Flames of Eternal Love (Dabi...

By CleverYui

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*Long form adaption of my YouTube texting series* It's been five years since you faked your death and went in... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Wedding Outfits (Reference: Chapter Forty-Eight)
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty (Finale Chapter)

Chapter Twenty-One

369 11 5
By CleverYui

A month had passed since your episode and Aizawa had helped you lessen the drawbacks of your quirk. During that month, Dabi would visit you at night and lay with you until you fell asleep. You were also able to locate the files Shigaraki needed and made your plan.


You and Aizawa stood out in the training field, sparring again. It had been three hours since you two started and you were getting the same dizzy feeling and headache as before. Your thoughts swirled around in your mind. 'It's happening again...' Aizawa noticed the look on your face and paused. "This is the third time this month. We've already established that it's not your quirk, because you haven't used it." You shrugged. "Maybe it's because I haven't been using it?" Aizawa shook his head. "I don't think that's it." You sighed. "Then what else could it-" You paused and slightly swayed for a moment before collapsing. Aizawa caught you with his scarf and picked you up in his arms.

He left the field.


You woke up a few hours later to the bright lights of Recovery Girl's office. You looked around. "What happened?" The door opened and Recovery Girl entered the room. She looked at you. "You're finally awake." You slowly sat up. "What happened to me?" You watched as she flipped through some papers on her clipboard. "You fainted. So I have to ask. Why are you sparring in your condition and why is Aizawa allowing it?" You tilted your head in confusion. "My condition?" Recovery Girl sighed. "Well, from my assessment, the reason for your dizzy spells and headaches is because..." You huffed impatiently. "Because...?" Recovery Girl put the clipboard down and faced her, a look of seriousness settling.

"You're pregnant."

You froze from your spot on the cot, staring at the blankets as you tried to process what you heard. "Are you sure?" Recovery Girl nodded. "Yes. You are not very far along. Only a month and a few weeks it seems. Do you want me to tell your father?" You rapidly shook your head. "No! Please don't!" Recovery Girl looked at the door before looking back at you. "If that's what you want. He's waiting in the hall." You nodded and headed out into the hall, only to find it empty. You sighed and slumped against the wall, sliding down it until you sat on the floor. You buried your head in your knees, crying silently. A few minutes later, the sound of footsteps caught your attention. You ignored it. You jumped when a hand touched your shoulder. A familiar voice reached your ears. "Are you alright?" You lifted your head to see Shoto in front of you. He looked at you blankly, but his eyes were full of concern. That's when a thought occurred to you.

'Maybe he can help me decide how to tell Dabi...'

You looked at him, gathering your thoughts. "C-Can we talk?" Shoto looked away and cleared his throat. "Oh...Of course. Follow me." Shoto led you to his dorm and sat as he waited for you to speak. You took a seat on his bed. "So, Recovery Girl told me some news today and I don't know how Dabi's going to take it." Shoto looked at you, slightly confused. "Well, what's this news?" You hesitated, looking around before you spoke. "Don't tell anyone. I...I'm pregnant."

Shoto froze for a moment before speaking. "I...I see. Well, um, congratulations, but I think Touya, I mean, Dabi, shouldn't take it too badly. He just doesn't like change." You slightly smiled at him. "Thanks, Shoto. I should get going." He nodded. "Alright." You left the dorms and headed towards back towards the halls to find Aizawa. You found him pacing in front of Recovery Girl's office. He looked up at you, slight concern in his eyes. "What did Recovery Girl say? Are you alright?" You looked down, unable to meet his eyes. "I'm fine." The two of you headed home, and once you arrived, you rushed up to your room, ignoring Aizawa's calls from behind you. You sat on your bed, looking towards the closed window.

'Dabi's coming tonight, so I'll tell him then, but I'm going to need a backup plan once we talk. I don't really want to call him, but I'm going to have to...'

You grabbed your regular phone and dialed the number, your anxiety heightening with every ring. Finally, he picks up. Hawks chuckle echoes through the receiver. "You miss me already?" You scoffed at him. "Look, I didn't want to do this, but I need to be prepared. I need you to do me a favor." He paused. "...What kind of favor?" You swallowed the lump in your throat. "I'm pregnant. I need you to-" He cut you off. "Step in for your husband or something like that? I have two questions. One, why me? And two, did you tell him?" You sighed, tapping your foot impatiently. "You're the only other person I can go to and I haven't told him yet because I haven't seen him. But I'm planning on telling him." Hawks went silent for a moment before speaking. "Fine. I'll step in until you get everything figured out. But you better not let him treat you like sh*t again. I heard you're staying at Eraser's place. I'll come by tomorrow." You looked towards the window, noting the setting sun. "Alright, I'll see you then." You hung up the phone and laid on your bed, facing the window. The sun hung just above the horizon.

