The CEO's Wife

By Saaraaaxy

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CEO's wife? Check. Up on the carrier ladder? Check. Married to a hunk? Check. Is he a hopeless romantic? ... More

Prologue - Before the storm
Chapter 1 - Honeymoon
Chapter 2 - Durban
Chapter 3 - Whitsundays
Chapter 4 - We are what?
Chapter 5 - Well aren't you happy?
Chapter 6 - Painful memories
Chapter 7 - Deep rooted hatred
Chapter 8 - Finishing touches
Chapter 9 - I worry, mon amour
Chapter 10 - Protector
Chapter 11 - The next big step
Chapter 12 - Communication
Chapter 13 - The three of us
Chapter 14 - We are pregnant!
Chapter 15- New territory
Chapter 16 - Love
Chapter 17 - Magoa
Chapter 18 - Nagging thoughts
Chapter 19 - Memories
Chapter 20 - Brothers
Chapter 21 - I know it's hard ...
Chapter 22 - Taking one for the team
Chapter 24 - Last night together
Chapter 25 - The other woman
Chapter 26 - Butterflies
Chapter 27 - Gender reveal

Chapter 23 - Surprise after surprise

359 13 6
By Saaraaaxy

Sara's POV

"Is there anything you need from Target?", I asked, peaking my head inside Michael's office, already holding my handbag.

"Non", Michael answered, not really listening, focusing on the files evenly placed before him. He read one with furrowed brows and a heavily concentrated face. I watched him shuffle through them, then turn to his two computers followed by an orchestra of mouse clicking.

"Then I'm gone. Anne-Marie is staying behind to organize all the meetings and such for the gala." It was a nice break to have somebody else organize everything for you. I didn't have to call the gala, I didn't have to book my own appointment, I didn't have to do anything but wait for the day to come and show up.

I waited for an answer. Or rather, I waited until it sunk in.

"Bodyguard is waiting outside", Michael courtly answered, met my eyes sternly so I wouldn't deny him, waving me away as his phone rang. I got the clue and softly shut the door, just in time as I heard him answer.

I gave a heads up to Anne-Marie, who was sitting in our drawing-room, that I was to leave for Target as I needed some things for the house. She asked if her help was needed, but I assured her she could stay behind - and that she should rest from her travels.

Inhaling deeply, I opened the door and met the stern eyes of the young man. "Hey." There really was no way around this guy.

Mark Sullivan solemnly nodded back, stern-faced like the day I had met him. It was a surprise to see ... my bodyguard in normal clothing. I guess he didn't stick out that much this way.

"Would you accompany me on my shopping trip?"

"Madam, you needn't ask if I will join you. Give me your order and I will fulfil it."

"Then we are going to Target. I'm driving", I decided tight-lipped.

"Mr Beaumont will stay behind I presume."

"Yes, why?", I inquired to know, turning around to see him. Sullivan spoke into a walky-talky lowly and quickly. "Reinforcement for the home. I repeat. Reinforcement for the home. Madam is leaving the premise."

I turned to the car door and leaned my head against it. Good grief. Michael, how many have you hired in the time Anne-Marie and I discussed the gala?

"Madame!", Anne-Marie shouted from the front door, waving to get my attention. Sullivan approached her and took something out of her hand, his eyes quickly on me again. Once he was assured I was safe, his body rested a bit, still ready to act if something were to happen.

Mr Sullivan moved past me and waited until I got inside the car, then sat down in the passenger's seat. I shuffled through my bag to see if I had packed my phone before I put it in the seat behind me.

"Per the last report the streets are clear and the traffic is low. You should be there in about 20 minutes", Sullivan informed me.

"Good", I weakly answered, gripping the wheel. "By the way ... How many of you are there?"

"If you mean working for you, then we currently have about 50 people at your service, Madam. My partner will join us at the destination."

50. bodyguards.


"And if people were to ask ...?", I wriggled my finger between us.

"Then we are your assistants", Sullivan crossed his arms, eyes sternly held onto the road. "Rest assured, Madam, we are doing our job to protect your family."

To protect your family.

A heavy feeling announced itself in my stomach. Mindlessly my hand went down to brush over the twins.

My shoulders slumped as I slowed down at the red light. Suddenly I felt so tired to the bones. "The last year has been so ... wild. So much happened at once.", I mumbled with a low voice. "The lawsuit. The bugs. My kidnapping. The coma ... I don't really know why I'm telling you all this. I just know it feels strange to have somebody protect me now. I'm sure I will need a long time to get used to you."

"After what happened, it is much better that way, Madam." Sullivan ignored the rest of what I had said. Or rather, he didn't react to it.

"I know", I whispered, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry for the way I have acted towards you. This is all so new and I'm scared ...", I bit my lip.

