and leaned against the wall. When the light hit his face, I could see his troubled expression and tired eyes. His hair was a mess, as if he had run his hand through it several times.

I ignored his tired state and raised an eyebrow. "We are going to Hong Kong. Our flight is at six a.m. You must sleep as I do not want to miss our plane." He said as he headed towards the apartment door.

"What about the details? I don't get any?" I asked before I could stop myself.

"Tomorrow, you will know everything," Ethan said with an icy voice.

"Aren't you going to rest as well?" I asked, forcing confusion to be in my voice. Like what man sleeps when his company is crumbling? Ethan stopped his hand in mid-air and turned to look at me with his now dull green eyes.

"I will be here to pick you up at five. Have a good night," Ethan said flatly and left.

I sighed in relief when I heard the door slam behind him. I never thought I could pull this through. Ethan had a unique look in his eyes. When he stares at you, it is as if he could see through your lies.

My phone biped beside me, and I saw a message from Alberto. It was a photo of my sister playing in the park with the message: 'Keep doing a good job, and she would be always happy.'

I deleted the message without bothering to reply. As long as I do my job to his preference, Alberto won't bother me. It was always like this, and I am sure it would stay that way until I could find a way to kill the bastard.

That night, I couldn't bring my eyes to close. Even the threat of waking up at the crack of dawn didn't do any good to convince my brain that sleep is the best thing for now.

I tossed and turned around with my thoughts running wild. I was never afraid of losing my life to my missions, but the mere notion of Ethan killing me, and I am terrified.

I wasn't afraid of death at all. It was my shadow my entire life, while danger is my best friend. The only thing I am dreading is the day Ethan finds out about my hidden intentions and my betrayals.

Stop it, Nina. You are here for a purpose. Once this chaos is over, you will have your freedom. You will even forget Ethan's existence. Just keep going, and you will be fine.

With these thoughts reassuring me I would be okay, I closed my eyes and willed myself to sleep even if it was a restless night for me.

I woke up to Ethan knocking on my door. When he saw me still in my pajamas, he just rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath.

"Get ready. We are leaving in ten minutes," with that, Ethan left my room. I was used to getting ready in record time. So it wasn't a big issue for me to get a quick shower, get changed into my jeans, and a plain red top in ten minutes.

"I am ready," I said with a smile as I looked at Ethan, who was sitting in the living room.

"What is this?" He asked as he eyed my luggage.

"I packed my things. You said we are traveling to Hong Kong. Remember?"

"I remember what I said. We have a mission to finish. We are not going on a holiday. Go and repack. Take only a duffle bag with you." He ordered impatiently.

I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him. "You didn't say this yesterday. It took me hours to pack, and now, I will do it all over again."

"It is either you do as you are told, or you can always travel without your things. It is completely your choice." Ethan looked at his watch before he added. "You have fifteen minutes to finish packing."

I wasted one minute of my oh-so-precious time glaring daggers at him before I spun around and went back to my room.

Do you want to act like a moody teenager with me? Let's see who will win this war, Ethan.

I thought as I started throwing clothes on my bed to choose what I will take with me. As always, the annoying rational part of my mind intervened.

You betray the man, and you expect him to welcome you with open arms and give you roses and smiles. Oh, wait a minute! He is that cold and distant without even knowing you are the culprit. I can only imagine what he will do when the truth comes out. Maybe.......

Shut up! I screamed internally and wished my mind will give me a break from this. Can't I think about the weather? Or maybe the last fashion week? Of course, the answer is no. I had to think about betrayals, mafia bosses, death, crime, and anything in the same theme.

I should really get a prize for my efficiency in carrying tasks. I was once again standing in front of Ethan with my duffle bag in my right hand.

Ethan ran his eyes over me and nodded his head in approval. He opened the door and left the apartment without a word, expecting me to follow him. The sad thing was that I followed him without a single protest.

The drive to the airport was fast and silent. Once we were inside, Ethan ignored me and kept typing on his phone. I nearly fished out my phone, but I remembered at the last minute that no one knows about it. So I sat there watching as people entered and exited.

As if reading my mind, Ethan opened his briefcase and handed me a box. I took it from his hand and raised an eyebrow when I saw it was a new phone.

