Reunited [[discontinued]]

By horriblyxvoid

6.5K 123 59

This story is a sequel to the story "Fixed" More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Please Read
Chapter 18

Chapter 10

325 5 1
By horriblyxvoid

- Third person POV -
"Hey guys," Tori said walking into the Grier's house.

"We thought you had to go home," Carter said. "I did but I asked to be excused."

"Why?" Aaron asked, tilting his head. "Because I wanted to hang out with you guys," she said smiling.

"We're back guys," Nash and Matthew said walking inside.

"Tori you're here," Matt said looking at her. "Can we talk to you?" Nash asked her looking her in the eyes. "About?" She asked.

"We wanna talk about it privately," Matt said.

"Yeah plea-"

"Tori you're back," Hayes said coming down the stairs. "Yeah," she said giving him a hug.

"I need to tell you something," Hayes said. A frown immediately spread across her face. "No nothing bad, it's a surprise," Hayes said taking her hand.

"Hayes this can wait, I really need to talk to her," Nash said giving him the look.

"Fine," Hayes groaned. "And you're coming with us," Matt said.

They all made their way to the backyard. "Wait what's going on?" Hayes asked.

"Tori we feel like this may be personal, but we really need to talk about this," Matt spoke. "I'm so lost," Hayes said looking at Tori.

"We're worried," Nash said. "About what?" Tori asked looking at them.

"Let me see your wrists," Matt spoke softly. "W-why?" She stuttered.

"Tori?" Hayes asked.

She gulped from nervousness, but raised her wrists. Nash and hayes both had concern all over their faces.

"Why are you doing this to yourself?" Hayes asked taking her wrist, kissing it cautiously.

"I-I can't tell you," she said looking down.

- Hayes' POV -
This is what's she didn't wanna tell me the other day.

"Tori, please tell us," Matt said, "you can trust us."

"I know-w its not that it's just.." She sighed. "Please tell us princess," Matt said.

I shot him a glare. He looked at me and stopped. "Please baby," I whispered in her ear.

"But you can't tell anyone," she said softly, her hands shaking. I held both her hands trying to comfort me.

"I promise," I said looking down at her. I gave Nash and Matt a look and they knew what I meant.

"We promise," they said in unison.

- Tori's POV -
"We promise," they both said as Hayes rubbed my knuckles with his thumb.

Everything flashed through my mind. The punching, the pinching, kicking. It all flashed through my head. Especially when he cornered me in my room and was beating the crap out of me.

I fell on my knees and began sobbing. I cried because of everything he's done to me. All the pain he's put me through. But I also cried because I miss my dad. Not only that, I have to let Christian do this to me. My moms really happy with him. When my dad died my mom was depressed for weeks or who knows how long. I'd rather go through hell to make her happy in seats of always seeing her sad.

I realized I was still crying and I'm pretty sure I had mascara all over my face. "Tori, calm down please," Matt said helping me stand up.

Hayes wrapped his arms around me and I hugged him back, burying my face into his chest.

"Shh," Hayes said softly into my ear.

- Third POV -
As soon as Tori was calm enough Nash asked once again.

"Why?" He said giving her a hug.

"Okay so.." She started off slowly still stuttering from trying to catch her breath.

"Hayes you know that argument we got into?" She asked, her eyes glossy.

"Yeah I didn't mean it," Hayes said feeling guilty, looking down.

"Well it bothered me at school and I tried avoiding you. Then Ashley called me stupid and Hayes laughed at it. It just got me mad and I left school early. That day when I left early I went home and the only person who was there was Christian," she said nervously.

"And what happened?" Matt asked.

"He h-hit me," she said tears rolling down her cheeks. The boys had shocked looks on their faces and anger too.

"Then I locked myself in the restroom and you know.. And that's when matt called me to tell me happy birthday. I hung up on him because I wasn't in the mood. Then Bailey and Nash came home Nash asked me what happened, what caused me to get a bruise, and I said I fell on my way to school."

Hayes' fists were clenched and his eyes were watery. Matt's eyes were glossy as well. And nash kept sighing from anger and running his fingers though his hair from frustration.

"The next day after school everyone asked me what was wrong. Hayes this is what I didn't wanna tell you. I couldn't," Tori said as Hayes held her hands.

"Afterschool that day, I went to the park and found nash there. I was crying because I was upset of what was happening recently. I was about to tell Nash what was going on, but Christian yanked me from him," she paused to look up at nash.

"How could I be so clueless," Nash said pacing back and forth.

"This isn't your fault nash. Then after the park, Christian Knew I was gonna tell you so he took me home and hit me again. He said that I shouldn't tell anyone,"

"The next day I was gonna tell Hayes too. But we were on the front lawn so Christian saw us from inside. When hayes left, Christian knew I was gonna tell Hayes too. So he said "you didn't learn your lesson with Nash did you?" So I tried locking myself in my room, but he cornered me and hit me continuously. I honestly though I was gonna die," she said tears still rolling down her cheeks.

"And I came because Christian was there and I'm just scared," she paused.

"I'm scared guys!" She yelled at them falling on her knees again.

The boys were speechless of what she just told them.

"We have to do something," Matt said. "No you can't tell him I told you, please!" Tori begged.

"Okay, we won't," Nash said.

"I really need to get going," Tori said.

"I'll walk you," Hayes said.

So they both walked out the house and Hayes walked Tori. They were standing in front of the door.

"Well," Hayes said taking her hands in his. "Goodnight beautiful," he said kissing her on the lips.

"Bye Hayes," she said opening the door walking inside.

you guys are the best. ilysm 👼💘 btw sorry for any grammar mistakes || ale

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