New Leaf (Taekook 21+) [Compl...


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After being caught doing cocaine in a back alley by his parents, Jungkook was forced into a reform school for... Еще

1- Unmanageable Youth
2- New Found Acquaintance
3- Touch and Go
4- Major Malfunction
5- Seeking Supplies
6- Dangerous love
7- Frightened and Upset
8- Promise to Protect
9- Incident Avoided
10- Taehyung's dilemma
11- If I can't have you...
12- Out of mind, out of body
13- Bittersweet
14- Resist the temptation
15- Crisis averted
16- Impromptu visit
17- On the contrary
18- Easily persuaded
19- Change of Pace
20- Denied Satisfaction
21- Opening Up
22- Vulnerability
23- Comprehending Each Other
24- Over Exertion
25- Forgiveness
26- News Flash
27- Peep Show
28- Hoseok's Dilemma
29- Obtaining your Way
30- Feeling Uncertain
31- Graceful and Erotic
32- Petty Theft
33- I'm Fine
34- Still Struggling
35- Problems Abound
36- Convincing Taehyung
37- Unraveled at the Seams
38- Mask the Pain
39- Brand New Man
40- Confessions
41- Reignited Love for Life
42- First Date
43- Passionate Night
44- Promise Revealed
45- Picnic disaster
46- Catastrophic Endeavour
47- Near Death Experience
48- Sudden Requests
49- Congratulations
50- Unwanted visitor
51- Concocting a Plan
52- Engagment discussion
53- Graduation Party
54- Talk it Out
55- Preparty Jitters
56- Unfocused
57- Announcement
58- Settled Fiancé
59- Dangerous Expanses
60- Surprise Surrogate
61- Fear for the future
62- Attempted seduction
63- Wake up call
64- Who are you?
65- Heart's Recognition
66- Upcoming Holidays
67- Christmas Eve
68- Christmas Eve date
69- Remnants of a ruined date
70- My presents to you
71- Christmas Night
72- Rough Night
73- Birthday Blues
74- Belated Birthday wishes
75- Surprise Guests
76- New Year Celebration
77- Bitter return
78- Conjugal visit
79- Misfortune strikes
80- First Meetings
81- Destined Day
82- Dire First Signs
83- Plans for a Future
84- Concerns and Questions
85- Location Scouting
86- Wedding Bells
88- Late Night Rendezvous
89- Off to a great start
90- Sweet Serenity
91- Sweet Surrender
92- Over Zealous Jealousy
93- He's More like You than You Know
94- Gabriel's slip up
95- Happy Anniversary!
96- Electric Love
97- Disaster Strikes
98- Unforeseen Misfortune
99- Lost Time
100- We'll Meet Again, My Love

87- Wedding Reception

413 53 20

Hello, all you beautiful people~♡ How have you all been? I've been working hard at work and on a writing contest.:3 It's 50,000 words before the end of November so we'll see if I can make it.😂🤣 I didn't start until the 7th, but I'm almost 10,000 words in so far.:3 So please wish me luck~♡ So now, we're heading into the wedding reception and honeymoon~♡ I hope you guys are looking forward to these next few chapters~♡ I hope they're as exciting to read as I was writing them.:3 There is mention of sexual content, so please be advised when reading~♡ Other than that, please enjoy reading, my loves~♡♡♡


With the wedding ceremony over, Taehyung and Jungkook retired to their room to change clothes while everyone else was navigated towards the winery, where the wedding reception was to be held. The moment Taehyung and Jungkook were alone in their room, Jungkook wrapped his arms firmly around Taehyung's slim waist and pulled the elder into his loving embrace. "How can I possibly have married the most perfect man?" Jungkook asked, planting a chaste kiss upon the back of Taehyung's neck.

Taehyung shuddered with delight as he giggled softly, cupping the side of Jungkook's face. "I believe you stole my line," Taehyung teased playfully, leaning toward Jungkook and kissing his lips tenderly. Both pulled back to stare lovingly into their lover's eyes, only for their lips to meet once more. An innocent kiss at first, soon turned into a more heated meeting between the two as Jungkook's hands unbuttoned Taehyung's shirt. With Taehyung's back still pressed firmly into Jungkook's chest, the younger had free range as he slowly stripped Taehyung of his clothes.

Even though Taehyung's body was anticipating things to progress into something more intimate, after a couple more heated kisses, Jungkook pulled away from Taehyung slightly to remove his trench coat. Taehyung bit his lip as Jungkook tossed the coat onto the side of the bed and walked over towards their temporary dresser in search of a more casual outfit. Taehyung's shoulders slumped, unbeknownst to Jungkook as he walked over towards the dresser as well. "What do you plan on wearing, darling?" Taehyung asked softly, trying to hide the touch of disappointment that obscured his voice. Although Jungkook was not easily fooled as he chuckled softly and glanced over at Taehyung. "I promise, love. We'll continue that later tonight, but it's best not to keep our guests waiting for too long," Jungkook reasoned as Taehyung sighed softly and nodded his agreement.