"Scared! Has there been a threat? Has somebody said something to you, Madam?", now Sullivan looked at me, the first time since we entered the car. 

"No. Nothing happened." I switched gears - thank god Michael didn't drive an automatic car I had enough of those and America loved them - weighing what I should say to this young man. It took me a while to form a sentence. "Having a bodyguard who protects me all the time makes me paranoid. I always think they are lurking in a corner. I always think they are waiting to make a move."

"Your attackers are in prison", Sullivan assured. "We are here simply due to Mr Beaumont's wishes. Weren't we here, then nothing would have changed in your day to day life. Besides, were something to happen, then we are here. We will protect you."

Silence filled the car.

"Thank you",  I whispered after some time.

"Just doing my job."

"Your partner ... where will he wait for us?"

"He will follow us silently from a distance. He observes."

I drummed my fingers against the steering wheel. "Fine. And what did Anne-Marie give you?"

"Mr Beaumont's credit card. Per his instructions, I should pay with it for everything you pick out."

"I brought my own money", I said more to Michael than Sullivan, grumbling as I steered into the parking lot.

"And Mr Beaumont wishes for you to use his card - and I will not object his wishes."

"But mine you will?"

"He gave us rules", Sullivan met my eyes a second time. "First to protect you. Secondly, to spoil you if he wishes so. And thirdly, to ignore your protests when you are against being spoiled. Other than that, I will listen to your every command."

Before I could say anything else Sullivan got out of the car and observed our surroundings. I sunk into the seat and sighed deeply, rubbing the bridge of my nose.

Sullivan let me push the cart as we went through every section, not complaining in the slightest as I looked at everything. Michael would have long begged me to leave the decoration aisle or would have stayed in the gardening section, seated and answering emails. Maybe this was useful considering he wasn't complaining.

I tried to spot the second bodyguard the whole time, but could never catch him following or observing us. If they did one thing right, then it was their education.

"Careful, children", Sullivan warned me and stopped the cart just in time as kids ran past us, laughing, followed by a stressed-out mother and a laughing father.

I caught myself smiling. Soon it would be Michael and me who chased after our children. Speaking of, maybe I could get some more child stuff. We didn't purchase any blankets-

My phone rang. But that wasn't the melody I had saved for Michael's number.

Confused I fished for my phone and stared at Christine's number instead.

I breathed in deeply and answered with a cheery "Hello?".

"Heavens finally one of you answers! Took you quite some time to get your phone repaired!"

My smile froze. What was she talking about? Before I could say anything, Christine continued: "Michael said it would take two weeks and that I should call him instead, only for him to ignore my calls!"

I raised a brow at that sentence. Michael had what? "I'm so sorry, they took longer than we thought. And we are terribly busy lately, he has been having so many client meetings he's barely at home!", I lied, flipping through the baby section and picking out a few outfits.

"I thought so! But he should really take the time and think of your children, you know? I wanted to talk to him about those topics but he was always busy! Anyways, now that I have you on the line we can finally discuss things!"

I furrowed my eyebrows at her frantic tone, lowering the baby clothes I had just eyed. "That is?"

"Are you sure you can handle twins?"

"Excuse me?", I stared at my phone thinking I hadn't heard right.

"You know, one is already so difficult to raise but two? When it's essentially just you? Men barely lift a finger when it comes to childcare! It takes an eternity to get them to babysit-"

"Michael and I will be just fine, thank you", I immediately put a stop to this. And it's not babysitting when it's your own child, Christine. But I bit my tongue.

"Fine fine! I've been suggesting of uprooting to help you two-"

"We will not move. We can't just up and leave New York." or our new home ... we just moved to New Canaan!

"I meant us."

"You will not move", I bit angrily, my mouth faster than I wanted it to be. I took a deep breath. "Listen, I appreciate your help but I would be ridden with guilt if you gave up your life just to look after the twins when we are responsible for them. Please, stay where you are. We will work things out."

"If you say so", she responded, not in the slightest believing me. "Have you thought of your birth plan?"

"No. That's still almost 6 months away."

"Well, you should. Time flies faster than you think. Do you at least know who will accompany you into the delivery room?"

"That I already know", I informed her, placing two - two!!! - matching onesies into my cart, tracing them with a smile. Oh how cute matching twins would look! My matching babies!

"Well?", Christine pressed.

"Michael and me", I answered earnestly.

"You should add either me or your mother", Christine objected.

"I just want him in there with me."

"Sara, a woman can help you so much more."

"I know, that's why I will have a midwife in the hospital. But neither you nor my mother will be in there", I objected.


"It took Michael and me to make the twins - so it's us who will decide everything when it comes to them. And I get to decide who is in the room since I'm the one who is in a more embarrassing position."