"We will need it during missions. You have a new line that no one can trace. Jason makes sure our calls and messages are always safe." Ethan said and turned his attention back to his laptop.

I turned on the phone and started setting it up. The flight will take more than ten hours, and nothing can save me from boredom apart from a movies marathon.


"Nina, wake up." I felt a hand shaking me gently.

I stirred and rubbed my eyes a few times to get rid of any residual sleep. "The plane is landing. You need to buckle your belt."

I nodded my head at Ethan's words and sat up in my chair. Minutes later, we were on solid ground again.

As usual, a car was waiting for us, and I took a deep breath before getting inside this death trap. Ethan followed me, and we sat next to each other in the back seats.

The driver didn't waste any time and started maneuvering the car through the busy night streets of Hong Kong. We passed several markets that were full of different kinds of merchandise.

My eyes were glued to the window, and I didn't even have a panic attack. The view outside was enough to take my mind off the horrific scenarios that can happen to us inside a car.

I was surprised when the car pulled in front of a cheap motel. I averted my gaze to the still silent Ethan.

"Why are we here?"

"During this mission, we will stay in this place. We need to avoid unnecessary suspicion." He answered and gave the driver a nod, who exited the car and entered the building.

"Really? And do you think a limousine parked in front of this place is ordinary?" I asked sarcastically.

Ethan narrowed his eyes at me and looked out the window in time his driver came out of the motel.

"I managed to reserve one room with two beds for you, sir. Here is the bill for the next five days and the keys." The man extended his hand, and Ethan took the items through the opened window.

Ethan nodded at the man and got out of the car. I followed him, and together we entered the building. The receptionist gave us a polite nod, and I smiled at her while Ethan just walked to the elevator.

Once he punched the number twelve, and the elevator started its ascend, I asked in confusion.

"May I know why didn't you book two separate bedrooms?"

Ethan looked down at me and spoke coldly. "I don't trust you away from my sight. Those missions are a test of your efficiency and loyalty which won't be proved until they are over. Even then, you would never earn my full trust."

His words were like a cold bucket of water thrown at me. I felt a shiver ran down my spine, and I did my best to maintain a passive look on my face.

"Where did this come from? Do you think I need a separate room so I can betray you? You are underestimating me, Ethan." I said disdainfully.

Ethan's eyes shot up from his phone screen, and he took purposeful steps towards me. I moved two steps back but made sure to keep eye contact with him. It was a confrontation I must win.

"I understand that you plan on betraying me?" He asked with his face mere inches away from mine.

I let out a dry chuckle and shook my head. "I know about what happened at the company today. And before you put your head in the gutter, I know about it because Lillian called your landline looking for you. I answered instead, and we chatted for a while."

He opened his mouth to say something, but I raised my palm to stop him. "Let me finish. Let's say I betrayed you or have intentions to do it. Do you think I am stupid enough to still be here, standing next to you? Think about my words carefully because we can't succeed if you don't trust me to have your back."

The elevator stopped with a ping, and I bumped my shoulder against Ethan's. The move caught him off guard, and he stumbled back a bit. I took the chance and exited the elevator without a word.

I reached the room's door before Ethan.

Seconds later, he came into view and used the key to open the door. I didn't wait for him and went inside.

The room was very simple, with two beds in the middle. I was thankful when I smelled nothing rotten in the air. I threw my duffle bag on the nearest bed and started rummaging through it.

I brought out my pajamas and headed towards the shower. I took off my clothes and put them in the hamper. Next, I went under the water spray and relaxed when it hit my back. I stayed until the hot water turned cold before I stepped out.

When I returned to the room, Ethan was engrossed in something on his laptop. I ignored him and sat on my bed. It squeaked under my weight, and I nearly groaned when my back hit the hard mattress.

I think you were getting used to fancy hotels and luxurious apartments.

Shut-up! I don't need your petty comments right now! I snapped at my inner self, who proved to be troublesome these days.

Ethan cleared his throat, bringing me out of my thoughts, and handed me a thick file.

"You will find everything you need to know about our first mission here. Read it, and if you have any questions, I am here to answer them." I took the file from him and focused on the pictures and data inside.

