Romeo and Juliet~Klance {Comp...

By lamsis4life

4.5K 63 49

Hey, sorry guys. This is the rewrite for Romeo and Juliet~Klance. Wattpad decided to be a little butthead and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
New Book
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 20

75 2 0
By lamsis4life

Lance's POV

Keith just finished eating and decided it would be a good time to take a nap. I nodded and as soon as he left the kitchen, I left to find Shiro. I found him in the throne room, looking over some papers. I cleared my throat to let him know I was there. He looked up and motioned me to walk over to him.

"What is it, Lance?" He asked, going back to his papers. I scratched the back of my neck, not really knowing how to say what I came in here for. I took a deep breath and blurted out, "I want to go after Lotor." Shiro snapped his head up. "You what now?"

"I want to go after Lotor. Keith has his whole life to live, and he can't do that with the fear of Lotor getting to him again." Shiro sighs. "Lance, I know that. But we can't break our promise to Keith."

"Shiro, he's having nightmares. He can't live like this. It's not good for him or the baby. I'm worried about him, Shiro. I'm worried that he's going to stop sleeping. Or he'll go to sleep and never wake up. Shiro, I can't see him like this, and I know it's killing you to see him like this." I said, tears welling up in my eyes. "Lance. You know I would do anything for my brother, but I can't break this promise. But, I have an idea." I raised one of my eyebrows in curiosity. "What if we get your sister to help." He said in complete confidence. I hesitated. "I don't know if she'll help. Sure she hates Lotor about as much as we do, but she also hates Keith, so I highly doubt she'll do anything to help him."

"Yes, but, this would be helping you. Or so she'd think." Shiro smirked at me. "I guess it could work, but what would we tell her?" Just then, the door opened. I spun around to make sure it wasn't Keith. It was only Pidge and Hunk. "We tell her Lotor tried to kill you. He wanted Keith, and you got in the way." Pidge said. I shook my head. "No, that wouldn't work, that would only make her hate Keith even more." Pidge shrugged and plopped onto the ground. "Why does your sister hate him anyway? He hasn't done anything to her." Hunk asked. I shrugged. "Who knows? It's Allura, there's no telling why she hates anyone."

"Why don't we just tell her the truth? Tell her it's for your own wellbeing so you aren't worrying yourself to death about whether or not Keith will be kidnapped again or not." Hunk suggested. I thought about it for a few minutes. "That actually might work, Hunk. Thanks!" I said. Hunk nodded.

Just then, the door opened again. "You're highness!" Yelled one of the maids. Shiro looked at her. "What is it, Abigail?" She looked at me frantically, almost hesitating saying what was wrong in my presence. "What's wrong? Is it Keith?!" I asked worriedly. She nodded. "Well, out with it. What happened?" Shiro said, trying to stay calm and clearly failing. "H-he left the castle." The maid said. Pidge, Hunk, Shiro and I all looked at each other in confusion. "Did he say where he was going?" Pidge asked.

Abigail shook her head. "Not really, he said he had to get to the father? I'm not sure what he meant, but he left." Shiro and I gave each other terrified looks. "Lance, go check in his room." I nodded and ran to Keith's room. My heart was pounding to see what I would find. When I got there, I opened the door to see...


Hey guys, sorry this chapter is so short, but I wanted to do a cliffhanger. I know, cliffhangers are very annoying, but I like the suspense.

Just kidding. Here's the rest of the story. Also, quick trigger warning, there are some negative slurs toward Keith, also I guess an anxiety attack? I think. I'm not entirely sure what it is, but its not happy.


I opened the door to see Keith asleep on his bed. He didn't look like he had just been up, and he looks to be in a deep sleep. I was very confused. I told a passing maid to get Shiro for me, and she nodded, hurrying off to find him. A few minutes later and Shiro comes running down the hall. "What's wrong, Lance?" He huffed when he came to a stop in front of me. I pointed in Keith's room and he looked. He looked about as confused as I felt.

"Why would she lie about something like this?" I asked him. He shrugged. "I have no idea, but I'm going to put a stop to it." He turned around and called for one of the butlers. "Cameron, will you fetch me Abigail, please? Tell her it is urgent." He said in his kingly voice. The butler nodded and walked off to find Abigail.

