How to Date an Asshole

By AlanisKorali

466K 20.4K 2K

Like most people, Lauren had a big crush on a celebrity when she was a teenager. Unlike most people, she met... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 46

5.2K 248 64
By AlanisKorali

Chapter 46

My adrenaline spiked as I drove as fast as I could to the hospital.

Axel is barely breathing next to me and my heart is beating faster than it ever was.

"Don't die on me, James! I'm warning you."

I stopped honking the horns when we arrived in front of the hospital emergency entrance.

"He can't breathe!" I shouted as I opened the car door, helping him out. Nurses came to our aid in an instant, taking him in on a stretcher. I followed them but a nurse stopped me, telling me I can't go inside.

What is happening? I shouldn't have had that darn mushroom soup. Fuck this.

I sat on a bench in the hallway, waiting for news. My feet tapped the floor sporadically and I started biting my nails.

Tears streamed down my face as I think of all the possibilities.

What if he dies? Oh God, please no. Let him live, please.

"You can see him now." A nurse called on me.

My head rose immediately and I stood like lightning, "Where is he? What happened?"

"He's inside the emergency. His throat swelled but he was administered with epinephrine already. The doctor will come later and discuss everything."

"Alright," I nodded. "Thank you so much."

She gave me a curt nod and I rushed inside to look for Axel. My eyes skimmed through the white curtains that served as partitions of the hospital beds until they landed on a familiar figure.

He lay with his eyes closed - one hand resting on his side and the other on his chest.

I wiped the tears away and composed myself before walking towards him.

"How are you feeling?"

His eyes opened as cleared his throat, albeit in pain, "Better. A little lightheaded."

I moved closer, "Your voice is still hoarse, don't overwork it. I'm sorry."

He shook his head lightly, "It's not your fault."

"I know, but still."

A weak smile spread on his lips.

A doctor went to us with a chart in hand. "Good evening, Mr. James."


"How are you feeling?"

"Kind of dizzy, but better."

The doctor nodded as he scribbled on the chart, "Epinephrine has that effect on some people. It's normal but be sure to inform us if it progresses."

"We will," I replied.

"Ah, I see you're the one who brought him here?"


"It's a good thing you brought him in time. Anaphylaxis is fatal had you just let it happen." He turned to Axel, "You're lucky to be alive, Mr. James."

My hand flew to my mouth and all the emotions came rushing again. Oh God, I would've been a murderer.

Axel chuckled next to me, bringing his hand to tap my arm. "It's okay, Grant."

"No, it's not," my voice broke.

Oh shit, don't cry.

I cleared my throat and composed myself.

"May I know what caused this?" the doctor asked.

I felt myself freeze as if someone poured ice on my body.

"Uh..." Axel looked at me then back to the doctor, "Mushrooms. I'm allergic to mushrooms."

"And how exactly did you ingest the mushrooms?"

Axel's mouth opened as he glanced at me. I looked away.

God, this would be so embarrassing.

"I, uh..." He cleared his throat, "I was eating dinner and I forgot to tell the waiter to remove mushrooms. I didn't know they had in it there. Must be pulverized or something."

"Uh-huh," the doctor nodded as he wrote on the chart. "Well," he flipped the chart close. "It looks like you're all clear. Just take the day off tomorrow and don't talk too much. Your throat almost closed up due to the swelling. You must rest. And feel free to give us a call if you feel like it's getting worse."

"Got it, Doc."

"Okay, I'll leave you be."

"Thank you."

"Thanks," I said as the Doctor moved to the next patient.

I looked at Axel, "Well, you're good to go."

"Yeah," he nodded. "Um, I can't exactly drive. I don't think I could focus. Can you call a cab for me?"

"Don't talk nonsense, James. I'll drive you home. Come on."

I stayed close to him as we walked towards the parking lot. Our pace was slow but I don't mind. He was still weak and I can't push him to exert more effort just to be faster.