"What if something were to happen?"

"Excuse me?"

"What if ... god forbid, but what if you left the children behind?"

"Then they have their father?", I stopped in my track. "Christine, I'd rather not think about the possibility of dying while giving birth", I bit.

"I'm just saying you should have a backup plan!"

"And I have one: my husband. Now enough with that."

Christine dropped the topic, but I could tell she was angry. "And the names?"

"We don't know the genders yet", I reminded her. "Until then I won't even think about it."

"And a push gift! Has Michael gotten us a push gift already? Or thought of it?"

"Listen, something's come up with a client and I need to help Michael. Talk to you later." I hung up and shook my head. God she already was on the bad list from the stories Michael had told me but this? She was crossing lines left and right and Michael had hidden her nagging from me.

The conversation sunk in fully and I ground my teeth annoyed.

I. was. seething.

I threw my phone into my bag and stalked off with a huff.

Michael had hidden this from me.

He. had. hidden. this. from. me.

We had promised each other this would stop, yet he still hid Christine's constant calls from me?

And Christine! What was her deal? She was behaving as if that's her baby or as if I'm a surrogate of her babies, not as if I were the mother! I understand she might worry but this was just way too much!

And why is she acting this way? Before the pregnancy, she had seemed alright. Not good, but alright. Now she gave me flashbacks of the sobbing Eleonore as we left Hawkins Enterprise after discussing the court order.

As I reached the fifth aisle my anger turned slightly down and I started pondering. He must have had a reason, surely. Michael wouldn't hide such a silly thing from me without a good explanation.

I think it was time to finish this little trip and go home to him. It was time for an answer.

"Stop staring at the Madam", Sullivan barked next to me at a woman - a woman I recognized as our neighbour. Before I could say anything, she bolted.

"Great!", I groaned annoyed. "Let's just go home! I don't want this day to be any worse!"

"The check-out is over there."

I entered his office without knocking, tossing his credit card onto the table. My husband, who was busy reading something, caught the sliding card with his finger without even looking at it.

Michael lowered the paper and raised his head with his boyish smile - then dropped it at the sight of my face.

"So. Honey", I started, raising a brow and crossing my arms.

He raised a brow as well, leaning back in his chair, away from his work. "Yes?"

"Sooo ... what push gift are you getting Christine?"

His lips twisted so fast at her name that it caught me off guard.

Blistering oaths in every language Michael knew escaped his lips, making me stop stroking my belly in shock. I heard him cuss before but this?

"Michael!! Language!"

"Jesus fucking Christ – I'm sorry babe, but this Jezebel-", Michael cut his sentence in half and groaned furiously. He shook his head, forcing himself to calm down while swearing under his breath.

Once he did, he met my eyes and motioned me to come to him. "Come, sit on my lap."

Dammit, I can't be mad now - there was nothing better than that. "And you'll give me a massage tonight."

"Scout's honour", Michael promised and took me into his arms. And that was his silent apology that I had accepted. "I had my reasons and I'm sure you understand."

"We'll see", I sat down on his legs and his hands immediately stroke the twins.

"Did you buy anything for them?"

I tried not to smile but failed miserably. I love how he doted on the twins. How he already yearned to hold them. "Onesies and some blankets."

"I want to see them later. How was the trip?"

"As much as I still am not ok with a bodyguard .... fine. I thought it would be much worse."

"Did you feel safe?"

"I felt coddled."

"Then you were safe." Michael kissed my forehead. "Forgive me, mon amour. Christine has been bugging me ever since we first announced our pregnancy. She said things to me ... that made me see red. I was so angry with her and I didn't want you to be stressed out."

"So you hid it from me?"

"What? Would you rather hear her say we should get rid of one kid?"

"She did ask if two would be too much for me."

"She is not right in the head and should stay away as far as possible from you", Michael angrily concluded, stroking the twins more. His eyes firmly met mine. "She forced names onto me. Tried to argue that she should be in the delivery room and not me. Wanted to move in to help us. You are pregnant and should not be stressed. I wanted to protect you."

I tiredly leaned against him. "... If she even dares to pull a stunt", I angrily whispered.

"I'm beating her the fuck up", Michael concluded with a growl. "Don't worry, I'm not letting her touch you. Or anybody for that matter."

I nodded, nuzzling into his shoulder. Bit it.

"Ouch! What was that for?", Michael asked, rubbing the spot play-hurt.

"For giving me your credit card!"

"Oh please!", my husband shook his head as I wanted to protest and smiled. "Let me spoil my girl."

"You spoil me daily!"

"That's not true nor nowhere near enough", my husband proclaimed with pride and kissed me softly. His phone rang again and he turned to see who it was. I got up, kissed his hair and wriggled my finger at him (this conversation was far from done, young man!) and left his office again.

