Addictive ; Jade West x Male...

By _lets_die_together_

125K 1.8K 231

Since I finished the female version of this book, why not make a male version. I am not stopping anyone from... More

First day
Janitors closet
Jades house
More than friends
Special night
Movie night at Toris
Glamping (part 1 and 2)
New boy...
Beach day (part 1 and 2)
Christmas time with you
Christmas party
From a whisper to a scream
Smashed mirror
Birthday girl
The morning after
New boy part 2
The punishment
Prome - final chapter

7 minutes in heaven

3.2K 56 1
By _lets_die_together_


It was 10:30 at night and I was at Jades house, in her all black gothic room. She was on my lap, straddling me, while tracing my abs with her fingers. Somehow she managed to get my shirt off.

I was laying on my back with my head on 2 pillows. My phone was in my hands and I was currently scrolling through the slap, looking at peoples recent updates.

I continued scrolling till I got a text from Tori. Her parents and Trina weren't home and she was having another damn party. She was inviting us to come.

I set my phone down next to me and look at the gorgeous, jaw dropping sight in front of me.

"Toris having another damn party and she wants us to go" I tell Jade. She shifts her eyes up to look at me and looks at me is disbelief.

"Another party? She just had one" Jade questions and I shrug my shoulders.

Jade let's out a long groan and leans her back against my thighs.

"Do I have to go?" Jade complains. I laugh when she sits back up and has the biggest pout planted on her face.

"We'll it'll be weird if I went and you didn't" I answer her recent question.

"Fine. Since you're going, I'll go. But I only want to stay for 2 and a half hours max" Jade compromises.

"Whatever you want, my love" I whisper to her.

Jade leans down and gives me a peck on the lips before getting off of me. I get off her bed and go to the drawer that Jade had put together for me with some of my clothes in it. I look through the drawer and pick out something casual, but comfy;

Jade does the same;

I go to Jades bathroom that's connected to her room and fluff out my hair a bit more.

When I'm done, I leave Jades room and head downstairs.

When I get to the bottom of the stairs, I see Jade sitting on the floor with her back against the wall. I walk up to her and crouch down to her level.

"Time to go my love" I lowly whisper and she starts to smile. Jade told me that my love was her favourite nickname. She said it made her heart warm.

Jade gets up and we both walk out the door, heading to my car. I open the passenger door for Jade and she slides into the car. I go to the drivers side, get into the car and pull out of her driveway onto the road.

While driving, I can see Jade staring at me at the corner of my eye. I also felt her stare burning the side of my head. I smile to myself and keep my eyes on the road.

When I pull up to a red light, Jade leans over the centre console and puts her lips towards my ear.

I turn my head to look at her, but she uses her middle finger to forcefully put my head back it it original place.

She leans in more to where her lips are practically touching my ear and lowly whispers, "mine."

I let out a shaky breath and bite my lower lip. Jade turns her head to the windshield and sees that the light is still red. She grabs my chin and pulls my head back towards her, her lips instantly colliding with mine.

We keep our lips together, till Jade opens her mouth and her tongue teases my bottom lip. I open my mouth as a sign for her tongue to be allowed in.

Both of our lips move slow and in sync as I kiss her soft lips.

I pull away and focus back on the road because the light had just turned green. Jade smirks and leans back into her seat.

I pull into Toris driveway at about 10:45 pm. I get out of the car and walk over to the passenger side. I open the passenger door and I see Jade hugging her seat. I grab her waist and begin to pull, but her grip is to firm.

"Jade, you have to get out of the car" I argue as I'm still pulling.

"No! I don't want to!"

"You have to! Let go of the seat!"

"No! I don't wanna see Vega!"

"Jade, let go of the fucking seat!"


This argument went on for 2 minutes. Jade ended up loosing her grip on the seat and she put her 2 feet on the ground. It was the perfect opportunity to pick her up and flip her over my shoulder. She didn't even struggle. She just let her arms and head dangle.

We both get to Toris front door and I put Jade down to fix her hair.

I knock on the door and wait with Jade. Tori opens the door and welcomes us both in.

I see everyone else sitting on the couch. They all waved and I was nice and waved back. Jade went bad to her bitchy side and rolled her eyes. Jade and I sat next to each other on the couch.

"So, what do you guys wanna do?" Tori asks while closing the door.

"Let's play truth or dare" Andre suggests. Everyone agrees with Andres idea and we all sit on the floor in a circle like we're children.

I put my arm around Jade and wait for the game to begin.

"Okay. I'll ask first" Tori says. She looks around at us and her eyes stop and me and Jade.

"Jade" Tori says.

"What" Jade snaps.