Once they were back in the reception hall, many people approached them to congratulate them. One being Taehyung's mother with their children, hoping to see more from Taehyung soon. "Congratulations, baby boy! How does it feel to finally be married to the man you love?" She asked ecstatically, clapping her hands together as Annalise padded forward on unstable feet toward Jungkook. Jungkook quickly picked her up from the floor with a wide smile. "Well, hello, princess. Did you come to congratulate your daddy and I?" Jungkook asked happily as Annalise hugged his face and giggled softly.

Taehyung smiled pleasantly as his mother watched on with a soft expression. She hoped this would be what Taehyung needed to keep fighting for his life as Taehyung turned his attention toward his mother. "It feels liberating, actually. Papa would have never allowed me to marry anyone of my choice if it hadn't been for you, Mama. So thank you," Taehyung expressed softly, touching his hand to his heart to express his gratitude. "You have and always will be the one person who could turn the tides, Mama," Taehyung added, hugging his mother as she smiled softly and attempted to fight back her tears.

"So when am I getting another grandchild?" She asked playfully, stunning Jungkook into silence as Taehyung fumbled bashfully for words. After several moments of watching Taehyung fumble for the right words, Jungkook finally spoke up again. "We haven't thought about it yet, but we could always discuss that at a later date," Jungkook reasoned as Taehyung's mother smiled charmingly, resting her hand on her hip. "You've learned to dissuade an argumentative situation. You comprehend quickly," Taehyung's mother mumbled to herself, nodding her head in determination. "So be it. We can discuss this later," she announced with a teasing smile, kissing both Jungkook's cheek and Taehyung's cheek before walking off. It was almost time for the toasts and everyone needed to be in their positions.

With an elegant tap of the blunt end of a knife to her wine glass, everybody began to take the seats assigned to them. Annalise and Gabriel sat in Jungkook's lap while Ezra sat happily in Taehyung's lap. Taehyung glanced over at Jungkook, smiling softly as Taehyung's mother announced the first best man to make a toast. With that announcement made, Seokjin stood to his feet with a smile and his wine glass held elegantly between his middle finger and ring finger before approaching the microphone. "I honestly don't know why Jungkook picked me to be his best man," Seokjin started his speech with a soft laugh as he turned towards the two grooms. "We were anything but friends when we first met. I guess life has a funny way of bringing people closer together without them realizing it. I didn't understand why he had picked me until just a few days ago when I asked him. His response to me was that Tae and he wouldn't even be getting married without my intervention," Seokjin stated softly with another laugh, this one soft with the kindness he extended to everyone. "He informed me that I compelled him to realize that if he didn't take the opportunity now that someone else certainly would. I guess he didn't like my logic," Seokjin joked playfully as the audience laughed along with him. Jungkook flushed slightly and ducked his head somewhat, burying his mouth behind Annalise's head before pressing a kiss to the back of her head. "While he's all embarrassed about my speech, I only ever wanted the best for the both of them. Tae wouldn't have been happy with anyone other than Jungkook and Jungkook would have eventually regretted never taking that chance with Tae. It's one of those things that we perceive, but never truly know until it's too late. I didn't want that to happen to them because I just want them both to be happy. So here's to Jungkook and Taehyung," Seokjin toasted, raising his wine glass to the both of them before taking a sip of his wine. Everyone followed in his suit as they all took sips of their wine, Jimin standing to his feet this time.

Seokjin swiftly made his way back to his seat as Jimin approached the microphone this time, his wine glass tucked elegantly in the palm of his hand between his middle and ring fingers as well. "Taehyung has always been my best friend, ever since we were little. I know him inside and out and I couldn't agree with Jin's statement more. Tae would not have been happy with anyone other than Jungkook. That was a given fact when he pursued Jungkook endlessly, although Jungkook had made clear he wasn't looking for anything serious a multitude of times. Although, I do believe that was just Kookie's way of hiding from intimacy," Jimin joked playfully, earning a scowl from Jungkook as he tucked his head behind Annalise's head once more. Taehyung giggled softly beside him, earning a quiet huff from Jungkook as he tightened his arms around Gabriel and Annalise. "I have to say though, Kookie did eventually give into Tae's charm. Or persistence. I can't be sure of which one won out, but here they are. Together and happy. I wish them many more years of happiness because lord knows they deserve it after everything they've been through together," Jimin finished as he raised his glass towards Jungkook and Taehyung.

They both raised their glasses towards Jimin as well, this time linking arms and drinking out of their own cups before smiling at each other. With the toasts made and everyone growing restless from sitting too long, Taehyung's mother announced the next event would be the cutting of their cake. This event had Taehyung nervous about how to feed Jungkook his cake. He'd heard of people playfully shoving cake into their loved one's face, but he didn't know how Jungkook would react to that if Taehyung wanted to try it. He didn't know if it would anger Jungkook or if Jungkook would laugh it off and do the same to him.

