
By LazyLucario

200 6 0

Violet's been living in loneliness for the past three years being stuck with a broken heart with her daughter... More

Note(plz read)
Friends Forever
Can do
Road Trip
The Surprise
Back on the Road
Painful Reunion
Mother, Daughter Talk
Leaving so Soon?
Smoke and Sunrise
Down Comes a Raven
We're Just Friends
See you Soon
She Likes Girls
Hanging Out
Under the Stars
Staying Behind
Peculiar Scar
Real Relationship
Clem and Moo
Family Reunion
The Hootenanny
A Coyote's Wail
Cobra's Venom and a Wild Lynx
Sneaking Out
On the Trail
Most Wanted
For a Price
Not Without my Son
The Plan
Framed Memories
Don't Eat the Dinner
The Test
Runs in the Family
I Still Love You
No One's Leaving
Your Place isn't Here
Truth and Confessions
Old Demons
With you
The Date
Back from Hell
Eres mi Deseo


6 1 0
By LazyLucario

A few weeks had passed after the date, Moo and Violet still had their sexual romance in secret while they still had the chance when everyone was away.

"You're getting better every time," Moo breathed huskily kissing Violet on the lips before laying beside her.

She giggled her face completely blood red, "I learned from the best."

The two could hardly resist each other since then.

They continued to have their special dates mainly on the weekends when Sophie and Storm were on their dates.

People still grew suspicious of the two being together with the urge to tell Marisol but no one had enough evidence to prove anything so people couldn't say anything and just kept a close eye on the two, especially the exes.

The two care what anyone else thought, they continued being this little family they had and lived happily and peacefully together.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" he asked feeling a bit hurt, "I wanna be sure that nothing's bad happening to you."

"I'll be fine, Moo," she reassured him kissing him on the cheek, "I bet it's not even serious, it's probably just a bug."

Violet had been waking up in the mornings with increasing painful stomach cramps and vomiting for the past couple of weeks; she didn't tell Moo this but she also found blood on her panties this morning as well. Of course, Moo was in grave concern wanting to do everything he can to make her better. Instead, Violet was just going to see the doctor like Moo insisted wanting answers without him having to worry.

"I need you to watch Blossom for me, okay?" she said looking over to the crib where she was still sleeping, "I'll be back before you know it, I promise."

He sighed, "Alright, but when you get back tell me everything that the doctor says, and I'll do everything to take care of you."

"Thanks, Moo," she kissed him on the lips before heading out, "I'll see you later."

At the medical center, Violet walked in finding Izzy at her desk filling out paperwork with that same bored expression.

She cleared her throat to get her attention, "What's the name and time for me?"

Izzy's face brightened when she looked up at the blonde, "Hey, Vi! Came to visit?"

"Kinda, I'm here to see someone about something I've been having lately, you know if anyone's available?"

"I think Sophia is," she said going through some of the papers before looking up again, "Yeah, no one's scheduled to see her today so I think you're good."

She sighed in relief having someone she knew, "Alright, thanks."

"No prob, and I hope you feel better."

Sophie sighed in frustration, "Nothing, I found nothing, Vi, temp's good, no heavy or low breathing, blood pressure's fine, and also the heart rate."

This started to worry Violet, "A-are you sure? I have to have a fever or something."

"What I can only conclude is that you probably have food poisoning but that doesn't last as long from what you said, plus, I don't think one of the symptoms is bleeding through the no area."

Her breaths started to heighten not knowing what else it could be other than . . .

"Vi, calm down," Sophie grabbed her hands, "Everything's gonna be fine, let me just get Miss Tori and see if she knows anything."

Shit, even worse.

She stepped out for a few minutes before Victoria stepped in planting a gentle smile on her face.

"Hola, comó estas, mija?" she asked rubbing her head, "I heard you're not feeling the best."

She shook her head, "It got worse this morning then Moo begged me to come here."

"Sophia told me all the symptoms which I may know what's troubling you," she got closer to Violet with a more serious expression, "Are you sexually active?"

"What?" Violet cried the question catching her off guard.

"I won't get mad, my love, it's just I have to ask in order to get to the bottom of this," she saw Violet's unsure look grabbing her hand, "And I won't tell either."

Violet fidgeted her fingers nervously knowing she would be telling Moo's mother their secret, but if it had to come to see what was wrong then she was willing to say it.

"Yes, I am," she mumbled loud enough for Victoria to hear.

"Adios mío," she sighed massaging between her eyebrows, "Hold on a second."

She went through some of the drawers pulling a small box that had something that Violet hoped to never see again.

"Take this to the bathroom," she said shakily handing it to Violet, "Show me the results when you're done."

"Miss Tori, I-I can't possibly—I can't be, I just can't!" she cried trying to put the pregnancy test back in her hands, "It's probably a bug, nothing else."

"I understand you're scared, mija, but this is one of our only options," Victoria squeezed her hand gently looking into the blonde's eyes, "And whatever happens just know that I still love you and Matéo."

She stared at it as if it was a deadly weapon before hesitantly taking it heading to the bathroom.

Oh, God, please, please, please don't let it be true.

She sat on the toilet still as a rock staring at the stick waiting.

One of the options was going to be life-changing for everyone, Moo could even possibly leave her for this, Blossom wasn't going to be the main priority anymore, and her parents would never forgive her.

And it all hangs in the balance of this little stick.

She looked down at the stick again as the results slowly start to become visible.

Her heart almost stopped at the sight covering her mouth as she began to sob heavily. She the world suddenly spinning not being able to keep up and just wanting to be buried not wanting anyone to dig her up.

Her teary eyes just became fixated at the two pink lines that started to become so clear.

It's positive, I'm . . . pregnant.

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