It was a good thirty minutes when Ethan's phone rang. At first, I didn't pay it any attention, but I was startled when he shouted. "What?" He took a deep breath before he spoke again in a much calmer voice. "Are you sure about this? Jason, this too dangerous, and I don't want to go head first in this tricky situation." Ethan listened for a few more minutes before he ended the call.

I was itching to know what did happen, but I refrained from asking any questions. I was jotting notes on the papers in front of me when Ethan finally spoke.

"I know who gave the project to our rivals." The pen in my hand stopped mid-air, and I looked at Ethan.

"Really?" I asked in a steady tone.

"Yes, Jason managed to track the traces left behind," Ethan answered easily. I didn't like the dark glint in his green eyes and wished it would go away.

My curiosity got the best of me, and I found myself asking, "Who is he? I mean the traitor, do you know him?"

"Yes, I do. Don't concern yourself with this matter. We must focus on our mission." And just like this, Ethan was smiling once again, as if nothing happened.

I thought it was better not to probe further on the subject. It was clear Ethan knew something and wasn't willing to share it. I decided to let it go for now. His reaction proved I was in the clear.

"Then perhaps we should discuss our plan for tomorrow," I suggested and was relieved when Ethan nodded his head and dragged his chair in front of my bed. We spent most of the night going over how we should proceed to succeed.


I woke up to the sound of water running in the bathroom. I stretched my arms above my head and sat up on the bed. It was nine in the morning, and after a sleepless night, I was craving another hour or two of closed eyes time.

I looked up at Ethan, who exited the bathroom in dark jeans and a blue polo shirt. He was fixing his watch around his wrist, and I took the chance to stare at him.

He was really handsome with his damp black hair and piercing green eyes. I could curse Alberto day and night for putting me in this situation.

"We will leave in ten." And just like this, my beautiful bubble burst, and I didn't even bother to comment. I just headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

After eating breakfast at a nearby cafe, we took the bus to a secluded area. I was glad Ethan didn't insist on taking the car. Once we reached the last stop, we descended the bus and started walking along a stony path. It was silent apart from our footfalls.

We walked for about thirty minutes before we arrived at our destination. Ethan knocked on the small wooden door twice, and we waited for a few moments until an elderly man opened it for us.

Ethan gave him a gentle smile and greeted him in Chinese. The man smiled and bowed to us. I did the same and was glad when he invited us inside his cottage. It smelled of herbs and other spices. It wasn't spacious, but it gave homey vibes. We sat in a small living room while our host went to the kitchen.

"What did he say?" I whispered in Ethan's ear.

"I told him we are lost, and our bus won't come again until morning. And we needed somewhere to crash. He showed hospitality and welcomed us." Ethan answered.

"Are you sure his grandchild will come before that?" I inquired anxiously.

"I hope," was Ethan's reply.

Before I could ask further, the man came back with a tray of tea. I smiled when he gave me a steaming cup, and I took a sip from the sweet drink.

Ethan and the old man talked for two hours straight while I just smiled and nodded my head when Ethan bothered to translate their discussion to me.

The bell ringed at around three in the afternoon, and Ethan and I shared a look. Moments later, the young man in our files appeared in the living room.

The old man did the introductions, and I saw the suspicious look that crossed his grandchild's face. Ethan also caught it and shot me a meaningful stare. I nodded my head to let him know I saw it and retook my seat on the lumpy sofa.

Our host excused himself and went to the kitchen to prepare lunch for his grandchild while we sat alone with the latter.

Ethan took a deep breath and said coldly. "I know you can speak English, so cut the crap and let us get to business."

"Who are you?" The young man asked with a panicked look on his face and got up from his seat. His voice was trembling, which made his accent more prominent.

"No, don't you dare move from your spot, dear boy. I don't want any accidents to happen." I said while aiming my gun in his direction.

All the colour left his face, and he sat again. "What do you want from me?"

"Now, this is a good question. You have something we want, and I hope you will cooperate with us." Ethan said with a scary smile on his face.

I fished out my phone from my purse and gave it to the young man. He looked at the picture on the screen, and I saw recognition cross his face for a few seconds, but he masked his features and gave me the phone back.

"I don't know this girl at all. You got the wrong address. I suggest you look for her in another place." He pretended to be comfortable and acted as if he was honest.

