Kill For You // Stu Macher

By stephenkingsidehoe

964K 28.1K 19.4K

After an anonymous killer guts two high school lovers, a mysterious rise in fear and rumors rise in a peacefu... More

"Best Friend Boyfriend Stealer"
"I Felt Your Heart Jump"
"Hey Gorgeous"
"Geez, Spooky"
"Want To Play A Game?"
"Yeah... Right After."
"Your Insides On Your Outside"
"You Know Me Sid!"
"He Wasn't The One Who Made That Call"
"Do You Still Think It's Me?"
"Everybody's A Suspect!"
"You Or Sidney"
"You Haven't Died Yet."
"I Know What You're Up To"
"I'll Kill You Myself."
"There's Been Another Murder,"
"It Was You?"
"No Fucking Survivors!"
When you're dying
"Ours Was A Horror Film."
"Are You In Trouble?"
"It's Happening Again."
'See You Soon'
thank you.
"It's For You"
"The Phone Calls?"
"She's Bringing Cotton Weary"
"I Owe You Nothing."
"Dead On Campus."
"I Saved Your Ass."
"Wrong Guy, Dead Boy."
"It Was Stu, Stu Killed Her."
"An Honor To Kill You."
"Is He Dead?"
The Killer Locks Eyes With You
"Our Second Killer?"
"You Killed My Son!"
"It's Already To Late..."
"It's Never Going To Stop."
"My Favorite Girls."
"Cotton Died In Hollywood."
"It's Fucking Woodsboro."
"One Final Showdown."
"Second Murder."
"The Killer's Main Target Is You."
"It's Too Easy."
Did He Know Something?
"There's A Phone Ringing!"
I Killed Her!
"Anyone Can Die."
"A Son."
Back into the Mind of a Psycho Killer.
"It's Got Our Voices!"
The Screams Start Again
"Welcome To The Final Act."
the last chapter
The End.

"You're Not Going."

21.5K 742 524
By stephenkingsidehoe


"Ok see you at the party right?" Tatum asked Sidney with a big smile. Sidney hopped out of the car and down onto her driveway, she turned around and looked back at the two of you.

"I'll think about it." She sighed.

"Sidney! Come on! Its going to be amazing!" You returned her doubtful smile with pretend sad eyes.

"This party will slash every other party anyone has ever thrown in Woodsboro." Tatum giggled.

"I'll try." Sidney finally said, which basically meant she was going to end up going.

"See you there!" Tatum yelled out the window as she whips out of the driveway.

"Love you!" You shout, hoping to mend anything you might have done by forcing her to go to the party.

"Yeah ok!" She laughs back before you drive to far out of reach.

"We better go to the store and stock up on some food for the party." Tatum says.

"Everyone likes the people who bring the food." You joke around.

"True but everyone likes us already food or not." Tatum laughs.

Tatum makes her way to the convenient store and parks out front. The two of you hop out and make your way inside.

"I still can't believe how completely deserted this place got just because of a few deaths." Tatum says as her eyes scan the isles for anything party worthy.

"I mean it wasn't just deaths Tate, it was full on murders-" You begin.

"Aren't you two girls supposed to be getting ready for the party?" Randy says as he comes up behind you and wraps his arm around your shoulder.

"We are dipshit." Tatum said, rolling her eyes. "Who do you think is supplying the food?"

"I thought that was kind of Stu's job, seeing he is the host and everything." Randy scoffed.

"Yeah well Stu hasn't always been so trust-worthy on his jobs." Tatum says with such aggression it makes you wonder if something is going one between the two of them.

"Well shit-" Randy starts but gets cut off by Tatum.

"Listen douchebag, I'm really not in the mood for commentary right now. Can you please get this creep out of here." Tatum says to you.

"Geez Tate are you alright?" You ask her.

"I'm gonna go finish shopping." She said leaving the two of you alone.

"I heard she's been in a mood because Stu isn't giving it to her like he used to." Randy laughs.

"Oh shut up Randy." You say giving him a playful punch. "Tatum is our friend, I'm sure she would tell us if something was up."

"Yeah, whatever. Look I'm obviously not wanted here, I'll see you at the party. Ok?" Randy says squeezing his arm tight around your shoulders and giving you a kiss on the top of your head.

You nod and watch him walk off.

As soon as he is out of sight, an eerie feeling of being watched washes over you.

The store is emptied out beside you and Tatum due to the curfew. Something from behind you hits the floor making you spin around.

"Hello?" You ask nervously.

When no response is given you hurry off to meet up with Tatum.


"Your mom is on the phone for you." Dewey tells you as he enters Tatum's room.

"God Dewey have you ever heard of knocking." Tatum says as she throws a stuff animal towards the door from where she was sitting on the bed.

You hop up from the bed and follow Dewey downstairs.

"Hey mom." You say over the phone.

"Sweetheart, I'm so glad we caught you." She said in an off putting tone.

"What is it mom?" You ask.

"Listen." She starts. "Me and your father heard about the party at the Macher's house tonight."

"Yeah so?"

"We don't think it's a good idea for you to be going." She says blatantly.

"Mom, I'll be safe. Plus there will be kids around me at all times-"

"Honey we don't want you to go." She interrupts. "You're not going."

"Mom I-"

"I'm sorry but it's the safest option." She lies.

You stay silent and grip the phone tighter.

"I love you very much sweetheart." She says, and you hang up the phone.

"What was that about?" Tatum asks as you walk back into her room.

"My mom doesn't want me going to the party." You sigh flopping down on the bed.

"Oh shit-" Tatum turns to face you. "Well you obviously have to go. I mean they won't know it if you come with us."

"Tatum I can't. My mom has probably already told Dewey not to let me go."

There was a knock at the door. Dewey enters and faces you. "I'm sorry about that." He says shyly. "I do think it's safer here for you though."

"It's fine Dew. I'll just stay here and read a book or some shit." You grab the pillow from behind you and stuff it into your face.

"I'll tell you everything." Tatum says in the nicest way she could. She pats the pillow on top of your face and walks out the door.

"If you need anything at all, please call me." Dewey says before closing the bedroom door.

You wait till you hear Dewey's cop car engine to start up and pull out of the driveway before you pull the pillow back from your face.

It's already starting to get dark outside and being in the room alone gives you that unpleasant feeling of uneasiness.

You search the room for anything to do and find an old magazine to flip through.

When you sit down in Tatum's desk chair a faint noise comes from the outside. You take your eyes off the magazine and look out the window. It's to dark to see anything.

The clock tells you it's only been about forty minutes since Tatum left.

Another noise from right outside makes you jump out of the chair. This time the noise sounds like knocking.

You turn out the light to see better outside and almost jump when you see the face.

"Stu what the fuck!" You yell.

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