Keep Me Warm (Niall Horan)

By DiamondsintheSun

4.6M 68.8K 16.6K

[THE SEQUEL IS UP NOW, IT'S CALLED BIRDS] Maddie was just an ordinary girl. She worked in a music shop, and s... More

Chapter 1. Welcome to my life.
Chapter 2. Whyyawannabringmedown.
Chapter 3. Behind enemy lines.
Chapter 4. Try, try, try (Just to be nice).
Chapter 5. She will be loved.
Chapter 6. Brighter than the Sun.
Chapter 7. Playa boi (Don't you mess with me).
Chapter 8. (Drag your heart up to) the starting line.
Chapter 9. Circles.
Chapter 10. Writing songs (about you).
Chapter 11. Why can't we be friends?
Chapter 12. World of chances.
Chapter 13. Come to me.
Chapter 14. Say you like me.
Chapter 15. Bite my tongue.
Chapter 16. Dark Side.
Chapter 17. First date.
Chapter 18. Dance with me tonight.
Chapter 19. Hold me in your arms.
Chapter 21. Count on me.
Chapter 22. Fallin' for you.
Chapter 23. Mine.
Chapter 24. Love at 10th sight.
Chapter 25. Magic.
Chapter 26. Kiss me.
Chapter 27. Little Things.
Chapter 28.Turn around(together nothing can stop us now).
Chapter 29. Afraid of losing you.
Chapter 30. Fight for you.
Chapter 31. I lied.
Chapter 32.Goodbye my lover (you have been the one).
Chapter 33. Christmas lights.
Chapter 34. Save you.
Chapter 35. Everything has changed.
Chapter 36. Breaking your own heart.
Chapter 37. I hate myself for losing you.
Chapter 38. Oath (to you).
Chapter 39. I almost do.
Chapter 40. Hummingbird heartbeat.
Chapter 41. Junk of the heart (Happy).
Chapter 42. Be your everything.
Chapter 43. The heart never lies.
Chapter 44. Obsessed with you.
Chapter 45. Love is Easy (Final Chapter)

Chapter 20. Misguided ghosts.

91.4K 1.2K 137
By DiamondsintheSun

hey guys here you have chapter 20! Hope you liked the last one :) promise we'll upload more often once my february exams are over! thanks for the reads, really means a lot to us :)

Love you all! :) xxxx


'Would someone care to classify your broken hearts and twisted minds?

So I can find someone to rely on and run to them, to them...

full speed ahead.

Oh you are not useless, we are just...

Misguided ghosts, travelling endlessly.

The ones we trusted the most

pushed us far away'.

"Niall, I want to see the video”.

“Maddie, I can’t show it to you”.

“C’mon, I’m sure Eleanor, Danielle and Perrie already saw it”.

“Yes, but they’re Louis’, Liam’s and Zayn’s girlfriends, and you and I aren’t a couple, you said it yourself”.


“No, and anyway, why do you want to watch it? You listened to the song the day you came to the studio”.

“Listening to a song and watching the video isn’t the same”.

“Believe me, I’ll show it to you if I could”.

“Yeah sure…”, she said, pretending to be angry.

“Hey, don’t be mad”, I said, trying to hug her.

“Then show it to me”.

“I can’t, you’ll see it in a couple days. By the way, are you coming to the iTunes Festival?”

“When is it?”

“On the 20th”.

“Bad luck, I’m starting uni on the 17th”.

“So? You can leave early”.

“Early means 2 a.m. for you, doesn’t it?”

“That’s right”.

“Well, I’m sorry, but I can’t go”.

I sighed and heard the bell rang. I went to open the door to find Josh. I greeted him and we went to the living room. When we arrived there, Maddie got up from the couch.

“Maddie, this is Josh. Josh, this is Maddie”.

They said hi and looked at me.

“So this is the famous Maddie… Niall hasn’t stopped talking about you for the last two months”.

“That’s not true!”, I said.

“Niall, you know it is true”.