Ten minutes later, Abigail walks up to Shiro and I. "What is it, sire?" She asked innocently. Shiro folded his arms. "Abigail, why did you lie about something like this?" He asked angrily. She batted her eyelashes at him and cocked her head. "Why, whatever do you mean sire?" Shiro looked about ready to slap her. "Why would you lie about Keith leaving?"

"I don't know what you are talking about your majesty. I have said no such thing." Finally I had enough of her playing dumb. "You did, bitch! You lied about Keith running away and-" "Who lied about me running away?" Keith's voice rang out. I turned around and saw Keith sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Hey, babe." I said softly, walking up to him and wrapping my arms around him. "Hi. What were you-"

"Ugh, that is so disgusting." Abigail snarled. I turned to look at her in surprise. "Excuse me, what did you just say?" Shiro growled at her. "I just mean, it's wrong. It's disgusting. Why couldn't you have just been dumb enough to believe me? Then you wouldn't have to deal with... that." She said in disgust, gesturing to Keith. "I'm sorry, what?" I said, standing in front of Keith. "I just mean that I would be better suited for you. I mean, he's already been used, he's of no use to you anymore, whereas I would be the ideal person for you." She said flirtatiously. "You fucking slut! How dare you talk about your prince that way?!" I yelled at her.

"Well, it's not like he can do anything about it anyways. And he's not my prince. He's not even related to the royal family. He's just some used up, worthless Omega that weaseled his way into the castle som-" Keith cut her off with a slap to her face. "That's enough from you. You are being disrespectful to your prince, his fiancé, and your king. What do you have to say for yourself before you leave here and are never to return?" Keith stood in front of her, his back towards me and Shiro, arms crossed.

Abigail stood, shocked. Then she turned to Shiro. "Your majesty, aren't you going to do something?! He just hit someone of the royal household!" She screeched. "Better him than me. I would have done much worse." Shiro stated calmly. Abigail stood there for a few seconds, then turned back to Keith and raised her hand to hit him. He flinched slightly, and she smirked. "You're scared of me?" She did it again and Keith flinched again. She started laughing. "Oh, that's gold! The great Keith Kogane, scared of little ol' me!" Keith turned his back to her, and looked at me.

I could see the slightly concealed fear in his eyes and knew that it wasn't her he was afraid of. I opened my arms to him and he walked over to me, wrapping his arms around me and burying his face in my chest. I could hear his shuddering breaths and rubbed small circles into his back. I looked at Shiro and he seemed to figure out what was going on. He turned to Abigail.

"I hereby condemn you, Abigail Lowrice, to a life outside of Galra. You get no trial, and are immediately stripped of any possessions you owned during your time as a maid in Galra." Shiro commanded. "Guards! Take Miss Lowrice to the dungeons, where she is to stay for the next five years, after which, she will not be allowed into Galra again." The guards came and dragged her away, kicking and screaming.

After Abigail was taken away, Shiro walked over to Keith and I and took Keith from me. He lifted his head up to look into his eyes, then pulled him into himself. "It's okay, Keith. He can't hurt you anymore. No one is going to hurt you anymore, I promise." He said softly. After a few minutes, Keith calmed down. "Hey babe.. Do you wanna try and take a nap again?" I asked. Keith nodded and laid down on his bed. He made grabby hands at me, signaling that he wanted me to lay with him. I smiled and nudged him over a little so I could fit onto his bed. "Alright, goodnight, Keith, Lance." Shiro said. "Night, Kashi..." Keith trailed off, falling asleep mid-sentence. "Night, Shiro." I said. Shiro walked out of the room and closed the door. I fell asleep curled up behind Keith, making sure to hold him extra tight so he can't go anywhere. 


Hey guys! Real ending now 😅. Anyways, let me know what you thought of the chapter. I know it was pretty sad, but I wanted to include a character that tried to steal Lance from Keith, so, Abigail Lowrice was born! Don't worry, she won't be in any other chapters, I don't think. I'm not really sure yet. But I'm going to try to make the next chapter a little bit more happy, because our boys deserve some happiness after all the emotions from the last few chapters.

Anyways, until next time! Ciao!

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