I can't help but look at his face from time to time just to check how he's feeling. "You okay?"

He smiled sadly, "Yeah, don't mind me."

We continued walking, but then he suddenly stopped and inhaled deeply. "Oh my God, come on, let me help you." I took his arm and wrapped it around my shoulders to assist him.

"Thanks, Lauren."

I nodded to indicate it was no big deal.

When we got to his car, I helped him get inside and ran to the driver's seat as soon as he's settled.

"Where do you live?"

"Just input 'Home'."

"Okay." I clicked on home and followed the GPS.

When we stopped in front of Central Park Tower, my jaw dropped. "You live here?"

"Yeah," he replied softly. "The garage is right ahead; my slot is on the first ground below."

I expected some banter but it seems like he's still woozy.

I'm surprised that he lives here, but if I'm being honest, it's also expected. I mean he's frickin' rich, where else would he live? Billionaire's Row, that's for sure.

I drove down to park the car and we took the elevator to the 58th floor.

Yes, 58th floor.

Everything about this building screams opulence and my brain didn't fail to recognize the mass difference between Axel and me and the world we live in.

When we got inside his apartment, I can't help but notice just how bachelor his place is - with dark furniture contrasting the white walls, industrial fixtures, whitewash hardwood floors, and floor-to-ceiling windows.

"Where's your bedroom?"

He pointed to the first door on the left. I helped him in and he sat on the end of the bed.

"Where are your pajamas?"

He shook his head, "You've done so much, Lauren. And I don't think I have the energy to change clothes."

"Alright then, let's just-" I scratched the back of my head. "get you settled."

He laid down while I fluffed the pillows for his head to rest. I pulled the duvet up to cover him, "There. I'm gonna go now." I raised my head and saw him smiling at me.

He tilted his head down then looked back up at me with a smirk, "You care about me."

I rolled my eyes, "Go to sleep."

I walked away from him.



"It's late."

"Yeah, I know."

"How are you gonna get home at this hour?"

"Uh, well, there's a thing called a taxi."

"Is it safe?"

"Are you serious? Of course."

"I just mean that the streets can be dangerous."

"Well, that's public knowledge."

"Yeah, but I just want you to be safe."

My lips formed an impressed frown as I cocked my head to the side. "Aw, you care about me," I teased.

"Of course, I do."

I felt the muscles in my face relax. I didn't expect that. And not in a good way.

I straightened my spine and cleared my throat, "What do you want me to do?"

"You could take my car. I mean you already know how to drive it. I can pick it up tomorrow. Or you can drop it off here."

I shook my head, "I can't take your car. Besides, I don't even have a parking space. If I leave it in front of the building, expect to see it in the pound tomorrow."

"Then I'll pick it up from the pound."

"Don't be ridiculous, James. It's okay. You don't need to worry. I'm a grown-ass woman – I can take care of myself. Trust me."

"It's not that I don't trust you, Grant. Because I do, I trust you. It's the people around you that I don't."

I internally cringed. "Where is this conversation even going? The doctor said you need to rest your voice so, shut up."

"You're the one who makes me talk."

"Then I'll leave," I turned away.


"James, I'm telling you-"

"I have a guest room."

"Are you trying to make me stay?"

"Yes," he said, unashamed.

I snorted, "You have got to be kidding me."

He just stared at me.

I calmed myself down, "Okay."

"Okay?" his eyes lit up.

"Okay, I'll call an uber if that will ease your mind. That way I wouldn't wait outside."

His face sank.

I scrolled through my phone to book an uber.

"You know it's not a big deal. I slept at your place once."

I stopped scrolling as I suddenly remembered that night – with him showing up at my apartment after the show, eating ice cream, watching movies, and sleeping on my shoulders. How different things were back then.

I pursed my lips, about to say no but then he spoke. "Please?" and when I met his eyes, I couldn't say no.