You waited until everyone went to bed to get some food for yourself before heading back into your room. You ate as you waited for Dabi to arrive. Around 10:00, the time he always arrives, you heard the familiar tapping on your window. You felt a pit forming in your stomach as you went and opened the window. Dabi slipped inside and you closed the window. The two of you go and lay on the bed together. He held you close, keeping you warm with his body heat. "How was your day, princess?" You took a deep breath as you prepared yourself. "Well, I passed out during sparring today and Aizawa took me to Recovery Girl. She gave me some news when I woke up." He looked at you, concern leaking into his turquoise eyes. "What did she say?" You opened your mouth to speak, but you hesitated. Dabi sat up, bringing you with him. He put his hand on your shoulders, holding them with a gentle, yet firm grip.

"I need to know what she said, (Y/n)."

You looked down, avoiding his eyes. "I'm pregnant..."

The room fell silent. You stared down at the bedsheets, unable to bring yourself to look at him. Suddenly, warm arms wrapped around your figure. Dabi buried his face in your neck and a few seconds later, something warm hits her skin. You pull away from him, holding his face in your hands. Small trails of blood leaked out from under his scarred eye tissue. He quickly wiped his face clean as he composed himself. "How far along are you?" You rested a hand on your stomach. "A month and a few weeks." He nodded. "Have you decided on what you want to do?" You shrugged as you looked at him. "I'm not sure. I mean, I've thought of having a family with you, but right now, we're not even in a safe space. If we were with the league, I'd have no doubt, but..." Dabi sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's all up to you, but whatever you decide, I will support your decision." You moved onto his lap, your back resting against his chest. Unconsciously, Dabi's hands wrapped around your waist and rested on your barely showing stomach. The two of you sit in silence, each of your minds running with so many thoughts.

"I...I think as long as I have you, we can do this together."

Dabi rested his head on your shoulder. "You want to keep it?" You slowly nodded. "Yes. Maybe we can take all the love that was never given to us and put it to good use. For our son or daughter." Dabi leaned down, kissing you slightly. "This isn't going to be easy, but I'll be here for you, princess." You smiled. "And I love you for that. But while I was waiting for you, I formulated a plan." He sighed. "What's this plan?" You leaned back onto his chest as you explained. "Ok, so I haven't told Aizawa that I'm pregnant. But I know that when I do, he'll ask me whose baby it is. And obviously, I can't say it's yours. So, I called someone." Dabi paused. "...Who?" You laughed nervously. "I may or may not have called Hawks..." Dabi huffed. "Skinny ankles, chicken eater, pro hero Hawks?" You hesitantly nodded. "Yes." Dabi's grip on you tightened slightly. "I don't like that, but I guess I'll have to live with it." You rolled your eyes. "Anyways, he agreed to stand in for you until we go back to the league." Dabi ran his hand through your hair. "At least I know you'll be taken care of. I'll tell Shigaraki so he can change around his plans some." You tilted your head. "What's he planning?" Dabi clicked his tongue. "He's planning to reveal you and Shoto to all of UA as the league's newest members. Just like the USJ incident, if you remember the news. Except this time, you're both coming willingly."

You nodded along, until an idea struck. "Tell Shigaraki to keep the plans as they are, but to find a way to put Shoto by me when we get revealed." Dabi spoke, confusion in his voice. "Why?" You twiddled your thumbs. "Because Shoto also knows. Once we're revealed, he'll be able to keep everyone away from me if we're put by each other." Dabi hummed. "Hm, good point. But, I think we should get some sleep. You need it more now though." You curled up in his lap. "Yeah, I know. All the sparring and training made me super tired. I feel like passing out." The two of you laid down, you curling into Dabi's chest as he holds you protectively, his hands resting on your stomach. You quickly falls asleep, Dabi's heartbeat lulling you. Dabi watches you sleep, taking in your peaceful state.

'I won't let anything come between me and these two. If anything does, I'll burn it to ashes...'

With those thoughts in mind, Dabi closed hiseyes and fell asleep, your breathing calming him.

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