“Well, I’d love to see how you guys arguw but I gotta go. My shift starts in an hour”.

“Maddie, you can’t leave”, I told her.


“Because I have someone to introduce you to”.


“I’m not telling you”.

“In that case, I’m leaving”.

“It’s Justin Bieber…”

“No, no way. I’m not staying here. Nice to meet you Josh. Bye boys”.

Before I could react she gave me a peck and left. Josh looked at me, raising his eyebrow.

“What’s up?”I asked.

“Did she just kiss you?”

“Oh yeah that… Yes”.

“But why? Didn’t she hate you?”

“Let’s say we’re kindof starting something”.


“Something. I don’t know what it is or how it’ll end. But we’re nothing serious”.

“Oh. She’s pretty, and seems to be nice”.

“She is, indeed”.

“What time is Justin coming?”

“He should be here already”.

Right in that moment, the doorbell rang.

Maddie’s POV

When I left Niall’s house I headed fast to mine. I wanted to make sure Leigh and Nate had solved their problems, and I wanted to rest for a while before work. I opened the door and saw Leigh having breakfast.

“Hey”, I said.


“Where’s Nate?”


“Are you two okay?”

“Kind of”.

“What do you mean?”

“We agreed not to meddle into each other’s affairs”.

“Well,that’s something”.

“And what about you? Where did you sleep?”

“At Niall’s”.

“Did you? And what happened?”

“Nothing. You missed a couple of things these last days”.

“C’mon, tell me all about it”.

“We’re kind of starting something”.

“So now my best friend is Niall Horan’s girlfriend…”

“No! He’s not my boyfriend!”

“Well, nevermind. Tell me how it was”.

I told her everything, until I had to go to work. While I was there, I saw Danny and Dougie coming in. We spoke for a while and soon they left. When my shift ended I went for a walk. That’s when I saw Dylan. I started to walk faster, but before I could get away, he caught me. I turned around to face him.

“Dylan, what do you want now?”

“This time I don’t want to argue or anything”.

“So what do you want? Will you try to hit me again?”

“Not at all. I want to apologise, I shouldn’t have treated you like that and…”

“How many time have told me so?” I interrupted him. “I’m sick of bumping into you on the street just so you can tell me the same old lie over and over again”.

“Maddie, please, listen to me. I want to apologise, I know I hurt you bad. If you want to date that lad, I accept it, and I respect your decision. But I just don’t like him”.

“I don’t care what you think, Dylan”.

“Think about it, he can hurt you”.

“Just like you, right?”

“It’s different. He could get any girl he wanted to, do you really think he would chose you over a singer or a model?”

“Yes, because he likes me. He’s not like you”.

“I couldn’t have any girl I wanted. I couldn’t be with any famous girl. That’s the difference between me and him, do you get it?”

“Dylan, don’t…”

“Do you think he doesn’t cheat on you? That he won’t lie to you? It’s not like that Maddie”.

“I trust him…”

“You don’t. You don’t trust him as much as you trusted me at the beginning. You want to think he’s different, but deep inside you know he’s just like the rest, that he’ll leave you for any other girl sooner or later, someone more beautiful and hotter than you. Because you mean nothing to him Maddie, nothing at all”.

“Shut up!”

“It hurst, doesn’t it? But I’m just telling you the truth, and this is only the beginning”.

“Dylan, you’re just jealous”.

“I’m not. I’m just warning you about what’s coming next, just so you won’t suffer that much. Go if you want to, but that won’t change anything, because I’m dam right, and you know it”.

I turned around and walked ‘til I reached my house. I noticed tears falling down my face, but I soon dried them. What if Dylan was right? What if I was just a game to Niall? When I entered my house, I saw no one was in. Leigh and Nate must’ve gone out. I lied on my bed trying to forget about what just happened, but I couldn’t. I started to cry again; my phone buzzed.

From: Niall

Heeeyy shall we speak over skype? Justin wants to meet you :)

I didn’t answer. And I kept on crying ‘til I fell asleep. 

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