I took a deep breath, "Okay."


"Yeah, okay."

The corners of his lips curved upwards.

"But only because I feel bad about what happened."

"Of course."

*       *       *

I woke up early the next day. Or to put it more accurately, I stood early the next day. I don't think it's quite possible to wake up when you barely slept – tossing and turning the entire night, thinking about the person you almost killed.

I freshened myself up and walked to Axel's bedroom just to check on him. It wouldn't be bad right?

I pushed the doorknob down and took a peek from the slightly ajar door.

My eyes traveled to where his stomach was under the sheets just to see if he was breathing properly. My heart stopped for a moment when I didn't see it rise and fall.

Oh my God, is he dead?

I was about to enter his room in panic when it suddenly moved. I exhaled a sigh of relief then closed his bedroom door.

Fuck, this would be the death of me.

I went straight to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast. Surely, he wouldn't have anything in here that he's allergic to, right?

I opened the fridge and saw a shit ton of vegetables.

Is he growing a garden here or something?

I rummaged around the leafy greens and thankfully found some eggs. I stir-fried them the easiest way I know and added some chopped tomatoes.

"Mm, what's that smell?" he came out of his bedroom, rubbing his eyes as he walked towards me.

"Omelet." I transferred the eggs on a plate then topped them off with parsley. "How are you feeling?"

"Good." He leaned on the kitchen island and picked a piece off the omelet.

"Oh, that's still-"



He rushed to the sink and poured water on his fingers.

"Are you okay?"

He chuckled, "Yeah. Apply cold water to the burned area, right?" He closed the faucet.

"Is it really okay? Let me see." I reached for his hand and checked his fingers.

"See? I'm alright."

I dropped his hand, "You were overreacting." I walked to the chairs and took a seat.

"No, it was actually hot, the cold water helped a lot."

I picked up a fork and picked on the eggs. I blew on it to make sure it wasn't too hot to eat. "Mm..."

"Is it good? Let me try."

I pushed the plate near him as he grabbed himself a fork.

"Mm," he nodded in appreciation.


"Yeah, that's good."

I drank some coffee as he continued eating the omelet.

I put the coffee down, "So, what's with all the vegetables?"

"Oh, that. I drink them."

"You mean eat them?"

"No. Drink."


He cleared his throat as he put the fork down. "I juice them."


"Well, I put them in the juicer and it does the job."

I grimaced. "Ick."

He laughed, "Oh, come on, it's not that bad. And it's good for you."

"It's not real food."

"Ah, don't let the vegetables hear you, they'll be hurt. I'll make one and you try."

"No way."

"Come on, are you really gonna say no before trying? You are quitter?"

"You did not just call me a quitter."

"Then why don't you try it first?"

"Okay then, bring it on."

He smirked then opened the fridge. Took out a couple of carrots, kale, and cucumber then processed them in the juicer.

"Here," he raised a glass full of juiced vegetables.

I stared at it, "Do I really have to?"

"I'm afraid so."

I whined as I take the glass from him. I looked at the contents of the juice with the twist of my wrist and sniffed it a little. Smells like grass.

I looked up at him before bringing the glass closer to my lips. His brows moved up and down, challenging me to drink.

Here goes nothing. I tipped it over to taste.

"Bleh," I placed the glass on the counter. "It's disgusting. How do you tolerate that?"

"It's good for your health." He grabbed the glass of veggie juice and started drinking it.

"Ugh," I cringed. "Suit yourself. I'm good with the eggs."

He smiled as he continued having his breakfast.

*       *      *

"I'm off," I said approaching the door.

"Wait," he jogged towards me. "Let me take you."

"No, it's okay. It's bright out, I can get a cab."

"Please, I insist. It's the least I can do after you took care of me last night."

"Come on, it wasn't a big deal. And it's not like I wasn't the reason your allergy went off."

"Well, yeah, but I was the one who kissed you."