Michael whistled after me as I reached the door. I turned back and just in time caught a little box. My husband winked at me before he unmuted himself and spoke to another client, leaning down onto the desk with his arms spread apart, watching me carefully.

Instead of leaving, I stayed put and opened the little box - and my breath was stolen at the sight. "Michael!", I mouthed at him, which earned me another wink.

A green sapphire ring with little diamonds on each side and a gold band was revealed to me. I repeatedly looked at it and my husband in disbelief.

I must have looked at it for eternity because Michael wrapped up his call by the time I realized it. "My secretary will send the documents on Monday, as promised. Other than that, I'm still waiting on reports myself. The moment I know more, I will contact you. Likewise, Mr Miller." Michael placed down the telephone and straightened as our eyes met, scanning me with this look that took my breath away.

"Bebo!", I nearly cried in disbelief.

"Family heirloom, I had Anne-Marie get it for me", Michael explained and opened his arms. "Come here and greet me properly, my dashing love."

I pressed a strong kiss onto those lips that always made me indescribably happy. "I should be angry with you", I whispered between our kisses.

"Keyword is should", Michael mumbled, kissing me as I laughed. "But in the future just don't answer when she calls. Let her be my problem."

"If you let me be a part of the problem", I said with a stern look.

"If I say yes, and I mean it, will we then drop this unpleasant topic?"

"What would you rather talk about? I quite like talking about my mother-in-laws", I sarcastically answered, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"The babies. You. Hell, I'd rather talk about grass."

I laughed and Michael used that chance to take the box. "Give me your hand", Michael softly commanded me, kissing it as I gave it to him. He slipped the sapphire ring onto my other ring-free hand. "4 carats. Suits you."

"I don't want to know what it costs!"

"14k if I recall correctly", Michael clarified easily. "It was a jewellery piece that has been forgotten over the years, but I always had my eye on it." My husband brushed my hand lovingly. "I first saw it when my grandmother had shown me the family's heirloom collection, the year she had passed. She had been too weak to walk, sitting in a wheelchair. I wheeled her from heirloom to heirloom and every story of each piece was explained to me. She had asked if I wanted anything, like a ring for my future wife, but I always thought wedding rings should be modern and not an heirloom", my husband met my eyes. "But I knew when I met you that I wanted this ring."

My voice got stuck in my throat. After clearing it, I managed to ask a soft "why?".

"This ring was made for you", Michael buried his hands into my hair, staring me into the eyes. Finally, his crooked grin revealed itself. "It brings out these damned brown eyes that always catch my breath and green suits you so damn well. Indeed, this ring has your name written all over it."

Michael kissed my nose. "Wear it always. For me."

"I will", I whispered as he moved to kiss my eyes. "But now you've really spoiled me enough."

"Sure", Michael mumbled before sealing his lips onto mine. As his tongue licked my lips so I would open my mouth, a knock interrupted us. I sighed into his mouth and he chuckled. "Such a good girl", he whispered before he parted from me, giving me one last wink before he ordered the person inside.

"Les majordomes sont arrivés, Duc de Beaumont", Anne-Marie announced with a quick head bow.


"Bien, juste à temps. Envoyez-les", Michael decided with a hum, stroking his beard. "Sont-ils logés dans la maison que j'ai louée?"


"Parfait. Demandez-leur de préparer le dîner pour ma femme et moi. Vous êtes libres de partir."

I waited until the door was closed and turned to my husband, mouth wide.

"Surprise", he grinned, giving me a peck on my cheek. "Now go get ready for our date."

"When are you leaving?", I asked instead, crossing my arms. My lips started shaking.

"No tears, mon amour. It is hard as it is."

"When. are. you. leaving." I bit instead, ignoring my stinging eyes.

"In a week, nothing's set in stone and before you ask", he raised his phone as I wiped my tears away. "I just got the invitation."

I scanned the email - and he was right. "And I'm not coming along?", I whispered, lowering my head.

His rough hand cupped my chin softly and lifted my head. "Chérie, you are at the gala while I'm in Barcelona."

"Oh." I sniffled and gave him his phone back. "I'm sorry I'm just-"

"Don't you ever apologize to me", he softly whispered kissing my forehead. "I understand."

"I'm just so clingy-"

"I don't mind at all. I love it."

"Ever since I got pregnant-"

"Everything has been a blessing", my husband concluded, kissing my shoulder.

I wanted to say thank you but just stopped in time, but Michael had already anticipated it and smiled close to my lips. "What were you about to say, Madame de Beaumont?"

"Je t'aime", I murmured against his lips.

"Je t'aime encore plus", Michael responded with a smile before he kissed me one last time. "Off you go now, duša moja."

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