Forever Crime

By Lazy_ShipWriter

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[COMPLETE] [FINAL BOOK IN TRILOGY OF FAVORITE CRIME] For the past few years we've seen our favorite criminal... More



257 5 0
By Lazy_ShipWriter

Betty's POV
I was in a muzzle as they electrocuted me, I could barely breathe and I was going in and out of consciousness.

As I was awake I saw my brother saying "kill her then you can fuck her when she's dead."

I shook my head and tried getting up but fell to the floor and winced.

My brother then said "your finally gonna be out of our lives."

He slammed my head against the wall I groaned as I was still awake he injected me with many needles and serums and put a straightjacket on me. I was in my bed and I was going in and out again. But I felt really tired but I tried keeping my eyes open, eventually...I gave up...I gave up and slowly closed my eyes.

I whispered "I love you Jug..."

And a tear left my eye.

Jughead's POV
"You guys ready?" I asked everyone in the van.

Archie, Sweet Pea, Fangs and I got our helmets on and Sweet Pea and Fangs went to set up the bomb as Toni controlled the car.

"Alright the rest of you serpents remember, those three people and the fourth one in the basement." I said carefully into my ear piece.

They replied all with a yes and Sweet Pea and Fangs lit the bomb and the building exploded. We went in running as Sweet Pea and Archie guarded me and we shot at random people in the front we then shot our way through double doors. We made it to one pair and I saw what looked like to be almost a cell but a cage I ran over and saw her in a straightjacket and a muzzle.

I yelled "open this door!"

Archie blasted it open and I ran inside and took off my helmet and held her. I ripped the muzzle off and held her face.

"Her pulse is weak, what have they done to you..."

I cried and leaned my forehead against hers.

I said "we must get her to safety."

I picked her up and took her to the van. I wrapped her up in my jacket and Toni saw her.

"Stay here and try and help her." I told her.

She nodded and I ran back inside. As I got back they found a man in the basement I went down and saw a man tied up. I took off my helmet and punched him.

I said "so you are the man who assaulted Betty."

He smirked and said "hey...I now understand why you like her mouth on you...holding her breasts... touching her, to bad I never got a chance to feel her insides on my c-"

I punched him again and grabbed my gun saying "now you won't ever be able to, okay."

I shot him in the head and I said "destroy the evidence, all of it."

They nodded and everyone scattered.

I said "Archie, Sweet Pea, Fangs your with me."

We ran back to the car and we shut the door. I grabbed Betty and held her tightly as she slowly breathed and I began undoing the straightjacket.

"You're coming home okay? We're going home."

We got to our secret hideout and I had Betty in my bed, her dad was next to her and held her hand.

He asked "what's wrong with her?"

I sighed and said "Veronica's doctor said...she's gotten a lot of things in her, it'll take her time to get them out of her system so just let her rest."

He frowned seeing the I.V bag next to her as it was draining out some old liquids and letting real liquids flow into her. He sighed and Cooper was snuggling against her.

Betty's POV
I felt something warm and fuzzy on top of me I groaned and held it and rubbed it and suddenly heard meowing. I opened my eyes and saw Cooper and gasped as I sat up and he stared at me and meowed licking my face.

I began crying saying "C-Cooper..." he felt a skinnier then usual.

I frowned and kissed his head and hugged him and cried holding him as he licked my face quicker and held my face with his paws.

I then said "Jughead..."

I got out of bed and winced holding onto the wall. I realized I was just in...Jughead's shirt.

"J-Juggie..." I said.

I opened the door and saw stairs.

I walked down the stairs and yelled "hello!"

Suddenly I saw Veronica and she dropped her cup and the water spilled.


I ran to her and hugged her. She hugged me back as we both sobbed and I saw Cheryl and she hugged me and I cried holding them.

I asked "where's Jughead..."

They smiled and took me away. I saw a lot of serpents and I saw a door I slowly opened it, he saw me and I saw him and he walked over to me. I looked at him and he held my face and I held his hands.

I began crying and asking "tell me I'm not dreaming please...please tell me I'm not..."

He kissed me and I kissed him back as he said "you're not...your home."

I smiled and cried and I hugged him, he hugged me and picked me up and held me as I sobbed holding him. When we back in the room, I was wrapped around a blanket as I told them what was happening these last few months to me. I was with my dad as he held me and I held him.

He said "I'm so sorry Elizabeth...I'm so sorry..."

I then said "don't blame yourself dad..."

He then said "but they abused you..."

I smiled and said "I'm happy that I'm home with you, with Jughead...Cooper with everyone."

He smiled and kissed my forehead and said "I'm gonna continue letting you get some rest okay?"

I nodded and he left. I was in my room in the bed when Jughead came in.

He held my face saying "I will kill them, I will kill every last one of them..."

I smiled and said "Juggie..."

He looked at me and I said "I don't wanna think about that right now okay?"

He sighed and I licked my lips and kissed him. He kissed me back and I drank more of my tea.

He then said "did they...can you..."

I smiled saying "I'm okay...I feel good still, just in pain a bit...maybe a tad bit sore but nothing else."

He smiled and kissed my forehead.

I then said "I wanna try..."

He was confused and I said "I wanna have a baby..."

He then said "but Betty you should get back to being healthy..."

I sighed and said "I know but...I also really missed you and I haven't been taking birth control..."

He sighed and I said "I just missed you Juggie."

He sighed and kissed me. I held him and he laid me down gently on the bed. I held his neck as he took off his shirt and he moved his pants down and I looked at him and he got a blanket over us and saw my bruises and began crying. I stopped him and held his face carefully and wiped his tears. He stared at me and I smiled at him.

I said "don't look please..."

He then kissed me and thrusted into me. I gasped and held his back as he moved inside me. I kissed him and he kissed me back.

I said "Jughead I love you...I love you so much..."

He groaned and began thrusting quicker inside me and I held his neck tightly and he kissed my neck and my chest I moaned and he groaned and I felt him throb inside me and I held him.

"Juggie go faster..." I said holding his hips.

He began going quicker and I moaned leaning my head back. He buried his face into my neck as he thrusted quickly.

He told me "I love much Elizabeth Jones, I'll be anything for you."

I moaned as he kept thrusting inside me and he groaned and leaned his head against mine. He turned us over and held me above him, he thrusted up and I gasped holding his neck and he held my cheek and kissed me, I held his hands and smiled as I gasped and suddenly he stopped and panted lightly as I felt the warmth in me. He came inside me and I moaned holding him, I gulped lightly and licked my lips as I held him against me. He kissed me and I held his face and he pulled away and looked at me.

He said "no matter what happens..."

He went to the drawer and pulled out the rings. He smiled and slipped them on me.

He said "we will get through it together."

I nodded and he kissed me and I kissed him back as we fell back on the bed.

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