"Do You Still Think It's Me?"

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"Woah! Watch out!" A voice called out as you ran into someone coming out of the bathroom.

"Shit! Sorry." You said, looking up at the person whose arms you were now in.

Stu smiled back down at you, "Where are you going so fast?"

You pushed yourself out of his arms, to embarrassed to touch him.

"Someone was in the bathroom." You said your voice shaking.

"Hate to brake it to you but that's kind of the point of a communal bathroom." Stu chuckled.

"No, Stu it- it was the killer."

"What." Stu said, his face dropped. Stu grabbed your hand and walked to the bathroom.

"Stu-" You started, you were about to say the figure was probably far gone by now.

"Stay out here." Stu said as he walked into the bathroom.

"Are you joking?" But Stu was already to far into the bathroom to hear you.

After a few minutes went by you sighed and walked into the bathroom. "Stu." You called as you saw nobody.

"BOO!" Stu jumped out at you making you jump in return.

"Stu! What the fuck!" You slapped his arm as he laughed. "You scared the shit out of me."

"Ha- no but seriously nobody is in here." Stu said looking back at the stalls.

"Yeah I could have told you that. It was probably some kid again." You sighed walking out of the bathroom.

"Or nobody at all and your mind is just to fucked up at this point." Stu followed you at of the bathroom.

"Oh shut up." You grumbled. Stu came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your stomach picking you up off of the ground.

"I'm just kidding, I one-hundred percent believe your ghost story." He laughed as he set you back down and gazed into your eyes.

"Are we about to kiss right now?"

"Shut the fuck up." You laughed pushing him off of you.

The bell rang and the hallway immediately flooded with teenagers. You hadn't realized how much time had gone by since you last spoke to Tatum in the hallway. You looked back for Stu but he had already walked away to his next class.

You had a free period now so you decided to head out for a breath of fresh air. Two kids with ghost masks on had run through the hallways so it was very possible the person in the bathroom was just another class clown.

As you headed for the school doors a familiar voice called out to you.

"Hey! Wait up!" Billy called running up to you from across the hallway. You prepared yourself for the awkward conversation that was about to go down.

"We need to talk." Billy said as he slowed himself down right next to you.

"Billy, I am so sorry for throwing the blame on you, in the heat of the moment, you with that phone was really off putting-"

"Woah slow down." Billy chucked. "I'm not mad at you."

"You're not?" You asked shocked.

"Yeah- I mean I know how it must of looked, but hey! I'm all clean." He grinned, waving the mobile phone.

"How'd you get one of those anyways?" You asked taking the phone out of his hands when he held it out to you.

"My dad's business." Billy said quickly changing the subject. "Is Sidney still mad at me?"

"You haven't seen her yet?" You asked.

"No, um, I think she's been avoiding me. I just wanted to make sure she doesn't still think it was me."

"Yeah that's probably something you should take up with her. I'm sure you'll see her around." You tried your best to reassure him.

The was a small pause of silence between the two of you.

"Do you still think it's me?" Billy asked staring into your eyes almost menacingly.

"No, definetly not." You quickly said.

"Are you sure." Billy asked taking a step towards you.

"Yeah, I mean your phone records were completely clean also Sidney said you were with her the night Casey died." You didn't want to mention you had also been called by the killer the night Billy was in jail.

"I hope Sidney feels the same way." Billy said.

You avoided eye contact with him, the situation was making you very uncomfortable.

"Look, I've got to go-"

"Oh, yeah sure. I didn't mean to keep you."

You turned to walk out the doors as Billy grabbed your arm.

"If you see Sid-"

"I'll let her know your looking for her." You said quickly, looking down at Billy's hand on your arm.

"Thanks." He grinned letting go of your arm.

You gave a weary smile and hurried out the door, taking a breath of air when you were out of sight. Billy had been one of your best friends mostly your whole life, but something about him being the number one murder suspect really gave you the chills.

Although you truly believe he wasn't the killer. What would his motive be anyways? You had never done him any wrong.

"Dewey?" You saw Dewey walking around the school campus, Dewey looked around to see who was calling him.

"Oh hey there." Dewey exclaimed as he spotted you. You walked down the front steps and met up with him.

"What are you doing here?" You asked.

"I'm just hanging these signs up." Dewey said handing you a piece of paper.

"Curfew?" You questioned reading the words written across the paper.

"Yeah, well the killer has made two attacks just after ten, so we're thinking he only comes out when it's dark. It's just a safety precaution." Dewey said reading the expression on your face. "Do you think it's to much?"

"Oh no! I think it's actually a good idea." You noticed Dewey smile when you said this. "I just don't know how many kids will follow it."

"Well it's not only for kids, everyone has to follow this curfew. So we're hoping if the parents follow it then they will make sure their children do too." Dewey stapled another poster onto the near by tree.

"Do you believe Billy is innocent?" You asked him.

"Sure do. Why do you ask?" Dewey turned to face you and gave you a worried expression. "Did something else happen?"

You looked back up at Dewey, trying to find the right words. "He just seemed weird today. I guess it was probably because of the fact that I threw the blame on him."

"He was pretty suspicious with the whole phone thing-" Dewey cut off mid sentence.

"What Dew?" You asked as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I probably shouldn't be telling you this." Dewey sighed.

You stared at him waiting for him to tell you the secret.

"It totally slipped my mind that Sheriff was able to trace the calls."

"What?" You gasped, "Who did the belong to?"

Dewey gave you a worried look, "Mr. Prescott, Sidney's father."

Kill For You // Stu MacherWhere stories live. Discover now