I felt my cheeks burn up. I looked down and cleared my throat, "Alright then, let's go."

He nodded enthusiastically and we got out of his apartment.

I didn't fully comprehend how great the distance was from the 58th floor to Basement 1 until now. We stood next to each other in the elevator in silence, looking at anywhere but each other.

"So," I started.


"What are we going to do with the Katie situation. I mean you heard it right last night, correct?"

"Yes, apparently our exes are working together."

I nodded, "Apparently."

"And you're the one who's most affected."

I sighed, "That's right."

"Don't worry, I'll come up with a plan. Multiple, if you want. Just call me if you get any updates with MGC. We need to know how the lawsuit progresses, so we could add it to the equation."

"Alright. But let's be sure to think of something before the week ends."

He nodded.

The elevator dinged to a stop and now we're at the basement.

As soon as we got inside his car, he asked "Where to, Miss?"

"My apartment, please."

"Your apartment?" he asked, skeptical.


"Don't you have to go to work?"

"I do, but I have to change clothes first."

"Well, we could buy some clothes on the way."

"Oh, no, it's not necessary. Plus, I need to get some documents first."

"Alright then," he replied then started driving.

I looked out the window and appreciated the sun peeking through the leaves of the trees we passed. Then to Axel who's ultra-focused on driving, but very much alive and breathing next to me.

I stared at him and observed every detail of his face. How his dark blonde hair looks almost brown in the shadows, how his lashes would curl at the end, how his blue eyes strike beneath those hooded lids, how his jaw would tick every time he'd be irritated, how well-defined the cupid's bow of his lip is, how there's a small scar just beneath his chin, and how all of him would've turned into nothing if things went south last night.

I can't imagine how messy it would have been – the news, the hate, the emotional turmoil I would feel knowing I killed him.

"Why don't you take a picture? It lasts longer." His lips curled up into a smirk.

I smiled weakly, "I'm just glad you're alive."

He glanced at me, lips parted in wonder, eyes moving back and forth to me and the road.

My phone rang suddenly, bringing me back to reality.

"Hello?" I brought the phone to my ear.

"Hey, Lauren."

"Yeah, what's up?"

"What time will you be off of work?"

"Uh, six? But probably around seven. Why?"

"I'd like to talk with you about the proposal."

"Oh, that! Yeah, of course."

"Great! I'm good with seven. Will you be able to meet by then?"

"Uh, yeah, sure."

"You haven't told Hailey anything, right?"

"Of course, I haven't. Why would I?"

He chuckled, "Just checking. I'll see you later then."

"Yeah, and oh, I don't think it'd be a smart move if we have dinner at your restaurant. People might talk. So, pick someplace else and text me the address."

"You got it, boss. See you soon."

"Okay, see you soon. Bye." I said then dropped the call.

"Was that Dean?"

"No, it's Josh."

"Who's Josh?"

"Hailey's boyfriend."

"Hailey? Your best friend?"


"Why are you meeting with him?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because that's your best friend's boyfriend?"

"And so?"

"Why are you meeting with him secretly?"

"It's none of your business. And don't talk like your morals are so high and mighty."

"Are you seeing him?"

"Wait, what? Are you accusing me of cheating on my best friend?"

"I'm just asking why you were so insistent on meeting secretly."

"You know what, don't compare me with what happens in your circles. I would never do that to my best friend. And before your mind gets all foggy, we're meeting to talk about how he's going to propose to Hailey, okay? That's why I wanted to meet secretly. Don't get it mixed up."

He nodded, "Okay. I'm sorry."

My head moved in his direction instantaneously.

He's saying sorry?

He offered a smile as his eyes lowered. "Please forgive me."

At that moment, I was afraid my brain would short-circuit from shock. So, I did the next best thing, stare out the window.

Little did I know how that one simple move would lead me to discover something much more intriguing.

Katie and Dean walking out of a coffee shop with lattes in hand.

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