Taehyung held the knife in his hand that would cut the cake and Jungkook tenderly placed his hand atop Taehyung's own while his other hand rested gently against the small of Taehyung's back. In front of them stood the 3 tier cake with white and pink frosting, red roses, and curtains of white fondant with silvery, chocolate pearls at the tip of each curtain. Jungkook guided their hands in cutting into the first tier of the cake, cutting various pieces for their guests. With most of the cake cut, Jungkook scooped up one of the pieces with the serving spatula and placed it onto a plate. He scooped up another one of the pieces and placed it onto another plate before handing one to Taehyung. They both grabbed a fork and took a small section of the cake, holding it out to the other to taste first. Taehyung chuckled as they both took their partner's forks into their mouths to taste their cake. Instantly, Taehyung could taste the sweetness spread across his tongue, and as they released each other's fork, both of them smashed their plate into the other's face in a show of playful bliss.

Taehyung was the first to laugh as chunks of cake and frosting coated his entire face. It took Jungkook a moment before he joined Taehyung in laughter, both of them sharing an even sweeter kiss before cleaning their faces and serving everyone else their cake. Jungkook even made sure to give Annalise, Gabriel, and Ezra a couple of bites of cake each. He wanted to be sure that they could share in the festivities as well, even though Annalise and Ezra were barely able to walk. He knew they'd get there soon enough because they had Taehyung teaching them all of their ambulatory abilities.

Once everyone was done eating their food and cake, Taehyung's mother proudly announced that it was the couple's first dance and asked that everyone clear center stage. Jungkook and Taehyung glanced at each other before standing to their feet, Jungkook offering a hand to Taehyung. Taehyung gracefully took Jungkook's hand in his as Jungkook navigated Taehyung towards the stage area. Taehyung smiled blissfully when Jungkook pulled Taehyung flush against him the moment Ed Sheeran's Perfect started to play. Jungkook gently rested his hand at the small of Taehyung's back, his other hand clasped firmly within Taehyung's hand. Taehyung rested his free hand on Jungkook's shoulder with a soft giggle.

Jungkook tenderly guided Taehyung along the floor to the rhythm of the song, their steps slow and deliberate as Taehyung whispered along to the song. Jungkook couldn't help the chuckle that slipped out, smiling pleasantly at Taehyung as the smaller male giggled with him. Before the song ended, Jungkook swept Taehyung into a dip before placing a soft kiss upon his lips. Just as quickly as Taehyung had been dipped, Jungkook pulled him back into an upright position while the other guests joined them on the dance floor. With their first dance finished and everyone else distracted, Jungkook tugged Taehyung along behind him towards the closed off kitchen area. Taehyung trotted along behind Jungkook with a smile as Jungkook pulled him into the kitchen and shut the door.

Taehyung didn't realize their reception venue had a kitchen on hand or he wouldn't have bothered with a caterer. Before Taehyung could say anything about it though, Jungkook kissed Taehyung feverishly as his back hit the counter. With Jungkook's hands clasped firmly around Taehyung's face and his lips pressed heatedly against his own, Taehyung felt his head swim as he moaned softly into the kiss. It had taken everything Jungkook had not to do anything sooner when they were alone in their room, but with everyone dancing right now, he figured they wouldn't really be missed.

Taehyung's knees buckled into Jungkook, the younger pausing only to lift Taehyung onto the counter behind him. Jungkook continued to kiss Taehyung heatedly as Taehyung cupped the back of Jungkook's neck, the kisses growing in intensity. Taehyung slid his fingers up into the back of Jungkook's hair, tugging hard as Jungkook's hands rubbed his thighs. Taehyung had tugged hard enough on Jungkook's hair to break the kiss, although Jungkook's lustful gaze was concentrated solely on Taehyung now. "W- We shouldn't do this here," Taehyung whispered frantically, his own desire to continue dwindling now as he heard children's laughter outside the closed wooden panels. "There are kids here. If there weren't any children, I'd say we could continue, but you know Annalise loves to seek you out at the most awkward times," Taehyung reasoned softly, biting his lip as Jungkook's dark eyes continued to bore into him.

"Then I'm going to need you to let go of my hair before I do something that may scar children," Jungkook growled softly, averting his gaze as Taehyung quickly released Jungkook's hair. Taehyung hadn't wanted to stop, but he knew Annalise would be looking for Jungkook soon if she wasn't already searching for him. It had seemed their timing couldn't have been more spot on though as they heard the little pitter patter of tiny feet outside the kitchen door. Jungkook turned his dark gaze on Taehyung one last time before he composed himself and adjusted his pants. He brushed his fingers through his hair to fix any stray strands and cleared his throat. "We'll finish this later then," Jungkook stated with a level voice before opening the door to see Annalise staring up at him with her pacifier hanging out of her mouth. Annalise smiled pleasantly past her pacifier and threw her arms up as Jungkook smiled. "Hi, Princess! How are you enjoying your daddy's wedding reception?" Jungkook asked cheerfully as Taehyung hopped off the counter and followed after them.

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