His Voice | Taekook

By lunartaekookx

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When Jungkook suddenly ends up in a coma he is hospitalized. He is lucky to have a nurse named Kim Taehyung t... More

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By lunartaekookx

3 weeks later

"Heyy boo! Can you please give me the knife.

"Ofcourse my love Taehyung said back. Both of them giggeling at the sweet words of the other while makeing a mess in taehyung's kitchen. The nurse had a morning shift today so jungkook decided he would make a home cooked meal for his hardworking boyfriend.

Ahh boyfriends that still felt so amazing and weird at the same time. Who thought that getting yourself hospitalized would get you a boyfriend. Jungkook certainly not but look at where he is now. Cooking for his own hardworking boyfriend.

"I am almost done Tae can you please make sure that. Before The ravenette even could finish his sentence Taehyung was already getting the table ready. Jungkook smiled in disbelief and continued makeing dinner.

10 minutes later everything was done and the two lovebirds were sitting across eachother with some tasty food. Enjoying eachother's company. And telling some stories about work and school.

"So that rude ass women just came up to me like that. "And started screaming in my face. Taehyung got all angry over again. "I litterly wanted to slap her but ofcourse I couldn't do that. Jungkook giggeld at his boyfriend. The older tried to look intimidating but he rather looked cute. "And you know! The worst part about this all is that she was on the wrong floor. "She thought that I was some stupid lung doctor or something.

"Sounds like you had a rough day. The nurse nodded. "It was very busy and then all that Shit came up. Taehyung took jungkook's hand in his. "And I missed you. Both of there cheeks turned in a pretty red color. "I missed you too Tae. "Durning class you were the only thing I was thinking about.

The nurse then flicked his forehead. "Ooouuw what was that for jungkook said while rubbing the place that was hit. "You shouldn't think about me stay focused in class will ya. "I want to come to your graduation this year. The ravenette smirked at that. "But Tae you are very distracting you know.

"Hands of young man continue eating your food. The ravenette rolled his eyes but did as told so. "Hey jungkook? The said boy hummed while eating his pasta. "What do you want to be when you are graduated. "I remember you talking about becoming a teacher?

Out of no where Jungkook's whole mouth went dry. It felt like he couldn't breath. "Hey jungkook are you okay!? Taehyung said with his voice full of worry. "Jungkook snap out of it!

Jungkook's pov:

When Taehyung's words finally came through I calmed down again. "What happend jungkook are you okay? I took a deep breath still feeling a little shocked of all that just happened. Taehyung put both his hands on the side of my face. "It's okay I am here for you.

After some time I finally had my breath under control. "I'm okay I think. I sat back down and took a sip of my drink. "Jungkook that looked like a panick attack. I shrugged "it was probably nothing don't worry about it. Taehyung stood up and walked over to my chair. "Listen to me jungkook all that you went trough was not easy okay. "That stupid bitch mentality abused you don't forget that. I looked down I couldn't see Taehyung feeling so sad because of me.

"Jungkook look at me now! I was suprised at taehyung's tone he sounded all stern. But I locked eyes with him again. "If you ever need help or just someone to talk too I am here for you! "Please never forget that.

Before The he could say anything else I hugged him. "Thankyou taehyung but jieun Is gone. "I just need some time to calm down. Taehyung didn't fully believe him but he thought it was enough for one night. "If you say so but never for-

"Yes yes If there is something wrong I tell you. Taehyung nodded "good. It was silent for a while. Jungkook felt happy knowing he had someone that truly cared for him.

Before Taehyung went back to his seat he captured the ravenette's lips and put all his sweet feelings for the boy in it.

"What is it with us kissing while we were supposed to eat dinner. Taehyung gave me a light push. "Shut up.

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