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare. Obviously"

"I dare you to kiss Dolan for a minute"

"Pft. That's easy" Jade scoffs then grabs my face directing my lips to hers.

While we're kissing, I open my left eye and look at everyone else and catch them staring at us. They were probably amazed on how Jade looks while kissing. I mean, I would be amazed too.

After the minute had passed, Jade pulled away and wiped her bottom lip with her index finger,

We continue playing truth or dare after mine and Jades little make out session.

A few rounds later

"Okay. Dolan, truth or dare" Beck asks me.


"I dare you to spend 7 minutes in heaven with Jade" Beck gives the dare with an evil smirk.

"Ok. That's easy I guess" I say to everyone.

I stand up and grab Jades wrist. We both walk up the wooden stairs. I bring Jade to the farthest closet in the house.

"Why are we going so far?" Jade asks while looking back at the other closets.

"You don't want anyone to hear us, do you?" She smirks as we both walk in and close the closet door.

As soon as I close the door, Jade spins me around and pins me against the wall. She stands on her toes and smashes her lips against mine.

I put my left hand on her waist and I put my right hand on her ass. Jades hands were already entangled in my hair.

Since Jade was struggling with keeping her balance, I lean down and pick her up, her legs wrapping around my waist. I put her back against the wall for support.

I gave her thighs a little squeeze, causing her the let out a little moan in my mouth. I smiled against her lips.

We made out for the full 7 minutes. I pull away and look at Jade in her big blue eyes.

"It's been 7 minutes babe" I tell Jade and she rolls her eyes.

"So?" She said and I shrugged. We both went back to kissing each other.

In the living room

"They've been up there for almost 10 minutes. Should we go get them?" Andre asks everyone.

"Weren't we supposed to get them at 7 minutes?" Robbie reminds everyone.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Not it!" Andre shouts.

"Not it!" Beck, Cat and Robbie yell at the same time. That leaves Tori to come and get us. Tori groans and walks up the stairs.

Tori knocks on the closet door and says, "Guys, it's literally been 10 minutes. Come down and continue the game."

Jade pulls away to yell at Tori, "Shut it Vega!"

I put Jade down and laugh at what she had said to Tori. I open the closet door and we see Tori standing there with her arms crossed.

I walk out first then Jade follows after. Jade looks over at Tori, licks the side of her lip and wipes it off with her thumb. She smirks and we leave, leaving Tori standing by the closet alone.

Once Jade and I get down to the living room, everyone makes eye contact with us.

"What took you guys so long?" Cat asks innocently.

"We didn't keep track of time" I reply and look over at Jade to give her a flirty wink.

Tori comes down right after us and we continue playing the game.

The last round

It was almost 12 pm. We have been playing truth or dare for 2 hours now. It consisted of kissing, making out, more seven minutes in heaven and a lot more things.

Everyone decided that Andre asking Jade would be the last round.

"Alright Jade. Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to give Dolan a hickey. But you have to do it here"

Jade smirked as she looked over to me. She moved closer to me and leaned her lips closer to my neck. I shifted my head to the side to give her more space. Her lips collided with my neck and she began giving me the hickey.

"That's hot" Rex says.

While Jades lips were still on my neck, she lifted her right hand and flipped Rex off.

I was obviously enjoying this moment. So I closed my eyes and tuned everyone out.

Jade parted from my neck and there was a big red hickey on the right side of my neck. I took my phone out and went to the camera to take a look at Jades artwork.

"Holy Jade. Are you a vampire or something?" Robbie screeches.

"Or something" Jade smirks at him.

Everyone starts getting up and collecting their jackets and phones. We all said bye to one another and went to our cars.

On the way down Toris long ass driveway, I saw Jade yawn and her eyes were red. She was tired.

"Hey. Do you want me to drive home tonight?" I stop and ask her. She gives me a little nod.

We got to the car and Jade slides into the passenger seat. I got into the drivers seat and started up the car.

I pulled out of the driveway she has her head against the window, about to fall asleep. I push a strand of hair behind her ear so it doesn't get on her face, and I start driving to Jades house.

At Jades house

When we got to Jades house, I noticed that Jade had fallen asleep on the ride home. I got out of the car and went to Jades side. I opened it and picked Jade up bridal style and closed the car door.

When we got inside Jades house, I brought her up to my room. I laid her down on her bed and took her shoes off, putting them aside.

I took her shirt off and replaced it with one of my oversized hoodies. I replaced her skirt with her black cotton shorts.

I changed into more comfy clothes and I cuddled up next to Jade. I put the blanket over us and looked at the back of Jades head for a bit, since I was spooning her.

I couldn't stop thinking about the 3 things we did at Toris house tonight. It was 3x more innocent from the things we do when we are alone together.

1,998 words

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