Ethan smirked and leaned against the sofa. "Who said we are looking for the girl in the first place? We just wanted to show you a cute picture in case you didn't see one this morning." I nearly laughed at Ethan's sarcastic words, and it was even hard to control my laugher when the boy realised his mistake and closed his eyes.

"Look, I know you are probably not older than sixteen or seventeen, so make it easy on yourself. Tell us where is the girl, and you won't hear from us ever again." I said with a gentle voice, trying to ease his nerves.

"It is not that easy." The boy murmured under his breath.

"All we want is an address, and you can give it to us." I tried once again. I was on the brink of losing my patience, and I didn't want to cause a bloodbath in the presence of a man I can consider a grandfather.

"They will kill me if I do it. You don't know them at all." I saw the dilemma in the young man's eyes, and I felt sympathy for him. I knew how it was working for some bastards, who had your life in their palms.

"We will protect you and your grandpa. I promise." I found myself saying without even thinking about the magnitude of my words.

Ethan shot me a glare and was going to say something, but I gave him a pleading look to go with my plan.

"As she said, we want the address, and consider yourself protected."

The young man contemplated our words for a few minutes before he looked at us again. "First, you must know that I didn't hurt the girl at all. She was with her parents at the amusement park. I took advantage of her parents' distraction and snatched her from one of the rides. Then I took her to the warehouses located on the outskirts of the city. There, I handed her over, and they paid me. From that day onward, I don't know anything about what happened to her. I did my mission and nothing else." He recited the events honestly.

Ethan nodded his head and asked. "When did all this happened?"

"It was a week ago," He answered and wrote the address on a piece of paper, which I took from his outstretched hand.

We got up from the sofa in time the old man entered once again. He looked at us in confusion and asked something in his native tongue.

Ethan answered him, and the man nodded his understanding. We bowed to him one last time and headed to the door, accompanied by his grandchild.

"I believe every word you said back there, but if we find out you tricked us, be assured we will find you wherever you hide," I said with a firm tone, letting him know my threat wasn't just meaningless words.

"I swear on the soul of my parents I didn't lie to you. Remember, you promised to protect my grandpa and me." He said pleadingly.

"It is not in our nature to break a promise we made," Ethan said seriously and opened the door to leave. I gave the young man another warning look before I followed my grumpy boss or partner. I still didn't decide on his status.

"Why did you give a promise you don't know if you can keep or not?" It was the first question he threw at me once I reached him.

"Who said I would not keep my promise?" I shot back as we walked down the same path we crossed earlier.

"Nina, on these missions, it is only you and I. I don't have any guards I can place on others' doors. You must understand that." Ethan said, and I scoffed at his words.

"Really! You want me to believe this?"

"Believe it or not, it is the truth." He insisted.

"Well, I will stay guard at his door until it is over. I would never stab anyone in the back. He gave us what we wanted in exchange for protection, and I won't let him down." I said firmly and turned around to walk back to the small cottage.

Ethan caught my arm and whirled me back to face him. "Why are you so adamant about helping someone cruel enough to kidnap a little girl from her parents?" Ethan's eyes flashed in anger.

"Because I know what it's like to do things you don't want to do. I know how life can make you cruel even if you don't choose to. Not all of us kidnap and kill because we enjoy it. Some of us are villains by force and not by choice. I saw these things in his eyes, and I will be damned to let any harm touch him." I answered his question sincerely and felt his grip loosening on my arm.

"What about you? Are you a villain by force or by choice?" His question caught me off guard, and I gave him a pained smile.

"I am a villain by birth."

Ethan breathed deeply and shook his head as if clearing his mind. "I don't want you to do this in my company again. Don't force me to clean your messes for you. I don't care about the fates of kids kidnappers. There is no excuse for separating a seven-year-old girl from her family." Ethan said heatedly and took his phone out of his jeans pocket.

He waited for a few seconds before he spoke. "I want you to send a dozen guards to the address I will send to you shortly. Make sure the occupants of the residence won't need anything for at least three days. I don't want them to leave their home for any reason. If you face any problems, call me." With those instructions, he cut the call.

I smiled inwardly and followed him while keeping my silence as I didn't want to irk him more than he already was.


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